The Bears Shared Bride: A Paranormal Menage Romance

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The Bears Shared Bride: A Paranormal Menage Romance Page 13

by Amy Star

  “Omega, well, you’re half of who I wanted to see. Where have you been? Where is Lavinia?”

  “I was dropping Lavinia off at the recovery wing so she could apologize to the guard she beat up earlier. You would know this had you let the man standing in front of you get a word in edgewise.”

  Both Parker and Thearon turned to look at the harried assistant, “I’m sorry,” Parker said to the man. “I will say that you tried your best. I was simply on, uhm, a mission.”

  The man cleared his throat and gave a small bow, “If you’re no longer in need of my services?” Thearon gave a decisive shake of his head. “Well then, thank you, Alpha and Omega. Omega, I will see you later at the debriefing.”

  “Yes, thank you.” Thearon checked his phone as the security assistant left the room.

  “Oh, he’s one of yours,” Parker said checking his own phone.

  “Yes, he’s one of mine. He was supposed to track you down and let you know that Lavinia needed a minute with the guard and I needed a minute with you to fend off the inquest.”

  “Inquest? I was not about to perform an inquest. I just want to know what’s going on. You’re the one who sent a text with the word ‘incident.’” Parker looked at Thearon accusingly.

  Thearon sighed, “Just take a seat. I wanted to explain it all to you before you cornered Lavinia. She’s dealing with it all quite well, I think the fact that she wanted to apologize to the guard instead of hide is a good sign.”

  Sitting, Parker took a deep breath and put away his phone, “Okay, start at the beginning—why does Lavinia need to apologize?”

  Thearon related the entire afternoon to Parker. He started with how well the shopping experience had gone and continued with the low-stress lunch, paying special attention to how the new security features had been enacted as well as the different bugs they had encountered and overcome. Finally, he came to the incident. Thearon praised Lavinia’s ability to defend herself even if it was misguided.

  “She really beat the guard up? He wasn’t taking the hits because she was the Queen?”

  Thearon raised an eyebrow, “You’ve been with her on the mat. You tell me if you think she can throw a punch.”

  Parker let out a low whistle, “No—the girl can pack a punch when she wants to. I’m proud of her.”

  “We’re all proud of her. What I’m scared of, is that she’ll let this incident scare her from attacking again. I’d rather disarm guards than let a real attacker get past our defenses. I know the guard she attacked is telling her the same thing.”

  “You’re right; Ben is his name, and Ben was very forceful in telling me that I did all the right things. Also, that I should stick with the roundhouse to start—it was unexpected and effective.”

  Parker and Thearon turned at the sound of their wife’s voice. Lavinia stood in the doorway, still clad in the black maxi dress though her hair was now in a messy knot on top of her head. The look wasn’t indicative of her mood, however, as she appeared brighter than she had in months. Both men stood from the couch as she walked toward them.

  “Lavinia, Thearon was just telling me what happened. I’m so proud that when you suspected a threat, you acted upon it.”

  Lavinia tucked a stray hair behind her ear, “Thanks. I’m still a little embarrassed. I mean, the man trails me six times a week, I don’t think I’ll ever get over not recognizing him. But I am proud that I was able to react the way I did on instinct.”

  “I think it was all that time in the gym,” Parker said with a wink.

  “I will admit that I think that was time well spent,” Thearon acknowledged.

  “Actually, it was Thearon’s pep talk that put me in the right frame of mind. He’s always telling me that I’m my own best line of defense and to trust in my strength. When we left the restaurant and the crowd started pressing in, instead of hiding I decided to be proactive. Apparently, I still need a little training on threat analysis,” Lavinia said with a blush.

  “That’s something we can work on. Ben actually would be a good candidate—that’s why he was in plain clothes today, he has a very good eye for spotting potential threats.”

  Sitting down between the men, Lavinia accepted a kiss on her forehead from Parker. “I’d like that if you could set it up. For now though, I just want to be with my husbands. Can we leave Queen, Alpha, and Omega at the door for the evening?”

  Parker looked like he was itching to pick up his phone to check, but Thearon gave him a look that said no quarter would be spared if he consulted technology.

  Instead, Parker leaned down with a second kiss, “I think we can manage that, my Queen.” This time it was Lavinia who gave him the look. “I mean Lavinia, my love, I think we can just be husbands and wife this evening.”

  “Good it’s been awhile since we were just husbands and wife.” Lavinia tried to snuggle deeper into the couch between the two men but the antique, while beautiful in its modern chevron pattern, was not the most comfortable. The men let Lavinia toss and turn for a moment before snarking a comment.

  “What Lavinia, can’t quite get comfortable?” Thearon remarked with one eyebrow lifted.

  “Surely, a thing of great beauty deserves a little pain for its existence,” Parker said shifting uncomfortably.

  Lavinia looked between the two men and tried to decide if they were commiserating, or if they were throwing her design choices in her face. “You know, I was stuck in these rooms for a long time on bed rest, surely we can all agree that sectional was hideous.”

  “It was not a great thing of beauty...but it never bit back. This thing has given me bruises.” Thearon looked at the woodwork of the couch with animosity.

  “Fine, we can redecorate again ASAP. But for now can we move somewhere more comfortable? Someplace with room for two massive Werebears?”

  Parker raised an eyebrow at Thearon, “Oh I can think of a piece of furniture made especially for two massive Werebears and their wife.”

  Lavinia’s eyes went wide just as Thearon moved to pick her up in his arms. Standing up in one smooth motion, Lavinia barely felt the jostle from moving from uncomfortable couch to standing, cradled in Thearon’s arms. The man then had the audacity to check out her cleavage from his view from above.

  “Sometimes getting all of the physical tasks are worth it,” he said with a wink.

  Lavinia tried to smack him upside the head, but Parker caught her hand. “Now, now, it is a delicious view,” he said bringing his face down to the center of her breasts. The dress had been chosen for its ease and inconspicuous cut, but it did have a fairly low V that necessitated going braless. A fact that Parker must have noticed as soon as his mouth hit the sides of her flesh. “Hmm... Now that’s interesting,” he hummed into her breasts, the reverberations of the bass causing her nipples to peak in response.

  With a lick, Parker came up to address Thearon, “Did you know she went braless for the event?”

  “I’ve thought of little else all afternoon,” Thearon responded dryly, if honestly.

  “Why was that not part of the report?”

  “I wanted you to pay attention.”

  “Oh, okay. Fair enough,” Parker admitted as he opened the door to Lavinia’s bedroom.

  Parker didn’t even bother to turn on the lights. Lavinia shivered as she was placed in the center of the sea of emerald satin. Her eyes hadn’t yet adjusted to the darkness when a large hand reached out and freed one of her breasts from the cotton fabric. As the smooth hand moved up and down the curve of her skin from breastbone to nipple Lavinia knew it was Parker. He always liked to stroke smoothly and gently before reaching out for one final tweak of her nipple, an act that never failed to make her gasp.

  Blinking her eyes, she started to see the shapes of her husbands take form on the bed around her in the dark. She identified Parker just in time to see him lean down and take the twerked nipple into his full lips and suck gently. Lavinia arched in response, her body starting its long slow burn. As Parker moved to free t
he second breast, another set of hands, this one calloused and hard moved the dress off of her shoulders completely, letting the black fabric puddle at her waist. Lavinia felt goosebumps form as her naked skin was exposed to the night air.

  Parker teased her nipple with flicks of his tongue as the second set of hands moved up and down her back forcing Lavinia to lean even deeper into Parker’s mouth. An unspoken conversation must have happened over her half-naked body because Parker’s smooth hands lowered her to the bed as Thearon’s touch left her completely. Parker moved his mouth to the fast pulse at the base of her jawline. Sucking the steady beat until it quickened, the delicious sensation caused her breath to move in fast and her body to go lax.

  As Parker began a steady descent with his lips toward her breasts again, Thearon’s hands returned. They slipped under her hips and freed the fabric of her dress from her body completely. Lavinia waited in anticipation as she heard it swoosh to the floor, softly in the background. Thearon’s hands returned to her body and Lavinia thought he was going to remove the thin black lace thong she’d worn to avoid panty lines with the dress.

  Instead, he took a finger and traced the line of lace over her hipbones and across the flat of her lower abs. Lavinia felt her stomach jump in anticipation. When his finger dipped beneath the soft fabric, she felt her anticipation rise. Parker’s mouth had her warm and wet and she was more than ready for Thearon’s large finger to enter her. She could always count on Thearon to be swift and to the point.

  But this time he simply teasing her as well. The rough skin of his hand traced along the lace and moved across the outer folds of her core, delving into the curls but not within the folds where she would find satisfaction. Again and again, Thearon explored the terrain of her body both over the top and beneath the lace of her thong until Lavinia was ready to snap with irritation and need.

  Parker too seemed to be happy to make a meal of her neck and breasts, never moving his sweet mouth to her own. Neither man was giving her a position of power in their sexual games, instead choosing to feast on her body instead. The pleasure was overwhelming, but Lavinia was itching for more.

  “Please, please Parker, kiss me,” Lavinia’s voice begged in a harsh whisper.

  When the man leaned down for a chaste peck on the lips Lavinia wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him down on the bed on top of her. Finally taking control, she dove deep with her tongue and ravished his mouth. She felt some of Parker’s control start to vanish as she ran her tongue over his teeth, battling for his full concentration.

  Dizzy with the passion of the kiss, Lavinia barely heard Thearon move up on the bed to lie next to her and Parker. But she was definitely aware when Thearon wrapped both hands around her hips and forced her to straddle his body.

  “Thearon!” Lavinia squealed in response as she threw her hands down to his shoulders for balance.

  “I just wanted to kiss you too,” Thearon replied, before diving his hands between her legs and shifting down the bed, so instead of straddling his chest, Lavinia was straddling his face. Confused for a moment, Lavinia’s desire-drugged mind lagged a beat behind. It wasn’t until Thearon’s tongue licked the lips of her sex that she fully understood his intent.

  The man growled in response to the taste of her and when Thearon took a second more forceful lick, Lavinia felt her balance fail. With nothing but blank space around her body Lavinia flailed to stay upright. Parker saved the day by grasping her hands and wrapping them around his neck, drawing her in for a kiss.

  Parker took it slow, gently nuzzling her lips and kissing them from corner to corner. As if it was a coordinated attack, both Parker and Thearon deepened their kisses, tongues entering her simultaneously from both ends of her body. Lavinia literally quaked with desire and would have fully dropped onto Thearon, if Parker hadn’t held her in place.

  Thearon seemed to notice the change in her body and he renewed his efforts inserting two fingers into her folds. Lavinia’s hips rolled in response, grinding against his hand searching for release. With a grunt, Thearon removed his fingers and gripped her hips again. Suddenly Lavinia was ripped away from both Thearon and Parker’s mouths and again she found herself straddling Thearon’s hips.

  “Let’s try something new,” Thearon said, holding her above his straining erection. Lavinia didn’t care what they tried so long as it involved impaling herself on him in the next few seconds.

  “What did you have in mind?” Parker asked from the side of the bed.

  “Lavinia,” Thearon said getting her attention, “How do you feel about taking Parker into your mouth as you ride me?”

  Lavinia felt her desire jump from one to ten, her body going molten with the idea, “Oh gods yes, let’s try that.”

  Thearon slowly lowered Lavinia onto him, his erection spreading her thighs and filling her to the brim. When she was full with him, Lavinia lifted up slowly and dropped back down again, allowing her body to adjust to the thickness of Thearon’s cock. As she began a slow rhythm of thrusts, Parker joined them on the bed, standing and holding on to one of the four wooden posts above his head. Turning her head slightly, Lavinia found that her mouth was perfectly in line with Parker’s erection, though she was a little confused as to how she was going to take him into her mouth and maintain her balance over Thearon.

  “Hold my hand,” Parker said, removing one hand from the post and extending it to Lavinia.

  Pausing in her grinding on Thearon, Lavinia held still to take Parker’s hand. Once she had one hand in Parker’s and her other hand gripping his ass, she slowly lowered her hot mouth onto the head of Parker’s cock. Parker groaned as her lips settled around him and she let her tongue sweep under the head, to trace the throbbing vein beneath his sensitive skin. Lifting her head again, she swiped her tongue around the base of his head and this time wet the top of his cock.

  Lavinia felt secure enough to again lower herself onto Thearon. The ease of the burn in her thighs from holding still for so long, felt like a sweet release that went straight to her center. In tandem, she moved up Thearon with her pussy and down Parker with her mouth. Once she stopped trying to think about the different sensations and simply feel the pleasure from both acts, Lavinia drew close to the edge of her orgasm. Parker’s grip tightened as he felt her movements go erratic and Thearon let out a harsh breath as her body tightened its hold on his cock.

  With a final moan, Lavinia felt her body split apart. She lost her grip on Parker and instead felt his release, warm and wet, on her breasts. Thearon must have paused to gauge the situation because he gripped her hips and thrusting deep once more, he came too. Parker let go of Lavinia’s hand and dropped to the bed next to Thearon. Lavinia allowed her body to melt over Parker’s while Thearon was still inside of her. The act of loving them both at the same time had felt so incredibly complete to her. She was so utterly stated that she didn’t even mind being manhandled into a snug position between her husbands’ bodies. With one final stretch, she allowed her body to fully relax and feed off their warmth. This was exactly where she was supposed to be.


  Lavinia found herself staring in the mirror yet again. Something just wasn’t quite right. She stepped away and tilted her head this way and that, trying to pinpoint what was wrong.

  “It’s the lashes,” Callia called out from behind the dressing screen.

  Lavinia huffed, “You can’t even see what I’m doing. Besides, it’s not the lashes—they’re the same ones I’ve worn for all of my official outings.” Lavinia leaned in close and brushed one bedazzled fingernail across the black fringe.

  “If you would just let me put the mink ones on instead, I think you’ll be very happy with the result. But first, could you zip this thing up?”

  Lavinia leaned in closer and fluttered her eyes and finally admitted that perhaps the blackness of the lashes was a little harsh in the face of the soft grey-purple of the dress’s beading and antiqued look of the jeweled collar from Smythe Jewelers. Turning
in a flair of skirts, Lavinia walked toward the dressing screen where Callia was finally starting to get ready.

  The last few weeks had flown by in a series of preparations for the Summer Solstice Ball. Once Lavinia broke the seal on leaving the palace, it was time to get serious about planning the first Ball as Queen. The Ball was one of the biggest events of the year for Werebeast society.

  Many of the Tribes’ religious ceremonies still rotated around the moons of the year rather than the modern Christian calendar, and the Summer Solstice was always a time of celebration and rebirth. The LeKing Tribe’s Ball was also the first time since the mid-winter Werewolf tea that many of the royal families would be gathered together.

  Due to the multitude of security concerns—the personal worries of the LeKing Tribe were simply one of many—Thearon’s stress had been tangible in the final few weeks of preparation. There was nightly sex between the three of them and many times an afternoon quickie for release during which Thearon would storm into Lavinia’s office and send anyone present running. One time even the Alpha himself.

  However, after several meetings, both private and with a smattering of other Werebeast Tribe leaders, even Lavinia felt comfortable in the security of the Ball. They were using facial recognition on everyone who entered the ballroom and each tribe was giving a rotating guard to help with the security of the perimeter. The guards had been training on the ground for the last week. Which meant all Lavinia had left to worry about was the state of her false lashes.

  Rounding the corner of the screen, Callia looked at Lavinia in the mirror, “Took you long enough.”

  “These heels were not made for rushing,” Lavinia said lifting the edge of her skirt to flash the steel-heeled spike. It looked delicate and sparkly but in reality it really was made of steel and Lavinia had been training with the shoes as if they were a weapon for the last month. It had led to more than a few sexy scenes with Parker in the gym.


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