Glazov (Born Bratva Book 1)

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Glazov (Born Bratva Book 1) Page 2

by Steele, Suzanne

  I have been immersed in criminal activity from the day I was born. I was bred for the sole purpose of carrying on my father’s reign of terror. I was born into the Bratva, and I would die in the Bratva. It was my destiny.

  I learned how to spot a fighter from a very early age, and Kathleen had that fighting spirit inside her. I wasn’t sure what her story was, but she piqued my curiosity. In my gut, I also knew I’d left my mark on her. She’ll never be the same, never recover from unwittingly drawing my attention. She inadvertently sealed her fate when she walked through my office door.

  Chapter Three


  I don’t think my heels could take me away from Alexander Glazov’s office any faster than I moved them. The click clacking was a rapid staccato sound on the pavement and synchronized with my panicked heartbeat. I could hear the laughter of his goons as I hurried past them. They continued to laugh at my expense even as I got in my car and drove away. I’m sure they knew their boss well enough to know he’d scared the shit out of me. For all I knew, that’s how he got his jollies. He sure as hell looked entertained every time I looked at him. Bastard!

  He hadn’t just scared me; he pissed me off. I couldn’t believe he had the audacity to charge my assistant a hundred percent lender’s fee; that was crazy! I wonder if she knew when she borrowed fifty thousand dollars that she would have to pay back double that amount? The way he talked in his office, it was like he believed she borrowed a hundred thousand dollars outright, but I guess that’s the way he saw things.

  I hurried into my home so I could put on something comfortable, pour myself a glass of wine, and try to think through what the hell just happened to me. I could only hope I hadn’t spoken too soon by telling my assistant I would help her. I couldn’t just leave her at the mercy of a madman, not with a clear conscience anyway. I just hoped I wasn’t getting more than I bargained for.

  I grabbed my laptop and sat on the bed to wait for it to boot up. It was time to find out what the Internet had to say about Mr. Glazov. I’d heard all of the horror stories; now, I wanted to know what kind of connections this guy had. I wasn’t so worried about his street connections. I wanted to know if he had connections in the world I lived in, not the world of Bratva.

  By the time I finished at two a.m., I didn’t feel any better. The Internet was full of pictures of him rubbing elbows with government officials at ballets, balls, and fundraisers. Though most of his connections seemed to be Russian dignitaries, I wasn’t so naïve as to think they wouldn’t have American contacts. No, despite their foreign status, I knew those Russian dignitaries would have access to domestic connections, and they would be willing to use them for a man with Glazov’s power. I’d seen enough. I made my way to bed and settled in for a night of restless sleep.


  I stumbled into my office the next morning after a long night of tossing and turning. Huge sunglasses framed my face in an effort to hide my eyes I was certain were puffy and red from lack of sleep. I fumbled with my briefcase and the huge cup of coffee I hoped would energize me. Sighing, I sat at my desk and tried to convince myself that, surely, this man could not be serious about the extent he was willing to go to collect on Robin’s debt. It was settled; I would ignore his absurd request. I hadn’t even known the goon twenty-four hours yet, and he had already completely disrupted my life. I actually felt sorry for anyone who fell prey to him. Falling under the radar of his attentions obviously meant immediate drama, and it was drama I didn’t need or want.

  I pushed the memory of how I felt as he stood behind my chair and whispered threats into my ear out of my mind. What in the world was wrong with me? How was it possible my body could react to this monster? Though I’m sure his intent was to scare me, the words he whispered in my ear had, instead, excited me. I couldn’t help but wonder if that was the way he spoke to all women. Was he just some playboy who knew how to manipulate women with his words? I convinced myself that was the case. It was a much easier truth to accept than allowing my mind to believe there was any sexual chemistry brewing between us.

  I hadn’t expected for him to be as handsome as he was. He truly was gorgeous. The man looked like he just walked off a magazine cover. He was massive in size, and every bit of it was muscle. Even through the tailored suit he wore, it was evident he subjected his body to rigorous workouts.

  He wore his shoulder length blond hair pulled back in a ponytail and had a diamond stud earring in one ear. His face was chiseled perfection as if carved from stone, and his expression had been unwavering, adding to the statuesque quality of his features.

  His lips were full and looked like they were made for kissing a woman. It was his eyes, though, that were his most compelling feature. They were a startling blue, not just plain blue but a slate, bluish-grey. They pulled you in, tempting you to stare into their depths. As soon as you succumbed, though, the ice-cold temperature they held within forced you to look away in fear.

  That is exactly the way I felt in his office—like he was simultaneously drawing me in and pushing me away. I instinctively knew that he could have his pick of women. A man like Glazov had the top three things that attracted women: money, power, and a bad boy persona. Of course, this was not the typical bad boy façade some men made a pretense of possessing. No, this was a full-grown man who was a literal danger to anyone who made the mistake of crossing him.

  I pushed through the day ignoring Robin’s frequent apologies that were now, honestly, starting to get on my nerves. She had no idea of the danger her gambling addiction put me in.

  I was relieved to see her go home at five o’clock. I planned on staying late to get some extra work done. I had a penchant for burying myself in work when I’m stressed. For some reason, it always seemed to soothe me rather than stress me out more. I would just stay busy with paperwork, and hopefully, it would keep me from wringing my hands and agonizing over all the rumors I’d heard about this man. I wasn’t the type to allow my thoughts to get away from me. It just wasn’t my style to roll over and say, “Oh, woe is me.”

  I didn’t know of anyone who hadn’t heard of Glazov. It didn’t matter if you were a white-collar businessman, a garbage collector, or a woman like me who’d built her business from the ground up; you knew who Alexander Glazov was. His name was synonymous with the mafia—the Russian Bratva.

  I was angry with my assistant for putting me in a situation like this. I have always been one who believed if I followed the rules and did things the right way, then everything would be okay as far as my business was concerned.

  I started from the ground up, building my business as a copywriter and writing commercials. I worked my ass off to get to the point where I could be independent, and now I was looking at losing that freedom to a thug.

  There had to be a way to reason with the man, a way for my assistant to pay off her debt. What really infuriated me was I knew the amount she owed was nothing to a man like Alexander Glazov. Hell, he could let the debt go and never even notice the money was missing.

  I’m positive it came down to principle. The issue with a man in his line of work was he couldn’t be seen as soft. Part of me was tempted to just back off and let Robin deal with the mess she created. She made her bed; let her lie in it. The threat Glazov issued, though, was that he would kill her. Knowing the consequences, even if I wanted to back off, I couldn’t now.

  Why did I go and try to reason with him?

  Never in a million years would I have imagined he would want me as collateral. Collateral and collateral damage—things had spiraled completely out of control.

  I was shocked when I looked up at the clock and realized it was nine already. I grabbed my laptop, placed it in my briefcase, and made my way to the door.

  I fumbled with my keys and dropped them. I never heard him approach and didn’t know he was there until I felt his breath on the back of my neck and heard his growl in my ear. “Get in the fucking car.”

  I could feel the heat of his body against
my back, and I couldn’t help but wonder how a man his size could move so stealthily. The horrifying thought went through my mind what it must be like for Glazov’s enemies. No doubt, it’s terrifying for them to realize he’s snuck up behind them while they’re unaware.

  I dropped the keys again, but this time, it was because my hands were shaking so badly. He yelled out something in Russian and grabbed my upper arm, forcing me into the back of his limo.

  He immediately raised the divider and began his assault on me. His hand wrapped around my throat as he spoke.

  “I told you that I was not a patient man. I’m no longer asking you; now, I’m telling you. Your place is with me!”

  His hand tightened around my throat right before his mouth clamped over mine. His full lips were soft as his tongue darted into my mouth. He explored, slowly tasting every part of my mouth, while he intermittently nibbled on my bottom lip.

  “Please, Glazov. Please, you can’t just insist that I belong to you now; it’s ludicrous.” With his mouth covering my own and my resistance to kissing him back, my protests were muffled.

  “I want you, and I’m not taking no for an answer. You are not going home. Your place is with me, or your friend dies.”

  My throat constricted. He’d said it. He had come right out and said that if I didn’t agree to his terms, he would kill my assistant. This was crazy! People didn’t act like this, did they? This was uncivilized behavior. He couldn’t be serious.

  Suddenly, as if a light went off, I understood I was being blackmailed. I was being offered my friend’s life in exchange for agreeing to sleep with Alexander Glazov, the Russian mobster.

  He tugged at my blouse and lifted my breast from where it was tucked away in my bra. I watched as he carefully placed my silk blouse back over it. He licked and sucked at my nipple through the material until it became saturated with his saliva. He then gently ran a finger around my areola until my nipple peaked and pebbled for him, begging for attention.

  I tried to lean back against the door. I was horrified, yet at the same time, I was transfixed and compelled to watch him as he continued to lap and suck at my nipple through the silk.

  Even through his dress shirt, I could see the sinewy muscles of his back ripple with his movement, and they tempted me to dig my fingertips in to feel the bumps and ridges. His blond hair looked like a thick mane, and I wanted to reach down to comb my hands through it.

  The lights and shadows of the city night appeared and disappeared in the car’s backseat window as the limo drove us smoothly through the streets to an unknown destination.

  What he was doing to me felt so good, and my body was responding to him. It was evident this man knew the art of seduction, and he was unloading his arsenal of knowledge, using it in a way that would completely overwhelm me.

  My thoughts short-circuited somewhere between reason and the pleasure he was subjecting me to. After going through a break-up from my last long-term relationship, my only form of sexual pleasure had been by my own hand. It had been four years since I felt the touch of a man.

  “I have thought about doing this to you since last night. I want to fuck you, Kathleen. I want to bury myself so deeply inside you that you’re writhing in pleasure. I want to taste your essence, bring you right to the point of release, and then I want to make you wait until you’re crying out for mercy. I want to hear you begging and pleading for me to let you come. I want your sexy mouth screaming out my name as you explode in ecstasy. I. Want. You.”

  As soon as we stopped at our destination, he jerked me from the car and pulled me into his mansion. He quickly dragged me down a long corridor and pushed me into his bedroom. He pinned me to the wall and commanded me not to move.

  His eyes glared at me as he raised my arms above my head and held them securely by my wrists with one hand. I couldn’t move even if I wanted to. He was an impenetrable mountain of flesh, and he not only held me captive with his strength, but I was paralyzed in my state of pleasure and angst as well.

  Once again, he was pulling me into his world of polar opposites. He was a contradiction in terms when it came to me, and I instinctively knew that was not the case for others. He was the type of man who would always be in control. His mandated rules were unyielding, and he was intolerant of change. It looked like I was affecting Glazov as much as he was affecting me.


  I buried my face in her hair and listened to her gasp as I ripped her blouse from her body. My hands made their way to her back and unclasped her bra, unveiling two perfectly shaped breasts. Small pink nipples poked out, and my mouth watered to suckle them.

  I tore at her skirt and was grateful when it fell to her feet. Now, only thigh-highs and a G-string stood in the way of my mouth tasting every inch of her. I grabbed a handful of her hair and forced her to look me in the eye. “You are so fucking beautiful, Kathleen. I need you to listen and listen well. If you move from this wall while I’m making you come, I will take my belt and mark you so severely that you won’t forget to obey me in the future.”

  I bent down to slowly run my hands up the outside of her soft thighs while I looked up at her. I gently hooked my thumbs under her G-string, never breaking her gaze, and pulled the scrap of material down her long, smooth legs. I could smell her desire for me, and the wet spot on her panties told me she wanted me as desperately as I wanted her right now.

  Had she thought about me the night before? Had she been plagued with thoughts of me being buried deep inside her? For the first time I could remember, I was completely distracted by a woman, and I was not a man given to distraction. In my line of work, being distracted could get you killed, yet I’d been unable to think of anything but her from the moment she stepped into my office. The only way to get her out of my system was to take her, make her mine, and put her in a position where she stayed under my watchful eye.

  “I can smell your desire for me. You want me as badly as I want you. I’m certain you’re confused at to why you want to fuck a killer. You’re always such a good girl, an upstanding young lady, but I’m giving you permission to throw caution to the wind. Give in to the feral side you were never aware was a part of you until now… until me.”


  I couldn’t understand why my body was on fire for this arrogant man who was telling me I now belonged to him. He was issuing mandates, asserting that I owed him my life in exchange for Robin’s debt, and it was all turning me on.

  His mouth sucked, nibbled, and licked my breasts, nipples, and abdomen. He kept exploring my body, continuing his journey down until he reached my mound. He pinched the inside of my thighs sharply as a way of commanding me to spread my legs.

  “You better not fucking move those arms from above your head!” he growled, almost as if daring me to defy him.

  He spread me open, thrust his middle finger up inside me, and began licking me with fervor. I wanted my hands in his hair. What he was doing felt so good.

  His eyes watched me as he licked, sucked, and pulsed his tongue on my now engorged pearl. Over and over, he would bring me right to the verge of climax, only to leave me teetering on the edge.

  I started to beg him, crying out to please just allow me to reach the pleasure my body so desperately craved.

  “I’ll do anything, anything, anything, Glazov.”

  He added another finger to the one he already had inside me and began to softly pull them back towards him, curling his fingers in a ‘come hither’ motion. I could feel him massaging my g-spot. Logically, I knew what he was doing, but I had never experienced the sensation before. I had convinced myself, as many women do, that no such place existed in the female anatomy. This stranger was showing me just how real it was and that it wasn’t a sexual myth.

  “That is exactly what I wanted to hear, Kathleen. I want to know that you will do anything.”

  He spread me open once again, pumping his fingers and licking me as my body trembled, and again, I swore I would do anything.

  He peeled
me off the wall and laid me down on the bed. His eyes never released mine as he undressed. I started to kick my heels off, but his voice stopped me in my tracks as he growled, “Did I tell you to take those off?”

  I was stunned and said nothing. I could never remember a time when a man addressed me like that in the bedroom. This man was different. He needed complete control in the bedroom and in every area of his life.

  I could hear his pants unzip, and he leaned over to whisper in my ear, “You are going to need to be wet.” I knew he was forewarning me his manhood was proportional to his massive body size. The way he was mentally pulling me in was as attractive to me as any body part could be. He was so commanding and so in control, never once breaking eye contact with me. It was a turn-on I had never before experienced with any other man. Glazov was seducing me in mind and body, an art most men never succeed in mastering.

  “Glazov, please don’t hurt me.” His only reply was to remind me not to move my hands from above my head. I had never been in a position where I had to beg a man to be careful, but his size was intimidating, to say the least, and I could only surmise that included all of his anatomy.


  I wanted to flip her over onto all fours and sink my fingers into her ass cheeks while I fucked her brains out. I wanted a visual of that sweet little opening of hers while I thrust every inch of my thick member inside her. I couldn’t do that though; this woman was a lady. She wasn’t like the women I met at the places men like me frequent. I never took my eyes off her as I reached over and took a condom out of the nightstand drawer.

  “Let me touch you,” she pleaded. Her voice may have sounded like she was pleading, but I could see the challenge in her eyes. I chuckled as I nodded, giving her permission.


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