Dragons, Power, Courts, And War (Book 2)

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Dragons, Power, Courts, And War (Book 2) Page 39

by Vic Broquard

  “The hour is getting late,” Baron Adolf broke in. “I suggest that we break early for supper. Baroness Greta has some light entertainment for us after dinner. Let us all think this over on a good night’s sleep and tackle it in the morning session.” Thus ended the first day of the council.

  As anticipated, the real bargaining occurred during the evening. Yes, the baroness had a small group of musicians playing local folk dances, but everyone’s attention was on the awful situation facing the Federation. For once, the many baronesses were not interested in the latest fashions or fine arts presentations. Rather, they hovered around Zdenka, Jarka, Chika, Chan, and Wen. Many expressed total disbelief that dragons could fertilize a human woman, yet it was happening. They wanted to know how it was possible, but Zdenka had no clue. Many asked about how the abducted women were managing and several wanted to know specifically how to handle the birthing nightmare and yet save the woman. She suspected that they were gathering the information just in case they found themselves dealing with similar situations, as well as for their husbands.

  Stefan and Leo met briefly with Zoran. Stefan asked what both were thinking, “Zoran, I think that we now have them realizing that it will be a mistake to declare war on them, but how do we answer the ‘what do we do now’ question?”

  “I haven’t the faintest idea. The only offensive option that I can see would be to continue to make the kind of superpower raids that we have been doing, lowering their numbers gradually. We haven’t heard anything from the greens since the battle. If nothing else, they must be off licking their wounds. There cannot be that many greens left, so maybe they will leave Jing alone for the time being. Lord knows the women there need that,” he replied.

  “Yes, but it is getting more and more dangerous to attack them,” Leo pointed out. “You almost lost your leg there. All the rods in the world can’t prevent them from biting us or even simply dropping down upon us, squashing us flat.”

  “Ah, it is my own stupid fault. I failed to cast my usual battle protection spells. Skin of Stone would have protected me from her bite, I hope. I just didn’t think of it,” Zoran admitted.

  “Yes, that is precisely the point that we must make,” Stefan added. “Always, there will be some detail that we’ve overlooked that the dragons will use to their advantage.”

  “So how can we protect our people, towns, and mines?” broke in Baron Alvaro. “Don’t mind me, barons. I haven’t a clue. While we can muster all the top forces of Alta at once fortress and perhaps withstand them nicely, that would sacrifice the rest of the world to the worms.”

  “Funny that you just called them worms,” Zoran broke in. “Ancient writings my friends here have uncovered also talked of creatures called worms. I wonder if there is any connection?”

  “Oh, I meant that as a derogatory, slimy, vile dig at the dragons,” Alvaro explained. “Any ideas?”

  “Not as yet. You are right. Each of us has probably enough force and weapons to protect one fortress and Circle from the dragons. That means we sacrifice the rest of our worlds to them. About the only thing that I can think of is to continue working on making our safe havens underground. Perhaps if each major town had its dragon shelter, that might help save lives.”

  “It might, but they would come out to find their town destroyed, their livelihoods gone,” he countered. “Still, they would be alive. People can always rebuild,” Alvaro pointed out.

  “Yes, but we’ve no place to go ‘underground,’ Baron Goro of the water world of Asami interrupted them. “So what do we do? We can cast Breath Water and go under for limited period of time, but then what?”

  “Have you tried making some subterranean areas?” asked Alvaro.

  “Yes, but there are so little land masses on Asami that we were not able to do more than make a nice place to store food for a time,” Goro explained. His face told all; he was frightened of what the future may hold for everyone.

  Baron Cadfeel paced back and forth, trying to decide if he should talk to his enemy or not. When Goro and Alvaro moved off to talk with Arcangelo, he made his move. “Excuse me, baron, a private word?”

  “Sure,” Zoran replied, waving his two friends away with his fingers. They stepped away, but were most curious about what Cadfeel wanted. They were not above eavesdropping but Baron John took this opportunity to chat with them.

  “On our desert world of Anwyn, we only have the browns, like I said at the meeting. However, as you pointed out, the other dragons are raiding many different worlds. Our safe haven is not as safe as many think. At any time, we too could suffer a horrific raid. I have taken your advice and had my mages construct underground safe havens at our three fortresses. However, there is one significant detail. Food. We have little with which to pay for such in the quantities that a siege demands. Perhaps you could be of assistance to a fellow ‘have-not’ world?”

  “Yes, of course. Come on. Let’s grab Baron John right now.” After pulling him aside, Zoran explained Cadfeel’s situation. As Zoran had anticipated, all of the recent happenings on the agrarian world had shaken up Baron John.

  “Yes, baron. In times like these, we must stick together and help each other out. You make up a list of what supplies you need and get it to me. I’ll see that you get it as soon as we can raise it. Some may come from our own stockpiles, while others may have to wait until harvest comes. No charge. Just use it wisely and save as many of your people as you can. That will be thanks enough.”

  For a moment, Baron Cadfeel was speechless. Never before had the ‘haves’ been so generous! “Thank you, thank you. The desert people of Anwyn thank you for saving them.”

  “Let’s hope that you actually do not need the food. God, this dragon situation is totally out of hand. You should have seen those women! If it were not for Zoran and all his people giving tirelessly their aid, I’d have lost them all. We have to stick together, baron,” John replied, glad that he could begin to return help to others. He’d been receiving it now for some time from Zoran and his people.

  “Indeed, it has. We on Anwyn will be in dire need if the dragons attack us. We have so few mages and only one elderly Archmage, who is only able to teach these days. His health is failing,” Cadfeel replied.

  “Hey, if you are attacked, you only have to Message us. We, all of we barons, ought to sign a mutual defense pact — you know, promise to come to the aid of each other when called. I think I should make just such a motion tomorrow, baron,” Baron John added, pleased with his bright idea. It was an answer to the question: so what do we do now? Cadfeel praised him, but thought that Adolf was right: the real business was conducted outside of the council room.

  Jarka was bored by all this political talk, though Bernard mingled, always asking about the breed of dogs that were available on each planet. He doubted that he’d find one dog on Dietmar, but he continued to check. She slowly found herself moving towards the dozen musicians who were playing in the background. Unlike all of the other councils, this time no one was dancing. The musicians didn’t seem to care, but they were not playing loudly. Perhaps their softer touch was what attracted her attention. Or maybe it was the room which was overly hot. Great pine logs crackled in three huge fireplaces strategically located around the rim of this Great Hall. As she drew closer, she noticed that the musicians were also perspiring and she smiled. It wasn’t just herself that was hot.

  Perhaps it was her basic distrusting nature. Perhaps it was just her early training as a thief, albeit a good one. No matter the motivation, Jarka noticed the perspiration dripping down one man’s face was discolored and she focused her attention on this anomaly. His face is somehow painted? She thought to herself. No, beneath the fleshy color of the man’s face a ruddy reddish hue shone through the perspiration streaks! Her eyes rose up and met the man’s eyes, ignoring the fiddle what he was playing. “Dragon! Dragon in our midst!” Jarka screamed as loudly as she could. Her eidetic memory called up her first look at the strangely cold black eyes of Emil and Renate, t
he gold twins. The man’s were similar as were all of the other dead dragons that she’d subsequently seen.

  Her screams got everyone’s instant attention. After all that was the sole topic on absolutely everyone’s mind this evening. She backed away from the man as the other musicians ceased playing mid-note. The man stood up as the entire room of people suddenly looked his way. Before anyone could act, the man stepped into the Shadows as his form slowly Morphed into that of a Red Dragon! Everyone caught a glimpse of his huge form as he melted from view into the Shadows. A chaotic uproar followed at once, with hundreds of defensive spells being cast right and left. Zoran tried to form a ring of defenders, using the five rods that Karel had with him. Those with magically enchanted swords drew them as everyone fully expected a surprise attack similar to what had happened at the Fall Council meeting.

  Although everyone dashed about taking up defensive positions, changing their minds and forming new positions, nothing happened. After a few minutes, the chaos began to subside, though few let down their guard. “I thought you said no dragons could get in here,” Baron Arcangelo cried out to Baron Adolf, who was so angry and upset that his veins throbbed visibly along his neck and temples. He barked orders to his staff right and left. Soldiers raced about, but nothing came of it. The shocked musicians were roughed up by the soldiers, but none of them turned into dragons and several received bloody lips instead.

  Right in the middle of the chaotic scene, Honani made a Mind Link to Zoran. Hey, we’ve located where the blacks are holding more women hostage. They are on Maeve in the eastern uninhabited mountains. We are too late for some of the women, their bodies lie at the base of the a steep mountain side among the huge boulders by the tarn. There are still quite a number of other women there who are still living. We should act now.

  We’ll rendezvous at my infirmary in Brn. Meet you there soon. Casting a Magnify spell, Zoran’s voice boomed out above the frantic chaos of the Great Hall. “May I have your attention? We have located another group of abducted women. While some are already dead, many are still alive. They are being held by some blacks in a cavern in the eastern uninhabited mountains of Maeve. The Adapazan contingent will be leaving the council for a short while to lead the rescue efforts. Baron Ailfrid, you and your Archmage Breana Comyna may accompany us, since it is your planet on which they are being held. If you would prefer not to come, that is fine too. Baron Arcangelo and Baron John, bring along an Archmage. These may well be your missing countrywomen. We will leave here in say five minutes. My advice for the rest of you is to get out of this room. The dragons may well attempt to Shadow Walk into this room, since they now know where we are all located in one place. Until we get back, the safest action is to avoid being all together in one room where a large attack could wipe out all of we rulers in one battle.”

  “Damn! Not again,” Zdenka cursed as Jarka and Bernard hastily moved to her side, forming a minor protection squad. Chika, Karel, Jakob, and Barons Tomas and Jan were on the other side of the room. Karel spotted Zoran and Zdenka and opened a Mystic Door to their sides. He and the others stepped through, jostling others standing nearby as they stepped out, adding to the protection squad. Others were doing the same thing as well, forming up protection barriers around their barons and baronesses.

  “Jan, Tomas, you and your advisors stay here and keep me informed. Let me know instantly if the reds attack here. Jakob, you stay with them and protect them with your gem. Chika, Karel, you are with us.” Tomas conjured a Mystical Door and his party left the Great Hall safely. Baron John and Archmage Ben Weatherby quickly took their places, followed shortly afterwards by Baron Arcangelo and Archmage Bianca Babiana.

  “We need to change and rearm ourselves,” Baron John advised.

  “So do we. Let’s meet in the hallway outside our room in say five minutes,” Zoran suggested. Mystical doors opened and most stepped through, leaving Zdenka and Zoran alone. He needed to talk with Baron Ailfrid and Archmage Breana. The baron, shocked by the dual events, had finally gotten his own orders issued, and Breana saw the others leaving Zoran and opened a Mystical Door to his side. The two stepped into the door on the far side of the Great Hall and stepped out beside Zoran and Zdenka, a far faster mode of transportation than walking the couple hundred feet.

  Baron Ailfrid was perhaps twenty-five, a youthful fellow with yellow hair and goatee. He was a handsome fellow, cutting a dashing figure, a ladies’ man, Zoran thought, ill-suited to fighting dragons. Archmage Breana was forty-five, mature, and educated. She had that stern matronly look about her that told all around her that she would tolerate no monkey business. She was definitely not comely and the two made a startling contrast, Jarka thought.

  “I want you to know, baron, that we have never been able to explore the eastern mountains. There is no overland passage beyond their foothills. Extraordinarily rough terrain,” Baron Ailfrid began to explain, justifying that he knew nothing of these blacks and the abducted women. “I am not sure of what use I will be fighting dragons.”

  “You and Breana will be with me. Always stay within ten feet of me and the rod I carry will protect you from the black’s caustic acid sprays and any magical spells they might shoot at us. In return, cast Disintegrates, Magical Missiles, or perhaps Hold spells on those in front of us. Careful not to use area spells, like Balls of Fire. We don’t want to harm the captives if we can avoid it. Meet in four minutes in the long hallway just outside my room. I believe yours is down at the far end of the hall. Okay?”

  Archmage Breana spoke up and Zoran smiled. Here was another mellow alto voice. “It will be my greatest honor to fight at your side, baron. Four minutes. We will be ready. Come on, baron. This way.” She opened a Mystical Door and the slightly annoyed baron stepped through to their rooms.

  As Zdenka opened a door for the two of them, she commented, “I don’t think Ailfrid is going to be of much use.”

  He grinned and whispered, “But it will be a good education for the baron.” She chuckled.

  In their room, they arrived to hear Jarka chastising Bernard, “See! I told you it wasn’t silly to bring along twenty healing potions with us.” He faked a moan. Both had changed and were ready.

  “We’ll get everyone here together and then meet Honani and the rest of our Archmages and Duskas at our infirmary in Brn. From there, Honani will lead us to them,” he hastily explained while using useful magic spells to quickly change into his fighting leather clothing. His fancy magically enchanted short swords seemed to fasten themselves around his waist. Likewise, Zdenka used spells to rapidly change into her leathers as well. He added, “Very well done, Jarka, spotting that red spy, by the way.” The short woman smiled.

  Four minutes later, they left their room while Tomas recast protection spells on the door. He was taking no chances with the others left under his care. Shortly everyone assembled in the hallway. After joining hands, they Shadow Walked to Brn, arriving just outside the infirmary. Zoran was pleased; the rest of his group was already there.

  Archmages Nadia, Verushka, and Marek were standing by along with Dusan, Evsen, Akira, and Chika’s daughter, Katerina, who insisted on coming along in her mother’s place. She was eighteen now and Zoran consented, pleasing the young woman. The more Duskas the better. Once again, Karel handed out his precious rods and they formed up their trio teams, with at least one Duska in each trio. After issuing a few orders, they followed Honani’s group of five into the Shadows. They were off to Maeve, the forested world, though some claim it is more of a jungle.

  This time, Jarka and Bernard were with Nadia, acting as Zoran’s rear guard, right behind him. She fumed that Zoran would have the “dandy” baron at his side. He’d likely do nothing to protect him. Well, she’d make that right, she swore as she felt her body being pulled once more into the Shadows. Her stomach fought to release its contents as usual and her hand gripped Nadia’s even tighter. Oh how she hated Shadow Walking!

  Before long, the blue-green orb that was Maeve loomed ahead of them
. As it grew larger, the blue oceans gave way to the lush green of the heavily forested main continent on which the baron’s people dwelled. Honani led them on beyond the inhabited regions off to the east. Ahead loomed exceedingly tall and rugged granite peaks whose tops were still snow covered. All could see why this region was uninhabited. It was formidable even to Shadow Walkers.

  Honani led them high into these mountains, where glaciers fed tarns below them. At last, he took them in closer. As they approached another tarn, they spotted dozens of women’s bodies lying smashed upon the giant boulders near the edge of the lake. Some wolves were fighting over bits of bodies, a wholly disgusting sight. It was the living that concerned Zoran at the moment. Honani led them upwards on a nearly vertical grey mountain side. Then, he spied it: a gaping black hole right in the middle of the sheer granite face two thirds of the way up to the craggy peak. Zoran guessed that they must be well over two miles high, maybe more, far above the timberline.

  Honani pointed out the watchers to everyone. Perched high atop the peak above the cavern entrance lay a huge black dragon. He was bored, but nevertheless was keeping an eye on the entrance far below him. Across the vast space between this peak and the one to the north, another pair of Black Dragon eyes was watching the entrance as well. Unlike the reds, the blacks were taking no chances at all with their new breeding program. Zoran wondered if the reds and blacks shared information. Did the blacks know how they had raided the red’s dens? Would the blacks have alternate plans in place? He decided to make that assumption since the sole entrance was being carefully watched.

  As they halted in the Shadows just before the entrance, Zoran made sure that everyone had Skin of Stone spells on their bodies as well as Spheres of Magical Protection, which would ward off all of the lower spells, such as Magical Missiles and Bolts of Lightning. This time Zoran would be taking nothing for granted. He took a deep breath and continued moving heading into the cavern’s entrance.


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