The Peasant

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The Peasant Page 28

by Scott Michael Decker

  “That rascal! How the Infinite is Easing Comfort?”

  “Eh? Did you say …? Isn't he …?” Silent Whisper shook his head. “I don't understand you nobles, Lady Water. The boy's father is a bandit, and Scowling Tiger's personal retainer! Doesn't that bother you?”

  She laughed warmly, shaking her head. “Very little, Lord. Easing Comfort's a gentle man without a vengeful thought in his head, if he hasn't changed. I don't worry that he's a bandit, nor even Scowling Tiger's retainer. Easing Comfort wouldn't let his liege lord interfere with his son, especially not a son he probably hopes will become…” Bubbling Water laughed again. “… become the Imperial Medacor. Oh, dear Lord Infinite what a sense of humor you have!” she said, glancing toward the sky. “I'd guess Easing Comfort let you know he fathered the boy deliberately, knowing I'd take Healing Hand under my wing.” Bubbling Water smiled at Silent Whisper, then abruptly frowned. “Lord Whisper, why did he tell you he's a bandit?”

  The Captain wilted, as if under a crushing weight. Slowly, he pulled his sword from his sash and lay it on the grass between them, then did the same with each of his weapons. After disarming himself, he looked up at her in anguish.

  “A few years after the Lord Emperor Smoking Arrow granted the Lord Bear hereditary rights to the Caven Hills, my father in Eyry asked my uncle in Nest to adopt me. I was ten years old. Remember that cousin I told you about, Lady? The one I dueled in the civil war? He was my brother. I dueled him only long enough to tell him what I knew about the Lord Bear's strategy. He passed the information to Scowling Tiger. I was Scowling Tiger's spy for twenty years.” Silent Whisper looked up with pleading eyes. On his face a silent tear, his voice a silent whisper, he said, “Forgive me, Lady Water.” Faster than a cobra, he snatched a knife from the grass and plunged it toward his belly.

  Even faster with her talent, Bubbling Water stopped him.

  “Please let me die!” he begged, disconsolate.

  “Absolutely not, Silent Whisper,” she replied calmly. Holding his body in her telekinetic vise, she tore the knife from his hand. “Listen carefully, my friend. You're a citizen first, and second a spy. Your service is exemplary, your integrity is solid, your caring is admirable, and your friendship is valuable.” Taking a deep breath, she pushed up his chin so he'd look at her. “I'd let you fall on your knife except for a small detail, one insignificant word. You said, 'was.' ”

  “Eh?” He looked surprised.

  Cutting the rope of her talent, she released him. “You said, 'I was his spy for twenty years.' Thank the Infinite you aren't anymore, eh?” Smiling, she placed her hand on his arm. “Thank you for telling me, for risking everything; you didn't need to. Bless you. You're a wonderful man, Silent Whisper. I'm grateful you've joined our service and I pray you choose to serve us the rest of your life. I can endure every capricious whim of the Lord Emperor Tyrant because of moments like this.” She glanced into the morning sun, toward the castle. “Lord Whisper, if you can't bear your shames and if your only expiation is to fall on your knife, you have my permission.” Bowing to him, she said, “This humble Lady asks the eminent Lord Silent Whisper to grace this world with his presence a little longer.” Straightening, she watched him.

  Confusion and pain poured down his face. She guessed that during the night he'd decided to tell her he was a spy, then to plunge his spirit into the great beyond by plunging his knife into belly. Such a decision was irrevocable and a warrior who'd decided, inexorable.

  We live in a terrible world, she thought, reaching inside for her strength. She watched the Captain as he struggled to pull himself back from abyss. Sipping her coffee, Bubbling Water waited, content that Silent Whisper would do as she asked. Thank the Infinite, we have these moments of beauty, she thought. Without them we'd never endure all the rest. In his moment on the brink of abyss, I hope he transcends our world of pain and knows the peace of the Infinite.

  His face calm, Silent Whisper looked around at the camp below them, at the sky above them. “Beautiful morning, eh Lady?”

  Smiling, Bubbling Water nodded, loving life.

  From the weapons in front of him, Silent Whisper picked up a knife to examine it. Putting it aside, he caressed the hilt of his sword. Taking the weapon in both hands, he bowed to her. “This humble warrior asks the Lady Matriarch Water to accept his soul and his sword into her service, despite his unworthy ability and shameful past. If the Lady asks this humble warrior not to fall on his knife, he will obey. This humble warrior asks only that she allow him to guard her with his worthless life for as long as both shall last.”

  The warmth of the Infinite filling her, Bubbling Water responded to his ritual request with an equally ritual response. “This humble lady formally accepts the sword and the soul of Lord Captain Whisper into her service. Before her wish becomes his command, this humble lady makes two simple requests of the Lord Captain Whisper.” The ritual felt more real, less rehearsed, than ever before.

  “How may this humble warrior serve the Lady Matriarch Water?”

  “When the Lord Captain Whisper can, this humble lady asks him to tell the Lord General Bear all he has told this lady.”

  “This humble warrior wouldn't consider doing otherwise.”

  “As this humble lady thought. This humble lady's second request is that the Lord Captain Whisper vow a greater allegiance to the Imperial Arrow Twins and the Succession Assured.”

  “Eh? Has the Infinite addled your brains?”

  “This humble lady asks the Lord Captain Whisper to make his vow without need for explanation, without fear of punishment, without hope of reward.”

  “Forgive this humble warrior his forgetting his place.” Looking toward the castle, Silent Whisper bowed in its direction. “This humble warrior asks the Twin Lords Arrow to accept his soul and his sword into their service and to consider this warrior's penultimate loyalty to the Lady Matriarch Water and the Lord General Bear. This humble warrior swears upon the Infinite to defend the Succession Assured and the Twin Lords Arrow with his insignificant life.”

  “On behalf of the Twin Lords Arrow, this humble lady accepts the Lord Captain Whisper into their service.” She smiled and sighed as he rose from his bow. “Thank you, Silent Whisper, for all your gifts today. Infinite bless you.”

  “Thank you, Bubbling Water.” He nodded to acknowledge the honor, smiling. “Life's a joy, eh?”

  “You're a joy, my friend.” Chuckling, Bubbling Water regarded him with a calculating look. “That Wizard you found to treat the Lord Bear.”

  Frowning, Silent Whisper shrugged. “Spying Eagle? He's still in the dungeons. The bandit general told me to bring him to your attention, Lady. Infinite knows why the Wizard refused the position you offered.”

  “He wasn't an assassin,” Bubbling Water said, remembering his gentle probe. “Not like Scowling Tiger to send a spy who refuses to spy.”

  Laughing at the irony, Silent Whisper shook his head. “Perhaps he was an implanted spy, but implanting a Wizard wouldn't be easy.”

  “No, it wouldn't. Infinite knows, eh?” She looked at him warmly. “You'd make an excellent mate for one of my daughters.”

  Silent Whisper looked embarrassed, but smiled at her. “That's high praise, Lady. Could she be like her Matriarch?”

  The warmth of his praise spread through her body. Smiling, Bubbling Water wondered if she should invite him to seek the Infinite with her that night. “Would you join me for the evening meal?”

  “Thank you for the invitation, Lady Matriarch.” Then he added with a grin, “But I'm not worthy of such an honor.”

  Laughing, she shook her head. “Oh, the insufferable insolence! I won't tolerate it anymore! Prepare the escort, Lord Captain. We leave in five minutes.”

  “Yes, Lady Water,” he said, picking up his weapons and slipping his sword into his sash. Standing, Silent Whisper bowed and strode off.

  Nodding, she smiled and watched him walk down the hill, wanting to sheathe his sword. Standing, she walked up t
he hill to the tent entrance. “I'd like to look in on my mate, Ivy.”

  “Yes, Lady,” she replied, and gestured Bubbling Water to follow. Stopping at the tapestry of a grizzly, Climbing Ivy pulled it aside.

  The medacor Calming Touch bowed as Bubbling Water entered the enclosure. “Infinite be with you, Lady Matriarch. You look well.”

  “Thank you, Lady Touch. How is he?”

  She gestured toward Guarding Bear's inert form.

  Bubbling Water stepped to the pallet. Prolonged sleep had tousled Guarding Bear's unruly hair more than usual. The weathered leather of his face, the gray at his temples and the livid scar on his nose made him look years older than the forty five he'd lived. Guarding Bear, Peasant Upstart Usurper from the Caven Hills, reputed to be the greatest general of all time, wealthier than his nephew the Emperor Arrow, looked like an ugly old man on his deathbed, poor, alone and forsaken, his life wasted.

  Thank the Infinite he's none of those, she thought. Kneeling beside the pallet, Bubbling Water touched her lips to his forehead. “Guarding Bear, I love you. I always have and always will. I pray you come back to me safe. Infinite be with you, my lord, my mate, my love.”

  Kissing him again, she left the main tent of the Imperial Jaguar Entourage. Her sadness dripping down her face, Bubbling Water felt fulfilled and tranquil even so. Dear Lord Infinite, she thought, looking up at the sky, thank you for all your blessings. Thank you most of all for blessing my life with Guarding Bear.

  Chapter 24

  I've had a thousand titles. Listen to some of them: Prefect of the Caven Hills, Commanding General of the Eastern Armed Forces, Security Commander of Emparia Castle. I've also had a thousand names. Listen to the one my son gave me: Deified insane retired peasant upstart usurper rebel mentor. I'm all these titles and names, yet I'm none of them. I'm Guarding Bear.—The Lectures of Guarding Bear, 9323 to 9335.

  * * *

  Snarling Jaguar called a halt not long after the entourage crossed the border and entered the Southern Empire. Feeling pleased to be home, he tapped the psychic flow. The people were jubilant he'd gained Swan Valley. A celebration awaited the entourage at the first town they would come to in the Southern Empire.

  Snarling Jaguar smiled. “Lord Heir!” he called over his shoulder.

  Stalking Jaguar stepped forward and bowed.

  Nodding, Snarling Jaguar smiled at his favorite son. The Heir looked very pleased with his new consort Sparkling Stream, inner contentment plain on his face. The Emperor wanted him to be happy. Stalking Jaguar would find only loneliness in his accession and reign. “What do you suggest for my orders, my son?”

  Frowning, Stalking Jaguar closed one eye. “We'll camp here for a day before officially entering the Southern Empire, Father. I'll arrange to have the Lord General Guarding Bear and the Lady Fleeting Snow escorted to the castle. They'll leave quietly this evening so they won't have to endure the pomp and ritual of your return. Before they go, however, you wish to speak with the Lady alone, then both together. I'll remind the warriors we're still, officially, on entourage in the Eastern Empire. Hence, all discipline remains as it was. Time enough for them to celebrate later.”

  “Very good, my son, and what else?”

  “Just before you see the Lord General, you'll see the Lady medacor, Calming Touch. When you awaken the general, you want me and my new consort to be present. Before you talk to any of them, though, you'll want to see the Lord Blow.”

  “Yes, my orders exactly,” Snarling Jaguar replied, nodding. “What do you think Guarding Bear will do when he learns the Imperial Consort is pregnant?”

  “I don't know, Father. He is the Usurper. I'd expect him to be angry.”

  “I don't. 'Usurper' is what they call him—vastly different, eh? Bring the warrior immediately. I've decided Deadly Blow's fate.”

  “Yes, Father.” Bowing, Stalking Jaguar loped off to carry out orders.

  The Emperor walked to the crest of a nearby hill crowned with a single tree, the Craggy Mountains soaring behind him. Looking southward, over humid, verdant country, Snarling Jaguar smiled, at peace with himself. My problems are minor compared to Flying Arrow's, problems mostly of his own making.

  Hearing sounds behind, the Emperor turned and saw the warrior he'd summoned. Deadly Blow had struck Fleeting Snow while bringing her forward during the negotiations. Snarling Jaguar had promised Bubbling Water he'd punish the warrior for mistreating the exmatriate. “Lord Blow,” he said genially, acknowledging the other's obeisance with a nod. “Come look at the view.” The Emperor returned his gaze to the south.

  * * *

  Deadly Blow began to protest his unworthiness, but stopped at a gesture from the Emperor. The warrior stepped to the crest, his knees shaking, his fate sealed. Snarling Jaguar's preparing to invite me onward by honoring me, Deadly Blow thought.

  “It's beautiful, eh?”

  Deadly Blow began to utter banal agreement, but decided that obligatory flattery would preserve his life not a moment longer. “Forgive me, Lord Emperor Jaguar. My eyes don't see beauty anymore.”

  Snarling Jaguar glanced at him. “You've served me faithfully for twenty years, Lord Blow. Does that have no beauty in your eyes?”

  “No, Lord Emperor Jaguar, forgive me—not when that service ends in disgrace.”

  “ 'Ends in disgrace'?” The Emperor laughed softly. “That service hasn't ended, Lord Blow, and you've done nothing disgraceful. I'm confident you'll serve me well for another twenty years.”

  “Forgive me, Lord Emperor, I don't understand. What about—?”

  “The failure, if any, was mine. First, I ordered you to bring the woman forward, and then ordered the struggle to cease. You followed orders perfectly, Lord Blow. I'm not Flying Arrow. Why should I punish others for my own mistakes?”

  “The mistake was mine, Lord!” Deadly Blow went to a knee. “I shamed you before the Lord Emperor Arrow and provoked the Lord General Bear to attack you. Please, Lord Emperor Jaguar, don't torment me anymore. Take my head or invite me onward. Don't prolong my agony!”

  “Lord Blow, look at me.” Snarling Jaguar waited until the warrior looked up. “I said, 'You followed orders perfectly.' ”

  Deadly Blow looked baffled. “You mean you planned that?”

  “Eh? Of course not.”

  “Lord Emperor, your modesty is greater than your guile. Truly masterful of you to enrage the Lord General Bear like that, and get him to attack you so you could squeeze the balls of those Eastern barbarians with the threat of war! What a cunning strategist you are, Lord Emperor. There's none better in all four Empires!”

  * * *

  Snarling Jaguar considered telling the man that he'd let his pride get the better of him. Are others' illusions mine to disabuse? he wondered. “For serving me so well, Lord Blow, I order your stipend increased by…” He split the figure he'd first thought of, then split it again. Rating the man's service, he split it once more, satisfied the amount was just. “… twenty taels per year. Congratulations, Lord Blow, and thank you very much for serving me so faithfully.” To stop the warrior's obligatory assertions of unworthiness, Snarling Jaguar bowed much lower than Deadly Blow's station merited.

  His feet barely touching the ground, the warrior walked off, his face immense.

  Pleased, Snarling Jaguar watched him go. The rumor that he'd provoked Guarding Bear to attack him would spread like fire through a tinder dry forest. Now, everyone gains face, he thought. Only Flying Arrow loses it. Even Guarding Bear, in having the audacity to attack me, gains immense face. Chuckling to himself, Snarling Jaguar turned to look south, contemplating the land before him and the land he'd left behind.

  “Watch events in other Empires closely,” his father Scratching Jaguar had often told him. “They'll instruct you as much as any event in your own.”

  In those events Snarling Jaguar saw the terrible trap that lay in wait for the Empire across his northern border. Will Flying Arrow sense the trap? Snarling Jaguar wondered. He cou
ld still hear Bubbling Water's prophetic words: “The Lady Consort Flowering Pine will bear you not just one—no, one would be too few!—but two heirs, identical twin sons!” Will Flying Arrow heed my father's advice and see in the 'contention' between me and my brother the crisis he'll face?

  I doubt it, Snarling Jaguar thought, knowing the Eastern Emperor a monumental fool. Flying Arrow won't see it even if someone shoves it into his face. I pity the poor soul who gives advice to the Emperor Arrow, because a wise man doesn't need it, and a fool doesn't heed it. Thank the Infinite, I'm neither wise nor foolish.

  Sighing, Snarling Jaguar turned. At the base of the hill was Fleeting Snow, her forehead in the grass. “Lady Snow,” he said in the Eastern language, nodding.

  She rose and stepped up the hill, shading herself with a parasol. Being albino, Fleeting Snow couldn't do without protection from the sun. “Lord Emperor Jaguar, Infinite be with you.”

  Some Eastern ladies always carried a parasol, believing the whiter the skin the more noble the woman—as if some external condition like skin color conferred nobility. These arrogant Easterners! Snarling Jaguar thought, exasperated. Her voice pleasing, he smiled. “And with you, Lady Snow. Has the travel been pleasant for you? Is the pace too difficult?”

  “The Lord Emperor's concern for this humble lady is much more than she deserves. Travel is always pleasant, and the pace is always difficult.”

  “You'll travel again in a week or so. The Lady Matriarch Water asked me to take you to my meeting with her at Swan Valley.”

  Fleeting Snow wilted. “Yes, Lord Emperor.”

  Snarling Jaguar frowned. “What is it? Do you object?”

  “I've had a lifetime of the Eastern Empire, Lord. I want to put it behind me.”

  “I doubt you'll have to stay for more than a year. When the Lady Matriarch no longer needs you, you have a place here.”

  “Eh, Lord Emperor?” She looked puzzled.

  “You may return to the Southern Empire, Lady Snow, if you so wish.”


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