Crystal's Calamity (The Red Petticoat Saloon)

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Crystal's Calamity (The Red Petticoat Saloon) Page 6

by Stevie MacFarlane

  Now he had a niggling suspicion his days of peace and solitude were over. Marrying the girl would most likely be something he would have done in haste and repented at his leisure. In fact, he had no idea why he’d brought it up in the first place. Probably some form of misplaced sympathy for her dire circumstances. Hopefully, when she returned from her bath, she would be honest with him. If at all possible, he would help her and then plan a nice long trip to New Orleans for some feminine company and riverboat action. Pleased with his common sense approach, he settled into the chair to wait.


  Clementine stayed in the scented water as long as she dared. The afternoon sun was beginning to wane and the other girls would want their turns. While she’d managed to avoid breakfast and dinner, not showing up for supper would surely raise eyebrows and have someone checking on her. Jewel might insist she take the night off and Clem wanted to be in the thick of things if Whiskers showed up.

  Stepping out of the tub with a sigh, she dried off and pulled on her robe wishing she’d brought some clothing in with her. The thin satin clung to her damp curves revealing far more than she felt comfortable with, but putting on her dirty britches and shirt was unappealing. Surely Mr. Montgomery would not display undue interest especially since he already knew every inch of her body.

  Clementine drained and rinsed the tub. She hurried back to her room half expecting him to be gone as she’d tarried so long, but there he was. His long body perched on her window sill as he studied the street below.

  “Are you decent?” he asked, not turning around.

  “I used to be,” she responded in a crude joking way.

  “Not funny, Clem.”

  “Sorry.” Taking up a shawl she wrapped it around her body. “All right, I’m good. It’s not like you haven’t seen it before.”

  “That’s beside the point. Those circumstances were different. Today I’m here as a gentleman caller, not a customer,” he scolded. “I also hope you will come to regard me as a friend.”

  “I’m willing to try,” she agreed, sitting down at her dressing table and picking up her brush. Slowly she began to untangle her long hair. Speaking softly, she told him about her life in West Virginia, her father’s gold fever and their trip west.

  Jasper listened intently, saving his questions and mesmerized by the way the fading light turned her curls to gold.

  “Did you want to come west, Clementine?” he asked gently.

  “Not particularly, but I had nothing to keep me from it. There was my teaching job of course, but no beau or anyone special. I always had an itch to travel, but our income didn’t support that kind of thing. I guess some of his excitement rubbed off on me in the end and I got caught up in the idea of maybe striking it rich.”

  “Go on, honey,” Jasper encouraged gently.

  “He drank on the journey, much more than usual. He was full of dreams and overly high spirits, foolishly anticipating we would arrive and simply find gold lying on the ground for the taking. I worried he was heading for a grave disappointment,” she said, pausing and looking at her lap. “I just didn’t expect him to end up in a grave.”

  “I’m sorry about your father’s death, Clem. Was the trip too much for him?” Jasper asked kindly as he approached her and took the brush from her shaking hands. Carefully he began to run it through her hair, smoothing the remaining tangles.

  “My father didn’t die from natural causes,” she whispered, raising her head and meeting his eyes in the mirror. “He was murdered in cold blood, right before my eyes,” she continued, her voice growing stronger with rage. “Like a dog,” she hissed, “As though he was of no importance to anyone.”

  “Clem, I’m so sorry. Do you know why or who would do something like this?” he asked, placing his hand on her shoulder for support.

  “For our mine, Eliza’s Dream, of course,” she spat. “It was showing promise and someone wanted it enough to kill him and run his son off. At least they thought they were running his son off. That gives me the edge, don’t you think?”

  “I don’t understand. In what way does it give you an advantage?” he asked, his voice deepening. “Did you see who shot him?”

  “No, I only heard his voice,” she admitted shaking her head, “but it’s a voice I’ll remember till the day I die. So polite, so cordial, so deadly.”

  Jasper’s hands resumed brushing, but he was ominously quiet for a few minutes as he watched her in the mirror. She saw his lips tighten, felt the tension in his hands when he laid the brush on her vanity and took her shoulders pulling her to her feet. Spinning her around to face him, he shook her once and Clem knew it was with great restraint.

  “Things are beginning to make sense now. You chose The Red Petticoat because the odds of your running into the man who shot your father are higher here. Quite the little gambler, aren’t you?”

  “I chose this place because it’s the one place I can make enough money to hire a lawyer. I want my claim back and I mean to have it,” she snapped. “If I happen to run into the murdering bastard, well that’s just an added bonus.”

  “I don’t think so, Clementine McKay. I don’t think so at all. In fact, your stay at The Red Petticoat will be very short indeed. You’re coming home with me. Tonight!”

  “I most certainly am not,” she said firmly. “I’m staying right here and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it. I thought you wanted to help me?” she yelled.

  “Help you what? Get yourself killed? No thanks. I tell you I won’t have it, Clementine,” he growled, his nose nearly pressed to hers. “First of all, you don’t even know what this man looks like. What if you accidentally bring him upstairs and then realize who he is?”

  “Then I’ll shoot him, like he shot my father, right between the eyes,” she sobbed as she struggled to get away.

  “That weapon you own isn’t one easily concealed, not to mention you can’t kill a man in cold blood,” he stated.

  “Why not, he did?” she spat back.

  “Yes and apparently got away with it. You won’t be so lucky. While at the moment I’d have no problem trussing you up and carting you out of here, I don’t fancy watching you swing from the end of a rope!”

  “Then don’t watch,” she snarled, managing to get around the bench.

  Jasper swung her up in his arms and sat, holding her struggling body on his lap.

  “Settle down or you’ll soon be facing the other way,” he warned tightening his grip.

  “It’ll cost you,” she sneered.

  Jasper snorted.

  “Let me get this straight. You expect me to sit downstairs and watch you bring man after man up to your room while you fill your purse and wait for some unknown assailant who has ‘a voice you’ll never forget’ at which point you intend to lure him upstairs and kill him?” he demanded, unable to keep the touch of awe at her audacity out of his voice.

  “More or less, yes,” she replied.

  Shaking his head at the absurdity of her plan, he tossed her over his shoulder and smacked her bottom hard several times before planting her back on his lap.

  “I said stop wiggling,” he intoned absently, holding her tighter.

  Clem puffed the hair out of her eyes and squinted. Those swats hurt. Jasper seemed to be thinking things over. Whether that was a good sign or not, she couldn’t be sure. Finally, he spoke.

  “Even if I could sit downstairs and watch you sell what’s rightfully mine night after night, and I’m not at all sure I can do that, I can’t let you put yourself at risk for being recognized.”

  “He thinks I’m a boy,” she drawled sarcastically.

  Over his shoulder she went again for another impromptu spanking that was particularly stinging.

  “Ow, ow, ow,” she cried. “Sorry.”

  “As you should be,” he informed her plopping her down once again and noting her yelp with satisfaction. “Your sassy mouth is not solving anything.”

  “All right, all right,” she agreed with a po
ut. “Will you rub it?” she asked hopefully, wiggling her bottom.


  “You did last night,” she accused.

  “That was different. Now be quiet while I consider other options,” he warned.

  Clem sighed and forced herself to relax in his arms. Before she realized it, her hand crept up around his shoulder and she toyed with the dark hair at the back of his neck. His glower as he rose had her clenching her bottom cheeks, but he briskly set her on her feet.

  “I can’t think straight with you in my arms,” he said gruffly before his head came swooping down to claim her lips with his in a kiss that was somehow both passionate and angry. “I’ll be back tonight and we’ll talk.”

  In three strides he was out the door, closing it none too gently behind him. So, he couldn’t think clearly while holding her close? Clem liked that and smiled as she began to dress until it dawned on her she wasn’t exactly rational when he had his hands on her body. Even when he was smacking her bottom, hard, she couldn’t seem to help responding to him. It was as annoying as hell.

  She went down for supper in a navy blue skirt and white shirtwaist, her hair pulled back with a bow. Nodding to Jewel she took her seat at the long table.

  “How are you feeling, Crystal?” Jewel asked.

  “I’m fine. Thank you for asking.”

  “And how did your meeting with Mr. Montgomery go? He seemed quite determined to see you,” Jewel remarked, laying a napkin in her lap.

  “Um, yes he was,” Crystal replied, feeling the stares directed her way as she kept her head down.

  “Will you be leaving The Red Petticoat?”

  “Whatever gave you that idea?” Crystal gasped, her head snapping up as she looked around the table at the curious expressions.

  “Jasper implied you two had an ‘understanding’,” Jewel continued. “I assumed he had a plan to whisk you away from this life of ill repute,” she sighed, unable to stop the giggle that escaped.

  The laughter spread around the table as the other girls joined in.

  “Lord, I don’t understand why some men feel the need to rescue us, when in fact we are living life exactly as we want,” Opal sighed. “I don’t think being at one man’s beck and call is a step up, unless you love him, of course. Otherwise it’s simply trading one form of servitude for another and at least we get to choose at The Red Petticoat.”

  “I agree completely,” Crystal said, “which is why when he offered, I refused.”

  “You refused Jasper Montgomery?” Amy gasped, her mouth dropping open. “Do you have any idea how rich he is, not to mention that body,” she continued, rapidly fanning herself with her napkin.

  “I prefer to make my money the old-fashioned way,” Crystal replied crisply.

  Instantly the girls erupted in laughter.

  “Well, you can’t get any more old-fashioned than making it on your back,” Dottie interjected with a snort.

  “My, my, you girls are certainly in high spirits,” Nettie said as she plopped a platter of ham on the table. “See that you behave yourselves tonight.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” chorused around the table.

  “Crystal, maybe you should consider wearing a pink petticoat for a day or two,” Jewel suggested kindly. “Serving drinks and mingling with customers will give you a chance to recover from; well, I understand Jasper spent the entire night with you. I hope he made it worth your while.”

  Crystal blushed to the roots of her hair and took a drink of water.

  “Yes, um… he’s very, um… skilled,” she croaked out.

  “I’ll bet he is, but I meant financially, dear,” Jewel replied, blushing slightly.

  “Oh, yes, I see. He was very generous in that regard as well.” Head down, she pushed the food on her plate around.

  “How generously is he a… made?” Amy drawled, winking at Opal before continuing. “If you know what I mean?”

  All the gems were learning slightly forward in anticipation of her answer, when in reality she had nothing to base it on.

  “He was adequate,” she hissed.

  “Girls, stop teasing Crystal,” Jewel ordered. “If you’re so curious, entice him up to your rooms.”

  “Don’t think I haven’t tired,” Amy sighed. “I’m just curious,” she insisted, defending her question. “There’s adequate, exceptionally adequate and monstrously adequate,” she giggled. “Come on, Crystal,” she pleaded. “Tell me he’s only barely adequate so I can stop fantasizing about him.”

  “Amy!” Jewel scolded. “You’re embarrassing her.”

  “No, it’s fine,” Crystal shot back. “In fact, Jasper is the most passionate lover I’ve ever known. In my humble opinion, his organ is exemplary in both size and strength. There, does that satisfy your curiosity?”

  “Oh my yes,” Amy replied, dreamily, her chin resting on her hand. “It most certainly does. I just knew he’d be hung like a horse.”

  Opal burst out laughing and the others joined in. Even Crystal giggled at the affronted expression on Amy’s face.

  “What?” she demanded.

  “Apparently you are the only one here who doesn’t know that until last night Crystal had never been with a man,” Opal howled, wiping her eyes. “Of course Montgomery is the most passionate and well-endowed lover she’s ever known. He’s her only lover.”

  “Well, talk about keeping secrets,” Amy huffed. “You could have told me.”

  “It’s not your business, nor is it any business of ours what went on between Mr. Montgomery and Crystal. I just wanted to make sure she was not disappointed in her wages for the evening,” Jewel said sternly.

  “I was quite satisfied in every respect, Madam Jewel,” Crystal replied calmly.

  “How much did you charge him?” Amy asked.

  “Miss Amy, if you don’t stop prying into things that don’t concern you,” Nettie snapped as she brought out dessert, “I’ll put my wooden spoon to good use and right quickly too. Leave the young lady alone. She’s just learning the ropes.”

  “Did he use ropes?” Amy teased with a smirk. “That must have cost him plenty.”

  In two strides Nettie had Amy by the upper arm and hauled her out of her chair.

  “Come along to the kitchen with me,” she instructed, shaking her head.

  “I was only kidding,” Amy wailed, unwilling to struggle and increase the older woman’s ire.

  “Let’s see how funny you feel in a few minutes,” Nettie replied.

  It was at that moment Gabe approached the table and took his seat. “Sorry I’m late, ladies. I was delayed,” he remarked, calmly shaking out his napkin. “I see Nettie has everything under control, as usual.”

  “Is she really going to take a spoon to her?” Crystal asked nervously.

  “She most certainly is,” Opal laughed, “and she deserves it too. Sometimes Amy plays dumb to get what she wants. Tonight she overplayed her hand and her bottom will pay the price.”

  The sound of Nettie’s voice carried from the kitchen quite clearly and everyone around the table froze when the words, ‘bend over that worktable and lift those skirts’ floated to the dining room. Almost immediately screams of ‘I’m sorry’ followed crisp sounds that could only be the echoes of a hard spoon striking flesh.

  Crystal shivered and Dottie patted her hand.

  “Don’t fret. This isn’t the first time Amy’s behind has met up with Nettie’s spoon and I doubt it will be the last. Follow the rules and you’ll have nothing to worry about,” Dottie whispered.

  At least not from Nettie, Crystal thought. Jasper Montgomery was another story.

  “I don’t want any more of your nonsense,” Nettie insisted. The smacks were still falling and Amy was pleading for all she was worth.

  It was almost comical until Crystal recalled Jasper’s hard hand this afternoon behaving much like a wooden implement. As she recollected, that hadn’t been a bit funny.

  “Crystal is new here and I expect she hasn’t had life easy.
You treat her kindly, you hear me?”

  “Yes, ma’am, yes, ma’am I will. I was only teasing,” Amy wailed.

  “Less teasing and more caring will do nicely. Now you get on out there and make your apologies and you’d best do me proud, Miss Amy,” Nettie warned.

  Within seconds Amy appeared at Crystal’s side, tears running down her cheeks.

  “I most humbly apologize for being so nosey and teasing you, Crystal. Please forgive me,” she continued, wiping her eyes on her sleeve.

  “Of course I do,” Crystal said rising and enfolding Amy in her arms. They hugged for several moments before Crystal whispered in Amy’s ear.

  “Jasper spanked me last night and today,” she admitted softly, “so I know how you feel.”

  “He did?” Amy whispered back. “Maybe he’s not quite as appealing as I thought.”

  Crystal giggled and gave Amy a conspiratorial wink as she released her.

  “Who wants chocolate cake?” Nettie asked returning to the dining room.

  Crystal noticed Nettie gave the biggest piece to Amy.

  Chapter Seven

  At the last moment, Crystal exchanged her red petticoat for a pink one before going downstairs. She was still a bit sore, both from last night and Jasper’s spanking this afternoon. The thoughts of another man’s hands touching her in intimate places made her feel slightly nauseated and she tried to convince herself it was because she’d eaten too much at dinner.

  Jasper also breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the bright pink flashing from beneath her silvery dress. Settling into a game of poker, he kept his eye on her as she made the rounds. At times she was nearly mobbed by overeager men and his heart raced until she managed to extricate herself and move on.

  Crystal made a point of speaking with each man. He now knew why. She was trying to find the voice that haunted her dreams. He lost count of the number of trips she made to the bar for drinks and the times her face grimaced when some clumsy miner stepped on her toes as he whirled her around the dance floor. Twice she was grabbed in a rough way, but before he could rise from his chair, Gabe was clamping a big hand on the man’s shoulder and freeing her from his grasp.


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