Perfect Storm

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Perfect Storm Page 7

by Geri Foster

  Since he’d worked with several women in Candi’s position, he understood completely. It was a dilemma single mothers faced all the time. The whole juggling act put a strain on everything. The role of two parents, income provider, family, and trying to fit in a small life of your own at times drove the women in his office crazy.

  “I get that.”

  “I don’t plan on working at the diner forever, but I have to right now. And while I can’t attend college with a clear conscience, I have been taking some online business classes.”

  “That’s great, Candi.”

  “Thanks. I have no idea what business in Rainwater would hire me, but I’m aware I need to better myself.”

  “I met Tyler yesterday and it looks like you’re doing a great job with him.”

  She beamed. “He’s my whole life. I thank God every day I have him. He’s been a true blessing to my life.”

  Keeping his eyes on his plate, he muttered, “Aaron is an idiot.”

  “Yeah, he is.” Her tone changed dramatically, from cordial to almost hostile. “But I don’t care. I just want him to leave us alone.”

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to bring him up.”

  She let out a small breath and shook it off. “It’s okay. To tell you the truth, in the beginning, he rarely showed his face in town. Acted like Tyler and I didn’t exist. But something changed a couple of years ago.”

  “What exactly?”

  “I don’t know. One day he showed up at the diner and started harassing me for no reason at all. I thought he’d gotten over us and had gone on with his life. But over the past few years he’s only gotten worse.”

  “That’s strange. Did something happen between him and his dad, maybe?”

  “I don’t know. I heard he dated a socialite in Dallas whose daddy had old money for a few years. When that ended, I think he started back on me, Lord knows why.”

  “Why did it end?”

  She shrugged, picked up her glass and took a long sip. “No idea, and I’m not asking around. Not something I want to get involved with.”

  “I can’t say I blame you. But you don’t have to worry about him for a while, Lucas has him behind bars for now.”

  She looked up, surprised. “Really? When?”

  “After the confrontation in the parking lot he went to Lucas complaining about me manhandling him. Sheriff got mad because he did exactly what he told him not to do and arrested him.”

  She glanced around. “I guess I’ll be blamed for that, too.”

  “I’m not going to let that happen. That will fall solely on my shoulders.” He looked her right in the eye when he said it, to make sure she understood his meaning. He was going to protect her from here on out. “When I went there earlier today Grandma Faith and her shotgun were paying him a visit.”

  “Oh, I hope she didn’t shoot him.”

  “No, but his daddy sure made a fuss.”

  She nibbled her lip and he got nervous for a second. Perhaps she didn’t like the idea of her son’s father in jail. But, while she appeared nervous, her shoulders loosened and she let out a big sigh of relief. “I hope it all blows over quickly. And maybe now Aaron will stay away. Buck has forbidden him from entering the diner again. Perhaps all that will work.” She shoved her hair away from her face. “I just hate people having to go through so much trouble because of me.”

  He squeezed her hand and warmth shot up his arm and straight to his heart before he let go. “It’s not you, it’s Aaron. The sooner he learns to leave you and Tyler alone, the better.”

  “He never bothers Tyler. He refuses to admit he exists. I don’t think he’s ever spoken to him, at least not while I’m around. Tyler doesn’t even know he’s his dad.”

  That completely surprised him. How could a father do that? Sure, his own father had done enough to make him think twice about becoming a father himself, but if it had ever happened, he sure as hell would have taken responsibility for the kid. He just knew that life wasn’t for him, so he never went for it. In fact, he took every precaution to prevent it. He glanced across at Candi and for the first time, the thought of having a kid with someone didn’t sound so bad. Not if it was with her.

  Aaron lay on the uncomfortable cot in the jail cell and plotted the murders of Lucas and Austin. They’d pay for this little stunt. He didn’t belong in jail any more than the local minister. He hadn’t done a thing wrong.

  He’d gone to the diner to warn Candi if she kept crying to the Sheriff she’d be sorry, not to actually hurt her. Then, the next thing he knew, he did want to make her pay for ruining his life, for stealing his only chance of happiness. His fiancée, Beatrice Rosenstein, dumped him when she learned about Tyler, taking away his only chance of getting out of Rainwater and away from his daddy’s hold over him. There had been no one to blame but Candi for that one.

  From the minute he and Beatrice met, he thought she looked like a bad batch of homemade soup, but her daddy had more money than he could ever have imagined. One day it would’ve all been his. But Candi and that brat ruined his chances. Beatrice’s daddy didn’t want an illegitimate kid running around and, no matter how much he swore the kid wasn’t his, in the end, Beatrice turned her back and walked away, apparently unscathed by losing him.

  With all hopes of ever getting out from under his daddy’s thumb, and a chance to be as rich as he’d always dreamed, ruined, he took his anger out on the only person to blame.


  It rankled that he still wanted her, even after all the pain she’d caused him, but when she’d gotten pregnant his daddy had made it clear: it was get rid of the kid or get rid of her—and she had chosen the kid instead of him, even when he chose her instead of the kid. If she’d just aborted the baby in the beginning they’d both be happy. Now, he had no prospects and no way to hide his past, so screw it. Life had been cruel to him long enough and he wasn’t going to take it anymore. He’d have Candi and, one day, he’d have his daddy’s money too. It was just a matter of time.

  Chapter 7

  Puzzlement settled in the pit of Candi’s stomach. Austin had actually mentioned marriage. No man had uttered those words to her in a very long time. It came as a blast from out of nowhere. She hadn’t expected him to say something so...strange, and it affected her for two reasons.

  For one, she would admit thinking about getting married one day, but she not only had to make sure she loved the man and wanted to spend her life with him, she also had to consider Tyler, as well. She wouldn’t only be wedded to a husband, she’d also be marrying the man who would be Tyler’s dad.

  That meant he had to be extra special to both of them.

  Glancing over at Austin, she secretly wondered if he could be that man. The feelings he’d stirred in her with one kiss years ago were still there and getting to know him as a man was just making them stronger. But that brought her to her second point. Austin had hit the nail on the head. She hadn’t dated since Aaron and, with how that had turned out and how he still treated her, her confidence had taken a serious blow. She believed in herself as a person, but as a woman? As a lover? She hadn’t played that role in a very long time and she wasn’t so sure she knew how to anymore.

  The waiter took away their empty plates and asked about dessert. She had no room left in her stomach for sweets. The steak and lobster were more than she usually ate and now she feared she might pop out of her skirt if she had another bite.

  “Not for me,” she replied. “The food was delicious.”

  “I agree,” Austin said. “I’ll pass on dessert as well, but I think we both might want coffee?” His green eyes searched for her approval. “You game, Candi?”

  She licked her lips and then smiled. “Yes, that sounds perfect.”

  “Two coffees coming up,” the waiter said as he turned away.

  Austin folded his hands on the linen tablecloth and looked her dead center in the face and asked. “So, how was dinner, really?”

  She couldn’t hold back her excitement.
It wasn’t every day a man invited her to a fancy restaurant where she could order steak and lobster. “It was wonderful. Thank you so much for inviting me out.”

  “I’m glad you enjoyed it. You deserve someone to splurge on you once in a while.”

  Her gut clenched. “Please, don’t feel sorry for me, Austin. I can’t take pity. I’ve stood on my own two feet for a long time and I’ve never asked anyone for a dime.”

  “That’s not where I’m coming from. I meant, you’re a very special lady who deserves to be treated that way. It has nothing to do with your personal situation.”

  She relaxed that small spot between her shoulder blades. “Good, because I’d hate for you to ruin a perfect evening.”

  He grinned broadly. “Perfect evening, huh?”

  “Well, except for the marriage part.” She leaned forward and grinned, playfully. “That was a bit awkward.”

  He tried to laugh it off, but she suspected it had surprised him just as much as it had her.

  “I’m sorry for that. I didn’t expect to say it, actually. I honestly can’t explain where that came from.”

  She lowered her thick lashes. “Let’s just chock it off to first date jitters.”

  He shook his head. “I’ve never had those before.”

  “First time for everything.”

  Their coffee came and while they sipped the hot brew, he changed the subject. “I hope you’re up for this again.”

  She forced her heart to settle down. “I’d love it, but let’s take it slow. For me and for Tyler.”

  “Of course.”

  She held her cup with both hands, allowing the warmth to course through her body. “Um…I’m also kind of worried about Aaron. I’m sorry to bring him up, but I just can’t predict what he will do. He almost hit me today. What if this, us, pushes him over the edge? I’m beginning to think he’s capable of anything.”

  Taking her hand, he rubbed her knuckles with his thumb. “Let’s not let him decide our future. If you want to do this again, we will, and Aaron Travis be damned. I’m not going to be looking over my shoulder for him. At the same time, I will protect you, Candi. You can trust me on that.”

  Fear circled her lungs even as his words warmed her and she drew in a deep breath. “Don’t underestimate him. He’s like his daddy in the fact that they both can be really mean and spiteful. You remember how Levi hassled your family.” She took a small sip then lowered the cup. “Well, he hasn’t changed a bit.”

  “Yeah, but I have.”

  Shoving back his chair, Austin stood and went around the table to assist Candi. She allowed him to take her arm as they exited the restaurant. He’d really enjoyed spending time together and it looked like she had too. He wasn’t sure when he asked her to dinner what to expect, but now he realized he couldn’t just walk away like he had last time. Somehow, he was already in too deep.

  They walked out and he opened the door for her to get in the car. The casual chit-chat on the way back to Rainwater relaxed him and he found himself not wanting the evening to end, but he knew better than to expect to spend the night in Candi’s bed. He refused to let his mind go there, not only because she wasn’t that kind of girl, but because he didn’t want it to be that kind of relationship between them either. What they had was the beginning of something much deeper and he would handle that, and her, with care.

  At her house, he parked in front of his dad’s house and opened her door. With his arm draped casually across her shoulders, he walked her to the door of her home. Maybe, if he got really lucky, he’d be able to steal a goodnight kiss. If it was even close to the one they shared at the lake, he’d be a goner for sure.

  As they crossed the street a Mercedes pulled up behind them and honked. Turning, he watched as Lucas unfolded out of the driver’s seat with who he suspected to be Rachel Snyder. He hadn’t seen her in years.

  “Hey there, Austin, we’ve been looking for you.” He put his hands on Rachel’s shoulders and placed her in front of him. “She wants to say something to you.”

  The next thing he knew, his chest was pressed up against hers in a miniature bearhug. She stepped back and smiled. “I want to tell you how much me and my mama appreciate everything you did to see that my father got justice.”

  He brushed off the compliment, since he was only doing his duty. “It was nothing. I’m glad I could help.”

  “You certainly did.” Was she fighting back tears? “You changed our lives so much. My dad gets out in two weeks.”

  “I’m glad to hear that.”

  Looking at Candi, Lucas asked, jokingly, “You mean you actually let this big lug take you to dinner?”

  She blushed slightly with a shy smile. “Yes, and we had a wonderful time.”

  Candi stepped over to Rachel and the two hugged. “I hope you had a good time. He didn’t take you to McDonald’s, did he?” Rachel asked with a smile.

  “Hey,” he acted hurt. “Don’t pick on the new guy in town.”

  Lucas slapped him on the shoulder. “We’re glad to have you back.”

  His gaze rested on his friends, then he turned to Candi. “I’m happy to be here.”

  They all laughed, then another couple got out of the car and walked toward them. By the looks of it, it was Marcus and Kendall joining.

  “Hey guys, what’s going on? I thought you were just saying hello to Candi. Is this a meeting or something?” Kendall called out. “Wait! Is that Austin Crawley?” She instantly ran up and hugged him around the waist. He squeezed her tightly instinctively. Looking into his eyes, she said, “You’re one of my all-time favorite people.”

  “I’m glad I still hold that position.”

  She stepped back and tugged Marcus by the arm of his jacket. “You remember Marcus Matthews, don’t you?”

  They shook hands.

  “I do. He was away at college most of the time I spent here, but I met him a few times.”

  “Sure did. Remember that time we all played a Sunday afternoon game of football and you broke my rib?”

  He and Lucas laughed. “Almost. Almost.” Lucas corrected.

  “Yeah,” he added. “The doc said it was only a bruise.”

  Marcus pretended to be hurt by their accusations. “You two are the worst. I’ll have you know, I couldn’t breathe right for a week.”

  “Only a bruise,” Lucas taunted. “And you practically cried like a baby.”

  “Baby my ass. Between you two and the Grossman brothers, my team of high school kids were doomed from the start.”

  Austin rocked back on his heels. “As I remember, you tossed out the challenge.” He looked over and noticed the three women had moved away from them and were speaking quietly to each other. He suspected Kendall and Rachel were curious about his and Candi’s date.

  It surprised him when Lucas stepped closer and asked, “Seriously, did you two have a nice dinner?”

  “Sure, it was delicious. I’m just bringing her back home.”

  Marcus glanced at Candi. “Just saying, she’s my sister and I’d hate to see her hurt.”

  He held up his hands. “Hey, buddy, don’t lay that on me. We just shared a meal.”

  “I’m only kidding. Sort of. But we all love Candi and I know you’re a decent guy. I just wish I could say the same about Aaron Travis.”

  Lucas put his hands in his back pocket. “He’s locked up right now. I went out to his place Thursday and told him not to go back around Candi or the diner. This morning Austin walked up on him giving her hell and it appeared he had his hand raised to hit her.”

  “I wish I’d been there,” Marcus grit out. “I’d have cleaned the parking lot with the punk.”

  “I pretty much messed up his right hand. He’s not going to be hitting anyone for some time.”

  “By the way,” Lucas said, “David took him to the emergency room. Nothing’s broken.”

  “Glad to hear it. I’m sure he’d jump at the chance to accuse me of assault.”

  “We’ll just see what
the judge throws at him come Monday.”

  “Kind of like Bobby Joe all over again, huh?” Marcus said.

  He interjected, “Bobby Joe’s serving some heavy time in federal. I wouldn’t want to be him.”

  “That man deserved everything he got,” Lucas added. “I know we all knew him, but he changed so much over the years. I don’t know how Kendall put up with it.”

  Marcus smiled. “She doesn’t anymore.”

  “I heard you two were married.”

  “Yes, we decided to bite the bullet and elope. The town practically rioted and the grandmas nearly had a heart attack, but I got that ring on her finger and no one’s taking it off.”

  “Hey,” Lucas called out to the girls. “It’s time we get out of here before the crowd grows.”

  The women split and before he knew it, Candi stood beside him waving goodbye to all the others.

  “That was nice, wasn’t it?” she muttered. “Great people. Even my knucklehead brother,” she laughed.

  “Yeah, they are.”

  They walked up the driveway until her apartment came into view. “I hope Tyler is enjoying his sleepover.”

  “It being his first, you never know.” Austin never had that experience because most parents didn’t want their kids associating with someone like him. He felt happy for Tyler. Kids needed to have good times to remember.

  Too soon they arrived at her front door and she turned the key, pushing it open. Glancing up at him, she asked. “Do you want to come in?”

  “No, I’d better not.” Not on their first date, he thought, then, considered his next move. Did he dare? “Tomorrow is Saturday. Do you have plans?”

  She looked sad. “I’m off weekends and usually it’s a busy day around the house.”

  “Tomorrow my Uncle Jeff is going to be tying up the deal with the Patricks and he’s asked me to tend to his place in Decatur. Would you and Tyler like to go with me?”

  Her eyes brightened. “Tyler would love that.”

  “We don’t have to leave until afternoon.”


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