Bloody Revenge

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Bloody Revenge Page 28

by Darrell Guidry


  And here reached it. The pattern on a shirt ranked a tolmach as one,

  to absolutely certain tribe. And blue brushes on boots - to

  to another!

  This person - not that for whom gives itself!

  Fatigue and inevitable drowsiness it vanished as if by magic. Wolfhound

  was selected, preparing for immediate actions. Most of all he wanted

  to pick up a knesinka on hands, closing itself. No, it is impossible...

  -... On necks of his kolesnichny horses force, a roar and fear stays

  to enemies, - quietly and harmoniously translated meanwhile толмач, and sho-sitaynets

  glanced at it with gratitude. The wolfhound vividly imagined a laughter

  both rappberry of citizens, indignation of a knesinka, and full not duty

  the segvan which hurriedly bought good boots and, here an ill luck, who was not in time

  to change brushes. The wolfhound once again rummaged around him a look, but not

  noticed any weapon.

  Why in darkness of soul disturbing continued to sound beat, to give

  to take calling on the fire?.

  - Allow, the monarchess to hand over to you three treasures

  our blessed steppes, three white, as milk, racers, never

  not hearing neither the rough hail, nor lash whistling...

  The merchant receded slightly aside, turned back and waved a hand to servants

  to bring the handsome askancing, pressing ears, - a stallion and two mares.

  Delighted grumble was heard: horses appeared really above

  any praises. And, apparently, the Wolfhound was the only thing who on them not

  looked. He looked only at a tolmach. That, as well as the merchant, moved too in

  the party, only in opposite what real толмач would not make

  never. And then, continuing to smile, suddenly put both hands in sleeves, and

  the look became very cold. In this share of a moment the Wolfhound managed to understand,

  that already saw it earlier and to guess why the murderer dressed up

  segvany. For the sake of these here full sleeves, not utesnenny ties...

  Further everything occurred at the same time. Knesinka Elen was not in time

  to be frightened. Flung away it away together with a chair - directly on the boyar

  Luchezara, - and the bent-down Wolfhound as the lowered spring, from the place

  jumped on the tolmach standing in four steps from him. Already in its flight

  caught up with shout of a knesinka. The touch seemed to it: something passed on it

  to breast and on the left side, almost without having hurt. Means, it after all not

  was mistaken. As always in such cases, time slowed down for it the run, and

  he saw how the disappointment from the spoiled throw was replaced on a face of the murderer

  fear and understanding of death. Then the distorted face and hands with the second

  in couple of knives which are already made for a throwing swam up closely. Knives so

  also did not strike. The Wolfhound struck. Fist. Under a chin. Also heard

  short crunch what is distributed when break a backbone.

  It fell down in dust near the become soft murderer's body, and time again

  began to flow, as always.

  His first thought was: to protect madam. However a team about everything already

  took care. Knesinka was picked up, having covered for immense, reliable

  backs. The wolfhound heard its voice, scared, wondering. Rose and

  Luchezar, which сшибло heavy chair. Here who was out of himself from

  rage. He pointed a finger at the Wolfhound and shouted:

  - Thief!.

  Fortunately for a vein, the people considered that the boyar pointed to the killed.

  The frightened horses loudly neighed and tried to kick. Servants hung on

  bridles, hardly holding mighty animals. To the Sho-sitaynsky merchant already

  broke for a hand back, and over crowd, extending, precisely a wave from

  the fallen stone, the call soared: "Beat segvan!"

  - It not сегван! - vainly searching for a look of the boyar Krut, in all

  can the Wolfhound cried.

  Right did not respond, and veins understood that it is necessary to undertake something

  most. Once, very far from here, he saw how expelled from big

  the cities of some inoplemennik, gentiles on whom dumped loss

  zolototkany cover from the local temple. It was terrible. Wolfhound

  in a trice imagined how kind galiradets stones and sticks drive for

  gate Fitela, Avdik, Aptakhar, smash already poor workshop

  old lame Varokh... Yes as will begin to live after it?.

  The wolfhound rose, and here Gods came of him to the rescue: from human

  whirl the policeman - that white-headed robust fellow with whom came up

  it once measured swords at a korchemny table.

  The wolfhound a death grip took him for a shoulder:

  - It not сегван, guy! You hear?. Tell Bravlin...

  - It wounded you, - the policeman looked narrowly. On a shirt a vein, up to a breast and

  on the left side, really two dark stains blurred. Wolfhound

  waved away:

  - Tell everything that this murderer - any not сегван! Understood? Give!

  White-headed it was quick-witted. He nodded and stopped at nothing through

  crowd, precisely a wild boar through canes. Little by little policemen in a crowd

  became more, and the fights which broke out here and there stopped by itself, and

  shouts became more rare and more silent.

  But four heroes led by Abrupt approached the Wolfhound at once.

  Luchezar was one of four.

  - Thief! - directly looking on a vein, immediately accused its Left. Now

  there could not be doubts any more to whom he pointed. The wolfhound kept silent.

  - Go, Luchezar, track that the merchant was taken to Krom, but any offenses

  did not repair, we will not understand yet, - gloomy spoke Right. - And so still

  if the amends had not to be made. And you, guy...

  - Agreed, the thief! - Luchezar repeated. - The robber and robber

  employed! To cause a stir decided!. And to the friend broke a neck that the rest

  it was not necessary to pay extra...

  - What you will tell, the guy? - asked It is abrupt. The wolfhound answered:

  - Did not hurt madam?

  - Did not hurt, - told It is abrupt. - So you heard what the boyar tells? Than

  you will prove that it is pure?

  At this time one more hero approached them.

  - Here they, knives, - he told, showing on a palm two wide as

  spoons, a blade without handles. - One in a collum of a chair got stuck, hardly took out,

  another... still slightly - not in a buckle of a belt, so also hit me a stomach.

  The boyar Krut examined the shining edge and again turned to the Wolfhound:

  - Than you will prove that it is pure?

  That oshcheritsya suddenly, precisely chain dog who decided to dump a collar:

  - And this sword!. For slander of a vira do not ask us!.

  No, not for nothing the sovereign Gluzd with peace of mind left to the daughter the city.

  The young knesinka forced to part a team and for the second time for one

  fearlessly parted morning men, ready to murder.

  - You!. - imperiously its voice sounded. - Doctor here! Where Illad?

  - Order, madam that did not offend segvan, - the Wolfhound told. - It

  not сегван attempted upon you.

  - And who? - asked It is abrupt.

  - Nobody, - told the Wolfhound. - They call themselves "nobody". Examine

ody, and somewhere in the undercover place, I think, will see to a dung... Sign

  Fire, only inside out.

  - Fie, - spat Left. - There was nothing to break to it a neck. We

  questioned... The wolfhound did not answer.

  - The boyar talks sense, - told Is cool.

  The wolfhound grinned one corner of a mouth, is unpleasant and angry:

  - The earth where do not know these murderers is happy...

  - You from where the expert was found out?

  - That's it, itself, - Luchezar told. The wolfhound missed this remark

  by ears, and answered the Circle:

  - You already thirty three times the hanged man called me. To whom, as not

  to me, with murderers to be known...

  - Enough! - a pritopnula a cut shoe a knesinka of Elen. - Go,

  Luchezar. The merchant обиходь, but, watch, a finger do not touch... Hey, where Illad?

  And you, the Wolfhound, tell plainly. What such murderers?

  - They have the belief, madam, - told veins. - They worship Moeran

  Death also think that they make blessing, killing for money. It anything

  would not tell on interrogation, would only glorify the Goddess for torments and


  Knesinka, without having listened to the end, looked back:

  - Illad! Where Illad?.

  Became clearly that she noticed all this time little, except spots

  on his shirt.

  - You are wounded!

  The wolfhound shrugged shoulders:

  - These are not those wounds which would prevent me to serve madam.

  Because of me, it was written at it on a face. Because of me all. In me

  knives flew! And if I did not grow white to you to leave at home a chain armor...

  As it became clear, Illad managed to doze off with pleasure on the leather box.

  He safely overslept both attempt, and general turmoil, and

  it is alarmed it was picked up only when someone from soldiers took it

  for shoulders and properly stirred up. He clumsily ran up to a knesinka,

  rolling over from a leg on a leg and being answerable:

  - What there is with you, a monarchess?.

  - Not with me! - she waved away. - My bodyguard is wounded, tie up


  The wolfhound was not seriously injured. The knives intended to a knesinka, only

  its rezanul, having left two deep furrows. Cuts, of course, hurt and

  bled but about any danger there was no speech. If Wolfhound

  asked, he would tell that it is quite enough to draw of them so far

  some rag is purer, and then, in fortresses or houses, to wash out and,

  can, sew up. However nobody asked his opinions. Knesinka considered,

  that it suffered for it and besides on her fault, and that was told everything.

  The dealer in spices, whose tent was nearby, carried out them with

  Illad under a shelter made of cloth also left alone.

  The tent smelled sweet as pepper, cinnamon and one thousand more various

  seasonings. Illad opened the box and began to touch boxes and

  bottles, trying not to turn to the Wolfhound a back. Its movements

  seemed a vein not too sure. Still, the bodyguard thought.

  The house doctor who got used to consist at healthy, in general, people

  who had to be healed unless for infrequent cold yes of consequences

  unusual food... And suddenly it, spineless, throw on hot

  frying pan: half asleep drag to sew up wounds and a coma! Furious a vein with

  unknown past, maybe, even dark!.

  The wolfhound folded a belt and a sheath on a floor and pulled down a shirt, having remained

  naked on a belt. The shirt had to be torn off from a body in those places where it

  managed to paste blood. Fortunately, knives were perfected on conscience and

  cut it as razors, exactly and purely. If carefully to wash and

  to sew up, it still will serve...

  Illad at last found that looked for and turned to patiently expecting

  To wolfhound, holding a tiny cup and a glass bubble in hand.

  Looked narrowly - and stiffened, staring. The wolfhound not really understood that

  such special was seen in him by the doctor. And halisunets suddenly rushed from

  tents with all speed of which his short legs were capable.

  - Madam!. - freely reached through thin translucent

  wall its scared voice. - A name of the Lunar Sky I conjure: it is rather darings

  from this person!.

  - About what you, Illad? - the knesinka was surprised.

  - It is dangerous, madam! - the doctor choked. - It can cause

  to you it is evil!

  The wolfhound began to guess something. Having bent down, he extended from

  leather box a strip of white silk also decided to make a bandage therefore

  that blood flew down on a stomach and the left side, threatening to spoil good

  leather trousers.

  - Speak plainly! - annoyancely the boyar Krut began to roar outside.

  - This of veins - the kleymeny convict, madam, - began to bustle halisunets.

  - He was in the executioner's hands, he was terribly tortured! He is a criminal! It...

  - Illad, - the knesinka interrupted.

  - Madam, I...

  - Return and help it, Illad, - the knesinka, and the Wolfhound told

  thought that the silver hand bell, appears, was able to sound as

  steel. - You hear, Illad?

  It seemed to a wolfhound as if the unfortunate doctor sobbed.

  Again the door veil began to move. The come-back Illad encountered on

  hostile look of gray-green eyes and, it is visible, here only thought that

  the bodyguard distinctly heard each his word. Hands at it began to tremble.

  The Kleymeny criminal was obviously going to kill him. And knesinka, that

  knesinka which once in diapers lay at it on a lap...

  Knesinka Elen resolutely cast away an entrance panel and stepped


  - This person saved to me life, Illad! - she told sharply. - Do

  that it is necessary!

  After it, hurriedly having nearly displaced a shoulder a basic column, in

  tent got It is abrupt. To abandon "daughter" on eating up fierce a vein it

  definitely could not.

  - Order, madam that did not offend segvan, - the Wolfhound repeated.

  She impatiently nodded:

  - I order.

  - Make it now while the doctor treats me, - looking it in eyes,

  the Wolfhound told. - Troubles not to acquire.

  - You were not asked, - grumbled It is abrupt. Knesinka pulled to a coat hanger,

  turned and left. The boyar remained in a tent, and the Wolfhound again

  began to worry, there would be no what to madam, but right there saw on

  koleblemy wind to a wall of a shadow of the heroes who surrounded the girl and alarm

  settled. From the boyar his look did not take cover.

  Meanwhile it was a pity to look at poor Illad. It pulled out from a box

  one more bubble - as far as it was possible to smell in impregnated with smells

  to tent, in the first bottle the yarrow juice locking was located

  blood, and in the second - burning, with bile, tincture on strong wine. Such

  cauterize small scratches yes bruises that bystry passed, and open

  wounds - only grease around.

  - For what on penal servitude was, veins? - asked It is abrupt. The wolfhound did not want

  to expatiate on it. He turned the head, being going to grumble"

  for what", but here the doctor brought to perfect sincere confusion

  mixed small bottles and watered to it caustic, only to poison
a pattern on blades,

  infusion directly on a wound.

  The wolfhound hissed from surprise and jumped aside away. A furrow on

  breasts were captured by liquid fire from which eyes and on turned white several

  moments all body ceased to obey. Illad recoiled too, without understanding,

  in what business. Then looked more attentively at a sklyanochka at himself in a hand - and

  clutched at the head.

  - Here that, go from here until reached a sin... - Boyar Krut

  took the doctor for a chubby shoulder and slightly pushed, directing aside

  exit. - I will make everything! And you, veins, turn. Raise a hand...

  The recovered the breath Wolfhound soon understood that the old hero, as well as it is necessary

  to the soldier, understood wounds greatly.

  - How you guessed what it not толмач, and the murderer? - peevishly asked

  It is abrupt, passing the needle bent by a half moon and dexterously tightening a small knot.

  It was brutally sick, but it happened to Wolfhound to suffer also not it. It

  explained about boots and a shirt and added:

  - And when it got into sleeves, I just recognized him. He tried to kill

  that guy whom I took away at priests. Someone pays it, and the merchant, I

  I think, and did not know anything...

  Right knotted still and asked nearly with offense:

  - Why you saw everything? Also got ready to oboronit the girl? And we,


  The wolfhound thought and told:

  - You, a team, are accustomed to open fight. And I four years only and

  did that such here лиходеев looked out for zaugolny.

  The boyar, reduced together edges of the second wound, ordered to hold to him and

  began to kosterit like a sailor Illad, calling the doctor, most

  soft, konovaly.

  - Well, me he for the present did not put, - the Wolfhound grinned. It

  thought also told the Circle: - Someone wants that madam died. I

  I cannot be at it day and night, the voivode. It is necessary that was on extreme

  to measure two more persons. Well you would pick up them, you after a knes all

  there is a father. And I will teach them to everything that I am able to do...

  - The handyman is lousy!. - the boyar zapykhtet. - Tell better why a chain armor,

  the bast shoe, did not vzdet?. The wolfhound told:

  - Did not think.

  When it came to light, muffling up a half-naked body in borrowed at


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