The Richard Burton Diaries

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The Richard Burton Diaries Page 165

by Richard Burton

  I had been told that De Vries and Evelyn Waugh were similar – that in fact De Vries was the American Waugh. On the evidence of all of Waugh's work all of which I have read and re-read and I must confess so far only one book of Peter De Vries, the only comparison is that they both can be funny – funny to the point of making me laugh out loud – and fundamentally deeply serious but otherwise, except superficially, poles apart. Before examining them against each other I must read and soak myself in De Vries. So now for a De Vries round-up.

  [...] I shall try again to cut down on cigarettes. I know I can do it – stop smoking I mean, and not out of vanity either but I dislike being short of breath and who knows what other incidental damage it's doing to the body. But I have to be careful. The last time I tried (for five pathetic days) I turned into a monster and also completely lost my memory that is to say I had a five day blackout. That wouldn't do at all for Camelot.

  [...] I have done a great deal of sleeping over the week-end – enough to keep me going over today and tonight I think, and have, for such a frugal eater, packed myself with food.

  [...] The theatre in Miami is apparently another monster but I cannot think it will be as ugly as the Arie Crown. Also we have a house on the beach there, a private beach they say and there's no sound like the sea sound flowing like blood through the loud wound open wide to the winds the gates of the wandering boat for my voyage to begin to the end of my wound.104

  I have been asked to be televiewed in Miami – CBS local. I suggested at once that P.H. should be on it but am beginning to have second thoughts about the whole thing.105 I have been, in three last months or so on the widely (coast-to coast) viewed Today show (six days in a row) the Donahue Show, also coast to coast, and the Dick Cavett Show, another coast to coast, plus Kup's show which is apparently widely shown also but not nationally. Susan is afraid of over-exposure. I feel like a film in a camera. [...]


  Richard Burton ceased keeping his 1980 diary in early October. He did not resume his personal record until mid-February, 1983.

  Richard continued to appear in Camelot throughout the remainder of 1980, the production visiting Miami Beach, New Orleans and San Francisco, and then going on in 1981 to Los Angeles. But the physical strain, evident in the diary entries for 1980, was too great and Burton had to withdraw from the production at the end of March. He was taken into St John's hospital in Santa Monica for spinal surgery in April. He emerged in time to provide television narration for the wedding of the Prince of Wales and Lady Diana Spencer on 29 July 1981, but was drinking again and the marriage to Susan was in dissolution. A further spell in hospital followed in October, by which time Susan had left to live in Puerto Vallarta. Their separation was finally announced in February 1982.

  Apparently undaunted by this further setback in his personal life, Burton began 1983 with another major project: making the epic film Wagner which involved filming in a number of European cities. He was also drinking heavily. While on location in Italy he met continuity editor Sally Hay, and they began a relationship. Richard's health was not good – he spent more time in hospital – but he and Sally did find time to see Elizabeth Taylor in the London stage production of The Little Foxes in June. Over the summer Burton appeared alongside daughter Kate in a film adaptation of a stage production of Alice in Wonderland. In September it was announced that Burton and Taylor would appear together in a Broadway production of Noël Coward's Private Lives in the spring of 1983.



  Monday 14th Awoke as right as rainbows. Saw Pierre Koessler re: burglar alarms.1

  Very complicated. Quite clearly security firms are in collusion with insurance companies. Said I will think about. Have lived here for twenty-odd years with not a blade of grass stolen. Anyway nothing here to steal. TV set, two or three radios, a couple of typewriters, a cheap clock. Ah well. Phone Rene and Berenice Weibel. Dinner at La Réserve on Wednesday. Shall ask him about it. Sally very depressed all day.2 Worried about Haiti, divorce, NY and attendant publicity she thinks.3 Poor thing. I went back to work.

  Tuesday 15th S. still depressed and fed up. With being a slavey no doubt. Being with me is not as glamorous as people think. Did not get up until 2.35pm put me into tearing fury. Very cold all the time and permanently overcast. What fools we are we could have been in Gstaad all this time where (according to D. Brynner) the weather has been fine all the time.4 Half looking forward to, half dreading the Dearths.5 Will I be able to handle John's very heavy drinking? Managing my own is a full-time job. Fury so great I didn't do any work at all. Cooled down after dinner but not entirely.

  Wednesday 16th Sleepless until 5 or so. Got up at 12.30 or thereabouts. Verdun back in intensive care with yet one more heart attack. Will he repel the swine this time again? Pray that he does. He has been very overweight since he gave up fags. He is the linchpin of the family since Tom died.6 His loss would be terrible. Took S out to dinner at La Réserve with Rene Weibel and Berenice and Janine Filistorf. Very pleasant. Rene has retired. Looks well. Talked to Milton Katselas.7 J. Cullum to play Victor – Bravo.8 ET going to be late for rehearsals. Three or four days. What's new?

  Thursday 17th [...] Did three hours or so on Lives not far to go now. Telephoned J. Cullum to make sure they weren't fibbing to me. Phoned Aileen and Chris to get Mark Getty's telephone number.9 Talked Graham. Verdun still in intensive care. Talked to Getty – latter sounded down in the mouth. Read awful book about G. Best (footballer) by M. Parkinson. I wonder if Parkinson knew he was writing about himself. Wine, women, TV star. Lost his talent as a promising writer as Best lost his genius. And for same reasons.10

  Friday 18th Wishart and companion arrived. Quite clear from all his and her talk that going back to live in UK would be absurd – took them to dinner at ‘La Réserve’. James became quite drunk. Did not drink at all.

  Saturday 19th Took Wishart and Miss Hall to airport. Watched Ireland v. France. Heard Wales v. Scots not much in it either side could have won.11

  Sunday 20th Picked up John and Joan [Dearth]. John looks terrible. Gave him lots of beer and wine. Joined him and hated myself.

  Monday 21st Had Rene and Berenice Weibel to dinner. Excellent meal from Sally. Both of them very good with John. Latter had beer and wine all the live long day. I had none.

  Tuesday 22nd Awoke late. John on the beer and later wine. Not very much though! Back to Private Lives. Early to bed but what time will I sleep? Home-made raclette for dinner. Ice cream and tinned fruit. [...]

  Wednesday 23rd Took sun again. Went into Geneva in great excitement to get John Dearth machine to enable him to speak coherently when he hits the right spot on his neck. ‘Twill take him a lot of practice to perfect. Also a rubber thing to cover the hole in his neck so that he can shower all over. [...]

  Thursday 24th [...] Took Dearths to airport. Invaded by working-class schoolchildren. Must have signed 60–80 autographs on (most of ‘em) the dingiest pieces of torn bits of exercise books. Signed two cast legs (both 14 year old girls I would guess).

  Heartbreaking to say goodbye to John. He still looks ghastly but better than London visit. Sorted out books for travelling library. Tried to make it lighter. Sally packed all afternoon. Sally all smiles because notices for Profile of a Superstar were very good apparently.12

  Friday 25th [...] Milton Katselas (director) phoned to say rehearsals put two days forward so perhaps a longer stay in what we hope will be sun in Haiti. It is due for the first of the rainy seasons in Port au Prince. I wonder if ET is behaving herself in her film so hence the delay in beginning work.13

  Sally worked like a miner all day long packing – quite a task as we're going to be away so long. All I did was pack the book bag with reference books and foreign grammars. And had at it with Noel again. Going through a blank and boring spot with it. Roll on work when it should all fall into place. Talked to Verdun. Seemed in good form.

  Saturday 26th Left Geneva at 3.00 – 8 hours later,
on the dot, in NY. [...] Place (airport) a madhouse but customs and immigration very amiable. Brook waiting [...] Straight to JFK Hilton. Bob and Alice came for sandwiches [...] Long for Port au Prince already.

  Sunday 27th Port au Prince arrived. Very hot and humid. Sally enchanted by highly coloured buses jammed with people. Using the suite which the Pope will have when he arrives on the 9th.14 [...] S and I eat too much. Very tired. Jetlag.

  Mr and Mrs Vandal (lawyer and wife) for dinner.15 Awfully hard to understand Haitian French especially with the nowadays eternal muzak in the background. Not their fault. Sally and I had to repeat things to each other and we sitting side by side. Might try to go to the sea today and see M. Silvera's other house.16 Divorce papers finalized today.17 Audience with President tomorrow I think.18

  Monday 28th Very appropriate – the cartoon opposite.19 As I was divorced yet again today here in the Palais de Justice. Took 1/2 hour or so [...]. Delighted all over. Strongly tempted to buy a place here. Shall go to see some houses. People gay and delightful and no servant problem. Sally pleased too. And it's so helpful to know the language. Easier to get to than Mexico (PV) and only 31/2 hours to NY.20


  Tuesday 1st Celebrated by over-eating – both the divorce and St David. Sudden qualm of conscience yesterday. Afternoon. I never ever (unless asked about her (rarely) or telling a story involving her), talk about poor little Susan [Hunt]. Or think of her. There's a self-defensive or self-serving thing in my brain that cuts out what I don't want in or consider an encumbrance. All have this quality but mine seems to be more highly developed than most. Not a commendable strain. [...]

  Wednesday 2nd [...] Went to M. Silvera's house which was in an appalling state despite three servants on round-the-year pay. For this he wants $300,000. 50,000 would be more like it. Well over an hour from Port au Prince on a good road. No electricity. No phone. I wonder if he's bonkers. We shall look elsewhere as Sally and I like it here and the people are delightful. Painfully slow mentally – faster perhaps in Creole which is a curious lingo indeed. M. Silvera promises to find me a French–Creole book. [...]

  Thursday 3rd Weather insy-outsy but only about noon by which time we had to leave for the Palace for pow-wow with M and Mme Le President Duvalier. She very bright and pretty. He obviously a powerful force. Audience lasted nearly 11/2 hours which Brook was told was a world record for civilian visitors. Grandbaby Doc brought.21 I held him for a few minutes. Snaps taken of course. Before audience. Went to American Consulate to thank them for H-I Visa. All charming. [...] Dinner with two consuls and a black (Haitian) producer-director-playwright. Seems very fond of lady consul and vice versa.22 [...] We may look at some houses tomorrow. Longing to buy place here despite tonight's intimations of continued corruption in high places. Mme le President's brother in prison in USA for drug-smuggling.23 [...]

  Friday 4th [...] Slept like a rose. Awoke at 6am. Brilliant day. Lay in sun, had breakfast. Supine for a couple of hours going through Private Lives in my head after breakfast. Very hot. Frequent dips in the pool. [...] The black writer François Latour faithfully sent me Creole dictionary and phrasebook and grammar.24 [...] I'm sure that with a little help I can get along in it. [...] Longing to have our own home in the sun for Sally. Second act of Noel's play contains second-hand moralizing that I find hard to learn because it's so specious. But he was very young.25

  Saturday 5th Brilliant day again. Listened in frustrated agony to Wales–Ireland. Static terrible. But we won so all's well. Other match(?) was 9–6 to Scotland when last heard then we lost touch.26 Went to see some land in splendid position. Looked to me about 3–4 acres. $75,000. Said we'd prefer to see house already built – found what seemed a beauty for $200,000.27 Seeing more on Monday but they'll have to be good to beat that one at that price. Altogether successful day but for Sally cutting the top of her head on rusty barbed wire. Hope she's alright.

  Sunday 6th Slept a lot and long. Poolside again after visiting the house very quickly to see where the sun hit it. OK. Approx 6 minutes from hotel. Went through inevitable Private Lives again for two-three hours. Dinner with manager and wife Chantelle(?).28 Both assured me that our living here would help island enormously. No tax.

  Monday 7th Sally feeling poorly tonight. Looks it too. Very sallow. Hope she'll sleep it off. It's not booze. Katselas phoned to say rehearsals postponed ‘til Monday. ET tired or something! OK with me. Another week (nearly) in Haiti. Had American Consul and boyfriend (Latour) to dinner. He in love with her. He asked us to dinner on Wednesday as surprise for her. He drinks quietly but a lot. Wine. [...] Seems deal settled for new house. Sally having – apart from seems like ‘flu – one of her self-doubting days. Nothing seems to reassure her. I hope those moods don't grow. I don't know how to handle them.

  Tuesday 8th A tedious day. Sally sick with migraine. [...] Spent a tedious 1/2 hour with the notary public – female, gaunt, 50, and appallingly freckled. Spoke like an automaton. [...] Pope arrives tomorrow. Must that silly old sod travel quite so much? He must cost each country he visits a bloody fortune. Everything here, for instance, stops for the whole day. No planes, no shops, no anything, and all for an idiot who says it's a sin for a man to lust after his own wife!

  Wednesday 9th Slept 9–10 hours – not sure. Poolside until 3pm. Having another boring go at Noel. The more one steeps oneself in the play – the other parts as well – one realizes with dismay that a man one loved so much had such a slight mind. The Pope duly arrived at 2 o'clock and should leave at 2am. Thank whatever God may be for town completely disrupted. Police all over. Took us nearly 35 minutes to go to a place which normally would take 10 minutes. Went [to] Leslie Gerson's (American Consul). Goat was the first course. Watched Sally's face. She ate with gusto. So was the rest of the grub. Sally is going to try and steal her cook. The latter is intelligent and reads and understands French.

  Thursday 10th Awoke at 6am. Found the BBC World Service but fell asleep on the sofa with the wireless on my belly. Sally knew – she was still in bed – that I must be asleep because the programme that followed the news was Top of the Pops.29 Hardly my style. [...]

  Friday 11th Very early again and brilliant weather. Too hot so into the pool every 15 minutes so it seemed. Malary (lawyer) turned up twice – once at 11.30 and again at 4.30.30 Legally he's not allowed to say anything but pretty sure that everything's OK. Did TV interview. Appalling M.U. girl made me or tried to make me look like Roger Moore.31 Ghastly. 5 minutes was it took [sic] – I mean – the actual interview but that hearty lady maquseuls slapped my sun burnt face a round as if she were playing handball.32 [...] NY tomorrow. Don't know whether glad or sorry.

  Saturday 12th Arrived NY on time. What a change in weather. [...] Had dinner with D. Rowe-Beddoe, plus Madeline, plus Valerie, Brook and Lisa Rowe-Beddoe.33 Everyone drank except me. ET phoned in middle of dinner. Noise of clientele so loud that I could only get half of what she said. Will phone her or she me tomorrow sometime. Doesn't know a word says she.

  Sunday 13th, New York, Lombardy [Hotel] Sunny day. Talked to Kate and coming over Monday night. Working off Broadway. Irish play.34 Maria came over with baby.35 Went with them to see ET who's using Rock Hudson's flat in Beresford.36 Little or no library. Horrid flat. E's face OK but figure splop! Also drinking. Also has not yet read the play! That's my girl! Became very sentimental. ‘Please don't marry Sally for my sake for a long time’ ‘I have no dates.’ She is very lonely. Buffman using her as is everybody else except us.37 Feel sorry for her. A mass of mess. Poor thing. ‘I have no dates’ means ‘nobody wants me for myself.’ True too!

  Monday 14th Began rehearsals. Arrived at 11.30 to find, as usual, that ET couldn't get there ‘til noon. They had tried to phone me, they said, to stop my coming so early. Too late, tho! I was there. Director not very inspired. Perhaps he'll get more inventive. Kathryn Walker (Sybil) competent but not competition.38 [...] ET still drinking. Wine only she says. Honest Jack Daniels not too distant. ET bad. Couldn't even read the lines
properly. Doubtless she'll come up to scratch eventually. ET as exciting as a flounder temporarily. [...] This is going to be a long long seven months. ET beginning to bore which I would not have thought possible all those years ago. How terrible a thing time is.

  Tuesday 15th ET only 15 minutes late but then spent 15 minutes more doing her eyebrows. She stinks of garlic – who has garlic for breakfast? She is also on something or other because there are lines here and there which she can't say at all. Very worrying. It's appalling, but I'd not mind if she found she couldn't do it and we had to get someone else. She is also terribly low in energy. Tells me twice an hour how lonely she is. I pity that poor Buffman. Kate, Val, Alka, Lisa (Rowe-Beddoe) all here at one time.39 K. unhappy I think. She and Lisa stayed for dinner. [...]

  Wednesday 16th [...] ET one hour late today. Two veganin stuck in her throat and in trying to shift them (with Fernet Branca) she vomited. Then her car wouldn't start so mine was sent for her. On the white wine today. Bought me a quite unnecessary Cartier scarf ‘Le Must.’ Rehearsals with her very hard work. Stick it out Rich. Bought some books for bedtime. Dashiell Hammett, life of Kafka, and also Mark Twain and thrillers.40 Michael Innes tonight but not for long. [...]

  Thursday 17th St Pat's parade sent us off early to get through Fifth Avenue.41 Result being we were at working theatre (the Cort) at about 11.20.42 Ready for midday. ET had phoned earlier in her ‘lolo little voice’ full of brave self-pity to say she was very very sick and had the trots and vomits and she was very sorry but couldn't come to work. Sally and I exchanged looks directed at heaven. Anyway I worked ‘til 4.30 straight. Without the book for the most part. [...]


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