The Jack Brenin Collection

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The Jack Brenin Collection Page 66

by Catherine Cooper

‘All Dorysks do. We keep them secret; names are very powerful things you know. You can still just call me Dorysk, there’s only ever one in any area. We get together every so often and swap stories and information. That’s how I ended up living next door to the fairies. They’ve always let us use their mound for our meetings and when I heard the badgers next door had moved out, I moved in. I sort of keep an eye on the place for them when they’re not around.’

  Jack could see they were nearly at a stile in the hedge. The fairy mound was in the next field. He began to feel a bit nervous. What would he say? There was also the small matter of having to eat something. Nora had given him a bag to deliver with some leftovers from the party, including the rest of the mint parcels. As they neared the mound he swallowed hard.

  ‘What do I do? How am I going to get through the door?’

  ‘Oh, don’t worry about that, you’ll be told what to do. Wait here.’

  There was a quiet popping sound as the Dorysk changed back into his usual form. He shook his prickles before scurrying down the burrow. Jack heard a knock followed by the sound of the tiny fairy door opening and closing. Jack was alone in the meadow; he looked around, just in case they’d been followed, but the fields were empty. He looked up to see if Camelin was around, but he was nowhere to be seen. He lay on the grass, took out his wand and pointed it down the tunnel. Once the tip was glowing he could see the green arched door and the large silver doorknob. Last time he’d been to the mound he had leant forward, so he decided to put his head a bit further in. The doorknob rippled, two pointed ears popped out and a tuft of hair sprang from the top. Two small eyes, a nose, and a wide mouth followed.

  ‘No feast tonight, so sorry. Goodbye.’

  ‘I’m not here for a feast, I’ve been invited.’

  ‘Name please?’

  ‘Jack Brenin.’

  ‘Ah! Would you be The Great Jack Brenin?’

  ‘That’s what it said on my invitation.’

  ‘Your food will be delivered shortly. When you’ve eaten you can enter. Goodbye.’

  Jack watched the features on the doorknob disappear. He extinguished the light from his wand, sat up and rested his back against the mound and watched the sun sinking behind Glasruhen Hill. He was beginning to wonder if anything was going to happen when the door creaked. The Dorysk came out of the tunnel carrying a large silver plate with a green leaf parcel on it. Jack gulped, he could see something fat and round had been wrapped up, but worse than that, it was wriggling.

  ‘For you,’ announced the Dorysk. ‘Eat and enter.’


  The Dorysk came closer with the plate. Jack gripped his wand tightly and stared at the food. He’d been dreading this moment but if he wanted to meet the fairies he’d have to eat what they’d offered him.

  ‘Close your eyes and swallow,’ suggested the Dorysk, ‘you’ll have to eat it if you want to get through the door.’

  Jack’s throat was dry, he didn’t have a drink, and he didn’t know how he’d be able to swallow. The parcel moved again, it looked so big. Even picking it up made him shudder. Then a sudden thought struck him: he could shrink the parcel, just as he’d made Camelin’s dustbin smaller to fit into his loft. Jack smiled at the Dorysk.

  ‘Would you put the plate on the grass please, and step back.’

  Jack took his wand and pointed it at the green package, ‘Lunio,’ he commanded.

  A faint blue light appeared from the tip and a tiny spark flew towards the plate. The green packet was instantly surrounded by dancing light and began to shrink. When it was the size of a pea, Jack stopped. Swallowing the parcel now wouldn’t be so much of a problem. He reached over, picked it up quickly, popped it in his mouth, and swallowed. He immediately felt dizzy. There was a strange fizzing sensation inside him. He dropped his wand as he clutched his stomach.

  ‘You won’t be needing this for now,’ said the Dorysk as he picked up Jack’s wand. ‘I’ll pop it inside my house for safe keeping.’

  Jack was powerless to do anything. He had the feeling the world was getting bigger until he realised he was shrinking. Was this supposed to happen? Had his shrinking spell somehow bounced back at him off the plate?

  ‘Oh good!’ exclaimed the Dorysk when he returned. ‘Nearly done.’

  ‘But I’m shrinking!’

  ‘Of course you are, all part of the process, not to worry, you’ll be able to get through the door soon.’

  Jack was relieved to know it wasn’t something he’d done. He wondered just how small he was going to be but when he was the same size as the Dorysk, the shrinking stopped. Thankfully his clothes had shrunk too.

  ‘Ready?’ asked the Dorysk as he picked up the empty plate.

  ‘I think so,’ replied Jack as he got to his feet and followed the Dorysk towards the tunnel. He had to walk around a huge clump of daisies, which he hadn’t even noticed before. Jack suddenly realised he’d been speaking to the Dorysk without having to use his wand.

  ‘What’s happening? How can I understand you?’

  ‘From now on you’ll be able to talk to any creature without using your wand. It’s a special gift the fairies give to those who accept their invitation and eat the food they’re offered.’

  ‘Food!’ exclaimed Jack, as he looked back at the enormous bag that Nora had asked him to deliver. It was far too big and heavy for him to carry now.

  ‘Don’t worry about that. Anything left outside a fairy mound automatically belongs to them, they’ll be out soon to empty it.’

  Jack hesitated outside the door. The face in the doorknob didn’t stir. He knocked and waited.

  ‘They won’t be long,’ explained the Dorysk. ‘They’ll be arguing about who’s going to open it.’

  Jack heard faint voices and footsteps, which got louder and louder. He tried to work out what they were saying but the voices were muffled. He jumped when the door opened suddenly, revealing three young girls, all very much alike. For once, Jack wasn’t the smallest; the two taller fairies only came up to the bottom of his chin. Their long frizzy hair cascaded over their shoulders, two were blonde and one was auburn. They all had pale lips, turned-up noses and fair skin. Elan had been right; they did look like the Dryads, only younger and considerably smaller. They grinned at Jack and then looked at each other for a few seconds. Jack wondered if he was supposed to speak first.

  ‘Thank you for inviting me,’ he said as he bowed.

  Instead of replying the three fairies giggled, huddled their heads together and whispered.

  ‘Don’t you know it’s very rude to whisper?’ commented the Dorysk.

  The whispering stopped but the giggling returned until the taller fairy, the one with long auburn hair, stepped forward. She looked like a miniature Elan but without the freckles. Her dress was pink and dark red and she wore a hat made from crimson petals. The Dorysk went and stood by her side.

  ‘This is Rhoda, she is here to represent all the garden fairies. She lives in the rhododendrons in your grandad’s garden.’

  Rhoda giggled again before speaking.

  ‘Forgive us; we don’t get many human visitors.’

  Jack held out his hand and shook Rhoda’s.

  ‘This is Netty,’ continued the Dorysk as the other tall fairy, dressed in green, pushed Rhoda out of the way. She didn’t wait for Jack to extend his hand; instead she took it and shook it vigorously.

  ‘I was chosen to come by the fairies who live in the meadows and waysides. I live in the nettles in the back lane.’

  ‘Pleased to meet you,’ said Jack.

  The smallest fairy peeped around Netty’s shoulder. Her pale dress sparkled even though there wasn’t any sunlight in the tunnel. Instead of a hat she wore a circular headdress similar to those worn by the Dryads.

  ‘Come out Twinkle, don’t be shy,’ said the Dorysk.

  Netty let go of Jack’s hand and stepped aside.

  ‘Please, call me Twink, I live in the eyebright flowers on Glasruhen Hill, I’m here to repres
ent the moors and mountains.’

  Jack smiled at Twink as he shook her hand. He instantly liked her.

  ‘You’d better come in,’ said Rhoda, ‘we’ve got lots to talk about and there’s food on the table.’

  ‘Thank you but I’ve already eaten.’

  The three fairies giggled again.

  ‘That wasn’t a grub you ate,’ said Netty. ‘There wasn’t anything inside the parcel, you just thought there was.’

  ‘But I saw it wriggling!’

  ‘An illusion,’ explained Rhoda. ‘We don’t like eating bugs and grubs, not like the Dorysk.’

  Jack felt very relieved. The Dorysk put his head on one side and smiled.

  ‘I like my food fresh, not to everyone’s liking I know, but each to his own.’

  Jack followed Rhoda down a dimly lit, well-made tunnel. Occasionally they had to step over roots that poked through the earthen floor or duck under those that had grown through the roof.

  ‘Nearly there,’ Netty told him as they approached a bend.

  Jack could see a brighter light ahead and heard many voices. He stepped out of the tunnel into a large chamber. Flames flickered from rush lights that had been placed inside brackets around the room. There were fairies everywhere, too many for Jack to count.

  ‘This is why the Queen asked only three of us to meet you,’ explained Netty. ‘There’s rather a lot of us when we get together.’

  ‘The Queen?’ asked Jack.

  All three fairies exchanged looks and Rhoda giggled again before speaking.

  ‘The Queen of the Fair Folk.’

  ‘You mean Elan, but I thought she was Queen of Annwn.’

  ‘And of Fairies, Brownies, Elves, Dorysks, even Bogies but they’re usually in the Not So Fair Folk category,’ explained Netty.

  ‘The Bogie Peabody isn’t as bad as he used to be,’ interrupted Twink.

  ‘Oh Twink!’ said Rhoda. ‘You’ve been in Newton Gill again haven’t you?’

  ‘He’s lonely, I just go to keep him company, and besides, he knows all the gossip.’

  The Dorysk coughed politely.

  ‘Shall we go next door?’

  ‘A good idea,’ replied Rhoda, ‘it won’t be as noisy in there.’

  Jack was led into a smaller chamber where large cushions had been scattered on the floor. A low table was piled high with all kinds of lovely looking food. The walls sparkled in the flickering candlelight. Netty motioned for Jack to sit down. He noticed the designs on the cushions also twinkled in the light and when he sat on one he found it luxuriously soft.

  ‘Thistle down,’ explained the Dorysk when he saw Jack’s expression. ‘It’s softer than feathers. I’ve got one at home, Twink made it for me, didn’t you Twink.’

  Jack watched as the smallest fairy blushed.

  ‘Welcome to my room,’ she said. ‘We each have a room here to use in bad weather but we prefer to be outdoors if we can.’

  ‘Your grandad has a magnificent garden,’ said Rhoda.

  ‘And Nora does too,’ added Netty.

  ‘Would you like some food?’ asked Rhoda.

  Jack looked at the Dorysk.

  ‘It’s alright, there are only sweet things here.’

  ‘We use a lot of honey, we’re good friends with all the bees in Glasruhen,’ explained Netty.

  Jack thought about the bee that had come to his and Elan’s rescue in the meadow.

  ‘Elan said it was fairies from this mound who came to help us the other day.’

  ‘That was Speedy and some of the buttercup fairies from the meadow,’ said Rhoda.

  ‘Well, please give them my thanks.’

  ‘You did that at the time but I’ll tell them again. And please remember not to call her Speedy if you ever meet her, she hates it.’

  ‘What should I call her? I wouldn’t want to upset anyone.’

  ‘She lives in the speedwell flowers in the meadow but her name is Veronica and she insists we call her that.’

  ‘She’s really bad tempered,’ explained Twink. ‘She spends most of her time as a bee these days. It happens to all of us when we get annoyed but most things make Speedy cross.’

  Jack became aware that everyone was eating. He leant over and picked up a small green cube. He resisted the urge to sniff it before popping it into his mouth. The fairies giggled and the Dorysk smiled.

  ‘Nice?’ asked Netty.

  ‘Delicious,’ replied Jack.

  When the table was empty the Dorysk stood up.

  ‘We ought to be going. We don’t want Jack’s grandad to worry.’

  ‘Please call again,’ said Twink. ‘It’s been lovely to meet you.’

  ‘Will I always be able to see you now?’ Jack asked.

  ‘Of course you will,’ replied Rhoda. ‘We’ll be here to help you in whatever way we can, should the need arise. I’ll come back to Brenin House with you. It’s a fine night and the scent in your grandad’s garden on a summer’s evening is wonderful.’

  As they left the mound they passed a long procession of fairies, each carrying something from the bag Nora had given him. They all smiled at him as they walked by.

  The Dorysk scurried around the mound and came back with Jack’s wand before bowing low. As soon as Jack touched it he began to grow. A strange rushing sensation travelled though his body as he got bigger. His mind flashed back to Camelin’s bigging spell and hoped he would stop when he reached the right height. But he needn’t have worried, seconds later he was back to his usual self.

  ‘Thanks,’ Jack whispered. ‘I’d love to come back and see you all again.’

  Jack watched as the now tiny Rhoda shut her eyes and raised her arms. He blinked as a tiny bright light exploded; when he looked again, Rhoda had a pair of beautiful red and black wings. Her body was a lot smaller than before and to anyone else she would have appeared to be a butterfly. Jack looked at her in amazement. They didn’t talk as they made their way back to Grandad’s house. When they reached the gate, Rhoda fluttered around Jack’s head a few times before flying off towards one of the flowerbeds that was full of brightly coloured flowers.

  ‘Is that you Jack?’ Grandad called from the pantry, ‘I’m just making myself a spot of supper. Do you want some too?’

  ‘No thanks, I’m not hungry; I had a lot to eat earlier. Do you mind if I go upstairs?’

  ‘You carry on, and don’t forget to pack some overnight things.’

  ‘I won’t,’ Jack assured him.

  ‘At the weekend we’ll start getting the things together to make that buggy. What d’you say to that?’

  ‘That’d be great but we’re still a team member short.’

  ‘I’ll ask at the Cricket Club. There’s bound to be some young lad who’d be happy to join our team.’

  ‘Thanks Grandad, I’ll see you in the morning.’

  ‘Why don’t you ask Elan if she’d like to come along to the flower show next weekend? It would be best to come on the Sunday afternoon as there’ll be more going on then.’

  ‘Thanks, I’ll ask her,’ Jack replied before he left the kitchen. He took the stairs two at a time. Jack wished Orin hadn’t stayed at Ewell House; he wanted to share his news and see if he really could understand her without his wand. His room was dark but even darker was the familiar shape that sat hunched on his windowsill.

  ‘What are you doing here?’ Jack whispered as he let Camelin in.

  ‘Well that’s a nice welcome. Can’t a raven boy come and visit a fellow raven boy without an interrogation?’

  ‘I just wasn’t expecting you.’

  ‘What happened at the mound?’

  ‘Oh it was wonderful,’ began Jack, then realised that probably wasn’t very tactful. ‘But you were right, they do make a lot of noise.’

  ‘Don’t say I didn’t warn you. Did any of them mention me?’

  ‘No, should they have?’

  ‘Well, a long time ago I sort of ate one of their little green packages. I didn’t know it was fairy food at t
he time, one of them must have dropped it and as every raven knows, if there’s food left unattended it belongs to whoever finds it.’

  ‘You mean you ate it.’

  Camelin hung his head

  ‘Only realised what it was once I’d swallowed it.’

  ‘Did you shrink?’

  ‘Certainly not! Did you?’

  ‘I did but I was invited and the only way I could get through the door was to shrink.’

  Camelin gave Jack a half glower.

  ‘Fairies,’ he grumbled.

  ‘They were very nice, especially Twink.’

  ‘Oooh! On first name terms now are we?’

  ‘I was introduced. Can you see them?’

  ‘Yep, and hear them. Don’t see anything to get excited about.’

  ‘They gave me a gift…’

  ‘What kind of a gift?’

  ‘A special one, I can hear and understand any creature now.’

  ‘What’s so special about that, you could do that already.’

  ‘Without a wand.’

  Jack could see Camelin was impressed even though he tried not to show it.

  ‘I’ll tell Nora when I get back. You’d better get some sleep, we’re going to Falconrock in the morning, just the two of us, so don’t go inviting any of your new friends to join us.’

  ‘I won’t.’

  ‘Especially not the Dorysk, he’s got a nasty habit now of turning up when I least expect it. Since he’s joined the Night Guard, I swear he’s spying on me.’

  Jack smiled. Soon Camelin wouldn’t be able to keep any secrets from Nora. A loud knock on the kitchen door interrupted Jack’s thoughts. They both listened.

  ‘Nora,’ grumbled Camelin as he hopped back onto the windowsill. ‘She said she’d come round later with a pie and a pot of blackberry jelly. She’ll have heard you were back from the trees.’

  ‘I’ll see you tomorrow then.’

  ‘It’ll be great, just us two.’

  ‘Nora said I’ve got to find the library on my own. I’ll ask my Book of Shadows; there might be some helpful information in there.’

  ‘You don’t need to look in there, you’ve got me.’

  ‘But Nora said I had to do it on my own.’

  ‘I’ve been lots of times with her, she’s made me promise not to tell you the way but she didn’t say I couldn’t do any ravenphore.’


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