Perfect Storm

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Perfect Storm Page 13

by Geri Foster

  Candi looked closer. “Oh, those are going to be sore tomorrow.”

  “I’m counting on that.”

  “You might soak them in Epsom Salts tonight when you get back to your hotel.”

  He put his hands in his lap. “They’ll be fine. A little hard work never hurt anyone.”

  “I want to be a cowboy when I grow up,” Tyler declared.

  “What about a truck driver? You wanted to do that last week,” Candi reminded him.

  “Now,” he said with conviction, “I want to either be a cowboy or an FBI agent. Like Austin.”

  Funny how a compliment from a child goes right to the heart and makes a grown man nearly melt. He’d never been around kids before and Tyler proved to be a great teacher. He looked across at the young boy and his small hands. What a royal fool Aaron was—any man would be proud to claim Tyler as a son.

  The pizza came and Candi dished up the pieces. The rich aroma of oregano tickled his nose and made his stomach growl. He was hungrier than he thought. They all ate in silence. Even Tyler kept his mouth full of pizza. He’d no sooner swallow a mouthful before digging in for another bite.

  “Slow down,” Candi warned. “You’re eating too fast.”

  “I’m hungry,” he said around a mouthful of food.

  She reached out and took his hand. “Slow down, or you’ll leave the table and sit in the car.” She said it seriously enough for him to pay attention. He swallowed his food and leaned back. She smiled. “That’s better. You don’t want Austin to think you have no manners, do you?”

  “No ma’am.”

  Suddenly he’d turned into a typical young Texas boy who’d just been scolded by a parent. Austin couldn’t hide his smile. Looking around, it appeared they fit right in with all the other families and he liked the feeling of belonging.

  After the finished, they stopped for ice cream to take home. They were pushing up against Tyler’s bedtime and Candi didn’t want to be out too long, nor did she want him sugared up before bed.

  She ordered him to the shower as Austin roamed around the small apartment while she laid out the boy’s homework and his clothes for the following day. Dressed in dinosaur pajamas and with his hair still wet, he bid Austin goodnight and headed for bed.

  Before he knew it, he and Candi were alone. She sat on one end of the couch and he sat on the other. The silence grew uncomfortable, but he didn’t want to leave.

  “So, how was your day?” he asked, having a pretty good idea she and her mother had butted heads.

  “Not a good day for mother or daughter.”

  “Lucas mentioned something about your mom. Said she can be an unreasonable person.” He held up his hands in surrender when she glared at him. “He didn’t make it sound mean. He was very nice about it.” He shrugged. “My dad and I don’t always get along.”

  “I know, but I can’t remember a time when we’ve ever seen eye to eye. They love Tyler and are very good grandparents, especially my dad, but my mom can’t get past me getting pregnant without being married.”

  “That’s surprising, since it’s so common these days. Some women don’t want to raise their child with a man interfering.”

  She closed her eyes and shook her head. “That’s not me. I’d give anything for Tyler to have a good dad to pal around with. He has my dad, Russ and even Lucas sometimes takes him out to his place. My brother, Marcus, likes to take him fishing, but I think he misses a dad. A few times, after returning from Kyler’s, he’s asked why he doesn’t have one.”

  He lowered his voice. “You know, someday he’ll learn about Aaron.”

  “I know, but it won’t be any time soon if I have anything to say about it. Besides, I don’t think his dad will ever take an interest, and I’m okay with that. I just hope Tyler is too.”

  He deliberately moved closer and put his arm around her. “I wouldn’t worry so much about that. Things have a way of working out. If Aaron doesn’t want to be a part of Tyler’s life, others do.”

  “I guess you’re right.”

  “And don’t listen to your mom criticizing you. You’ve been through a lot and came out on the other side happy. And the good thing is, you don’t need anyone to fix your life and make you whole.”

  “Oh, I’m not as put together as you think.”

  He leaned over and kissed her gently. “You don’t give yourself enough credit.” He leaned forward again and kissed her harder, more demanding. He loved the taste of her, how she felt in his arms, even the mysterious perfume she wore. He wanted the kiss to go on forever. To never end, to never have to part. It had been years since he’d made out with a girl knowing it would go no further. He liked that. No worry about what’s next, did he have protection, would it be awkward the next morning?

  With Candi, he didn’t have to think about that because she was a nice girl and he knew that. It didn’t tamper down his desire for her, but it kept him under control.

  He broke the kiss and stared down into her eyes. “You’re amazing. I can’t seem to get enough of you.”

  She gave him a sexy smile. “Really?”

  “Yes,” he gently nodded his head. “I could stay like this forever.”

  “Me too.”

  She cupped his face and pulled his lips against hers. His heart sped up and a warm glow settled in his chest. He slipped his tongue between her lips to explore the velvety softness of her mouth. Surprisingly, her tongue joined his in an exotic dance that only lovers knew the beat of.

  After a few minutes, she placed her hands on his chest and pushed lightly. “Maybe I better fix us some coffee,” she said breathlessly. “Want some?”

  “Yes,” he chuckled and adjusted his pants. “Although, I think I could use a cold shower.”

  She put her hand to her mouth as her cheeks reddened. “Sorry,” she said quietly, half chuckling as she ducked into the kitchen.

  He took a deep breath. Coffee would be good. On the one hand, he wanted to wait, take things slow. On the other hand, his body was ready and willing. He didn’t know how long they could keep this up, the heavy make-out sessions. He didn’t want to take advantage of her and he knew she wasn’t the kind of girl he was used to dating in the past. Hell, with her, he wasn’t the kind of guy he was in the past. No, small-town girl Candi had morals, no matter what her mother thought or said.

  Soon, she brought in two cups and handed him one. He gripped it with both hands and inhaled the rich aroma. “This smells great.”

  She scoffed. “It’s just coffee.”

  His gaze met hers and he smiled. “Good coffee. There’s a difference.”

  “I guess.” She put her cup down on the coffee table and laughed. “I think we’re both really nervous. Me, because I haven’t done this in a long time, and you, because this isn’t what you usually do, is it?”

  His heart skipped a beat. “What do you mean this isn’t what I usually do? I was in a long-term relationship for several years.”

  “I don’t mean that, though it’s nice to hear you think of us as being in a relationship. I mean…making out and…just making out.” Her cheeks reddened and she squirmed in her seat.

  His brow wrinkled. How did he explain that this wasn’t that kind of situation? That he didn’t want what he’d had with Lydia, where she saw other men and he occasionally was with other women—an open relationship. No, with Candi, he wanted something that actually meant something, and she needed to know that.

  “Where to start…okay. With Lydia, we didn’t have an exclusive relationship. We didn’t start out that way, nor did it end any more serious than when it began.”

  Her eyes widened. “Oh. So you’re…with other people…” Instinctively she backed away from him.

  He immediately shook his head and raised his free hand. That was a bad way to start. He couldn’t stand the thought of her thinking less of him. “That’s not what I meant. I mean, it is, with Lydia, but it’s not what I want with you, not what I’m doing with you. There’s no one else, hasn’t been an
yone else, since we got together. Not at all.” Damn, he was totally messing this up. “Listen,” he carefully, slowly, reached out and took her hand in his free one. “I cared about Lydia. It’s not like we were swingers or had a ménage or anything like that.” He hadn’t meant to tell her so much and was trying desperately to clean up the mess he’d made, but from the look on her face it was only getting worse. Pushing on, he continued, “With her, we simply did as we pleased. If that meant spending time with another person, neither person cared.”

  “You make it sound so cold, Austin. I don’t feel like that when I’m with you.”

  He put the cup down and pulled her into his lap, his arms around her tight. “I don’t feel like that with you, either.”

  Her delicate brow wrinkled. “So, just to be clear, if we were together it would not be okay to sleep with other people, right?”

  “No, no, no!” he stated loudly, the horrible thought nearly scrambling his brain. Then he remembered Tyler and quieted his voice. “No, I’d never be with anyone else and I wouldn’t want you to be either.”

  She draped her arms around his neck. “What’s different with us?”

  “I care too much for you.”

  Her gaze touched every area of his face. “You do?”

  He nodded, unable to repeat the words. His throat was uncharacteristically clogged up just thinking about how much she meant to him.

  She leaned down and captured his mouth, pulling his bottom lip into her mouth. He nearly came unglued. Far too soon, his phone rang, interrupting the moment, and he decided right then and there it’d be left in the car the next time he came to visit.

  Sighing, he released her and stood, her lips swollen from their kisses.

  “Austin here.”

  It was Benny returning his call from earlier. Terrible timing, Benny. They spoke briefly and then he disconnected. Facing her again, he pulled her up and against him and breathed in the flowery scent of her freshly washed hair.

  “You busy tomorrow night?”

  “Oh,” she said, a little surprised. “That will be three dates in a row. Are you sure you’re up to that?”

  He squeezed her tightly. “Yes, I am. Do you want to go with me to look at houses?”

  She leaned back, gazing up at him. “What?”

  “I have to find a place to live. That was Benny, the realtor, and he’s lined up a few places for me to see after work tomorrow. Want to come?”

  She nibbled her bottom lip. “That sounds really interesting. Maybe Russ can keep an eye on Tyler for a couple of hours.”

  “Or he can come with us.”

  She stepped out of his embrace. “I think he’d become bored in about twenty minutes.”

  “Okay, I’ll check with Dad.” He raised his wrist and looked at his watch. “I really need to go. Can I pick you up around six tomorrow?”

  “Sure,” she replied, walking him out and leaning against the doorframe. “I want to know something, Austin.”

  After the conversation they’d just had, he had no idea what to expect. “What?”

  “Are we a couple?”

  He crossed his arms, looking at her intently. “I think we’re working in that direction. I don’t want to rush you into anything, but if it were up to me, yeah, we’d be a couple.”

  She laughed. “I’m happy to hear that, because I want that too. And everything that comes with being a couple.”

  He placed his palm on the side of her face and looked down into her eyes. “Are you saying…?”

  She bit her lip and nodded slowly. “Yep. Hot kisses, and…”

  His breath caught and he growled low in his throat. “Damn, woman.”

  Chuckling, she leaned up and kissed him. “Down boy.”

  He winked, smirking, and then sobered. Staring deep into her eyes, he promised, “Just so you know, I’d never leave you pregnant and alone. I’m not that kind of guy. If you had a child of mine, you couldn’t pry me away. I’ll never abandon you.”

  “You make that sound like a wedding vow.”


  She giggled. “I think I just scared you to death.”

  He tried to laugh, but he hadn’t caught his breath yet from her statement. “Is that payback for when we were at the restaurant and I asked if you were offering?”

  She tossed him a teasing smile and lifted her left brow. “Maybe.”

  “I scared you then.”

  “No, not scared, surprised is a better word. I didn’t know if I should have taken you seriously or not.”

  “You nearly choked on your wine.”

  “Your eyes practically popped out of your head.”

  He held up his hands. “Okay, we’re both serious, but we know enough not to rush things. I don’t want to screw this up. Not with you and not for Tyler.”

  He kissed her goodnight and left with a promise they’d meet the following evening to house hunt. But first, they’d meet in court Monday morning for Aaron’s hearing. Hopefully, he’d get what he deserved.

  Seeing his dad’s light still on, he jogged across the street and rang the doorbell. His dad opened immediately.

  “I thought that was your car. I just got back from Jeff’s. You been visiting Candi?”

  “Yes, we went for pizza.”

  “Did you take Tyler?”

  “Of course.”

  His dad chuckled. “That boy has a hollow leg. You take him to a restaurant, you’d better be ready to pay.”

  “You’re right. I think he ate more than I did.” He walked toward the kitchen and drew a glass of water. After he downed it, he turned back to his dad. “Can you keep an eye on Tyler tomorrow night? Candi and I are going to meet Benny to start looking for houses.”

  His dad’s brows almost reached his hairline, and he had a pretty good-sized forehead. “Moving pretty fast, aren’t you?”

  He grinned. “We just talked about going too fast into a relationship, but we’re on the same page, so everything is fine. Plus, we’re not moving in together or anything. I need a place to live and she’s agreed to go with me to look at a few houses.”

  “Oh, well that makes sense.”

  “Although,” he drew out the word, “if it was what you were thinking, would you object to me and Candi getting together in a more permanent situation?”

  Surprise widened his dad’s eyes again. “You mean married?”

  “Well, perhaps, but not now, no. I mean, moving in together. I know it’s sudden and we’re not doing it first thing in the morning, but perhaps somewhere down the line.”

  His dad pulled out the stool shoved up against the counter and sat. “Well, in a way I think that would be about the best thing that could happen in the world, but only if you’re really serious about her—and Tyler. Honestly, son, nothing would make me happier than having a grandson and a lovely daughter-in-law someday.”

  “Now who’s moving too fast?” he laughed.

  “You’re the one who wants to move in together! What do you think comes next?”

  Hands on his hips, he shook his head back and forth, fighting a grin.

  “Okay, okay. To be serious for a second, I just want to say, I don’t think Candi is like Lydia. She’s not worldly like that. She wants a simple life for her son, not an on again, off again relationship. You’re good with that, right?”

  He pointed across the street. “Are you sure you weren’t outside Candi’s apartment listening to our conversation, because that’s exactly what we discussed.”

  “And what conclusion did you come to?”

  “What we both want is a completely monogamous relationship. Fully committed and possibly adding to the family.” He swatted the air in front of his face then shook his head. “I can’t believe I just said that. Other children didn’t come up in the conversation and I’m not sure why they did just now, actually.” He rotated his wrist, flustered, maybe even a little panicked at the idea. Looking up, he caught his dad’s gaze and warned, “Don’t you tell Candi I said that.”

bsp; His dad just smiled so he pointed his finger at him. “Come on, Dad, help me out.”

  “I’m actually enjoying the idea of seeing you climb out of that mess.”

  He twisted his lips and glared. “Thanks.”

  “You’re welcome. Only too happy to help you out.”

  Chapter 13

  The next morning, Candi hurried to get Tyler ready for school and on his way to catch the bus. Kyler was standing outside the door, waiting, as she rushed to get Tyler moving. “What’s the hold up, Tyler?”

  “I’m trying to tie my shoe.”

  “You’ve been doing that since you were five. Why are you dragging your feet?” He finally entered the room dragging his backpack behind him. “Are you sick today?”

  “No, I’m just sleepy.”

  She folded her arms. “Could be too much pizza and ice cream.”

  “No,” he spoke up quickly, having a sudden resurgence of energy. “I’m ready. Nothing’s wrong.”

  After a quick peck on the cheek, he joined his friend and they hurried to the street. She knew that ploy would make him move. He wouldn’t want to give up the fun things he enjoyed. In just a short time, being with Austin had become his favorite pastime. The threat of curtailing that was definitely good incentive to get going.

  She straightened the apartment before dressing for court today. She chose a slim skirt, a silk blouse and nice pair of black flats. Being on a tight budget, she bought most of her and Tyler’s clothing at a nice resale shop in Denton. It saved her money and allowed them to wear nice things.

  After applying light makeup, she walked to her car and made it to the courthouse long before anyone else. Walking up the steps, she saw Lucas coming toward her. “Morning, Candi.”

  “Hi, Lucas.” He joined her and they covered the last few steps together. “I hope they don’t call on me. I hate speaking in public.”

  “Don’t worry, there won’t be that many people there.”

  “But he has a lawyer. What if I’m cross examined?”

  “That’s not how this will play out. We won’t be in here more than thirty minutes. It’s not like Law and Order.”


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