Bloody Revenge

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Bloody Revenge Page 53

by Darrell Guidry

rich a lovishcha, something to do an ill turn to krepkoplechy hunters?

  Answered it standing on the right:

  - Let the cuckoo prokukut to you from a green tree, light madam.

  Ronnana, children of Wild Berry, thank the Owner Trop who wished to remove

  you in their grounds. Light madam will do ronnana great the honor,

  having agreed to present to them in the afternoon.

  The wolfhound fast pondered: having chosen pryamoyezzhy Staraya Road

  instead of New, roundabout, pokhodnik really fairly gained against

  the stipulated term. Means, really it was possible to afford

  unforeseen parking. Knesinka courteous agreed to ugryumets:

  the nobility, made the same simple calculation. Following thought

  suspicious the vein was a thought of a trap. That, if strange people

  agreed with robbers and now looks for to ruin it is done a bit of traveling? Happened,

  thousand troops like that Gurtsatov of group was included into the woods conducted

  reliable, it seems, conductors. More any person did not see them

  even bones. Well is not present, the Wolfhound, to it not solved about himself

  to happen. He was capable to get out of any thicket, though with

  knesinka on hands. Also knew among ratnik not less than ten same

  lesovik. And will arrange a feast and will hocus something on a feast, and here and "ghosts"

  remaining will appear in time?.

  The wolfhound attentively looked narrowly at haryuka, and own fears

  seemed to it less and less thorough. Not that inspired in it it

  arrangement the people hermit which were frightened of dangers of the world and

  preferring to decay slowly from incest. It is simple to eat things,

  which will never be made by the tribe living precepts of ancestors. To poison

  the guest on a feast can in the educated Arrantiada. Or at sakkaremsky Schad.

  But here, where the bear is called Wild Berry that a terrible animal not

  heard and did not become angry?. Is not present, only not here.

  Knesinka continued a conversation meanwhile, and gradually it became clear

  the reason which induced ugryumets to break a century privacy.

  - We judge the witch, light madam, - the same man told,

  standing odesny elders. And dressed in a brown skin according to nodded. -

  It came from the East, because of the woods, and at first seemed to us kind

  healer expert in treatment of illnesses. But then we were convinced that on

  the business she waited only for a case to make to us a trouble. We exposed her in

  bad sorcery also wanted to expel its spirit from flesh over sacred fire,

  that the witch did not do more harm. However the hunters going

  far, brought a message that our places great will pass soon

  the ruler, whose wisdom and justice are glorified by many tribes.

  Children of Wild Berry were picked on council and decided to ask you, light

  madam to show just court.

  Having heard it, the Wolfhound at last understood why so obviously confused ugryumets

  knesinka youth. They, probably, waited that wise and fair

  the monarchess was if not the old woman like the grandma Haygal, then differently

  woman of mature years, mother of soldiers. That they began to exchange glances,

  having seen the little girl. But to recede was once and she talked as

  it was necessary to the ruler.

  That to the knesinka, she experienced considerable confusion too.

  It is visible, few troubles and dangers of Staraya Road on which seemed to destiny

  it, on the recklessness, allowed to direct itself. Costed slightly

  to calm down after fight at the region of swamps, and here you are: is from the wood

  goodness knows whom orders never to solve about life and the death of the person, too

  before not seen!. And it is impossible to refuse.

  Knesinka answered haryuka with the appropriate words:

  - In my family judges were more worthy than me. But I will ask three times

  light Sun... - here it raised eyes to the star standing in the sky

  over the road,-... I will ask three times the light Sun to dawn on me the

  The truth that injustice did not manage to be increased. I will make court.

  The wolfhound worried in vain. Ugryumtsa their messages in the also did not think

  the village which hid from a bad eye in forest back streets. It and

  it is clear. Boggy velkh too were afraid of strangers to open most

  treasured for the sake of the sorcerer doomed to an execution. Where there. Here were afraid

  even to become related with neighbors, were afraid to give the young people on the party and

  to accept third-party to itself. Who knows them, third-party! Very much can be,

  that it even not absolutely people. And if people, - perhaps, you wait from

  them something, except damage yes of a malefice!

  Knesinka was for them not the too, but leaders in ordinary arshin not

  measure. Behind powerful leaders there are really mighty Gods. Such

  people as daughter of a galiradsky knes, they not others and not. They ABOVE.

  Not to compete with them to either children of Wild Berry, or the Bear, he takes in head

  to interfere. And even less so not to master to vindictive spirit of the witch whom

  the knesinka will pronounce a sentence now.

  So or not so Karril, the elder of ronnan argued, - to the Wolfhound

  it was not let know. But other explanation for behavior of haryuk of veins and

  did not think up.

  To wagon train a versts more on two, and it was necessary to move ahead

  distance a knesinka of Elen, observing decency before the forest people, went on

  To snowflake. White horsewoman. Bodyguards walked on each side, from trebled

  vigilance rummaging around eyes edge of the roadside wood. Skilled

  salt-venny from Dekshi-Belogolovogo group worked on the run, constructing for

  knesinka of the capitals from two boards and a kopeyny staff. Then the road turned

  to the right, the big glade very convenient for the parking also opened.

  The place was very beautiful. Malachite fir-trees stood in a gold frame

  birches. Brightly the mountain ashes covered with heavy - to furious winter burned -

  ripe clusters. In cold blue of the transparent sky there were white

  clouds. On the other side of a glade towards to visitors and the leader left

  ronnana. One men all armed to fifty number. So far

  galiradets were arranged and erected the appropriate seat for a knesinka,

  while Luchezarovichi going behind were tightened ugryumets removed on

  lead of the grown-up bear cub-pestuna also tied him to reliably

  to the stake driven in the earth. The young of wild animal who got used to life among people

  grumbled a little a little, but when it was given a big fresh big fish, was engaged

  delicacy ceased to pay attention to the gathered people at all.

  The leash consisted of the long pole fixed at a collar by it

  in the way that the animal could not reach. Live embodiment of Wild Berry

  it is unlikely guessed that has to бььло consecrate with the presence court

  over the sorcerer. Equally as that on its winter holiday solemnly

  will kill with an ancient spear and all tribe will eat yet not cooled down meat,

  updating communication with the Primogenitor.

  At some distance several men efficiently dragged from the wood in advance

  the prepared brushwood. As soon as the visiting monarchess condemns the sorcerer,

  the villain will be t
hrown immediately into a fire. The wolfhound looked for the witch

  eyes, but did not find.

  At last everything was ready, and the knesinka with advantage sat on only

  that the made throne. The throne stood on the spread carpet: did not put

  to endanger the governor the sacred force, going on naked

  to the earth. What servants hardly remembered in which a bag it was necessary to look for

  this carpet, concerned nobody. Three foremen, Dungorm and Luchezar,

  approached with several blizhnik, rose an equal semicircle behind the back.

  Bodyguards, as usual, - ahead. Leader Karril in about ten

  mighty hunters settled down opposite. Not really far, but also not

  closely. His legs rolled in a magnificent skin, brown with silvery

  outflow. The chair in which he sat resembled a throne much more, than

  capitals of a knesinka. It was cut out from an integral stub: it seemed, forest

  the monster, a semi-bear, the semi-person, was inclined over the gloomy leader,

  fatherlike embracing him sharp-clawed paws. The wolfhound thought of what

  work, truly, it was worth bringing very heavy weight here. Or, maybe,

  ancient stub all was hollowed from within and only seemed terribly


  - Reality to us justice, empress of solvenn and western velkh,

  - having waited for silence, the leader slowly spoke. The voice at it appeared

  low, heavy. - Order to punish the witch because she spoiled the wife of mine

  also ruined the son the bad death of my grandson.

  - Not the first year I ask Gods to close my people to me lips if

  my language will intend to say an injust sentence, - answered

  knesinka. - Till this day Created Us, praise to It, did not give me to doom

  the innocent to release guilty. But they did not give me and an omniscience.

  My mind is modest and allows to argue only on what I saw

  heard and understood. Let will bring here the woman to whom it is built

  so heavy charge, will also for certain explain as as she made.

  On a face of the leader the discontent flew: according to haryuk, a knesinka

  was to confirm their sentence enough. But not to understand personally.

  However do not argue with sovereigns, and Karril, having turned back, shortly nodded.

  Two strong hunters brought the woman, as before that a bear cub, - on

  the poles tied to a neck. Nobody wanted to touch it: were afraid.

  The witch was small, a little plump, in the simple torn shirt

  without belt. It went stumbling, is blind rearranging cold barefoot a foot.

  The face and eyes were hidden by densely reeled up rag, in a mouth the gag stuck out.

  Only long greyish hair, the confused locks hanging down were seen

  on a back and a breast. Hands were tied behind the back. Be afraid of a dog in front,

  horse behind, and sorcerers - from all directions!

  It was visible that people tried to steer clear of the witch. In total,

  except the dark-haired with high cheek-bones fellow of years of twelve, which,

  on the contrary, strong embraced the woman, helping to go. Eyes at the teenager

  burned, as at a wolf cub. Or rather, eye: the second, strong padded, swam away and

  it was closed. From where bruises, it was easy to guess. Defended. Son?

  Nephew? Younger brother?.

  The wolfhound was motionless still, with wooden, nothing not

  the expressing person, but in a breast the black rage deafly moved. It is impossible so

  to treat the woman. It is impossible! If she is indeed a terrible villain,

  capable of murder of the child, she will die. But to scoff at it? To drive,

  how a dangerous animal, on a lead?.

  To its considerable simplification, the knesinka raised almost at once a voice.

  - Let will untie this woman, - she ordered. From crowd of ugryumets

  dissatisfied grumble was heard, and Elen Gluzdovna added; - Let

  will outline a circle the axe and will imprison her in this circle not to confuse

  low-true. I prayed to the Flame heavenly and terrestrial and I am not afraid of it


  The leader Karril thought a little, created a hand a sacred sign and

  according to inclined the head.

  Ronnana did not dare to touch the woman. Simply threw

  the ends of poles also receded in the parties, having provided to untie the witch

  to galiradets. Knesinka knew that from three people inhabiting her city

  least of all terrifying stories about witches told segvana.

  - Send somebody, Aptakhar, - she disposed. The foreman went

  because leaders have to go the first when threatens

  danger. And in particular magical: military Gods grant protection and

  favor first of all to the leader. Remembering trihedral flint

  Tunnvorna, Aptakhar drew an incomplete circle and nodded to the teenager;

  - Conduct it here and untie. You hear? He was not a coward, but also

  he did not want to deal without extreme need with the sorcerer. Boy

  brought the woman in a circle, and Aptakhar closed behind them line. Here at

  witches gave away legs: it would fall, but the young defender picked up it and

  helped to kneel. So it also stood, the fellow teeth so far and

  fingers untangled hardly strapped knots.

  - This angry woman left to us from that party where the sun is born.

  The East - good part of the world and therefore we did not manage from the very beginning

  to distinguish the sorcerer, - on Karril's sign took the floor similar to it

  the young hunter in a cap from fox fur. All were Haryuki and so almost

  as like as two peas, but this looked already full similarity of the leader. The son, judged

  Wolfhound. - Though from the same party was once Damned, and

  it could teach us. Business was last winter. One of ours

  brothers got to an ice-hole and already froze, but this angry woman rendered to it

  help. She told that it has no house. So does not happen that at kind

  was not at home the person, but our brother believed it because witches are able

  to look away to people and to seduce hearing. Our brother brought it into the dwelling of a sort.

  And it, and the boy who affected her adopted son...

  The woman was kneeling and looked at galiradets. Slowly led round

  their look, and many soldiers reached for charms. At it were infinitely

  the tired, exhausted and empty eyes. She did not hope for anything. It

  wanted only one: that there came the end rather. Whatever it

  it appeared, this end.

  - It began to be found with the wife of the son of the leader, - continued the Fox Cap. -

  It became it such close girlfriend that the silly molodukha let out

  to the witch what should not have spoken about: that bryukhata.

  To speak to whom попадя about the future joy really is not necessary,

  here the Wolfhound agreed. Will overhear able to create bad

  magic, also you will give birth to the dead. Or the freak, it is not better too. Or at all

  stone or piece of wood. It happened.

  - There is a son of the leader and with him his wife, - continued the story

  ugryumets. The wolfhound was lop-sided there where he specified, and saw bony,

  as a real man an uzkobedry ronnanka, the only woman among crowd

  hunters. It looked as after a difficult disease, and on hands at it not

  was the child.

  - By then, when to the daughter-in-law of the leader term, the angry woman came to give birth

  managed to prove t
o be the expert healer. It treated our brothers and

  sisters indeed put some of those who were close to on legs

  death. Now we think whether it was better for them to die in purity,

  than to live, having adjoined to not purity? And here day when the daughter-in-law came

  the leader went to the wood. You know, light madam that to the woman in labor of nobody

  it is impossible to allow. She has to do the part one, in a forest tent.

  The unknown evil can get from that world from where the baby comes.

  It can even carry away with itself the person, in particular the man. Only on

  the ninth day when the border of the worlds already is restored, can visit

  woman in labor mother.

  Here the Wolfhound hardly restrained not to spit. Vennsky women too

  slightly opened a gate between the world live and the world of the souls deprived of a haven

  fleshes. But they were not banished in the wood and did not leave one on eating up of evil spirits,

  to mosquitoes and wild animal. Near the woman in labor there were always skilled women,

  able to help and console. And mother. And the husband - anyhow? Who will protect,

  who will banish any enemy, be he in the flesh or incorporeal?.

  -... But when mother of the daughter-in-law of the leader came to look, how are you, and

  brought to the daughter to eat, she found at her this woman! She

  told that there was with it all the time! And even directly when

  the baby left a body!.

  In crowd of haryuk moaned for horror. Business, apparently, indeed was


  - It drew upon us anger of the Primogenitor whose messenger now

  is amused with fish and listens to my words. He knows that he in them is not present

  lie. From now on the game will bypass our drag-net, and berry-pickers will dry on

  to root!. Only fair fire, having absorbed a body of the witch, will expel the evil and

  will save us from a misfortune! Only fair fire! I told.

  The crowd rustled, here and there began to rise and fall exactingly

  the clenched fists. The woman shrank even more, hung the head, closed

  hands person. The boy, on the contrary, became straight over it and grinned, with

  hatred looking at ugryumets. He, seemingly, already stepped over a side, for

  which there is no place to fear. Only deadly rage. Who will stretch to it

  the foster mother a hand, let at first will step through his dead body.


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