The Richard Burton Diaries

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The Richard Burton Diaries Page 16

by Richard Burton

  9 Wednesday I heard Burton tell ‘Pop’ that he was going to London to see a Mr Shaw. I wonder if it is the Great G.B.222 Possibly. We had a doubles of geom instead with Pop and couldn't he teach. We have a fortnight's hols. this week.

  10 Thursday Had a terrible row today. Elfed told me to go back to Pontrhydyfen. I walked up to Cwmafan. I hate the sight of Elfed. I am going to ask Daddy to take me back home where I can go to work.223 I could never stay home now. Sis went to Dad James.

  11 Friday I intended to go to Ponty but I have cooled off a bit now. Sis wants me to go if I want to. But I am sure that where ever I go I will be not wanted the same as here.224

  12 Saturday Elfed's Birthday. Marian gave him a packet of his own cigarettes and he took them. Went down Margam to see Eastern play our Juniors. It was a drawn game 3–3. [...]

  13 Sunday Went to chapel in the noon and night. I went down Ben's in the morn and picked my chocs.

  14 Monday Uncle Charles came up and took me to the Cach in the 9d. It was a decent show a bit on the sad side. He was very pleased with himself. Sis told me to go to Ponty tomorrow.

  15 Tuesday Had a row with Elfed. I dressed up to go but he would not let me go after all. I then went to play football with the boys. 1st we went down Margam then we came to Plough.

  16 Wednesday Went to Cwm and Tom gave me 6d. Sis came up too. Ivor was up there also but he gave me nothing and so I was rather surprised.

  17 Thursday Went down Plough to play football with Sec but they would not turn out. Went to Cymalog this noon and Dill and I had about 4lbs each.225 I had more than Dill.

  18 Friday Went up Ponty. Hilda was in Swansea. Daddy bought me a pair of shoes 16/6 although he hadn't been working all this week. He gave me money too. Went to Cach.

  19 Saturday Gave Auntie Win 6d for the Chocolate Club. I am buying an 8/- present for Sis. I went to the Regent to see Andy Hardy (M. Rooney).226 No one came with me. I will have to find 1/6 a week for Auntie Win on account.

  20 Sunday Went to chapel all day per usual. Our yearly big meeting is on Fortnight Sunday. [...]

  21 Monday Air blitzkrieg still continues over London. At least 3800 people have been killed.227 Things have quietened down here at home. – Sis is still grumpy and Elfed still gets his black moods. Walled up shelter.228

  22 Tuesday Forgot to say I went to Cach last night. Had a 1/- off Sis for doing shelter. Did not do any today. Just for argument Sis had her ‘navy’ shoes last week and so did Marian. Clearance in a fortnight.

  23 Wednesday I am reading on average about 3 books in two days. Went down Library to change my books and Elfed was shouting because he wanted to read one of them. Not so many air raids lately.

  24 Thursday Walled up shelter again today as one side had not a very good foundation and did 1/2 the other side. Dad James said it was a good bit of walling. Uncle Charles has not been up our house for ages.

  25 Friday Went down the Co-op for Sis and took all I could. Went up the side in the evening to help Mam James cut out black-out for lamps for the chapel. Elfed said I'll have to wear strap shoes next week for school.

  26 Saturday Went down Co-op again and Brin Phillips came with me. We both went down the Park in the afternoon and we played football. Went to the pictures in the evening. Hunch-back of Notre Dame [...]229

  27 Sunday Went to chapel all day as usual. Our big meeting next Sunday. Gwilym Rees will be preaching.230

  28 Monday Back to school after a fortnight's hols and I wasn't sorry to go back. I worked hard at my homework tonight. Played football down Margam. H. Owen and V Hughes were watching us. They are football selectors.

  29 Tuesday Went to school. My feet fit easier in to the shoes than they did yesterday. as I have corn remover on and I hope they will succeed. I am going to take them off Thursday night probably. Did a lot of homework.

  30 Wednesday Cassie came home yesterday and she is ‘llawn o twang’.231 I don't think I'll ever get a credit in Welsh and am doubtful if I'll get a pass.232 Of the rest I'm pretty sure. Worked all night at Chem.

  31 Thursday Did heaps of Chem swotting. I think I will swot Geom next week. We had football in the Gym. I had a little fight with Don Parr. – Quite spirited. Gerry Mahoney was there too. Mr Davies came near the end to stop us.


  1 Friday Did homework all night. Those corn removers came up trumps and I am now corn free. We are playing Garw tomorrow.233 Mr Davies is not coming so we are having ‘Bumf’ (Mr Evans) Instructions.234

  2 Saturday Got up about 20 to 8 o'clock and made arrangements about papers. Went to Garw although it was pouring down and played during drenching rain. We lost a hard game 5–nil. They had a heavy pack. Here hoping for next time.

  3 Sunday Big meeting today. G. Rees gave three beautiful sermons. Could not work today. Working hard.

  4 Monday Last day of the Cwrdd mawr.235 I was told that Gwil Rees today was good. I had a row with Sis – she went to cry. She was bad during church this afternoon. We had no football this ‘noon. Nick is now A.F.S. head.236

  5 Tuesday Did chem swotting tonight as usual. I am well on in the book now and should get about 70 in chem. I am worried about Welsh. I am afraid I will not do very well in it. Still rather stiff with Sis.

  6 Wednesday Leisan house had a meeting today. I was picked Captain of football in Leisan house. We have a fairly good team. Cliff Owen and I both had equal votes and the chairman Mr Burton came my way.237

  7 Thursday Had rehearsal today for the play. I am confident I can play my part well enough. Three girls tried for Queen position. Glenys Hare a form VI girl won and she can do it very well.238

  8 Friday Team was picked to play against Maesteg. Roy Vincent in the team as Joe James has dropped out.239 It doesn't look as if we will play as it is very wet. Had rehearsal with Burton. Pretty hot work.

  9 Saturday Played Maesteg. We won 7–6. It was a fine match although it poured down. The lead swung from side to side. Brin Phillips and I went to Pictures on Sat night and afterwards to Joe's.

  10 Sunday It seemed that the chapel had about £31 last Sunday which is not bad at all for a small chapel.

  11 Monday Swotted chem all night and did a little English. It is hard work. Watched the cabinet rehearsing tonight and when I was going through the hall saw films.240 I was 15 years old yesterday. Had 2/-.

  12 Tuesday Swotted English. Did not do so much work as usual. Did my English play. It is very interesting. Mr Wellington came here and stopped me for a bit from going up stairs. Finished about 10.30.

  13 Wednesday Got home early today. I am very worried about Welsh. I am certain that it is going to let me down in Matric. I must try and see what she accents on this term and swot them up.

  14 Thursday Did a lot of Homework. I only want to finish one act of Shakespearean play. (Twelfth Night). Played football. I scored. Tommy Mainwaring has a terrific swerve on him. [...]

  15 Friday I had to take John Davies’ part in rehearsal today and so I could not go in to Gym.241 Verdun it seems has come into money (£450) and he left 1/2; crown for me.242 He gave Sis 10/- for the Bike. I have to take it up tomorrow.

  16 Saturday Left Marian to do the papers. Started walking up with the bike. I was drenched when I got by Cwm. Verdun and I came down Town and he bought a 2nd hand machine. He bought me two mouth organs.

  17 Sunday Went to Chapel. We had special collection (17/-). Total collection was £1 odd.

  18 Monday Played football in the Gym. Only 5 of us there. Did a lot of swotting tonight. I should get a fairly good result at Terminals especially in Chem.243 I am still worried about Welsh. I am afraid Geog is not going to be a great help.

  19 Tuesday Did Homework as usual. Mr Burton wanted to see me for rehearsal I thought but he changed his mind afterwards and sent me home. I was glad and did a whack of homework. Glad when exams are over.

  20 Wednesday Had a rehearsal today. Had a good tea when I got home. I have got to learn my words in 10 days. I practically know them so everything will be alright. [..
.] Swotted a lot tonight.

  21 Thursday Played football in the Gym tonight. We had great fun. Went home and Verdun's wife and mother-in-law were there. Swotted and worked out a possible average. I calculated about 50%. Probably more though.

  22 Friday We are playing Neath tomorrow and I am not confident of holding them as they have a good team. Did a bit of homework but not much. I will do more over the next few days. I played a little on the mouth organ.

  23 Saturday I wore Elfed's hat over to school and Don Parr and I went running around yelling like Red Indians (I found a tambourine). We lost to Neath as I expected by 20 points. Went up Ive's. He is going next Thurs to RASC.244

  24 Sunday Went to chapel in the noon and night. Had a lend of 1/3 off Sis and paid off my debt of 3/9 to Auntie Wyn.

  25 Monday At first I was not going to take football but I changed my mind borrowed a bike and went home to get my stuff. We had an enjoyable game. We won of course. Did a lot of homework and learned characters of Shakespeare.

  26 Tuesday Did a lot of homework. I had to put the blackout up in the dark and I had to count money for Marian and Nan Morse.245 Mr Reynolds was seen in school today although he wasn't actually on the job.246

  27 Wednesday We did revision of Chemistry all (almost) of the afternoon and about 3.15 Mr Burton came in and told us that there was to be an English exam tomorrow and were we shocked.

  28 Thursday Had English exam. I did a fairly good paper. I should get about 40%. I wrote an essay on ‘The Atlantic Ocean’. The exam time table is up. We have History first I think, so I must learn it hard.

  29 Friday Our Ivor should be at his billet by now. I worked hard at Geog all I could today. I have a rehearsal tomorrow. I think I will do well in History and fairly well in Welsh. I am feeling more cocky.

  30 Saturday Had rehearsal today. I forgot my book and had to go back for it. Stayed in the YM for a bit and then went home to get my stuff to play for them.247 We lost 5–3. I played badly.


  1 Sunday Went to chapel all day as usual. Went up Auntie's after evening chapel and played with Edwina.248

  2 Monday School as usual. We had no football today because of rain. Hist is our first exam and I learned quite a bit about it. Mr Burton said to be prepared for a shock about one Lit Paper. Mr Reynolds is back.

  3 Tuesday Went to school as usual. We have a woodwork theory exam. Learned Hist all night. Lord Haw-Haw is talking now.249 The Greeks are beating the Italians, who are retreating at every step.250

  4 Wednesday Exams tomorrow. I am not looking forward to Welsh but I am feeling a little better about the result. I did no Hist tonight but let it go. I will learn some tomorrow. We are playing Garw tomorrow.

  5 Thursday Had Hist – I did fairly well although I did not finish I should get about 50. 45 at least. Just finished Welsh – I have done very well in the last 3 questions but in the Trans and Essay hopeless.251 Should get 60%.

  6 Friday Had Chem this morning and it was an easy paper although on the long side. I finished however and I think I had the problems all right. We had Arith. Not so good I will be lucky If I get 60%. We are playing Garw tomorrow.

  7 Saturday I joined the Y.M.C.A. this afternoon.252 Paid 6d down. We played Garw and won 8–nil. Thus we avenged our defeat further in the season. It was the first time they have been defeated this season.

  8 Sunday Stayed home all day and tried to swot but I am sorry that I did stay home because I will not do much better after all.

  9 Monday We had Welsh today and indeed it was better than I expected and I think I ought to get about 45% between the two. Had Algebra this morning but I did it badly. I should think I will get about 35%. Geog tomorrow.

  10 Tuesday Had Geography and it was something better than I expected. I have given myself 43% but I shouldn't be surprised if I had more. We had Woodwork Theory and if it wasn't that ‘Bobby’ is a good marker I wouldn't expect much.

  11 Wednesday Christmas only fortnight off but I'm not half so thrilled as usual. We had English today. I wanted to stay home from Phys tomorrow so I stayed home this noon as well to avert suspicion. We have no exam this noon.

  12 Thursday Stayed home this morning but went this afternoon. Took the opportunity to swot up Geom. Confident of a good mark in Geom. Went up the YMCA and had a bit of fun. Col Eynon and etc. Went to see play.

  13 Friday Had geom this morning and it was very good and two of the very things I asked him about came up. I expect 65 at least for Geom. I worked out my prob av: 50%. If I do have this it will be very good.

  14 Saturday Went up YM Pressed my trousers before I went and aired it. Went to pictures tonight with Brin Phillips and Strawb. I bought a pipe for a bit of fun and a smoked it for a bet.

  15 Sunday I was made a member today and I drank my first drop of wine and ate my first lump of bread.253

  16 Monday Went to school as usual. I expected some marks but I did not get any. We had films this afternoon and one of them was pretty good. Dillwyn and I went out singing carols and we realized 4/- i.e. 2/- each.

  17 Tuesday Had my History mark (58) and Woodwork mark (43). As I was going home John Davies told me my chem mark was 70 odd. Later George Dear told me I had 50 odd in Lit and 40 odd in grammar.254

  18 Wednesday I had 55 in Eng Lit and 44 in Grammar. I did well in Maths. 2nd in Geom with 78 5th in Arith 65 and about 10th in alg. with 49 making a maths average of 64. My average is now a very good one.

  19 Thursday Had my Welsh marks – 54 – which were more than expected. I found that I had most of my marks were for grammar [sic] in which I had 57% but in Literature I only had 29 out of 60.

  23 Monday Went up Cwmafan. Edie was thrown out yesterday morn for raising the Elbow.255 I had 2/- off Tom. Took Edie's clothes up Pont with Graham. Edie was very sullen.

  24 Tuesday Had 1/- off Hilda through the post. Davey was home – gave me 1/4. Dick Bach gave me 2/6. Went to Cach with Dill Dummer. Looking forward to Christmas Dinner.

  25 Wednesday Went to chapel this morning. After chapel went for a walk down Margam and visited. Had dinner – went up Goytre for a walk. Went to Regent in night. Felt ill Christmas night. [...]

  26 Thursday Went up the side in morning. Brin Phillips told me he'll meet me at 5.15 to go to Pics. Played football this afternoon with Dill and Phillips. Went to Regent but didn't meet Phillips.

  27 Friday Went up Goytre to fetch Elfed's pay. Verdun gave me 1/-. Went down Uncle Ben's to play Monopoly. Dillwyn came too. We blackened Auntie Win's face. [...]

  28 Saturday Went down Edith's for a party. Dill was bad. He was sick. Morwen Edwina were also sick.256 Milly Gronow had a fit.257 They gave me a bladder also Rowntree's sweets.

  29 Sunday Went to Chapel all day. We had £5 collection in Sunday School. We had £15 collection in the evening.

  30 Monday Did some shopping. Went up YM in the afternoon. Don Parr had ripped the cloth on the table.258 Went to Regent in the evening to see Devil on Wheels.259



  Friday 1st, New York In New York. I arrived on 29 December.

  Saturday 2nd Rehearsal. Fifth Column.1 We have begun without Max Schell.2 He will arrive in two or three days. George Rose and Betsy Von Furstenberg are also with us.3 The director Frankenheimer is a typical American – a Jew, a genius type. He swears all the time, he curses and he's always afraid.4

  Wednesday 20th I have seen the tape. I hate myself and my face in particular. I have spoken with Sybil in Geneva.5

  Thursday 21st Tape Fifth Column. I made mischief between Max Schell and Sally Ann Howes.6 I told him that she adores Max and that after an argument she had told me this. It's true. Max has done nothing.

  Friday 22nd Tape Fifth Column. L. Harvey, Hugh Griffith, Dekin, Hugh French have drunk with me in my room at the Navarro.7

  Saturday 23rd I saw B. Bogart in her play – only the last act.8 She goes well but the play is awful.

  Sunday 24th I went to PHB's place to eat, drink and watch Su Str on television.9 She
was very good, but otherwise, as with Betty Bacall, the play stank.

  Monday 25th, New York I leave for France. TWA. When we arrived at the airport the police told us that a maniac had telephoned to say that he had put a bomb on our plane. We had a nervous and restless trip.

  Tuesday 26th, Paris We could not land at Paris Orly – fog – and we continued to Geneva. Sybil left Geneva yesterday so that we would meet in Paris. I returned to Paris in the afternoon. [...] K.J.W. and Syb are well.10

  Wednesday 27th I hope to see P. Brook today.11 I went to see Brook at 6 o'clock at 14 Avenue Hoche, Production Vienna, 3rd floor. I saw him and also Miss Jeanne Moreau.12 I didn't like her much. Pretty enough but ... I will not do the film.13

  Thursday 28th We arrived at Geneva where Kate and Berenice were waiting for us.14 Kate loves The Station. In the evening we will stay at home with Berenice who is going to sleep in the new little house.15 Not true. We have visited and eaten at Paul's.16

  Friday 29th The washing machine doesn't work. The heater is always smoking. Paul arrived and fixed everything. What a man. In the evening we stay at home with René and Berenice.17 René has returned from Zurich.

  Saturday 30th I visited the bank this morning with K. I bought her a little red car. We ate in the airport restaurant waiting for Bernard and Claire.18 They arrived at ten past one. At home – we stayed (with a visit to Nyon to buy ski wear) for the rest of the day.19


  J'espere fait le ski dans dix on deux jours.20 It is an exotic, romantic and snobby sport. We will try.


  Monday 1st We left for Villars.21 The journey took 11/2 hours. Everything is fine.

  Tuesday 2nd The first skiing lesson with Herr Von Stump. I tried my first slope on my own. Disaster.

  Wednesday 3rd I have not been skiing because I fell yesterday.

  Thursday 4th No skiing.

  Friday 5th I start skiing again at Bretaye.22

  Saturday 6th Skiing all day.


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