by Scott, Lisa
Tonya spent the day with Josh going out to lunch and walking through the park. They strolled past the willow trees. Only a few were still alive. She nudged him with her elbow. “Look at our tree! It still has leaves.”
The cameras zoomed in on that.
“I think we’re destined to be together,” Josh said, hugging her.
They spent the rest of the day saying goofy stuff to each other. It was perfect for the second to last show. She was starting to believe they really had a shot at winning. Which meant she had some big decisions to make soon. It was looking more and more like she’d be leaving town.
The next day, crews filmed her working at her shop. She still had her regulars to take care of and dozens of new clients who wanted to be able to say Tonya had done their ‘do. But in addition to getting their hair done, everyone wanted to talk about the show. It was tough to fake enthusiasm for hours. By the end of the day, she was exhausted—mentally and physically.
Tonya drew down the shop’s shades and flipped the door’s sign to read “closed.” Then she sank into a chair. A knock sounded from her door. “I’m closed,” she called.
The banging continued. If it was another fan looking to squeeze in a haircut, she’d scream. If it was her mama, she wouldn’t open the door. She still didn’t know what to do about that relationship…or lack of it. She hadn’t had the emotional energy to deal with it. Tonya lifted a slat in the blinds and peeked out. She couldn’t believe who she saw standing there. Unlocking the door, she stepped back to let in Ellen.
“I’m so sorry to bother you, Tonya, but we need to talk,” Ellen said.
Tonya’s throat felt tight. She’d better not be here inquiring about ideas for her wedding hairdo. “Go ahead.”
Ellen wrung her hands. “My mother has gone and done something awful.”
“Mothers have a tendency to do that, don’t they?”
Ellen smiled. “Sadly, some of them do. Mine started a rumor that Tommy wanted to marry me again, hoping she could pressure him into it. But it’s simply not true.”
Tonya stopped breathing for a moment. “You’re not getting married?”
She shook her head. “We’re not even back together. We’re not in love.”
Tonya crossed her arms. “But Tommy likes to do the right thing. I’m sure he’d want you three to be a family again. That would be reason enough for him.”
“But not for me. Especially not when he still loves you,” Ellen said.
Tonya put a hand on her hip and shook her head. “He doesn’t, or he would’ve done something about it before.”
“If he looked at me the way he looks at you, I’d be desperate to get him back. It’s killing him to watch you be with Josh.”
Tonya laughed softly. “I can’t tell you what’s going on with me and Josh, but I assure you, it’s not what it looks like.”
“Do you still have feelings for Tommy?”
Tonya pressed her eyes shut and nodded.
“Then you have to tell him. He said he tried to tell you, but you didn’t believe him.”
“Tommy just doesn’t like seeing me with someone else. He had plenty of other opportunities to tell me he wanted to be with me. We’d been hooking up for weeks.”
Ellen closed her eyes and nodded. “But what if that’s what it took? What if seeing you with another man made him to realize you’re the one? Because I know that’s how he feels. He’s sick at the thought of losing you. Sometimes that’s how you realize you want something—knowing you can’t have it. But he’s not going to come after you again. It’s up to you, now.”
Tonya’s heart sank. “So you’re telling me I have to go after him?” That’s not how she did things.
Ellen crossed her arms. “If you share the same feelings—yes. He thinks you don’t want him. I care about him, and I want him to be happy. He will be happy if he’s with you.”
Tonya ran her hands through her hair, grateful Ellen had taken the time to share her thoughts. Must’ve been hard for her. But they were just the words Tonya needed to hear. No matter how much Tonya tried to deny it, that damn man was still in her heart. How was that going to work out on the show? “The producers will not be happy about this, me dumping the guy everyone thinks I’m falling in love with. And I made promises to Josh.”
“But you don’t want to lose the man you really do love.”
Tonya didn’t protest that it wasn’t love, because it was. She’d always loved Tommy, and she shouldn’t have let him go because of a stupid mistake he’d made. She looked up at Ellen’s concerned gaze. “You really do care about him.”
“He’s a good man, always trying to do right by everyone else. Someone needs to do right by him for once.”
That hit her straight in the heart. “Thanks for telling me the truth, Ellen. I need some time to think on this.” She couldn’t imagine the conflict Ellen must be fighting coming here, handing over the man she certainly still had feelings for.
“Don’t wait too long. That man is hurting.” Ellen reached for Tonya’s hand and squeezed it. “Besides, if I get to have a say in who my daughter’s stepmother might be, I’d like it to be you.”
Tonya blushed. “She’s a wonderful kid. You’ve done a great job.”
“Thanks. But you need to do something soon.” Ellen smiled and slipped out of the shop.
Tonya looked up at the ceiling. “How do I get out of this, Nonna?” She snatched a pad and paper, ready to make a list. But there was no need for it. She knew what she had to do. But how to go about it was another thing. She texted Josh.
Josh slipped through the back door of her shop fifteen minutes later. “Let’s go upstairs.” He covered his microphone. “The camera crew followed me, but this will just ramp up the idea of our passionate romance. It looks as if we can’t stay away from each other.”
Tonya sighed. “We’re going to have to.”
Tonya pressed her hand against her forehead, feeling feverish. This was overwhelming. “I can’t get fake engaged.”
“Why not?” He sounded more curious than mad.
“Ellen stopped by to tell me she’s not marrying Tommy. It’s just a rumor her mother started.”
Josh’s jaw dropped. “That witch.”
“I know. Ellen says Tommy really does wants me back, but he’s not going to press it since I gave him such a hard time before. So if I want to be with Tommy, it’s up to me.”
He blinked a few times. “Oh.”
“I think we need to break up.”
“But we’re a shoe-in to win. Can you really walk away from fifty thousand? I’ll survive, but that could change your life. Can’t you tell him after the show ends? We could still get engaged and break it off later,” he suggested.
“I don’t care about the money.”
“So how are we going to end things without making it look like we’ve been playing people all along?” Josh asked.
She thought for a few moments. “I have some ideas. Can you help me write a script?”
Josh rubbed his hands together. “Absolutely.”
Chapter 15
Tonya and Josh brought Chewie to the park and met a camera crew there. “Have you decided if you’re going to cry?” she asked Josh.
“I’ll fight back the tears and perhaps let one slip. I’m strong but sensitive.”
“You can do that? Let just one out?” she asked.
“I’ve been kissing you for weeks, haven’t I? A tear is nothing.”
She elbowed him. “Jerk.”
“Shh,” he said, laughing. He gestured toward the street. “The crew’s heading over.”
After getting hooked up to their microphones, Josh and Tonya tossed the ball to Chewie. They laughed and held hands as they ran through the park with the dog.
“Ready?” Josh whispered.
Tonya nodded.
He scooped her into his arms and swung her around. Then he dropped
to one knee and held up a ring. “Tonya, will you marry me? I love you.”
“I love you too, Tommy.”
Josh froze. “Tommy?”
She clapped one hand over her mouth, mostly to keep her lips from twitching into a smile.
Josh stepped back. His smile cracked into a painful frown. “That’s your ex-boyfriend. The police chief.”
She clapped the other hand over her mouth.
“You still love him?” His voice cracked.
The camera guy and his sound crew moved closer.
Tonya nodded and let her hands slip from her face. “I guess I do. Yes.” She closed her eyes. “I always have.” This wasn’t in their script. This was how she really felt. No acting required here. “I’m sorry. I thought I could move on from him but I can’t. I have to see if there’s another chance with him before it’s too late.”
Josh reached for her hand and kissed it. “Then he is a lucky man. I can’t keep you when you belong to another.”
“Go to him.”
“You’re not mad?”
“My heart is breaking, but I’m not mad.” He closed his eyes and one tear slipped down his cheek. “Go, Tonya.” Then he paused and swallowed. He took a few deep breaths. He wouldn’t let go of her hand.
He’s really convincing, Tonya thought.
“And it’s for the best, because I haven’t been honest with you.” The tone of his voice was different. “I haven’t been honest with a lot of people.”
She felt her eyes bulge. This wasn’t in the script, either. “What do you mean?”
He closed his eyes and lowered his voice. “I’ve kept this secret for a long time. But when my grandmother told me to follow my heart, I couldn’t get her words out of my head. I’m gay, Tonya.” He opened his eyes and looked at her.
Her hand fluttered over her throat, and she reached for his hand. “So that’s what your grandmother meant when she said I wasn’t right for you. She knew.” Tonya’s heart was pounding, wondering how the audience would react, wondering what this would mean for him.
Josh squeezed back. “That’s right. She said follow my heart. And now you need to follow yours. You’ve inspired me to be honest with myself.”
She tipped up on her toes and kissed his cheek. “There will always be a place in my heart for you, Josh.”
“You, too, Tonya.”
She meant it. And she imagined he did, too. Grabbing Chewie’s leash she ran to her car, giving the crew enough time to follow her. Giddy laughter and hysteria welled up in her chest. Like Josh, she was putting everything out there for the world to see, even though there was a very real chance Tommy would say no. It might be too late to let him know how she felt, but she had to try.
Once the crew was back in their van she headed for the salon, grabbed one of her favorite bumper stickers, and slapped it on the back of her car. Then she drove out of town, past the spot where Tommy sat and waited for speeders. With so many people coming in and out of Willowdale these days, he spent a lot of time there. And she was in luck, he was there today, too. She waved to him as she drove past.
He raised his hand and she wriggled in her seat as she went on down the road. A few miles later, she made a u-turn and headed back toward town with her foot heavy on the pedal. She was going even faster than the day she’d first come to town, when Tommy pulled her over and gave her a ticket. The crew’s van followed her.
She passed the ‘Welcome to Willowdale’ sign and checked her rearview mirror. Sure enough, the siren wailed and the lights flashed, and Tommy was on her tail. She pulled over and rolled down her window.
Tommy walked over to her car with the camera crew following. “What’s going on?” He sounded confused.
She lifted a shoulder, smiling. “Just out for a drive.”
He put his hands on his hips and widened his stance. “I thought you were cured of your speeding habit after the first time I pulled you over.”
“I wanted to get your attention.”
He lowered his sunglasses. “It worked. Although, you always have my attention.”
Tonya got out of the car and Tommy backed up. She took him by the hand and led him behind her car. “Did you see my bumper?”
“It was all a blur,” he said.
“Read it.”
“’Honk if you want to hook up.’”
Tonya grinned. “Beep, beep.”
Tommy took off his hat and scratched his head. “I don’t understand. Aren’t you with Josh?”
“It wasn’t the real thing. What I had with you was. I still love you, Tommy. I want to try again.”
His eyes widened and he blinked a few times. “Why the change of heart? You told me I was too late. And last I heard, your mother was telling you to marry him.”
“And I heard you were getting married too, but we both know things aren’t always what they seem.” She couldn’t tell him the truth with the cameras rolling. Tonya reached for his hand. “It’s true, I had some big decisions to make. And my heart kept coming back to you.”
Tommy blinked at her, then he walked back to his cruiser. Her stomach lurched. This wasn’t going like she’d planned. That man had better not give her another ticket. If he did, he might have to throw in an “assaulting an officer” charge.
Instead, he leaned on his horn. Then he honked it again. “But, darlin’, I want more than a hook up.”
Tonya pressed her hands over her face again, this time so the camera crew couldn’t see her tears even though they were possibly the happiest tears she’d ever shed. She wasn’t in the shower, after all.
Tommy dashed over and scooped her up in his arms. He pulled off her microphone and tossed it to one of the crew members. Tonya laughed as he carried her to the passenger door and set her inside his cruiser. Then he got behind the wheel, flipped on the lights and sirens, and headed back to town fast enough to make her speeding look like a Sunday drive. “Dispatch, I’m taking my break,” he radioed back to the station. “And I’ll be a while.”
It only took a few minutes to reach her salon. He parked out front and hurried around the car to open her door. Tonya fumbled for her keys to open the salon. They rushed inside, and Tommy tugged her toward the bathroom, but Tonya stopped and looked up at him. “Let’s go upstairs.”
His eyebrows shot up. “We should’ve been doing this the right way all along. We never should’ve settled for exes with benefits.” He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her head. “I was stupid for not telling you how I felt sooner. I understand why you doubted me when I finally told you.”
“I’m sorry. I should’ve spoken up sooner, too.”
“After Jane broke her leg and I had to leave you that day, I knew I wanted to be with you again. But it didn’t seem right to start something when I had to be at Ellen’s every day. I wanted to give our relationship my full attention once I moved out. Then you joined the show. I can’t believe I almost lost you to that Josh guy.” He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her so close it was hard to breathe.
Tonya looked up at him. “Josh and I were pretending. Both of us realized we didn’t want to be on the show and the best way to get through it was to pair up early. We’re just friends. He wrote scripts for me to make it seem real. In fact, he just announced on camera that he’s gay.”
“Get out.”
“It’s true. Nothing’s been going on between us besides hand-holding and a few obligatory kisses. Plus they edit the hell out of everything, lining up things to make it look like I said something I never intended.”
“Sounds like the way Ellen’s mother does things,” he grumbled.
“Yeah, and by the way, hearing you were going to get back together with Ellen didn’t help matters.”
“You know that’s not true, right?”
“Ellen came and explained everything to me. She cares about you.”
“She did? I’ll have to thank her.” Tommy cupped her face in his hands, rubbing his thumbs along her cheekbones
. “I was stupid. I should’ve gone after you. I’m sorry.”
“Me too. But I think we’ve had enough talking for today. Get upstairs and remind me what you can do with a lot of room.” Tonya ran up the stairs, with Tommy following.
When they reached the top, he scooped her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist. He kissed her. “I’m not letting you go.”
“Good, ‘cause I bruise easily if I fall down those stairs.”
“Funny girl. I mean I’m not letting you go ever. You’re mine, and I’m yours, and we’re getting things right this time.” He walked her over to the bed and laid her down. Her legs were still wrapped around him.
“Promise?” she asked.
“I do.” Then he took off one of her high heels. “You going to keep dressing like this?”
“Hell, no.”
“Good,” he said, removing her other shoe. “I like your old style.” He leaned forward and unbuttoned her shorts, tugging them down over her curves. Then he gasped. “You’re not wearing underwear.”
She shrugged. “Just thought it would make it easier if things worked out like I was hoping.”
“Now that’s a change I might be able to live with.”
She nudged him with her foot. “Stop gawking and get to business.”
“I will do no such thing, I’m going to make slow, sweet love to you. Because that’s what this is—love. I love you, Tonya. And I thank God for a second chance with you.”
Tonya tried to think of a witty comeback, maybe one of her bumper sticker sayings, but the only thing that came to mind was the truth, the simple plain truth. “I love you, too. We’re not going to mess things up this time.”
Later, exhausted and tangled up in the sheets, Tommy kissed Tonya’s nose.
“The whole world is going to know about this soon enough,” she said.
“True. I need to tell Ellen and Jane about this before they hear it from someone else.”