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Reunion Page 5

by Neve Wilder

  “Kiss me,” he demanded, and I released one of his hands, sliding it the length of his arm to wrap around his throat.

  “Fuck. Please,” he groaned, as I gave his pulse the slightest squeeze and felt him swallow.

  Cole’s lips parted with the pressure of my fingers, and he muttered another curse as I closed in with every intention of devouring his mouth, of kissing him with all the brutish fire that had built up inside me over the years. But his eyes widened, the blue irises a tiny ring around the wide aperture of his pupils, glossy and lust struck as he moaned, and I slowed at the last minute. Instead of crushing my mouth to his and taking him in the ravenous gulps my libido tried to demand, I swept my lips over his softly, tasting him in small, indulgent sips that burned through me and made my knees weak as he clutched me.

  I’d spent endless hours in high school fantasizing about what kissing Cole would be like, letting the possibilities pile up in the back of my mind, visually tracing the shape of his mouth, imagining the taste of his smile. I’d probably spent half of senior year jerking off to exactly what was playing out now, before the fantasies had wandered down darker and dirtier paths. I’d come back to this one over the years, though. The simplicity of it, wondering how and if my life might have changed had I been bolder back then.

  Cole’s breath hitched, fingers knotting my shirt as his tongue slid along mine. Warm, wet, and languid for all the intensity with which I’d thrust him up against the wall. And Christ, then came other noises. The whisper of his nails scratching across my back, another choked gasp as I moved my lips to his neck, gripped his waist, and rolled my hips against his, causing our erections to glide alongside each other.

  “God, that’s good. We should’ve done this last night.” Cole sucked in a sharp breath as I bit his collarbone.

  “Agreed.” We were actually a decade overdue, in my opinion. But I wasn’t about to look a gift horse in the mouth.


  “Yes. I wanted you.” I’d never gotten any hint from Cole in high school that he’d been interested in me, had never assumed that I cropped up in his mind over the years the way he did mine. None of that mattered now, of course, since I clearly had him on the hook and was going to take it for all it was worth. He wanted down, dirty, and kinky? Well, I was hell-bent on giving him that in spades.

  We fumbled from the elevator to my apartment, where I all but shoved Cole inside, then promptly stumbled into his back.

  “Nice digs,” he murmured after a sweeping a hasty glance over the open-concept space, then turned around, yanking my bow tie loose as he pulled me closer. “You’re a lawyer, right?”

  “Mmph.” My intended yes dissolved into a groan as he nipped at my jaw. I tugged his shirttails from his pants and found the warm skin of his back.

  “Dad always wanted me to go to law school—oh fuck, that’s sexy—I probably should’ve listened.” Cole’s fingers tunneled into my hair and tugged the nerve endings awake. “More job security. Nicer apartments. Shit,” he gasped as I slid my fingers along his waistband and dipped inside.

  “Overrated, but it comes with nice views.”

  Cole danced his fingertips over the length of my erection until I caught his wrist in my hand. I pressed into him, caging him against the back of the couch, while I used my other hand to tip his chin up so his gaze met mine.

  “I want to know what you went back to Ace’s Wild and bought.”

  Cole narrowed his eyes defiantly. “I didn’t.”

  “Oh yes, you did. You looked like Charlie walking into Wonka’s chocolate factory for the first time when we were there.”

  “I’m not telling you,” he insisted and, as if to try to distract me, squeezed my dick through my pants.

  “Maybe not tell me, no. But you’ll show me.”

  Before Cole could protest, I kissed the inclination from his lips and backed him toward the bedroom, laughing when we bumped into the doorframe.

  I had a grand idea of slowing down, taking my time. I was typically patient; there was nothing I loved more than some good old-fashioned edging, and I would’ve reveled in stripping Cole down, article by article, inhibition by inhibition, until we were nothing more than primal instinct and sweaty flesh. But his knees hit the back of the bed, and instead of that becoming a convenient stopping point for undressing, Cole free-fell backward and pulled me along for the ride.

  I landed on top of him and he let out a rush of breath as I started yanking my bow tie the rest of the way off. He pitched in, working the buttons free on my shirt. Our hips ground and moved against each other, the friction on my cock electric, powered by my long-standing crush and the voracious lust lurking in the pair of eyes trained on mine.

  “Everything you said you wanted earlier, do you still want it?” I demanded, needing to hear him say it again.

  “Yes.” Cole arched into me, voice close to a whine as I pinched his nipple through his shirt. “Fuck, yes.”

  “It’ll hurt.”

  His eyes were a blazing abyss of want that threatened my sanity. “I want it to.”

  Just for a second, Cole’s smile went sharp and haughty; then I planted a palm in the center of his chest and held him down, levering upright to yank my shirt the rest of the way off. I went to work on his next. The tux buttons were a bitch, but his pants were easier to manage, and once I’d stripped him of the shirt, I tugged his pants down to midthigh and teased my thumb over the tip of his cock until the fabric of his boxers was soaking wet.

  “God, get ’em off already.” Cole started bucking underneath me, trying to wriggle free as I chuckled.

  “Still impatient as shit, too, I see. But we’ll work on that.” With a rough tug that forced a breathy gasp from him, I pulled his boxers down. His dick sprang free, thumping against the shallow rise and fall of his lower belly. He had a full nest of curly pubic hair, and a rosy plumped cock, head slick with precum that begged me to wrap my lips or fist around it.

  “I’ll go off too soon if you—shit.”

  I dragged the tip of my tongue along his length, fondling the heavy warmth of his balls in my hand before lacing my fingers with his to keep his hands pinned at his side. “You won’t until I tell you to, understood?”

  “Fuck. Yeah. Okay. I mean…maybe?” Cole squirmed as I let my teeth lightly graze his head. “Goddamn, I think I’ve dug myself a hole, because right now I just want you to flip me over and fuck me so I can come and forget all the rest. I’d really, really like to feel you inside me and then come.”

  I blazed a trail of kisses up his midline and throat, one more to his wet lips, then let go of his hand and reached between us, trailing my fingers over his hole until he writhed desperately. “You’ll come, I promise you that. Eventually.”

  “Wait, where are…what’s happening?” he protested as I sat up and slid off the end of the bed, grasping his hand and forcing him to waddle along after me.

  I led him to the dresser and pulled away with one last press of my lips to his before I reached and opened the lower three drawers one by one.

  Cole’s eyes widened with each drawer opened. “This is like…a smorgasbord of kink. What are you, some kind of Kink Whisperer?” He poked at a pair of nipple clamps, then gripped the side of a drawer and kicked free of his pants and boxers.

  “You wanted ‘kinky’, so here’s where it starts. Now—” I caught him by the chin, directing his attention back to me. “I’m almost certain that whatever you went back for is in here. Some version of it, at least. So find it. You don’t have to tell me. You just have to show me.” I smiled.

  “God, you really are a fucking lawyer.” Cole worried his lower lip, one hand lightly stroking his cock as he eyed me, the hesitation in his gaze mixed with curiosity and intent that made me ache. He was into it. I could see that much. And god knew I was.

  “Go ahead,” I prompted him.

  With a huff that I was certain was purely for show, Cole fished through one of the drawers and, not finding what he wanted, clos
ed it and moved to the next.

  “I saw some of your videos.” He glanced up at me and then quickly away again, cheeks pinking adorably. “Actually all of them. I watched them all. It was…I had no idea.”

  “Right after college. It was just for fun,” I replied, narrowing my gaze as he picked up a flogger and then put it back after a moment’s examination. “Did you enjoy watching them?”

  Cole cut another look up at me, a crooked grin forming on his lips. This time his eyes held mine with confidence. “What do you think, you cocky bastard?”

  “I think…” I nudged him aside and reached into the drawer, withdrawing a double-ended silicone sleeve that matched the one we’d seen in the shop yesterday. “That you should take this and show me how much you enjoyed yourself. That seems like a fair trade, hmm? You watched me. Now I watch you.”

  His mouth dropped open. “How the fuck did you guess?”

  “You spent an awful lot of time poking and prodding it at the shop. Then you kept looking back over at the shelf.” I pressed it into his hand and shut the drawers. “Did you use it already today?”

  “Ran out of time before wedding stuff,” he grumbled.

  “All the better.”

  Cole rubbed a thumb over the end of the sleeve, brows drawing together. “So you want me to jack off with this while you watch?”

  “That’s exactly what I want. You’re stalling.” He’d employed the same tactics when we were younger, and the twitch at the corners of his mouth suggested he knew I was on to him.


  “Then I’m going to redden your ass before I fuck you senseless.”

  He sucked in a breath. “Wow. Can you do more of that? Like…talking? Telling me what to do?” He ducked his head shyly and then shook it, seeming to come to some conclusion within himself as he met my gaze head-on.

  “I happen to excel at it. C’mere.”

  His hand trembled slightly in mine as I led him back to the edge of the bed and slid my hands up his naked biceps to his shoulder, urging him down onto the mattress.

  “I thought Doms were supposed to be all ruthless,” he said as I took the sleeve from his hand.

  “You’ve been watching too much porn.” I reached into the nearby nightstand drawer and pulled out the lube, drizzling some inside the toy and rubbing it around the rim. “Just like anything else, there’s not one correct version. Just what works between two people. Or three. Or however many. It’s not even about me barking out orders and you complying. It’s about us doing something for each other. It’s about the exchange and the energy. It’s just another version of intimacy and trust.”

  Dropping to a crouch in front of Cole, and reading his nervousness, I pressed the toy into his hand and then kept mine atop his, guiding it gently down onto his stiff cock. The taut muscles in his thighs jumped, and the fine dusting of hair above his kneecaps stood on end.

  “Oh fuck,” he moaned the second the silky sleeve covered his tip. His quads tensed as his head fell back, and I could tell he wanted to buck into the slippery friction, so I kept a light hold on his wrist, keeping the pace steady as I nudged one knee wider with my other hand and cupped his balls. Heavy and full and so damn warm in my grip.

  “Been missing out, right?”

  “More than you could possibly know.” He nodded emphatically, then bit down on his lower lip and hissed as I squeezed his sac. His cock twitched and flexed as the sleeve moved over it.

  “You’re getting me so fucking hard right now, watching you work that beautiful cock.” I kept my gaze fastened to him, gauging his reaction and biting back a smile when he nodded again and began to stroke himself faster. He liked the praise, liked being told what to do, and fuck it was lighting me up inside. I would’ve been happy with a quick and sloppy exchange of blowjobs. But this? It was even more than I’d hoped for.

  Cheeks flushed, Cole let out a breathy laugh. “Good. Because I feel a little ridiculous right now. Excited, but ridiculous.”

  “Want to see how hard you’re making me?”

  “Fuck yes.”

  I kept my hand on his knee as I levered myself upright and lowered my zipper, letting my cock pop free. Precum oozed from my slit, and Cole’s gaze fixed on it as I jerked my shaft a few times, weaving my other hand through the back of his hair.

  “God, you’re…wow. And sexy as anything. Can I suck it?” His eyes seconded the plea, so big and imploring that a delicious streak of electricity raced up my spine, and my dick throbbed harder in my grip.

  “Not yet.”

  Cole huffed in obvious frustration as I stepped closer, my cock bobbing stiffly between us, nearly touching his lips, just as much torturing myself with the desire to force myself into his mouth as I was him. His panting breaths washed over my tip, immensely arousing and tantalizing. I tugged on the roots of his hair, angling his head back as I tightened my fist around my cock and stroked it slowly.

  “You look incredible like this,” I told him softly. “Throat stretched tight, lips wet and red, cheeks flushed.”

  A shiver raced through Cole’s shoulders as he let out a whimper and bucked his hips into the sleeve.

  “Ease up,” I warned him when I could tell he was getting close. I massaged his scalp with my fingertips, but when it was evident he needed more distraction, pressed the head of my cock against his lips. His eyes asked the question again, and this time I answered with a nod.

  Cole opened his mouth and traced the shape of my tip with his tongue and then took it into his mouth. Silky, wet heat engulfed me, and he kept his gaze steady on me as he kissed and lapped at my dick. It was all I could do not to thrust into him, to claim his throat the way I was tempted to. He kissed down my shaft and, with another flick of his big blue eyes up at me, sucked on my balls, wetting the zipper of my pants. The soft, slurpy sounds of his licks and kisses sank deep to my core and set me on fire. When he came back up and took my full length in, I thrust deep into his throat, giving over to the hot suction in rough, carnal strokes until Cole choked around me and I pulled him off, giving him a second to breathe.

  “Turn around and get your ass in the air for me, gorgeous.”



  My heart hammered out of control—a foreign sensation after so many months of feeling little excitement for anyone at all—and my dick had phased from eager interest to aching demand. I was nervous that the second I felt any kind of friction against the sheets, I’d bust my nut. No one I’d been with had ever said anything like that to me before, and there was a serious difference between listening to dirty talk on a porno and having it spoken to me like Dane had direct access to my fantasies and knew exactly what would get me hot.

  I moved so quickly in response that I almost lost my footing scrambling to twist around on the bed, reeling both from Dane’s forceful thrusts into my mouth and having used a toy on myself in front of him. I’d jacked off with partners before, but it had always been a few casual strokes here and there before I blew a guy or he blew me, or fisting my cock while getting fucked. Dane had watched me with a greedy, half-lidded gaze, like he was getting off solely on my performance. It’d made me feel sexy and wanted. It also made me realize I’d been severely repressing myself, because after I’d gotten over the initial shock and my own awkwardness of performing for an audience, I’d loved him watching me like that and telling me what to do.

  “Like this,” Dane directed, hands smoothing over my hips and positioning me. He caressed my sides, the nape of my neck, and squeezed my asscheeks, every touch a heady blend of soothing electricity, a mesmerizing hum of sensation moving over my body. I never could’ve done this with a stranger. Hell, I’d never have been able to do this with my ex. But Dane was different; even if I hadn’t seen him a decade, I still had an innate trust in him.

  His weight settled against the back of my thighs, and he adjusted my hips slightly. “God, you’ve got a nice ass,” he murmured, and the appreciation combined with the huskiness of his voice tightened
my balls.

  “Thank you. It’s my top-selling feature.” I silently patted myself on the back for the stupid number of squats I’d incorporated into my gym routine over the last several months.

  Dane’s chuckle spilled across my asscheeks, warm, breathy, and accompanied by a trace a wetness where he pressed a kiss. God, he’d just kissed my ass. Somehow that was the most sensual thing. Goose bumps blossomed over my rib cage, then his thumb traced the curve of my thighs and ran down the seam between the globes of my ass, and the goose bumps transformed into a tingle that shot up my spine. My hips jerked, instinctively spearing the air before he tightened his grip to keep me still.

  “So when’s this caning going to happen?”

  “When I want it to.” He swatted my flank, then caressed lightly over the minor sting, and waves of heat rippled through me. Fuck, his voice was hypnotic. Low and drawling as he spoke, his fingertips moving with the same syrupy-slow tempo over my ass and lower back, warming every inch of skin he touched. “We’re still getting a feel for each other right now, and you’re all clenched up, so we’ll work up to it. We’re not done with the warm-up yet.”

  “There’s a warm-up?” I twisted another look over my shoulder and wiggled my hips.

  “Mm-hmm.” This time he dragged a finger down the furrow of my ass and swept it over my hole. I clenched reflexively and sucked air through my teeth as he circled my rim. “I want those cheeks nice and warm from my hands before I lay a cane across them.”

  “Shit,” I muttered and barely had time to get it out before a sharp crack met my ears. My hips bucked reflexively with the sting of his hand against my ass. It wasn’t a hard hit, but the unexpectedness of it added to the impact. Muscles tensed and then released as the sting mellowed to a warmth that moved like hot water across my ass and the base of my spine.

  Just when I started to relax, Dane dropped another sharp smack on my other cheek, keeping his hand spread where it landed as he leaned over me and spoke close to my ear. “I’ve been watching this ass all day, thinking about doing just this.”


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