[79] Pope-Hennessey, James (Editor) Queen Victoria at Balmoral & Windsor: Letters from her Granddaughter, Princess Victoria of Prussia, June 1889 (George Allen & Unwin 1959) © Estate of James Pope-Hennessy. Reprinted by permission
[80] Reid, Michaela Ask Sir James (Hodder & Stoughton 1987) ©Michaela Reid. Reprinted by permission
[81] Mackenzie, Morell Sir The Fatal Illness of Frederick the Nobel (Low, Marston, Searle & Rimmington 1888)
[82] ibid
[83] ibid
[84] Ponsonby, Frederick (editor) The Letters of the Empress Frederick (Macmillan 1928)
[85] Mackenzie, Morell Sir The Fatal Illness of Frederick the Nobel (Low, Marston, Searle & Rimmington 1888)
[86] Ponsonby, Sir Frederick Recollections of Three Reigns (Eyre & Spottiswood 1961)
[87] Ponsonby, Frederick (editor) The Letters of the Empress Frederick (Macmillan 1928)
[88] Pope-Hennessey, James (Editor) Queen Victoria at Balmoral & Windsor: Letters from her Granddaughter, Princess Victoria of Prussia, June 1889 (George Allen & Unwin 1959) © Estate of James Pope-Hennessy. Reprinted by permission
[89] Leslie, Ada E. Letters of a Victorian Lady 1883-1894 (http://www.barnardf.demon.co.uk/index.htm#Index ) © Francis Barnard. Reprinted by permission.
[90] Marie Louise, Princess My Memories of Six Reigns (Evans Brothers 1956)
[91] Mallet, Victor Life With Queen Victoria – Marie Mallet’s letters from court 1887-1901 (John Murray 1968)
[92] ibid
[93] Topham Alice A Distant Thunder (New Chapter Press 1992) © Wendy Reid Crisp. Reprinted with permission
[94] Marie Louise, Princess My Memories of Six Reigns (Evans Brothers 1956)
[95] Pope Hennessy, James Queen Mary (George Allen & Unwin 1959) © Estate of James Pope-Hennessy. Reprinted by permission
[96] Paléologue, Maurice An Ambassadors Memoirs (Hutchinson 1923)
[97] Mikhailovich, Alexander Always A Grand Duke (Farrar & Reinhart 1933)
[98] Princess Elizabeth of Hesse, letter to Queen Victoria 1883 (source unknown)
[99] Olsoufieff, Countess Alexandra H.I.H. The Grand Duchess Elisabeth Feodorovna of Russia (John Murray 1923)
[100] Marie Louise, Princess My Memories of Six Reigns (Evans Brothers 1956)
[101] ibid
[102] ibid
[103] ibid
[104] Pope Hennessy, James Queen Mary (George Allen & Unwin 1959) © Estate of James Pope-Hennessy.
[105] Marie of Roumania The Story of My Life (Saturday Evening Post 1934) Reprinted by courtesy of www.tkinter.org
[106] Buxhoeveden, Baroness Sophie The Life & Tragedy of Alexandra Feodorovna (Longmans 1928)
[107] Vyrubova, Anna Memories of the Russian Court (Macmillan 1923)
[108] Hibbert, Christopher Queen Victoria: A Personal History (HarperCollins 2000)
[109] Harrogate Advertiser The Royal Visitors at Harrogate (June 16th 1894)
[110] Buxhoeveden, Baroness Sophie The Life & Tragedy of Alexandra Feodorovna (Longmans 1928)
[111] Marie Louise, Princess My Memories of Six Reigns (Evans Brothers 1956)
[112] Alice, Grand Duchess of Hesse, Biographical Sketch and Letters (John Murray 1884)
[113] Grand Duchess Elizabeth to Tsar Nicholas. Source unknown
[114] Paléologue, Maurice An Ambassadors Memoirs (Hutchinson 1923)
[115] Nicholas, Prince of Greece My Fifty Years (Hutchinson 1926)
[116] Olsoufieff, Countess Alexandra H.I.H. The Grand Duchess Elisabeth Feodorovna of Russia (John Murray 1923)
[117] Dehn, Lili The Real Tsaritsa (1922)
[118] Vyrubova, Anna Memories of the Russian Court (Macmillan 1923)
[119] ibid
[120] Dehn, Lili The Real Tsaritsa (1922)
[121] Olsoufieff, Countess Alexandra H.I.H. The Grand Duchess Elisabeth Feodorovna of Russia (John Murray 1923)
[122] Buxhoeveden, Baroness Sophie The Life & Tragedy of Alexandra Feodorovna (Longmans 1928)
[123] Dehn, Lili The Real Tsaritsa (1922)
[124] Marie Louise, Princess My Memories of Six Reigns (Evans Brothers 1956)
[125] Ramm Agatha Beloved & Darling Child (Sutton 1990)
[126] Ponsonby, Frederick (editor) The Letters of the Empress Frederick (Macmillan 1928)
[127] Vyrubova, Anna Memories of the Russian Court (Macmillan 1923)
[128] Ramm Agatha Beloved & Darling Child (Sutton 1990)
[129] Ponsonby, Frederick (editor) The Letters of the Empress Frederick (Macmillan 1928)
[130] Buxhoeveden, Baroness Sophie The Life & Tragedy of Alexandra Feodorovna (Longmans 1928)
[131] Pakula, Hannah The Last Romantic (Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1996)
[132] Alice, Countess of Athlone For my Grandchildren (Evans 1979)
[133] Pope Hennessy, James Queen Mary (George Allen & Unwin 1959) © Estate of James Pope-Hennessy. Reprinted by permission
[134] Ponsonby, Sir Frederick Recollections of Three Reigns (Eyre & Spottiswood 1961)
[135] Pope Hennessy, James Queen Mary (George Allen & Unwin 1959) © Estate of James Pope-Hennessy Reprinted by permission
[136] Marie Louise, Princess My Memories of Six Reigns (Evans Brothers 1956)
[137] Vyrubova, Anna Memories of the Russian Court (Macmillan 1923)
[138] Olsufieff, Countess Alexandra H.I.H. The Grand Duchess Elisabeth Feodorovna of Russia (John Murray 1923)
[139] Maylunas, Andrei & Mironenko, Sergei A Lifelong Passion (Doubleday 1997)
[140] Olsufieff, Countess Alexandra H.I.H. The Grand Duchess Elisabeth Feodorovna of Russia (John Murray 1923)
[141] ibid
[142] Marie Louise, Princess My Memories of Six Reigns (Evans Brothers 1956)
[143] Toulmin, David (The Leopard Magazine Dec. 1976) Reprinted by permission
[144] Rohl, John C.G., Warren, Martin, & Hunt, David Purple Secret (Bantam 1998)
[145] ibid
[146] Alice, Grand Duchess of Hesse, Biographical Sketch and Letters (John Murray 1884)
[147] Grand Duchess Elizabeth to Tsar Nicholas (1910) – source unknown
[148] Buxhoeveden, Baroness Sophie The Life & Tragedy of Alexandra Feodorovna (Longmans 1928)
[149] ibid
[150] ibid
[151] ibid
[152] ibid
[153] Gilliard, Pierre Thirteen Years at the Russian Court (Publisher unknown)
[154] Vyrubova, Anna Memories of the Russian Court (Macmillan 1923)
[155] Pope Hennessy, James Queen Mary (George Allen & Unwin 1959) © Estate of James Pope-Hennessy. Reprinted by permission
[156] Olsufieff, Countess Alexandra H.I.H. The Grand Duchess Elisabeth Feodorovna of Russia (John Murray 1923)
[157] Graham, Stephen, The Way of Martha and the Way of Mary (Macmillan 1915) – Reprinted by permission of: http://orthodoxengland.org.uk
[158] Olsufieff, Countess Alexandra H.I.H. The Grand Duchess Elisabeth Feodorovna of Russia (John Murray 1923)
[159] Grand Duchess Elizabeth to Tsar Nicholas (1910) Source unknown
[160] Buxhoeveden, Baroness Sophie The Life & Tragedy of Alexandra Feodorovna (Longmans 1928)
[161] Paléologue, Maurice An Ambassadors Memoirs (Hutchinson 1923)
[162] Pakula, Hannah The Last Romantic (Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1996)
[163] Marie of Roumania, My Life as Crown Princess (Saturday Evening Post, June 1934) Reprinted courtesy of www.tkinter.org
[164] ibid
[165] Vyrubova, Anna Memories of the Russian Court (Macmillan 1923)
[166] Marie Louise, Princess My Memories of Six Reigns (Evans Brothers 1956)
[167] Paléologue, Maurice An Ambassadors Memoirs (Hutchinson 1923)
[168] Marie Louise, Princess My Memories of Six Reigns (Evans Brothers 1956)
[169] Buxhoeveden, Baroness Sophie The Life & Tragedy of Alexandra Feodorovna (Longmans 1928)
[170] Vyrubova, Anna Memories of the Russian Court (Macmillan 1923)
[171] Telberg , George Gustav Last Days of the Romanovs (George H Doran Co. 1920)
[172] Olsufieff, Countess Alexandra H.I.H. The Grand Duchess Elisabeth Feodorovna of Russia (John Murray 1923)
[173] Grand Duchess Elizabeth to Tsar Nicholas 1915 (Source unknown)
[174] Buxhoeveden, Baroness Sophie The Life & Tragedy of Alexandra Feodorovna (Longmans 1928)
[175] Paléologue, Maurice An Ambassadors Memoirs (Hutchinson 1923)
[176] Buxhoeveden, Baroness Sophie The Life & Tragedy of Alexandra Feodorovna (Longmans 1928)
[177] Vyrubova, Anna Memories of the Russian Court (Macmillan 1923)
[178] Olsufieff, Countess Alexandra H.I.H. The Grand Duchess Elisabeth Feodorovna of Russia (John Murray 1923)
[179] http://history.hanover.edu/project.php Reprinted by permission
[180] ibid
[181] Davidson, Henry P. The American Red Cross in the Great War (Macmillan 1919)
[182] Marie Louise, Princess My Memories of Six Reigns (Evans Brothers 1956)
[183] ibid
[184] Alice, Grand Duchess of Hesse, Biographical Sketch and Letters (John Murray 1884)
[185] Marie Louise, Princess My Memories of Six Reigns (Evans Brothers 1956)
[186] ibid
Queen Victoria's Granddaughters 1860-1918 Page 33