To Light the Dragon's Fire

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To Light the Dragon's Fire Page 15

by Margaret Taylor

  The left head gave her a slow once over and the right tilted toward Dinsa, doing the same. Both sets of green eyes blinked twice and the right head spoke, nodding toward her friend who had continued pecking at the fish. “What is it?”

  “He is called a Roc and his name is Dinsa.”

  The right didn’t respond and the left head sniffed. “I am Balc of the 4th Pride. And you are?”

  She had no clue what to say to that, Arin hadn’t been very forthcoming with his cultural norms, but she was saved by the man himself as he landed on the rocky peak several yards away. He’d shifted for the first time in a week and seeing him in other form, set her heart pounding against her ribs in a wild staccato beat. Like his hair and eyes, he was all gold save for the triangular black noses at the end of each snout.

  If she hadn’t found him handsome before, she certainly did now. His wings flapped at the air once before folding back along his body. Unlike Balc, he wore no medallion but that didn’t seem to bother either of them. Both his heads nodded crisply and he answered the inquiry. “I am Arin Manus of the 1st Pride and War Advisor to House Taraxus. This is my Protectorant, Lyra. We come seeking passage through the Port Roasu on our way to Gahroon. Will you offer it?”

  Balc’s tune immediately changed. Both heads bowed and he folded back a foreleg, sending his body lower than Arin’s. “Forgive,” the left head said. “We did not realize,” the right finished. The left’s eyes lifted slightly. “If you will follow us,” it said. “We will take you to the Alpha immediately,” the right added.


  Terra, like her sister, was entranced by the Chimera’s port city. As they rode through the streets, she marveled at the mix of modern and medieval. Modern in the buildings were made of stone, a grey metal slightly darker than normal steel and glass in equal parts. Medieval in the Chimera that strolled the sidewalks and into and out of the varying shops.

  There were bookstores and café’s and food stores and restaurants with umbrella covered tables in front. They passed banks and clothing stores and just about anything one would find in the human world.

  But the most fascinating part was the citizen’s themselves. They were short, tall, young and old alike and came in every color one could think of and some you wouldn’t. Just like humans, there was a mishmash of shapes and sizes with the only real common denominator being their species.

  “Pretty cool, huh?” Lanni asked when they stopped to let a caravan of young Chimera cross the street ahead.

  None of her books had ever prepared her for this. She’d dreamed of such things since she was a child and found her first copy of C.S. Lewis’, The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. But reading about those worlds and seeing a real, live, breathing two-headed Lion were two different things entirely. Now, she was surrounded by them and just didn’t know what to do with herself. Did she jump from Shada’s back and walk among them? Did she just sit here with her mouth hanging open? Or, did she giggle like a schoolgirl on her first field trip to the museum…

  She just didn’t know and that was more than a bit unnerving.

  She titled a look at Lanni who sat astride Dinsa, another creature she had a hundred questions about. “You have no idea, Sis, no idea…”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Arin watched the wide-eyed wonder Terra gave all his brethren and for the first time, saw some of his kind in a new light. Lanni didn’t seem as enchanted, though when he looked her way. Then again, who could blame her, she was walking the streets on the back of a Roc, so a hundred Chimera wouldn’t really be that big of a deal.

  He trotted ahead, doing his best to keep as much distance between them as he could. Lanni deserved it and he would give it to her, regardless of how he felt on the matter.

  Balc led the party and the citizen’s gave them curious looks but no one approached, until…


  He had just enough time between his shouted name and the flying bundle of fur attempting to bowl him over, to catch her. He recognized Edeth’s voice and laughed heartily as she barreled into him.

  Both of her heads butted his chest. She pranced around, claws clacking on the street and wings flapping in excitement. “What in all the Nether Worlds are you doing here?”

  He laughed a second time and returned the affectionate head-butt. Stepping back, he swept a wing toward Lanni and Terra. “I am traveling home with friends.”

  Edeth swung a dismissive look at both women before falling into step next to him as they continued toward the main building in the center of the city. She shoved her flank into his and a myriad of questions followed. “How have you been? Did you hear the latest news? How long will you be staying? Does mother know you are coming? Did you know that Mito is Mated now?”

  Before he could get in a reply, she answered her own questions. In reverse.

  “Well, he is. She is very nice too. She is from the 6th Pride of Dashta and Father says she will be a good match for our brother.” She pranced again, her front paws scraping the street excitedly. “Oh, oh, and she has a sister.” She nudged her flank into his again and her two sets of eyebrows waggled up and down.

  If he’d been in his humanoid form, he would have run a hand down his face. But, he wasn’t and had to settle for rolling his eyes instead.

  His younger sibling continued without missing a beat and he managed to twist a look back as they rounded a corner. Lanni shoulders were shaking and her hand covered the lower half of her face. She wouldn’t look at him and he glared, not the slightest bit pleased she seemed to be enjoying his misery. Terra was biting her lower lip and wouldn’t look at him either. Instead, she kept her gaze firmly on Lanni…

  Two blocks later Edeth interrupted herself. “Well, I must get back to class. You know how Professor Hiltak can be.”

  He was finally able to get a word in edgewise. “That old man is still around?”

  Edeth’s brown eyes rolled into the back of her head. “Oh my yes and still as grumpy as ever.” She raised up her front paws and each of her heads gave him a nuzzle and a lick. “I will stone mother after and let her know you are on the way.”

  “No! You do not have…” he started but she was already gone, bouncing off down the street. “To do that.”

  Lanni nudged Dinsa closer and leaned her forearms on the saddle horn, looking even more amused. “A sibling I take it?”

  He harrumphed and started up the street again. “My youngest.”

  She edged Dinsa in beside him, coughing to hide a chuckle. “She seems, nice.”

  Terra lost it, throwing her head back as she laughed. Even Ion, coughed to hide his amusement.

  He harrumphed a second time. “She has her moments.” He almost added, Wait until you meet Mother, but kept it to himself. They’d find out soon enough where, exactly, Edeth got her talkative side…

  He stayed silent the rest of the way, a little miffed they would laugh at his sisters antics, but understanding it just the same. Edeth had always been a whirlwind of activity and it was a wonder she sat still long enough to attend any sort of formal learning. His mother’s doing no doubt.

  Half a tick later, they rounded the final corner and the Usac came into full view. Before now they’d only been able to see the upper most floors over the buildings around them but as it came into view, his left head turned enough to see both Lanni and Terra’s expressions.

  They were staring up at the eight floors of glass and Rustac with wide eyes. The metal gleamed with a combination of the setting sun in the distance and the neon colored lights that had been inlaid throughout. The sides of the monstrosity danced in a pre-set pattern of computerized lights and both gasped as the crowd of citizens around it seemed to respond, changing direction with each color.

  He smiled slightly and explained as they got closer. “Each color corresponds to one of the Prides that inhabit the city,” he said. “And flashes out what they should be doing at varying times of the day.”

  “Wow and here I thought this place wasn’t very ef
ficient,” Lanni said.

  He snorted. “Far from it.” He sighed, dreading the coming meeting, but what choice did they have. If they wanted safe passage across the desert to Gahroon, he’d need clearance from the 4th Prides Alpha. Otherwise, the guards here would just chase them down and do who knew what…


  Lanni slid off Dinsa’s back and waited for Terra and Ion to join her. She wasn’t sure what to expect as they entered the massive building, but she trusted Arin and that was really all she needed, wasn’t it?

  Sure was.

  Crossing a lobby that could have been in any skyscraper back home, only much larger to accommodate the Chimera’s natural size, Balc and Arin paused long enough at the desk to speak with security. The one on duty was a greenish color in mane and horse body and he nodded at whatever their escort said. His massive paw lifted and descended on a button. Down the hall behind the desk, she heard the tell-tale swish of doors opening.

  They fell into step behind the pair and entered an elevator. The ride up was silent and the doors opened again on the very top level, spitting them out into what could only be called a throne room. It stretched the length and width of the entire floor and too many Chimera, both humanoid and not-so-humanoid milled about the room. Some clustered in groups, others stood on their own, obviously waiting for something, or someone.

  They no sooner exited the car than a humanoid version of the race stepped up on the dais at the end of the room and tapped a long staff against the ornately carved stone, hushing everyone into silence. “Alpha Sabi Souda of the 4th Pride presides to all ye present this rotation.”

  One of the Chimera toward the front separated himself from a cluster and regally strode up the three steps. He kept his back to the room for a moment, fluttered his deep blue wings and finally turned. He smiled slightly and his four eyes roamed those gathered. They paused ever so briefly on their group and Lanni felt the curiosity in them before they swept past. When he’d finished, the right head leaned closed to the announcer and they exchanged words for a moment.

  When the conversation finished, the staffer waved toward them. “Balc the Hardy, step forward and present your party.”

  Their escort lifted both heads and he walked down the long room, the rest of them in tow. “Alpha Souda, might I present Arin Manus of the 1st Pride, War Advisor to the Taraxus House and companions.”

  “And what do they seek here in Roasu?” the staffer asked.

  Arin shifted up beside Balc and took over, apparently as was his right to do because no one called him on it. “Alpha, I respectfully request clearance for myself and my companions. We are on our way home, to Gahroon and merely wish to pass through your gate.”

  Souda’s blue-black eyes pinched into slits. “I see. And what bring you to trade for your passage?”

  Arin didn’t miss a beat. “Alpha, I fear I can only offer you the reciprocal promise of a favor by the 1st Pride in exchange for clearance. As you have no doubt heard, The King was recently lost in an attack and I left Bra’ka with nothing of value.”

  The apparent leader of this place snorted and barked out a laugh. “Your promises me nothing to me Neither-Born.”

  The hair on the back of her neck stood on end at the derision in his tone and she bit her inner cheek to keep from saying something. She really, really wanted to though.

  Arin remained calm and she was proud of him for that. “Never the less, I am a ranking member of the Pride and thus my word is good enough.”

  Souda waved a paw, his next words dripping with smugness. “Your rank is lower than my own as Alpha of the 4th Pride,” he sneered. “Again, I ask, what can you offer in trade for clearance?” When Arin said nothing, he directed a look at her. “What of those beasts out front? One of them would do nicely.”

  She bristled and moved in front of Arin, pulling back her shoulders. “He is not an it. His name is Dinsa and he is not for trade.” Arin tried to block her way but she shoved him aside. “Now, you either take what we’re offering or you can kiss my ass!”


  She loved her sister…she loved her sister…she loved her sister…

  There were just times that she didn’t love Lanni’s temper.

  Like now.

  Before the derogatory nature of her twin’s words could fully sink in, she stepped up to save them, as usual. Not that she minded, she’d been doing it all her life, so this was nothing new.

  “Alpha,” she said calmly. “Please, forgive my sibling. She has become quite attached to the beast.”

  Lanni sputtered behind her, opening her mouth to add in her two cents, but a warning look over her shoulder, thankfully, had her twin snapping it shut again.

  She slid Draven’s bag off her shoulder and opened the top, pulling out the dagger she’d forgotten about until just now. “I have something far better I believe than a smelly, and quite obstinate I might add, Roc.” She held it out on both hands. “This belonged to King Taraxus himself,” she lied, mainly because she honestly didn’t know if it did or not. “I would think he’d consider it a great honor if you were bestowed with its care.”

  Arin’s sharp hiss was confirmation of her statement, though he said nothing.

  Fortunately, Souda for all his regal air was equal parts greedy, like most rulers she’d met. His eyes fell to the ornately, bejeweled dagger and lit up. His words were disdainful but still what they all wanted to hear. “Fine. You may pass.”

  The staffer pulled a parchment from the bag on his hip and she exchanged it for the dagger. She took Lanni’s arm before her twin could do something stupid and childish, like stick out her tongue at the pair, and turned them back for the elevator…


  “Do you know how much that dagger was worth?” Arin berated as they headed for the gate.

  “Do you really think I care?” Lanni shot back, patting Dinsa’s long neck.

  Oy Vey!

  Terra sighed. If these two didn’t sleep together soon, she’d lock them in a room herself until they did!

  She sat behind Ion and folded her arms, watching the pair go at it. Whatever frustrations they’d kept to themselves in the days past were finally boiling over.

  “Obviously not,” Arin railed. “If you did, you would have stopped your sister from offering it up!”

  Lanni snorted and she had to laugh. It was the typical reaction from her twin whenever she was losing an argument she didn’t think she was losing.

  “Well he obviously wasn’t going for your offer!” Lanni shifted in the saddle, rolling her shoulders back. “A promise, jeez, could you get any more lame?”

  Arin’s right head turned on her, his comment coming out on a low growl. “I will have you know, the promise of a favor from the 1st Pride is considered very prestigious to most!”

  “Apparently not prestigious enough! How could you even consider letting him have Dinsa or Shada!” Lanni shot back, waggling a finger at him. “And don’t deny it either! I saw you thinking about it!”

  “Of course I thought about it,” Arin rebutted. Both his lion faces winced as soon as the words were out. “Flagnok!” With that curse, he flapped his wings and lifted into the air, flying ahead.

  She tapped Ion on the shoulder and jerked her head toward her sister. “I’ll handle them if you’d like to go after Arin?”

  The Rider gave her a side-long grin and nudged Shada close enough that she could leap from one Roc to the other. She did and fortunately, Dinsa didn’t seem fazed by her additional weight. Not that he would, he was the size of a Mack Truck after all. But there had been a moment of fear in her gut.

  She leaned forward in the saddle, wrapped her arms around her sibling and propped her chin on Lanni’s shoulder. “Don’t be too hard him, he’s just jealous.”

  Her twin huffed out a lungful of air and drew it back in just as quickly. “I know,” she whispered.


  Once they’d cleared the main gate, the flight from Roasu to the buttes of Gahroon only took them a f
ew ticks and was about as uneventful as one could get. Save for the rumble of a thunderstorm in the distance, the entire party remained silent.

  Which was fine with Arin. He was still fuming over the dagger! Blasted women! Always interfering and saving and just being, being…

  Smarter than you? His right head thought.

  His left growled though the sound was lost to the wind. No! Well, maybe, just a little, he conceded.

  Uh huh…

  Be quiet!

  And truthfully it wasn’t even so much the value of the dagger. It was more the fact that he’d made it with his own two hands and given it as a gift to his friend…

  Did you tell her that? His right brain interjected.

  He hadn’t, there wasn’t time before it was gone, lost to a greedy Alpha that would probably just stick it on a shelf somewhere.

  Maybe if you said something instead of snapping her head off…

  Be quiet!

  He shut down the argument and concentrated on flying into the wind as it picked up. The thunderstorm was getting close, but they should make it before it hit. His right head swung around to check on the others, finding all of them easily enough.

  Lightening cracked across the sky and he sighed, seeing the craggy plateau’s ahead. He tilted a wing and climbed, happy, for once, to be home…


  Lanni couldn’t see much of the area until another crack of lightning split across the dark clouds brewing on the horizon. Below them, 18 distinct formations rose out of the desert. Each was topped with houses of varying shapes and sizes, though most of the characteristics were lost to the night. Lights blinked here and there and she wondered if they were fires or lamps or what.


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