Mad City: Book One of the Sean Walsh Post Apocalyptic Series

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Mad City: Book One of the Sean Walsh Post Apocalyptic Series Page 15

by Patrick O'Donnell

  My eyes were starting to get heavy and my head was starting to bob as time went on. I looked at my watch and it was 1345, “Celtic One, this is Overlord. Do you read?”

  I flinched as the voice in my earpiece boomed, “Affirmative Overlord, loud and clear.”

  “Celtic One, get your shit squared away. The party should be coming to you in about 15 minutes.”

  “Say again Overlord. The party is arriving in 15 minutes? How many guests will be arriving?” I said nervously.

  “Celtic One the party is now coming your way in 14 minutes. Intel has about 25 - 30 guests will be there with two packages. An additional high value target should be there also.”

  “Overlord, Rodger all that. 14 minutes, 25 - 30 guests with two packages and an additional target.” I said remembering all that as I repeated it back.

  “Celtic One we will have operatives in the crowd so I will get you an ETA as soon as I get one. Most of the guests will be students that they will be using as cover. None of them know what the real reason for this meeting is. I will let you know what your targets are. Only engage the targets I authorize. Stand by and I will contact you one to two minutes before the party arrives. Celtic One acknowledge.”

  My mouth started to dry out as I said, “Overlord, I acknowledge your transmission. Celtic One out.”

  I marked the bezel on my watch and took a couple of gulps of water and stretched as good as I could lying on my stomach. I then balled and stretched out my fingers trying to loosen them up. My heart was beating hard and I didn’t notice the discomfort in my hands or back anymore. I was becoming focused on my job and knew I would have to control my breathing and slow my heart rate. I looked at my watch a couple of times and it would be ‘show time’ before I knew it.

  It was under five minutes now and I started to scan the area with my binoculars for any signs of a large mass of people coming my way. Nothing so far, maybe Alpha’s intel isn’t so reliable. I put down the binoculars in front of me. It was time to switch to my scope.

  “Celtic One they are one minute out,” I say again one minute out. “The number of guests has now changed to 100. Acknowledge Celtic One.” The booming voice shook me. This party was going to start early.

  Oh great, now it’s 100? So much for intelligence, I thought to myself as I scanned the horizon.

  Bark, Bark, Bark! I put my eye out of the sight of the scope and saw a small white dog with black spots across the street on the sidewalk. He looked like a Chihuahua and Rat Terrier mix. He had big bat-like ears and I could have sworn he was looking at me. It was like he was barking to tell me there was danger approaching.

  “Celtic One they should be in sight now.”

  “Copy that Overlord.” I whispered.

  I saw a large mass of people making their way towards me. I looked into my scope and saw a tall athletic woman with a buzz cut leading the way. She had a long olive green coat on and that had a bulge under her right armpit. She was pushing a young man who was limping next to her. He looked half-starved and was limping. He was wearing a sleeveless t-shirt and tattered blue jeans. I couldn’t make out his face yet. He pushed away from the female and she hit him across the face. He caught himself as he went down to one knee. His torso twisted as he got up revealing a Celtic Cross tattoo on his right bicep. Collin had a Celtic Cross on his right Bicep.

  My heart started to beat out of my chest as I thought, “That is Collin! So that must be Roxy!”

  24 Showdown on State Street

  My heart was pounding with delight and I was anxious at the thought of finally finding Collin. I had to keep it together though. I had to complete my mission. I scanned the crowd as they made their way towards me as they chanted some anti-government babble. Roxy was leading the march and the chants. Collin was off to the side of Roxy and was surrounded by a variety of thugs pushing him and other students. I estimated about 150 in the crowd, not 100 or 50.

  There was a woman making her way with purpose to the front of the procession, as she got closer I recognized her. It was Susie! She grabbed Roxie’s shoulder and pulled her back. I couldn’t make out what they were saying to each other but it was definitely some kind of argument. Roxie squared off against Susie and delivered a right jab to Susie’s jaw. Susie managed to duck and delivered a front kick to Roxie’s thigh stunning her for a second. The thugs that were surrounding Collin and some of the other students were coming to Roxie’s aid. When this happened Collin made his way into a doorway where the little dog was. Collin scooped him up and they both tried to blend in the small doorway.

  The thugs came over and grabbed Susie’s arms and put them behind her back. Roxie delivered two punches to Susie’s face and one to her stomach. This caused Susie’s knees to buckle. The thugs let her go when she went down. I had Roxie in my sights but I had to use restraint. I couldn’t mess up the mission by spooking my main targets. It took all my self-control not to put a 5.56 bullet in Roxie’s skull.

  “Celtic One do you have the group in sight?” Squawked Overlord.

  “Rodger that Overlord, I estimate about 150 guests. Where are my primary targets?” I kept Roxy in my scope.

  There was about a two-minute delay and Overlord answered back, “The two primary targets are in the crowd. We are working on getting you descriptions and locations. Your secondary target is a female. She is in her mid 30s, about 6’, short spiked hair, wearing a long olive green coat. She should be considered armed and dangerous. She should be towards the front of the crowd.”

  That would explain the bulge on her right side. I scanned the crowd looking for anybody with a big enough package or container that could house a suitcase bomb. I also kept an eye on Collin holding the little dog and Susie who was now being watched over by a gang of thugs.

  Overlord continued, “Do not engage the secondary target until you have eliminated the two primary targets. Do you copy that Celtic One?”

  I cleared my throat, “Copy that Overlord, eliminate the two primary targets and then eliminate the secondary target.” It hurt to say that. I wanted to blow Roxy’s brains all over the sidewalk and go get Collin and Susie to safety.

  The crowd was a mix of different sexes and races. Most were college age kids with the mix of much older and younger. The majority of the people in the crowd had no idea what the real intentions of Roxy and her group had for that day. They were demonstrating against the militaristic government that was in control the country right now. Little do they know they’re being used as cover to start up World War 4.

  “Celtic One we have identified one of the bombers. He is a male in his late 20s, about 6’, medium build, shaved head and face, wearing a tie-dye T-shirt and blue jeans. He has an oversized camouflage backpack where the device is in. He is making his way towards the front of the crowd.”

  “Overlord, what about the second primary target? And my clear to engage target one?”

  “Stand by Celtic One.”

  I hated being told to ‘stand by.’ I just wanted to find out who the second target was and complete my mission. I wanted to take out those assholes and put a bullet in Roxy’s brain. I scanned the area around Roxy and found my primary target. He was a younger Arab male with the camouflage backpack that was obviously very heavy. He was making his way through the crowd that had now stopped. Even from about 150 meters, I could tell he was sweating profusely. They never spoke to each other but kept eye contact and nodded towards one another. I had a clean shot even though there were plenty of friendly’s in the area.

  “Celtic One your second target this towards the back of this group. She is a white female in her early 20s, about 5’ 6”, slim build very short hair wearing a black T-shirt and blue jeans. She has a black oversized backpack where the device is in. She’s staying in the back of the group. Do you copy Celtic One?”

  “Celtic One to Overlord, Rodger that. What are your instructions?”

  “Overlord to Celtic One. You are to take out target one when the crowd starts mov
ing towards the capital. Hopefully target two will be in range for you then. After you eliminate the first two primary targets you are free to engage the secondary target. Do you copy that Celtic One?”

  “I copy that Overlord. Any idea how long they will be in this staging area before they make their way to the Capitol?” I whispered wanting this to be over with.

  “Negative Celtic One, you’re going to have to stand by and stay ready. And one more thing Celtic One… good luck.”

  “Rodger that Overlord. And… thank you.” That was the first time the voice on the other end of my earpiece sounded human.

  I waited for about five minutes and continued to watch Collin who was still in the doorway with the little dog. Susie was standing near Roxy surrounded by her thugs. Target one was keeping her distance from Roxy. But was still close enough to make the occasional eye contact.

  A tall Arab male and three other males all wearing black T-Shirts and camouflage pants approached Roxy from behind. They moved quietly and with purpose towards her. The group Roxy was surrounded by were occupied with Susie. They were also busy talking to Roxy and were not aware of their surroundings. Two of the Arabs that were with the tallest male snuck up behind the two closest to Roxy, one man one woman. In perfect unison. They put their left hands across their victims’ mouths pulling them in close and sliced their throats from ear-to-ear.

  The taller Arab male made his way to Roxy and drew an AK-47 with a folding stock towards her.

  “Overlord, something is going on down there it looks like some kind of double-cross. Once the crowd figures out what’s going on they are going to scatter.” As I said this, Roxy saw something in one of the students’ eyes and she quickly turned around. Roxy drew her Uzi that she had concealed under her coat and started to spray the man and his friends with bullets. Roxy took a glancing bullet to her left shoulder, but it didn’t even phase her.

  The crowd started to scatter and Susie started to run towards Collin as I heard, “Celtic One… eliminate the… primary targets.” In my earpiece.

  I spotted the male wearing tie-dye with the camouflage backpack, he was about 75m from me. I took aim and I put two bullets in his head before he hit the ground. As I did this I started taking fire from a rooftop across the street. I was spotted. I rolled off my table and took cover behind one of the columns. There were two gunmen armed with AK-47s shooting at me and the students down below.

  “Overlord I’m taking fire from across the street. I have taken out the first primary target, I’m pinned down.”

  “Celtic One… take out the second target…” A very broken up transmission is all I heard. I had no idea if he heard me clearly and knew what was going on. I was pinned down by the rifle fire. I than heard three loud cracks from behind me that dropped one of the gunmen across on the roof. I looked over my shoulder and it was Gus cracking off rounds with his M1 Gerand. Gus yelled at me, “Get out of here and take care of business down there. I will cover you!” He took cover behind the second column next to me. I nodded and yelled in his ear, “Take care of this and use it if you need it. Thank you friend!” I left my rifle next to him. As I was looking at Gus I could see blood saturating his shirt near his stomach. I pointed and he smiled at me and said laughing, “Just a scratch, I’ve had much worse now go and get out of here!” As I ran down the stairs I could hear the exchange of fire and Gus coughing.

  As I was about to go out the front door I heard more static in my earpiece, “Celtic One… stand down… abort.” I didn’t come this far to ‘stand down’ and leave Collin and Susie out there with Roxy. I took my earpiece out and crushed it with my boot as I ran out the door.

  Once on the ground I could see Susie covering Collin with her body and Roxy a fair distance away with her Uzi drawn. I looked up where the gunmen with the AK-47s where and there was nothing going on now. Gus did a good job of them.

  I made eye contact with Susie and Collin and motioned them to stay where they were. I had to find the girl in the tie-dye for this would be all for naught. I sprinted as hard as I could down the sidewalk looking for the girl in tie-dye. I was almost the block and a half away from where I started and I spotted her moving away from the crowd. As quickly and quietly as possible I made my way towards her. She was laboring with the weight of her backpack and was now moving very slowly. Once I was about 20 feet from her I whistled, for a brief moment I thought I would use the flip phone and try out its ability to explode. I also remembered if I dialed the wrong number my heart would explode. She slowly turned towards me with sweat pouring from her brow barely able to stand. I had my M&P already aimed at her head. I put two .40 caliber bullets in her nasal cavity causing her to crumble to the ground. I stood over her and knelt down next to her and checked her carotid artery. She was not breathing and she had no pulse. The first part of my job was done. Now it was Roxy’s turn. I put in a fresh magazine in the handle of my M&P.

  I made my way through the crowd as swiftly and quietly with great patience. The crowd had dissipated, but there were some kids still standing there in shock. I made my way to where Roxy was last standing. I had to be careful not to spook her and I didn’t know if any of her cohorts were still in play.

  I recognized two of the men that Roxy was standing next to as I made my way towards the front of the crowd. They were standing guard so that meant she couldn’t be too far away. I holstered my pistol and took out my Ka-Bar with one hand and took out the spring loaded poison pen in the other. I quickly and stealthily made my way towards them. I was now about ten feet away from the closest one and delivered the silent and deadly projectile to the back of his neck. He crumbled seconds later. His partner didn’t notice yet and I made my way to him covering his mouth from behind and pierced his lung from behind through his back ribs. He couldn’t yell if he wanted to. I then repeated my knife thrusts in his back and upper torso area. The kids around us didn’t even notice. They were still in total shock. His body crumbled and I gently led him to the ground. I glanced up and saw Collin and Susie watching what just happened from the doorway. I felt horrible that they had to see me doing that. But there was no time for remorse or second thoughts. I had a job to do.

  I didn’t see Roxy, so I made my way towards Susie and Collin. There were more people in this area and it was hard to move through the excited and dense crowd. I was so happy to finally of found Collin. There was so much I wanted to say to Susie, I was ready to commit to her.

  And just like that, the small dog in Collin’s arms ran towards Roxy barking at her. I then saw Roxy making her way to her friend that I just stabbed. She was down on one knee checking him out. She was bleeding from her shoulder and there were more of her group gathering around her. Collin broke loose and chased after the dog with Susie in tow. Roxy made eye contact with Susie and then caught sight of me. She raised her Uzi at the same time I raised my pistol. I heard loud pops and felt a burning sensation in my left leg and left arm. I was able to get a few rounds off before I felt the pressure of rounds hitting my vest and one finding its way just below my neck knocking me down and taking my breath away. I was on the ground fighting to catch my breath and to stay conscious. It felt like my chest was on fire. Collin ran towards me and Roxy was on both knees wincing in pain. Roxy looked up and smiled pointing her Uzi at Collin with her right arm as her left arm dangled lifeless. It took everything I had to get to one knee, but then fell to my side. I was slipping out of consciousness. Roxy let out a slight chuckle before she started to pull the trigger. Collin hit the ground face first the moment Roxy started to shoot. I then saw a figure jump between Roxy and Collin the moment the Uzi started to cycle. It was Susie. She was hit multiple times to the torso and legs. She crumbled to the ground as Roxy yelled, “No, No, No!” Two of Roxy’s men picked her up by her armpits and whisked her away disappearing into the crowd.

  Collin made his way to me and put his body over mine protecting me and his dog licked my face keeping me awake. I stared over at Susie and called out to her, “Su
sie! Don’t you die on me! Get up!” I looked over at her beautiful blue eyes that used to be so full of life that were staring through me, glazed over and dead. I’ve seen these eyes before many times on strangers, never someone I loved. She was bleeding out of her mouth and wasn’t moving. I tried to move towards Susie and Collin got off me once the crowd disappeared. I was able to crawl over to her and held her cold lifeless hand. I heard a piercing high pitch sound in my ears and everything went white…

  25 Revelations

  God that light is bright! I was cold, it smelled antiseptic and my mouth was so dry. I wanted to ask for some water buy I couldn’t form the words. I drifted off to unconsciousness again. This repeated for many times and I had no concept of time or place. I just drifted in and out of consciousness. What I didn’t realize was that I endured two surgeries in five days at University Hospital in Madison. I had tubes and sensors stuck in and all over my body and went to the bathroom via remote control. I had no idea what day it was or how long I had been there. I just had flash memories of a battle. Susie wearing the blue dress smiling at me warmly and Collin kneeling next to me crying. Just flash memories. To everybody in this hospital I was “John Doe” and was being treated as an invalid.

  “Time to wake up now darling. You can’t stay asleep forever ya know!” I struggled to focus and saw a tall black female speaking with a thick Jamaican accent next to the bed I was laying in. She was leaning over me wearing a tattered lab coat with a stethoscope hanging from her neck. Her name was embroidered on the upper right hand corner pocket “Dr. Tara Gayle.” I started to see more clearly and instinctively took deep breaths and held them for a second or two to slow my heart rate.


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