Dragons, Power, Courts, And War (Book 2)

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Dragons, Power, Courts, And War (Book 2) Page 19

by Vic Broquard

  “Come on. We’d best get to the Great Hall. He said it starts at eight,” Zdenka pointed out, noticing that many others were beginning to exit the dining hall on their way to the musical play.

  They joined the throng filing into the Great Hall. At the far end, a huge stage had been recently constructed, complete with an orchestra pit below the stage. Already the place was filling up, and Zoran and his group found seats in the center middle portion of the Great Hall. Great tapestries hung from several walls along with some paintings, presumably some men and women of historical note on Alta. Before long, the room was packed with the many barons, baronesses, their advisors, mages, and Archmages. Jarka estimated the crowd at close to two hundred fifty, a large gathering of perhaps the most powerful people in the Federation of the Sixteen Planets. She felt a little uneasy. Too many key people in one confined space, she thought.

  Baroness Anita walked onto the stage and the lights magically dimmed. “Welcome one and all. The Alta Players are proud to present this musical play entitled the Rise of Man.” As she walked off the stage, taking a seat beside her husband in the front row, the two dozen musicians began to play the introduction overture. Zdenka rested her head on Zoran’s shoulders, content to relax and enjoy the unusual sounding music.

  Several minutes later, the overture finished and the flutes announced the beginning act. A portly woman in a red dress walked slowly onto the stage; the play was about to begin. Just then, Zdenka shrieked. Almost simultaneously, Verushka, Chesna, and Zelenka’s shrill voices joined hers. “Dragon attack! Dragon attack!” The portly woman suddenly morphed into a mature Red Dragon. Her mouth opened up, and she spewed forth an enormous expanding cone of red hot flames, directed towards the audience. The four women saw the intention of the Red Dragon: incinerate one half of those in attendance. The cone expanded outward rapidly and would engulf at least half of the people in the room. That was just the dragon’s first fiery blast!

  Ivana saw the flames coming out of the dragon’s mouth and cast her power spell. Time stopped for her. Frantically, she tried to think of some way to protect those in the front row from taking the full force of the flames. The only thing that she could think of was to somehow throw up an invisible Force Wall. She raced down the isle of people frozen in time. Once at the front, she cast her spell and used her hands to prop the wall at a forty-five degree angle, hoping to deflect much of the searing flames upward. As time resumed, she felt the push of the burst of flames against her wall, and she strained her whole body to hold it up and keep it from being knocked over.

  In the next instant some twenty additional spells detonated and massive chaos ensued. The ever expanding cone of deadly flames surged upwards past Ivana, whose action saved Alvaro and Anita, who would have taken the blast straight on. However, a Disintegrate spell aimed at the head of the dragon took down her wall and the flames immediately expanded in all directions. Ivana dived to the floor, covering her head and praying that somehow it would miss her. A half dozen other Force Walls began appearing over the heads of the crowd, but other Disintegrate spells ran into them, taking some of them down as well.

  Zoran cast his Stun Spell and found himself on the grey plain, his will versus that of the dragon. He won and the Red Dragon stood motionless on the stage, unable to launch a second devastating blast of flames. Karel knew better than to teleport onto the beast’s neck. Far too many spells were heading towards the dragon. He saw one Disintegrate spell take down Ivana’s incredible Force Wall, and for an instant he wondered how the devil she had gotten to the front so quickly. At last, he chose to cast Disintegrate, but first he cast his Mystical Door and stepped onto the right side of the stage. Then he cast it. Archmage Karel found that he truly enjoyed suddenly appearing on the featureless grey plain, facing down this worthy opponent. Already stunned, the dragon’s will broke, but not before he sensed that she was valiantly trying to get revenge for the slaying of her mate. I did that! Karel planted in her mind and saw her panic and her eyes dim. He knew that he’d won. He watched as the dragon slumped dead on the stage, nearly filling the area completely. He deftly jumped off the stage to avoid being squashed.

  He turned to see the room. The Great Hall, although large, was not sufficiently large enough to contain such an enormous blast of dragon fire. Already the wooden ceiling was on fire, as were all the tapestries. Although Ivana’s wall had partially deflected the flames upward, still they had begun to come down upon others towards the rear. Here and there a Force Wall still held, keeping the flames off of some. Clothing was on fire. Everywhere, people were screaming, some in pain, some trying to get out of the room, some trying to issue orders. Pure chaos reined.

  Jarka maintained a clear head and had dove for the floor. Sensing the death of the dragon and with so much wood on fire, she began to conjure water on the burning areas, extinguishing some of the flames. Of course, clouds of steam resulted, further obstructing everyone’s vision. However, other mages followed suit and soon water and steam filled the room. The fires went out, much to the relief of everyone. Many were trampled as they attempted to flee the room. Some lay on the ground with concussions and broken limbs. Others suffered severe burns, especially among the women, many of which had their dresses go up in flames. Screams for help and screams of pain drowned out all other sounds.

  Baron Alvaro finally acted. Using a Magnify spell, his voice boomed out over the chaos of noise. “It’s over. The dragon is dead. Fires are out. Please, calm down. Tend to the wounded. Anyone who has healing potions come to me. Those of you who are not wounded, please calmly evacuate to your rooms. Let’s tend to our fallen comrades at once.”

  “Well he’s a bit confused,” Jarka commented to herself as she got back to her feet and examined the charred lower portion of her favorite red gown.

  “What’s that?” Zdenka asked, thankful that Jarka had risen off of her. Now she could get up as well. Jarka had mostly blocked the flames, and she found herself in good shape.

  “If everyone who is uninjured leaves like he asked, who’s going to help the injured?” Jarka sneered. “You okay? How about the rest of you?” she turned to examine the others in their party and nearby friends.

  “Did my covering Force Wall protect you all?” asked a worried Bernard, dusting himself off and coughing up black soot. “Are you burned dear?” He noticed that Jarka’s face was blackened. She rubbed her face and noticed the soot.

  “Just fine, soot I think.” Quickly, they discovered that singed hair, sooty faces, soaking clothes, and slightly charred dresses were the only damage here in the center of the room. Zdenka spotted Zoran and Ivana way up front, and she ordered her group to make their way there as well.

  “I got him,” Archmage Karel pronounced as they made their way through the dazed throng. “Someone Stunned the dragon and I killed the infernal thing. Grey plain thing happened again. I won.”

  “Good thinking love,” his wife, Chika praised him. “I kept putting up Force Walls, but they kept getting taken down by Disintegrate spells I think. That was a close call. Some of us could possibly have Shadow Walked out; looks like most didn’t though. My god! Look at the carnage over there!” At last, they noticed that not everyone had lucked out. Those on the two far sides and towards the rear took the force of the flames, while many near the exit had gotten trampled and injured. Further, some near the front had also gotten burned, but those were few, thanks to Ivana’s quick action.

  Baroness Anita had taken a bad burn after Ivana’s Force Wall was disintegrated, primarily because her billowing dress had caught fire. At last Jarka got to her. “Let me tend to her, Baron Alvaro. I’ve got six healing potions on me. I’ll give her one right now. Better line up the worst cases for the other five potions. I have more in my bags in my room. Have you a workshop and the ingredients to make more?”

  “Please, Jarka. She’s in a lot of pain. I have some. I best get them. Zoran, you take charge while I get them. This is awful — my worst nightmare came true!” As she knelt down be
side her, he vanished.

  Zoran looked around and saw that half had already vacated the room, but many were still tending to the other wounded as best they could. Few had brought any healing potions with them, unfortunately. “Okay everyone, raise your hand if you have someone who desperately needs a healing potion immediately. We have five more at hand with more coming.” Many hands raised and Jarka sighed. There were way more than five. She handed a potion vial each to Zdenka, Ivana, Zoran, Bernard, and Verushka. “Here. Go give these to those in need. Chika, you watch over Anita while I go get the rest of mine.”

  “You got it!” Chika replied and began helping Anita finish off the potion. Then she helped the burned woman rise and sit back down on a chair. The potion began working almost at once, giving her immediate relief from the sharp pain of her leg and arm burns.

  A few minutes later, Zoran called out, “Mages, let’s move the dead over here for now. Here comes Alvaro and Jarka with more healing potions. Be patient; we will get to the worst cases first.” Others began moving the dead, and he hoped those would be few. Jarka doled out her remaining six healing potions, while Alvaro dispensed nearly two dozen, his current supply.

  “Well, it’s obvious that we will need three times this many healing potions. Damn. Jarka, can you whip up more? I’ve a fully equipped lab. I’ll Message everyone and ask that all those who can make healing potions to join you, Jarka,” the worried baron asked.

  “You got it. Just show me where. Bernard, you come along and lend me a hand, dear.”

  “Hey, I’ll take her, Alvaro,” one of his mages offered, only too glad to get out of the filthy room. All this was a bit too much for the young man. He cast a Mystical Door, and Jarka and Bernard followed him to the lab. Soon, six other mages joined them.

  “How much are we going to make?” one asked her.

  “Lots! So many are burned. Make at least four dozen potions gang, maybe more. We’ve got plenty of broken bones to heal as well as those who were burned,” Jarka replied, rather taking charge. Around ten, she sat back looking at her dozen potion bottles now cooling on the rack. “Chill. Chill,” she began casting, cooling them down so that they could be used at once. “Here, dear. Take these to Alvaro. Tell him another batch is about done.”

  When Bernard returned, he found the Great Hall in vastly different shape. Hundreds of Clean spells had removed much of the soot and charred tapestry remains. Six bodies lay covered by white sheets over in one corner. Dozens of others were carefully arrayed on the floor, chairs moved far out of the way. “Here’s a dozen more. Jarka says to expect another dozen shortly. Is it six dead?” he asked.

  “Unfortunately yes, mostly advisors or wives,” Baron Alvaro replied. “No baron, baroness, or mage — thank god for that! Tell her that we are going to need at least six dozen more potions.” He took the rack of vials and Bernard stepped back through his Mystical Door.

  Around midnight, Jarka and Bernard delivered the last of the potions to Alvaro. The other mages had returned to their quarters as exhausted as she. All told, the seven had brewed over a hundred healing potions. When she arrived with the last batch, the Great Hall had been thoroughly cleaned up and chairs neatly stacked against a far wall. A dozen more men and women were given another round of potions before they were helped back to their quarters.

  “Thank you Mage Jarka, Zoran, everyone,” an exhausted Alvaro said. “I’m famished. Shall we visit the pantry? Besides, I’d like to discuss what happened in here tonight with you. Thank god for the advanced warning, Archmages.” A short time later, they all began helping themselves to leftovers, many guzzling mugs of ale.

  “I’m sorry that we did not have much advanced warning from our Foresight spells. Evidently, they were not triggered until the dragon actually came on stage,” Archmage Zdenka explained.

  “We were squarely in front of the fire. How did Ivana get to us and how was it that we were spared the full force of the dragon fire?” Baron Alvaro asked.

  “I stopped time, but I couldn’t think of anything else to do but to erect a Force Wall in front of you all, deflecting the flames upward,” Ivana explained humbly. “Someone disintegrated the wall though. I think many tried to cast Disintegrate spells at the dragon and my wall was in the way.”

  “Good thinking, Ivana,” Archmage Zdenka praised her newest Archmage. “Your fast action prevented a mass slaughter of people. An awful lot of mages cast Force Walls as well. I believe that is what minimized the casualties. Only six dead is a miracle. Panic caused more damage than the flames really. I’ve never seen so many broken bones before.”

  “I managed to Stun the dragon,” Zoran explained, “but Karel got the kill.”

  “Yes, I certainly did.” Karel puffed up a bit, thankful that his accomplishment had not gone unacknowledged or unnoticed.

  “Well done, Archmage. I am so thankful that there was only one Red Dragon this time. She must have somehow infiltrated the production crew. I sent a mage to check on the real woman, but he found her dead body in her home. Evidently, this dragon murdered her and morphed into her body’s shape. She certainly bluffed her way in here well. Why though? Why did she attack us? Are there going to be more of these attacks on us?”

  “Baron, I got a clue when we were on the grey plains, will-battling,” Karel spoke up. “She was seeking revenge for the slaying of her mate. Somehow she held the barons responsible for that, though I don’t see her line of reasoning. My theory at the moment is that this was one single dragon out looking for revenge. I don’t believe that this is part of a concerted effort to kill us all, not at this time, baron.”

  “Revenge? Well, that would make it make sense to me. I can see that. Let’s hope this is an isolated instance. However, I am canceling all remaining after-meeting affairs. It is just too risky. We averted disaster tonight, but only narrowly!” Baron Alvaro declared.

  “I think that is wise, baron,” Zoran agreed with him. “There is too much at stake to risk another encounter.”

  “Glad that we see eye to eye on this. I’m also glad that we had the foresight to request all available Archmages to attend. I’m scared to think of the results had we not had all of you here tonight. Say, we are going to need at least another fifty healing potions in the morning. We’ve still got some serious cases. They are stabilized now or so my physicians say, but I want everyone back to battery if possible. I’m cancelling the morning session, Jarka, and have sent off for more potion ingredients. They should be arriving by dawn.”

  “Excellent. Say, I could use a bath. Clean spells are just not the same thing,” she teased.

  Baron Alvaro personally visited with each attendee the next morning and saw that the newly made potions were distributed to those who still needed healing. If nothing else, he made sure that every baron, baroness, mage, and assistant was in good shape and did not need further healing. If they did, he made certain that they received the potions as they were made later that morning.

  The High Council resumed at one the next afternoon. First on the agenda was a full explanation of what had happened with the dragon. Many wanted to know whose spell actually killed the dragon. Several others wanted to know how the flames had been initially diverted by Ivana. Bit by bit, the whole story became clear to everyone. Archmage Karel was heaped with praise as well as Archmage Ivana for her timely dispersal of the initial blast of fire. Everyone realized that had she not deflected it, the damage and carnage would have been extremely severe. Still six lives had been lost.

  After that, Baron Leo set the stage for the rest of the afternoon session. “Say, when the attack came, it was an utter chaos of spells. Many countered our own defensive spells. Had someone not accidentally dispelled Ivana’s Force Wall, we might have suffered far less from the dragon’s breath. We need organized plans of defense and attack, should this happen again.” None disagreed and they began to work out ways and means. Most plans depended upon the type of dragon attacking them along with the number of dragons and their location: inside or outs
ide. There were so many variables to consider that the barons spent the whole afternoon working out plan after plan. Several promised to give copies of the agreed upon plans to every baron before the High Council was finished.

  The next morning session again was diverted just as Baron Alvaro brought his gavel down. Baron Storm Clav asked, “Say, how the blazes to we detect a dragon in our midst? Look, she appeared to be the human singer. Surely there must be some way that we can detect a dragon that is infiltrating us! My god, anyone of us here could be a dragon in disguise!” Clearly, Baron Clav was far more shaken up than he let on to others, Mage Jarka concluded.

  However, his point was quite valid. Anyone of the people in the room could be a dragon in disguise! Off went the discussion for the rest of the day!

  Many of the Archmages pointed out that if the dragon used the Morph Self spell, they would appear as an exact duplicate of the person they were mimicking. However, a Detect Magic spell, most agreed, would likely show the entire body form as being magic. Several excused themselves to test out this theory. However, Archmage Karel and Zoran pointed out that dragons could ordinarily assume human form and that this additional ability was likely not a Morph Self spell, but something inherent within the dragon species.

  “Why would a dragon have an inherent ability to morph in to a human form?” asked Archmage Ivana. This then led to a lengthy discussion — pure speculation on everyone’s part. No one knew the answer to that question, and Zoran decided that this was a key piece of knowledge that they needed. Somehow the answer seemed to be of vital importance, though he could not say just how or why. Many theories were suggested, but nothing came of their speculations. Still, the question of how to detect them when the dragons assumed human forms not via the Morph Spell seemed key. Zoran did share his experiences with Emil and Renata when they first met them some twenty years ago.


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