The Jack Brenin Collection

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The Jack Brenin Collection Page 31

by Catherine Cooper

  By the time they entered the Glass Palace Jack felt seasick. He wished all the bouncing up and down would stop. It did, abruptly, when Teg came to a halt before two great golden doors. A guard, dressed in a yellow and red uniform stepped forward.

  ‘Prisoners for King Velindur,’ announced Teg.

  The great doors swung open and Jack could see a beautiful chamber. Its circular walls were made of glass; they must be in one of the towers. A stern looking man sat on a throne towards the back of the room. His dark hair flowed past his shoulders and his thick eyebrows almost met in the middle. He looked neither old nor young. Jack didn’t think he looked very pleased to see Jed and Teg.

  ‘Enter,’ he commanded. ‘Put the prisoners in the cage and leave.’

  Teg and Jed bowed low and then quickly made their way to a silver cage at the far end of the room. The cage looked big enough for a man to stand up in. As they opened the door a guard stepped towards the glass wall and drew a long curtain. Jed pushed Camelin inside and Teg threw the sack in after him. Jack landed with a thud on the stone floor. Camelin quickly bent over and untied the sack.

  ‘That will be all,’ the man told the guard.

  It was the first time Jack had seen Camelin properly. It felt strange seeing someone he knew in a different body. If they’d been standing next to each other as boys, Camelin would have been a good head taller than Jack. His hair was very dark and thick. He looked more like a street urchin than a Druid’s acolyte, his long arms and legs were very grubby and the sack didn’t fit too well. Jack wondered if Camelin felt strange being a boy again as Jack had felt strange the first time he’d changed into a raven. His thoughts were interrupted when the man left the throne and circled around the cage. Was this King Velindur or one of the Blessed Council? Jack got his answer when the man spoke to Camelin.

  ‘I expect my subjects to bow before their King.’

  Neither of them replied. Camelin stood with his mouth open.

  ‘No matter, there’s no place for anyone who spies or thieves in Annwn. You will both stand trial before the Blessed Council, they can decide your fate. But in the meantime, I’d like some answers.’

  Velindur held up his hand and counted off the questions on his fingers, one by one, as he spoke.

  ‘Who are you? How did you open the Western Portal? Who sent you? Why did you come into Annwn? I’m going to leave you to think about those questions and when I return I will have your answers. Understood?’

  Camelin nodded. Jack thought it was best to pretend he hadn’t understood any of the conversation. King Velindur turned and strode away. He passed through a smaller door that led into another chamber. As soon as he’d gone Jack heard the fluttering of wings above the cage, more than one pair of wings.

  Timmery said: ‘Don’t look up and don’t say anything, just in case anyone’s watching. Charkle’s got some news.’

  ‘I was waiting by the dungeon door so I could get back in to tell you the good news. When the door opened you were coming out so I followed you here.’

  Jack watched Camelin frown. He too wished Charkle would hurry up and tell them the news.

  ‘I found Nora at Gwillam’s house. I’ve told her everything and she says not to worry. But you must answer every question truthfully, and if possible, Jack’s not to say anything at all. The longer Velindur thinks he’s just a raven the better. Camelin, you must tell him you’re Gwillam’s acolyte, and then they’ll have a better chance of getting you out of here. I’m taking Timmery back with me to Gwillam’s house; Nora’s got plans for us. Don’t worry. Just remember to tell the truth.’

  Camelin let out a big sigh. The two little bats flittered towards the doorway and attached themselves to one of the tall columns by the golden doors. They didn’t have long to wait. A loud knock brought Velindur out of the side chamber and back to his throne. Once he was seated he commanded the doors to be opened. A servant entered carrying something on a silver tray, followed by another carrying a small table. The table was placed before the throne and a delicious smelling apple pie was presented to the King. Jack had been watching the servants, so he hadn’t noticed Charkle or Timmery leave. He hoped no one else had either.

  Velindur ate the whole pie. Jack and Camelin watched every mouthful disappear. A low rumbling sound came from Jack’s stomach. He realised he was hungry. He’d not eaten since they’d come through the portal.

  When he’d finished Velindur paced up and down the room.

  ‘Now for some answers. Who are you?’

  Camelin gulped and tried to speak, his throat was dry and his voice came out as a hoarse whisper: ‘I’m Camelin, acolyte to Gwillam, High Druid and Keeper of the Shrine in the Sacred Grove by the Holy Oak Well.’

  ‘You lie. Gwillam does not have an acolyte, neither is he the keeper of any shrines or holy wells.’

  ‘I’m Gwillam’s acolyte,’ Camelin announced again more forcefully than before.

  ‘How did you open the Western Portal?’

  ‘I didn’t.’

  ‘Again, I say you lie. How else could you have come through Glasruhen Gate into Annwn?’

  ‘The gate was already open when I came through.’

  Jack could see Velindur was getting angry.

  ‘Who sent you?’ he shouted and banged his fist on the bars.

  ‘No one sent me. I came because I wanted to.’


  ‘Because I wanted to go to the fair.’

  ‘That’s the worst pack of lies I’ve ever heard from anyone. I say you are a shape-shifting spy. Try to deny that.’

  ‘I can’t shape-shift and I’m not a spy.’

  Velindur’s face turned red and he glowered through the bars at Camelin. Jack tried not to take any notice, but he jumped when Velindur’s fist hit the cage again.


  The golden doors swung open and one of the guards stepped in and bowed.

  ‘Fetch Tegfryn and Jedwyn. NOW!’

  The guard left hurriedly and returned shortly with Jed and Teg.

  ‘Take this prisoner back to the dungeon. He is to have no food or water. The Blessed Council have been summoned. He can come before them when they’ve assembled. I don’t care if he rots in his cell, understood? When you’ve done that come back, I’ve got a job for you both.’

  Jed and Teg fumbled with the key before they managed to unlock the cage and tug Camelin out. They walked him backwards to the door, bowing as they went. Teg thrust Camelin’s head down and made him bow too.

  Once they’d gone Velindur paced up and down the room, muttering to himself. Jack wondered if the two guards were coming back for him. If he wasn’t going back to the dungeon, what were they going to do with him? Did they eat ravens in Annwn?

  Velindur seemed preoccupied. Jack hoped he’d forget about him altogether.

  When they returned, Jed and Teg stood nervously before Velindur. Jack could see he wasn’t pleased.

  ‘Who came through the Western Portal?’

  Jed and Teg looked at each other.

  ‘It’s a simple question,’ growled Velindur. ‘Who came into Annwn?’

  ‘The prisoners Sire,’ replied Teg.

  ‘Anyone else?’

  ‘No Sire.’

  ‘Who opened the gate?’

  ‘It opened on its own Sire,’ said Jed nervously.

  ‘Portal Gates don’t just open on their own. Did you see the boy open the doors?’

  The two guards shook their heads.

  ‘It was open when we got there so we got the net out Sire,’ explained Teg.

  ‘I’ve a good mind to have you two thrown into the dungeon with the spy. I’m surrounded by idiots.’

  Jed and Teg looked at their feet. Jack wondered why they hadn’t seen Nora and Elan come through the portal, but no one had been around when they’d flown through. Maybe they’d been having a nap somewhere?

  ‘We have a problem,’ began Velindur as he paced up and down the room. ‘There may be more intruders in Annwn. I’
ve sent guards to the gates. You must not tell anyone the Western Portal’s been opened. I want you to search for intruders. Find out if anyone has seen anything suspicious or unusual. Don’t arrest anyone, but make sure you report back to me before sunset. Understood?’

  Jed and Teg bobbed up and down again as they backed out of the room. Jack breathed a sigh of relief. Velindur obviously didn’t know about Nora and Elan. He wished Nora would come and rescue them soon. He shuddered when he thought about Camelin being back in the dungeon. He hoped he was alright. Jack stayed very still. He didn’t want to draw attention to himself. Velindur went over to a large full-length mirror and adjusted his robe before he began muttering to himself again.

  ‘The cauldron must have been remade, it’s the only explanation. The acolyte used it to open the portal and was on his way to Gwillam. It’s a plot. He’s got something Gwillam needs to overthrow me. Well it’s not going to happen. I’ve got to get rid of Gwillam. Yes, that’s the answer. He’s the one the Blessed Council listens to. If he were out of the way, they’d listen to me. I need to prove Gwillam’s acolyte was spying and get evidence that the pair of them were plotting, then I could get rid of them both. The boy must be lying. Why did he choose a raven as a disguise? Didn’t he know they’d been banned from Annwn?’

  Velindur chuckled to himself then continued thinking aloud.

  ‘Convicting the raven will be easy. After all, he’s broken more than one law.’

  Jack gulped, Velindur hadn’t forgotten about him. None of what he’d heard was good. Maybe he ought to start thinking of a way to escape. He needed to warn Nora and Gwillam. He looked around the room in vain, there was no sign of Timmery or Charkle. Velindur had gone back to his throne and was deep in thought when a gentle tap on the door made him sit bolt upright.


  An old man with wispy grey hair and a kind face strode into the room. In his hand was a long staff made from a branch with an assortment of things tied to it. A bunch of leaves hung from the top and a small bag dangled from a natural hook in the middle. He reminded Jack of someone he knew but he couldn’t think who. Velindur didn’t look pleased to see his visitor who neither bowed nor called him Sire.

  ‘I’ve received a summons to attend a meeting of the Blessed Council. Is there a problem?’

  ‘There is. My guards have caught two intruders. One is claiming to be your acolyte.’

  ‘That would be Camelin,’ the old man said, then laughed. ‘What’s he been up to?’

  Jack realised why the old man looked familiar. It had to be Gwillam, he’d got the same smile as Nora. Velindur didn’t speak for a moment.

  ‘Your acolyte is under arrest for trespass, spying, shape-shifting, illegal entry and bringing a forbidden bird into Annwn.’

  Gwillam looked around.

  ‘I’m sure there must have been some mistake. Can I see him?’

  ‘No you cannot. When the rest of the Blessed Council get here he can stand before them along with that raven, which is also on a charge of theft and trespass.’

  ‘My acolyte’s only a boy.’

  ‘He broke the law.’

  ‘So be it. We’ll meet again in the Council Chamber once everyone is here.’

  Gwillam turned his back on Velindur and walked to the golden doors. He didn’t look back or bow. When he’d gone Velindur stood up and marched out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

  Jack had no idea how long he was alone. There didn’t seem to be any clocks in Annwn so it was difficult to know what time of day it was. The sun streamed in through the glass walls. He was grateful the curtain had been closed behind the cage. He was dozing when a loud rapping on the golden doors made him jump. Velindur appeared from the small room dressed in a flowing scarlet robe. His trousers looked as if they were made of pure gold. On his feet he wore a pair of heeled shoes, and on his head a jewelled golden crown encrusted with emeralds and rubies. He admired himself in the mirror before collecting a golden staff. He sat on the throne and arranged his robes carefully before calling for whoever had knocked to come in.

  Jed and Teg shuffled forward bowing low when they reached the foot of the throne.

  ‘What news?’

  ‘None Sire, no one’s seen or heard anything,’

  said Teg.

  ‘The only intruders anyone knows about are the birds,’ added Jed.

  ‘Keep searching and watch Gwillam. I’m sure he’s hiding something. See where he goes, what he does and who he speaks to. I know there’s something going on, and I’m holding you two responsible for finding out what it is. Understood?’

  Jed and Teg nodded.

  A guard carried in a small silver tray, upon which lay a large key. Velindur picked it up.

  ‘The Blessed Council have assembled?’

  ‘They have Sire. They await you in the Assembly Room.’

  Velindur strode past Jed and Teg.

  ‘Bring the prisoners to the Council Chamber. Both of them,’ he commanded as he left the room.

  ‘I’ll grab the bird, you get the boy,’ said Jed. ‘Don’t be long, you know His Lordship doesn’t like to be kept waiting.’

  Once more Jack was put in the sack. He was hustled past a crowd of cloaked and hooded figures who stood in small groups talking quietly to each other. He tried to hear what they were saying but Jed was moving too quickly.

  ‘Make way, make way. Prisoner for the dock, make way,’ Jed shouted as he squeezed past the tall figures.

  Jack could hear Teg in the background also shouting for the crowd to stand aside. Jack tried to peek at Camelin to see if he was alright but he couldn’t see much. The crowd went quiet. Jack heard a pair of heeled shoes pass and then a key turning in a lock.

  By the time Jack was released from the sack, the hooded figures had made their way to a semi-circular table and taken their places behind high-backed chairs In front of the table was a rail, behind which was a raised platform. Velindur climbed the steps and seated himself on an ornate throne. Jack and Camelin were thrust inside another cage on the floor beside the platform. The tallest figure spoke. Jack recognised Gwillam’s voice.

  ‘The Blessed Council stand before you. Why have we been summoned?’

  Velindur stood and pointed towards Jack and Camelin: ‘We have intruders, unwelcome guests, trespassers. The boy is a shape-shifting spy, the raven a thief. They have broken the Law of Annwn and must be punished.’

  The Blessed Council sat down. Each member wrote on a small slate which was then passed to Gwillam. When all the slates were before him, Gwillam rose once more.

  ‘We all agree. The prisoners must stand trial.’

  Velindur smiled but Gwillam hadn’t finished.

  ‘The trial will take place at sunset tomorrow.’

  ‘The trial must take place now.’

  ‘The prisoners need time to find a delegate. That is the law.’

  Velindur glowered at Gwillam.

  ‘I say we should try them now.’

  ‘The law says they have a day to find someone to represent them. The trial will be tomorrow.’

  There was a murmur of agreement from the Blessed Council. Velindur sat down and banged his golden staff three times on the platform. When he had everyone’s attention he turned again to Gwillam.

  ‘Then tomorrow it will be. Guards, take the prisoners back to the dungeon.’

  Jack’s heart sank. He’d hoped the Blessed Council would forgive them and let them go free. He wanted to tell them all how sorry he was, that they hadn’t meant any harm. His body started to tremble. He didn’t want to go back to the dungeon, but Jed and Teg were already opening the cage door.

  ‘Wait,’ cried Gwillam. ‘The boy is my acolyte, I take responsibility for him and the raven too. Let me take them home with me. You have my word that I’ll bring them back tomorrow night.’

  The members of the Blessed Council slowly nodded in agreement. Jack expected Velindur to be annoyed and to shout but instead he appeared to be smiling. He also
agreed. Instead of being dragged off to the dungeon, Camelin had his iron cuffs removed and the cage door was opened wide. Camelin ran over to Gwillam, threw his arms around his waist and sobbed. Jack hopped out of the cage. Gwillam held out his arm and he flew onto it.

  ‘Come on,’ said Gwillam. ‘It’s time to go home.’


  Jack hadn’t realised how hot and stuffy the Council Chamber had been until the fresh air wafted through his feathers. Freedom had never felt so good. Camelin didn’t say anything to Gwillam until they got to the water’s edge.

  ‘I’m really very sorry, but you told me that when I got into Annwn I’d be able to eat as much as I wanted.’

  Gwillam laughed.

  ‘Not to worry. We’ll soon sort this out, you’ll see.’

  Jack hopped up to Gwillam’s shoulder and whispered in his ear.

  ‘We’re being watched, it’s not safe to talk.’

  Gwillam didn’t seem too bothered. He shouted to the only boatman standing by the boats: ‘We need to cross the water.’

  The boatman held out his hand for payment. Gwillam placed a large coin in his palm.

  Once they were settled in the boat, Jack hopped onto the prow. He spotted Jed and Teg rowing as fast as they could from the dungeon side of the lake. He wasn’t sure if Camelin had seen them too but he didn’t want to speak in front of the boatman.

  Gwillam winked at Jack then turned to Camelin.

  ‘Was it really seven sausages you ate?’

  Camelin hung his head.

  ‘I had a large piece of fudge and a lump of charcoal too.’

  ‘Charcoal! What on earth made you eat charcoal?’

  ‘It wasn’t by choice, it was an accident.’

  ‘This is really important. Did you steal anything Jack?’

  Jack coughed and pointed his beak towards the boatman. He’d already told Gwillam it wasn’t safe to talk. The boatman smiled at Jack.

  ‘I’m Gavin and I’m at your service.’


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