The Richard Burton Diaries

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The Richard Burton Diaries Page 13

by Richard Burton

  5 Friday Had football practice on the Plough and left my brown coat behind.10 My diary and 2d cash were inside. Had the 2d off Mrs Jackson for going to Dr Marshall's for her.11

  6 Saturday Went to see Cardiff beating Aberavon.12 Went to Cach in the night and saw. ...13 Afterwards went to Joe's and had hot milk pop and chocolates.14 Had chips after.

  7 Sunday Used Mam James presented book for the 1st time.15 Went to Chapel all day.16 Went up Baglan for a walk.17

  8 Monday Elementary school started today. Went down to see school playing in the yard. Had no money so I stayed in the house with my mother.18 I haven't done much today. We are short of coal. Very cold.

  9 Tuesday Ray and I went to play billiards down Glen Parkhouse's.19 Going to try to have a game of football with Eastern practice team.20 Went to Cach to see Inspector Hornby.21

  10 Wednesday Uncle Ben has a new game about land, buying and selling houses etc.22 He broke Elfed after about 2 hours. I was undefeated but I did not stay on. Fetched sticks.

  11 Thursday Went down Uncle Ben's again. I was broke early. Dillwyn was winning with a tremendous amount of money. Then Uncle Ben broke him. Uncle Ben hasn't lost yet.

  12 Friday Went over the woods to fetch some blocks sawed off the wood. I met Afan and Gwylfa Powell.23 Went down Uncle Ben's again. Was beaten.

  13 Saturday Done all shopping. Had a haircut in Sandies.24 Had a bath in the afternoon. Went to Regent in the night saw Vernon and Irene Castle.25 Went to Joe's and had hot milk.

  14 Sunday Went to chapel all day. Nice dinner after chapel went for a walk with Ray Pike up to town.26

  15 Monday Went down Eastern School chasing Eddie Miles and Plum.27 Went up the park afterwards. Tapped shoes afterwards.28 Stayed in and read the book brought from the Library by our Marian.29 Went to bed 10.20.

  16 Tuesday Started school today. Played football in yard. Went to school in the afternoon. Had an easy day. Stayed in tonight and started to read Martin Chuzzlewit written by Dickens.30

  17 Wednesday Woke about 8.20. Went to school. Fairly good morning. Had dinner then went to school. It was bitterly cold so I wore my overcoat. Only had a bit of Geog to do and I did not do it. Had stew for supper.

  18 Thursday Went to school as usual. Went up the Side and helped to carry water for Elfed's glass house.31 Freezing today. Went down Uncle Ben's – played darts and won after a poor start. Lost again in Monopoly. I was doing well for a time.

  19 Friday Went to school. I thought that my name would have been up on the board. But probably the ground was too hard.32 Went down Uncle Ben's and won the 1st game. No good 2nd game.

  20 Saturday Snow has frozen on the ground. Bitterly cold today. Ground like glass. Went out on my bike. Went to Cach and saw very good picture Union Pacific.33 Went to Joe's then had chips.

  21 Sunday Went to Chapel afternoon and night did not go in morning. Cis had row with Elfed. Graham and Edie came down.34

  22 Monday Sis was bilious today so I stayed home today.35 We can get no water from the tap because of ice. Went down the Co-op in the afternoon. Gave note to Tom Henry. Went to Uncle Ben's had two good games.

  23 Tuesday Went down to fetch papers. Had Gym fell down hurt my knee. Very nearly finished my model in woodwork. Did my homework and went up the Side. Fetched chips for Mam James had 1d for it.

  24 Wednesday Went to school as usual in the morning as usual. Had hot dinner [...]. Went down the Co-op for Sis when I came home from school went down G. Parkhouse to play Monopoly. Lost again.

  25 Thursday Great drowning tragedy in Cwmafan. 4 people drowned.36 Parkhouse asked me down again but I refused and went down Uncle Ben's and for once I won. Dillwyn was runner up.

  26 Friday Went to school in the morning. Had an uneventful day. Soon as I had tea I went down Uncle Ben's to play Monopoly – Uncle Ben won the 1st game and Alan the 2nd game.37 Had great fun.

  27 Saturday Went to fetch papers then I went down Co-op. I was there for ages. Uncle Evan just gobbed on my book.38 Went down the Library to pay my debt. Went down Uncle Ben's in the night.

  28 Sunday Went to chapel in the morning. There was a tremendous congregation of 12. Very windy. There was about 60 people in chapel in the Noon.39

  29 Monday Went down to fetch papers none there so I waited for some time and then went to school. Then in the noon I fetched the papers. Went down Uncle Ben's we did not play Monopoly. Auntie was ironing blast her.40

  30 Tuesday Finished my model in woodwork. Papers did not come properly yesterday or today. So I took them out in the afternoon.41 Went down Uncle Ben's to play the usual lost twice. Auntie Win went out early. Got some good books.

  31 Wednesday Papers did not arrive in time again today. Had geometry for homework. Did all my homework. I kidded Glen Parkhouse that he had lost my book for me. Went down house to play Monopoly. I won once then he won. [...]


  1 Thursday Went down to fetch papers yesterday but they were not there, as usual. Played football after school with the seniors. Went down Ben's afterwards to play Monopoly. Hope to be picked for the Middles to pay B. County on Saturday.42 Very bad cold.

  2 Friday Went to school. No papers. Went to school on bike this afternoon. Fetched papers for the chip shop but Auntie Ede was not in so I will have to go down tomorrow. Went down to play Monopoly down Ben's. Lost twice.

  3 Saturday Went down to fetch papers and lent my togs to Trevor George.43 Had 1/-off Davey.44 Had bath in the afternoon did a little homework. Went to Regent to see Spies of the air.45 Had food in Joe's hot milk toffolux.46

  4 Sunday Went to Chapel all day. After chapel in the night I went down Alan Dummer's.47 I had a lend of a book off him. It is about school life in the Council school of Britain.48

  5 Monday Was very late for the papers this morning. I jumped on the bike the tyres were not far from the rims. When I pumped it up lunch hour the tyre burst. Played football with the firsts it was a bit muddy but all right. Did all my homework tonight. Shorthand.

  6 Tuesday Started to make a tray in woodwork [...]. Had a fine afternoon especially with Burton who talked about Astronomy.49 Went down Uncle Ben's and played the usual. I won 1st then Alan 2nd.

  7 Wednesday My name was upon the board for practice with the middles. Did my homework then I went down Uncle Ben's to play Monopoly. The best game I've had for some time although Uncle Ben won. I gave him a good run though.

  8 Thursday Played with the seniors tonight. I had a fine game. Went down Uncle Ben's and I lost to him after a very good hand. He held all the Blues and all the ‘Pall Mall’ etc. block. I owned Reds but I lost.50

  9 Friday Went to school and we started what Mr Burton called Telegrams. There was a definite score at the end of each telegram.51 I had a pleasant surprise today. I was picked to play for the Seniors against Tonyrefail in Ton.52

  10 Saturday Woke up about 7.40 and rushed with my papers round – Bus was some time coming. When we reached Tonyrefail we found that we could not play because the ground was too hard. I went up Cwmafan I collected 1/9.

  11 Sunday Went to chapel all day. In the night while Dr Rees was giving his sermon there was thunderous knocking on the door of the church.53 It was two boys probably.

  12 Monday Went to school as usual. Played Football with the Seniors in the afternoon had a few good runs. Stayed in tonight and did my homework. I am now keeping a Home-diary. Sis went to Neath with Hilda.54 I hope to go down Uncle Ben's tomorrow.

  13 Tuesday Still doing my model in woodwork. I went up Mayne's to fetch a bottle of dark oak for Mr Owens.55 Went down Uncle Ben's. I played two games and lost both. Mog has brought darts for Uncle Ben and about time too.

  14 Wednesday Name is upon the board for practice tomorrow I suppose I will turn out. I had a new pair of shoes. A pair of Brogues. Stayed in tonight and did my homework. Went to fetch milk for Sis rode back on the trucks.

  15 Thursday Played football in the afternoon with the Middle XV. I had great fun. Went down Uncle Ben's in the night and played Darts with Da
d James and Uncle Ben and Allan.56 I lost both times. Fetched chips for Dad James had 2d.

  16 Friday My name was up on the board to play for the middle XV. We had a fall of snow again today I went down the Co-op for Sis it was bitter. Went down Uncle Ben's to play the usual.

  17 Saturday Did all shopping. The snow is quite thick on the ground. Had 1/- off Mrs Hibberd. Did not go to Pictures but went down Ben's and played Monopoly with Uncle Ben.

  18 Sunday Went to chapel all day. Blinding wind and rain. Went home straight after chapel to do my homework. We did not have a sermon in the morning.

  19 Monday Went to school. Played football this afternoon with the seniors. Mr Smith said that I might play for the seniors against Neath County and County School.57 Stayed in and did my homework. Went down the Co-op for Sis. I've got 4/- on the club.58

  20 Tuesday Did my model in woodwork. Had some fun going home from school with Afan and Gwylfa. Mr Wellington came up our house tonight [...].59 I went down to fetch Rhianon's shoes and so I watched them being done.60

  21 Wednesday Went down Uncle Ben's in the night and had one game of Monopoly. Then I went down the chip shop for Auntie Win with Peggy and Dillwyn: Just before going out Mr Rossiter and son came in and his son said that a vet was a very good job.61

  22 Thursday We had to do a lousy drawing for Miss Best this afternoon and I was glad when the lesson ended.62 Played footer with the seniors and we had a decent game. I stayed in tonight and did my homework.63

  23 Friday I am supposed to play for seniors tomorrow if the weather holds out. Supposed to be in Tonyrefail. Pop saw all the boys without their caps on except me.64 Pop was very surprised when I told him my age.

  24 Saturday [...] Played for the Seniors in Tonyrefail. We won 13–0.65 Felt awful sick after the match. Went to Cach in the night. Went up Cwm in the afternoon.66 Ivor went to Swansea [...].67

  25 Sunday Went to chapel all day. Dr Rees gave a good sermon in the evening. Went home straightway. I left my stuff in the bus yesterday.

  26 Monday Went to school all day. Played football in the Gym this afternoon. Had a Saint book from the library it is OK.68 We are going to play the County Juniors tomorrow. We have a much weakened team.

  27 Tuesday The team was picked this morning. We are five forwards less than usual. Mahoney says that he will not play again.69 I scored a try against the County and Phillips converted.70 They had a penalty. So we won 5–3.71 Went down Ben's.

  28 Wednesday School as usual. Our house is well up. Keen competition among the houses. I am very stiff. Many people say that it was a dirty try against the County but it is all in the game. [...]

  29 Thursday Some very good entries for the poem section of the Eisteddfod. Played football with the seniors. Playing Saturday for the seniors in the front row.72 We are playing one of the best teams in Wales Saturday so here's luck.


  1 Friday St David's day Eisteddfod today. Iestyn won. We came a close second and Morgan 3rd.73 My name was up on the board to play for the seniors against Swansea Grammar.

  2 Saturday Played against Grammar school in Swansea. It was a very hard game and a hopeless ref. They won 11–5. Went to Plaza in the night.74 I paid 1/3 to go in George Formby in Come on George.75

  3 Sunday Went to chapel all day. It is a lovely day today. Went for a walk with Prince over the woods this morning.76 It is light until about 7.30 now.

  4 Monday Went to school per usual. Played football today and when we were dressing in the gym a plane came over and parted my hair for me. Had a Bindle book from the library but it is not such a good book.77

  5 Tuesday Finished my model in woodwork today and I have only to buy handles for it now. Worked in the garden tonight and sawed up a pit prop which I found in the railway line and it was very large. We used the two man saw.

  6 Wednesday Went to see the hockey house match between Leisan and Caradog. We won. We went down to Uncle Ben's and played Monopoly. Dillwyn won under my managership. I had no ink so I did not do my homework.

  7 Thursday Played for the house against Caradog today. We won 8–3. I played sideman to the hooker.78 The tries were scored by C. Owen and G. Parkhouse.79 Trevor kicked the goal and I held the ball. It was an easy victory.

  8 Friday Dillwyn birthday today and of course I forgot to buy the card for him. He was 14 years old today. We had a last minute fixture with Eastern and it was found that Mahoney, Jones, Phillips and Lambourne are unable to play.80

  9 Saturday Played Eastern today with two more absentees. Butt and F. Williams.81 It was a hard game and we were beat 8–0. I went to the Cach in the Evening. Graham came down to see me playing. England won today.82

  10 Sunday Went to chapel all day. After chapel this morn I went with Plum over the woods (played for the Eastern against me yesterday).

  11 Monday Played footer with the seniors. But only a runabout and a bit of scrummaging. We are having the hard game tomorrow on the Athletic field.83 I have an idea that I will be playing for the seniors against Neath on Thursday.

  12 Tuesday Went to bed early tonight about 9.15. Played rugger with the firsts. Walter Vickery turned out with us and could he play.84 Revised some English. Started woodwork test this morning a dove tail joint.

  13 Wednesday My name was up on the board to play against Neath County in Neath. Dillwyn and I fetched stones for Uncle Ben to make a bed for the cement. After that we broke a box for him. We both had a tanner and a game of Monopoly.

  14 Thursday Played football in Neath County. We lost 20–0. This is the biggest defeat I have ever played in. They were much superior to us. I went down Ben's in the night to play Monopoly. Peggy won for the 1st time.

  15 Friday We had a filthy time in school today. Everyone booed us cause we lost to Neath. Last night when I went down Ben's Miss Griffith saw me walking with Peggy and she told me to do my homework.85

  16 Saturday Went to Majestic to see Stanley and Livingstone.86 I had a new trousers off Tom Henry and Graham had one too. Did all my errands in the morning had a 1/- off Tom and I went to the 1/3 in the Majestic.87

  17 Sunday Went up Cwmafan with Rhianon and I went to hear the Party rehearsing [...]

  18 Monday Feeling very ill today but I took up Tom's clothes and heard him sing in the choir. They sang fairly well. I came straight down and went to bed. I did some swotting in bed but I was still pretty bad.

  19 Tuesday Went to school this morning but I felt so ill that I did not go in the afternoon and so I missed Chem exam. Did a little swotting for Geog and Welsh. I did not do much as I couldn't concentrate.

  20 Wednesday We had a not too good Geog paper and a lousy Welsh one. But I managed in both. Went down Uncle Ben's in the night and he ticked me off for not taking the planks back to T.H.88

  21 Thursday Had English exam this morning and it was a fairly good one I did an essay on ‘My Brother’ and didn't I give it socks. Went down the park to play football with Wherle and co.

  22 Friday Sis went to Cymanfa tonight.89 All the Boys went down the Beach this afternoon and we found a barrel of Guinness stout but, the Coastguard tipped it into the sea. There might be a reward.

  23 Saturday Not looking forward to exams at all but they must come. Did not go to pictures because I went yesterday I stayed in the house and had a good read. There will be no school Monday again the same as yesterday. Saw Phipps playing tennis in the Park.90

  24 Sunday Went to chapel all day.91 There was a good crowd in school today and in chapel in the evening [...]

  25 Monday Went down Uncle Ben's this morning to fetch stones for the cement bed Dillwyn came with me. Went to Majestic to see King of the River.92 Plaza opened today and it was all crowded out.93

  26 Tuesday Had exams today Geom and Physics. Physics was better than expected and Geom was good too but I just couldn't remember the necessary things. Went to the park to play with my ball. There is a terrific wind up today. [...]

  27 Wednesday Had exams today. Algebra in the morning but nothing in the afternoon. Went down
the park in the night. Have got a new lace to my football off D. and had a row off Sis for playing football with my school shoes on but I can take it.

  28 Thursday We had a trigonometry exam this morning and no exam this afternoon because the timetable was changed. I had an afternoon off reading Realities of War by P. Gibbs.94 Went down Park and ripped my nail. Did not play football.

  29 Friday We had arithmetic and history today the last thank goodness. My name is upon the list as reserve but I will play probably against Maesteg.95 Graham and Edie were down. I had 3d off Edie. Went down Ben's for a game of Monopoly.

  30 Saturday Played Maesteg and lost 6–3 and we couldn't blame the ref. this time. Went over the park – all the boys were pinching tennis balls. Went to Cach to see Gracie Fields in Shipyard Sally.96 All Propaganda.

  31 Sunday Now that we've finished exams, I'm looking forward to a week of rest. Went all day to Chapel. Mr Bowen absent tonight.97


  1 Monday I had a shock today I only had 19 in Welsh but I can take it. Had footer in the gym and had a great time tackling the mattress which was tied in the middle by a string. I had a nasty smack on my neck.

  2 Tuesday Ran in the road race and finished 11th out of entry of 28 people. Our house was last in the race. We are going to play the County juniors tomorrow [...]. I had a fairly good tennis racket off Mr Smith.

  3 Wednesday Played County and lost 5–0. Alun Thomas was the County star.98 Our forwards were outplayed and our backs were slow to force home an advantage. The try they scored was not a very good one and I thought it not.

  4 Thursday Went to see the seniors playing and they lost 3–0 and though they were much the better team. Only about twice they hooked the ball all through the match. Eifion did very well and hooked almost 100%.99

  5 Friday Had a sing song in the Hall and I had to sing alone before the whole school. The song was ‘Clementine’.100 Broke up today. Had tennis in the school courts with Royston Palmer. He won.

  6 Saturday Went up Cwmafan. Went to Ivor's and we went for a walk up on top road. There was a car smash on top road last night. Nobody was killed.101


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