Rascal (Edgewater Agency Book 2)

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Rascal (Edgewater Agency Book 2) Page 44

by Kyanna Skye

  Without a word he slowly reached an arm out, offering her plenty of time to retreat if she wanted but she had no care to. He encircled her and brought her to him, planting his mouth on hers.

  God, what am I doing? She had only time for this one thought before she was swept up in the moment. After that, nothing seemed to matter but him and her, and the privacy that this vacant lab offered them.

  His hands traveled down to clasp her ass, and she felt him lift one of her legs up to hook over his hip, and he guided her arms to encircle his neck. She was electrified by this, not just how he seemed to manipulate her body but how he responded to her touch. With every stroke of her hands, with every flick of her tongue, he trembled.

  With strength that naturally would have been a football player’s to command, he lifted her up off of the floor and set her on the counter that they had so recently been experimenting upon and a new experiment – one with better promise – began.

  His mouth played at hers, his tongue gently flicking in and out of her mouth, driving her wild. She had never been like this with a boy before… not ever. Not even in her dreams and fantasies. Somehow the illusion seemed to pale compared to this. And the experience was more than satisfying.

  His fingers lightly went to the hem of her shirt, and she felt the surge of adrenaline course through her as she realized what it was that he was about to do. Slowly, he pulled her shirt up, exposing inch after glorious inch of her bare skin. She had thought that perhaps she might feel self-conscious about such a thing; she had never thought that she had a body that anyone wanted to see. No one had ever complimented her looks. But that worry had never even crossed her mind now that she was with him.

  They broke their kiss just long enough for her shirt to be pulled up over her head and again his eyes combed over her body. His eyes lingered on her breasts, held inside the simple bra that she wore, and that look of awe still danced in his eyes. She smiled as he bent over, his lips lightly kissing at the skin of her chest, his tongue teasing one breast and then the other.

  She almost chuckled at how well he did so but held it in as his fingers lightly traced their way up to her shoulders, his thumbs hooking to the underside of her bra straps. Gently he pulled them aside, baring her shoulders, his mouth moved to kiss the skin there. His lips and his tongue were warm and magical upon her, sending fresh waves of excitement down her spine.

  His hands traveled to her bra’s clasp just between her breasts, and the small click that the plastic made in the silence filled her with delight as her skin was exposed. Again her lack of self-consciousness was like a breath of fresh air like she had been underwater her whole life and was only now savoring the sweet smell of oxygen.

  He bent over again and took her nipples into his mouth, each in turn, and a groan of animal-like desire left his lips. His hands joined the playfulness of his mouth, his fingers closing around her breasts firmly, but gently. She cradled his head in her arms, holding him to his playfulness.

  She felt alive for the first time in her whole life. She had seen the movies, read the stories, and happened to overhear the boasts of those who had claimed to have had sex. And she found all of them now falling utterly short. This… this simple foreplay… was greater than anything that she had ever imagined. She couldn’t wait for the really good parts to begin.

  He kissed and licked his way south between her breasts until his lips came to her jeans. With frantic hands, he unbuttoned her pants and slowly pulled them down, panties and all. The countertop on which she sat was cold, but the heat that coursed through her countered the sensation quickly. It felt as if nothing could touch her, she felt electricity dancing along every hair on her body.

  Naked before Rick she leaned forward, putting her mouth on his again. His lips responded hungrily, his tongue coaxing hers into his mouth where he lightly sucked on it, eliciting a small moan from her. He used his lips like a magician used a magic wand.

  Her hands reached out, taking his shirt and lifting it from over his head. Her eyes took in the sight of his torso. She recalled, with a slight blush, that she had seen him naked once before. But this was different… it was like she was seeing him for the first time. It was like he was hers… and she was his.

  She had never felt anything like it.

  He knelt before her, like a man at prayer, and pulled her to the edge of the countertop. To her amazement and complete delight he quickly buried his face between her legs. His mouth once more working its magic upon her she felt a new wave of energy surge through her. Had she been hooked up to electrodes she felt she could have lit the whole university for a month.

  She arched her back as his tongue flicked in and out of her. Her hands shot out to her sides to steady herself, but they offered little support as his mouth both lent her energy and weakened her simultaneously. Her fingers became desperate for something to grab a hold of but the flat surface of the counter where she sat provided no refuge for her hands. Inadvertently she stretched her fingers into his scalp, running them through his hair, his head responding to the pressure and driving him further and further inside of her.

  “Oh God,” she moaned as she leaned back on the counter, the coolness of the material kissing at the sweat that had begun to form on her skin. She widened her legs, and he took full advantage of her motion as his tongue licked her in ways that she had never imagined that someone could.

  She lost track of how long he was able to maintain his pleasure, and it wasn’t until he stopped that she began to realize how fuzzy her head seemed to have become. The room seemed to be spinning, but not uncontrollably so. Her senses felt dazed but alive, and she craved that feeling more.

  She realized she was about to get it when she looked down the length of her body and saw Rick standing before her. He fumbled with the buckle of his belt and the button on his jeans as he anxiously pulled his pants down. She took in the sight of his cock, hard and ready, the veins along his shaft throbbing.

  I made him that way, she realized with pride.

  Gently, he took her by the hips and guided her to him. She almost held her breath as he slid inside her, the pleasure that it created was dulled only by a brief moment of pain, and then that too was forgotten.

  “Fuck,” he whispered, his hands gently crawling forward to cup her breasts. “You’re so tight… so warm…”

  She drank his words in, trying to hold onto them as if she could grasp them with her bare hands but she was unable to do so as he began to thrust inside of her. He moved slowly, not rough and rugged like she had thought he would, but gentle. His movements were savory, and she could feel every last inch of him as he slipped in and out of her.

  She felt her toes curling, her legs trembling, her hands went to his torso, her fingers plowing imaginary lines across the thickly bunched muscles that he had. It was like a dream, touching something so finely honed. She had dreamed of such things, but the reality swept them all away.

  He held onto her hips for leverage as he thrust within her. She almost wanted to think that she was dreaming, but if she was, she didn’t care to wake up. She felt like she was finally being rewarded for her many years of study… of discipline… of always putting her academics first when she had so badly wanted something, anything, that felt normal. To have just one night to herself and live the life that other people took for granted… to feel wanted… it had been something that she had thought she would have to live without.

  But it was not so any longer.

  His hands reached up and took hers, his stronger fingers curling over her smaller ones. He held her hands, and she could feel his strength, it appealed to her in a way that she had never imagined. She had only ever thought of football players as thuggish brutes whose brains were in their biceps. But Rick had proven an exception to the rule. She had gotten to know him… spoken with him… worked with him… and following the pattern of her whole life she had learned about him and discovered something that interested her.

  She was attracted to him. She supposed that
in a way, she always had been. But she had never imagined that he – a famous football star on the rise – would ever be attracted to her. Not even for a little while.

  His hands lending her strength he continued to move within her. She gasped as he moved, her gasps becoming moans, and her moans drove him to speedier thrusts. The sounds she made were like a conductor waving his baton to elicit beautiful music from an entire orchestra. Their movements were soft and low and then became loud as crescendos as their bodies danced to the music that they made.

  Her fingers clenched tightly around his, her moans brought grunts from him that allowed them to keep time with one another. Their bodies settled into a rhythm, and when she relaxed her fingers, his thrusts slowed when she tightened them they intensified. It seemed as if she were playing an instrument that brought her more joy than any true implement could have ever given her.

  Their rhythm changed. It intensified, becoming more powerful. She felt like the dynamos in those old movies where the mad scientist brought his monster or his savage robot to life; spinning and spinning to generate power to the point of sending out wild arcs of electricity to charge an entire atmosphere. She was enveloped by it as her hands tightened around Rick’s to the point where her fingers began to hurt. It felt like her bones might crack as they gripped each other so tightly.

  His thrusts were powerful, overwhelming, intense, and they seemed to overtake her once… twice… three times before he seemed to begin to lose momentum. Her legs stiffened then trembled, her whole body felt as if it had gone limp. She felt beads of sweat forming on her body and running off as if she had just been under a fresh rain.

  A new silence settled upon the room as he leaned forward, resting his head on her chest. He still kept himself inside of her, and she wrapped her legs around his waist, holding him there. Their breathing was ragged and came in short gasps as she tried to bring her senses back to bear.

  The world was spinning before her eyes. As a child, she had stretched her arms out and spun and spun until she became so dizzy that she fell over. That same sensation washed over her even now. And she held onto Rick as an anchor, feeling herself spinning wildly out of control and he created the much needed solid ground that she could hold onto with ease and never let go.

  After a short time, their breathing returned to normal, and Rick was the first to gather enough of his senses to speak. “This was your first time, wasn’t it?”

  She felt a small pang of worry at the question. She had just had one of the most amazing and profound experiences of her life, but somehow his question seemed to mar it. She wanted him to think that she had been amazing… that perhaps she had displayed some manner of technique that he had never experienced before? More importantly than that, she didn’t want him to know that she had been a virgin. The idea seemed repulsive, even to her.

  Don’t be stupid, she thought, her sense of rationality and logic settling in upon her. Of course, he’s had better… he’s a football player. He dated Nichole for God’s sake! That slut probably did more for him than I ever will! And of course, he knows this is your first time… it’s not like you’ve talked at length about all of your old boyfriends!

  The thought complete, she found enough recourse in her heart to tell the truth. “Yes,” she said simply, fearful of the result.

  He pushed himself up to rest on his elbows to look at her. She met his eyes with her own and expected to see shock or maybe even disgust there. But each expression was absent from Rick’s features. All she did see there was… satisfaction.

  “I liked it,” he said simply.

  Inwardly she beamed.

  They walked arm-in-arm with each other back to her dorm and all the while she felt like she was walking on air. For the first time in her life, she felt… whole? No, that wasn’t the right word. In truth, she didn’t know what she felt, except to say that she felt better than she had when she first woke up this morning.

  “I have to say,” Rick said, his cheeks flushing – which she found adorable – “I’ve never had this much fun in a lab before.”

  She blushed as they walked, her dorm coming into sight, the lights of the lit windows – even at this late hour – ruining the shadows that concealed them. She suddenly felt her sense of self-consciousness beginning to assert itself within her and knew that they had to part soon. And though she gently tried to remove her arm from his, he wouldn’t allow it.

  She bit her lip with silent pride at that.

  When they finally got to the front door of her dormitory, he held onto her hands and looked at her. His demeanor, the way he carried himself, even the expressions that he had worn had suddenly seemed to change. It was a pleasant difference to see in him and that she was the one that had evoked it added pride to her heart.

  “So…shall we try again tomorrow?”

  She wondered if he meant their lab work or…? She laughed and said, “Yeah… I’m willing to trying again.”

  He smirked and leaned in to kiss her a final time. When their lips parted, he rested his forehead against hers, and she felt the tingle in her limbs at their proximity again. They stayed that way for a short time, neither of them seeming to want to let the other one go.

  “So, I’ll see you in class tomorrow?”

  She nodded. “I can’t wait.”

  When they broke apart, he waited until she was safely inside the doors of her dorm before walking off. He walked backward, always keeping her in his sight the whole time until at last the night seemed to swallow him.

  Jenny stood there at the door, staring at the night where he had vanished and felt an incredible feeling fill her up. She had not felt this good about something outside of her academic pursuits in a long time. She felt like she had made an important milestone in her life… she’d had a social encounter.

  And a damned good one, she thought.

  Her pleasant thoughts carried her all the way to her room, and when she arrived there, she was surprised to see a crack of light shining under the door in the quiet hallway. She knew that she hadn’t left the lights on; it had been light outside when she’d left. That could only mean…

  “Oh God,” she murmured, realizing that there was only one explanation. A sense of awkwardness crept over her as she realized that Nichole was home.

  So what? I’ve been keeping the fact that I’ve been seeing Rick a secret from her for weeks… why is this any different? The answer was obvious: she had only been studying with Rick up until tonight. Things were different now, and she knew it. It’s okay… I just have to carry on like normal.

  She composed herself mentally and physically and inserted her key into the lock and opened the door. When she did, she saw Nichole sitting on her bed, her eyes wet with tears. When her redheaded roommate looked up and saw her, her look of sadness turned to a look of outright loathing with incredible speed.

  “Fucking bitch!” Nichole hissed.

  Jenny froze. The insult was aimed at her and that it had come at all was nothing short of a shock. She tried to think of something to say, but before she could, Nichole got to her feet and produced her phone, turning it so that Jenny could see the screen.

  Her heart leaped into her throat.

  On Nichole’s phone was a photo of her and Rick. She recognized it at once, taken only minutes ago, an image of her and Rick holding hands outside the door of the dormitory greeted her eyes. Nichole swiped the image, and it changed again, becoming one of her and Rick kissing. She swiped it again, and it was another of her and Rick resting their foreheads against each other.

  Jenny was at a loss for words and felt like someone had reached inside her chest and clamped a steel fist around her heart and spinal column, pinching them shut like a plastic straw. She thought to ask how Nichole got these pictures… then her mind changed gears to argue that she and Rick had broken up weeks ago… that she had been giving Rick so much grief before they broke up that she had no right to be jealous or angry. But the words wouldn’t translate from thoughts and all Jenny could
do was stand at the threshold of her door with an irate roommate.

  “I thought that there had to be a reason he broke up with me,” Nichole said, her voice sounding genuinely hurt. “Now I know… but I never would have thought it was you!” She stiffened her lip, and the look on her face sent a feeling of panic down Jenny’s spine. “Get ready you fucking slut… the whole campus is about to find out that you’re sloppy seconds!”

  In a move that surprised her, Nichole reached out and pushed Jenny from their room and into the hall beyond. Jenny lost her footing and fell onto the carpeted floor, her backpack tumbling over her shoulder. She tried to protest and speak but too late, the door to the room she and Nichole shared slammed shut. The sound of the panic lock sliding into a place filled the silence of the hall.

  She knew she wasn’t getting back inside there.

  Jenny sat, dazed and stunned, wondering just what it was that Nichole had meant. The fear of infinite possibilities crept up inside of her. She knew the kind of person that Nichole was, and the options that her roommate had to make her life into a new kind of hell seemed more than possible, they were certain.

  Jenny couldn’t believe this turn of events. This night… which had started out normal and turned magical had suddenly become something else. Something that seemed like it was right out of a nightmare.

  Uncertain of what else to do, unable to think anything else, she began to cry.

  Nichole made good on her threats just as she had promised. Jenny, having slept in the common room of the dorm, woke to find people pointing and laughing at her the second she had opened her eyes. She had known these people from her life in the dorm, though she had not been particularly friendly with any of them. She had always been content to keep to herself and not interfere with the lives of others if they would do as much for her.


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