Perfect Storm

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Perfect Storm Page 18

by Geri Foster

  She turned and looked at Austin, aghast at having not heard anything about this, but Aaron continued.

  “I realized I have been a fool this whole time. I’m sorry, Candi, for taking out my issues on you. I’ve been living under my daddy’s thumb my whole life and I blamed everyone except myself for my own misery. But I’m not going to do that anymore.”

  He looked at Grandma Faith and she nodded for him to continue.

  Taking a deep breath, he finished with, “I’ve deposited ten thousand dollars in the bank under your name, Candi. Nancy Wigan said you just have to go to the bank and sign the signature card.”

  Her mouth fell open in shock. She didn’t know what to say. Noticing her inability to speak, her mother jumped in. “That’s generous of you. It would’ve come in handy earlier in this situation.” Her mother chose her words very carefully and, though they could have been said very harshly, her tone was far more even than she would have expected. Walking over to Tyler, he mama put her arm around him. “You and your dad have been missing out on the most amazing young boy in the world.” Tears sprung into her eyes. “He’s kind, gentle, honest, funny, and so handsome. Everyone in this room loves him with all their hearts.”

  Her dad walked over, a smile on his face, and hugged his wife. “That’s true. Tyler has been a true blessing to this family. We’re thankful everyday God blessed us with him.”

  Now, Aaron’s eyes grew glassy. “I can see that. I’m so sorry I wasn’t strong enough to stand up for him before, but I will stand up for him now. I promise you, all of you, that I will.”

  “Well, there’s something else,” Grandma Faith said, determined.

  Just then, Levi hurried up the walk and barged into the house. He looked ready to start a war. She held her breath, afraid of what the old man might do.

  Levi grabbed Aaron by the shoulder and roughly turned him his way. “I told you to stay away from these people. They ain’t nothing but trouble and they’ll ruin your life.”

  “The way you ruined yours?” Grandma Faith shouted. “Turned away everyone who cared about you.”

  “You shut your mouth,” Levi shouted, his scary gaze directed at her grandma. “You need to learn to mind your own business.”

  Grandma shook her fist at him. “You need to face the truth.”

  “You go to hell, woman.”

  “I’ve been there and back.”

  “Well, you should’ve stayed.” He turned his attention to Aaron. “Let’s go. There ain’t nothing here for either of us.”

  Aaron tore away from his dad. “Maybe not for you, but there is for me.”

  “Listen here, boy, I know you transferred money from the ranch’s account and put it in her name. You had no right to do that. Now the whole town will know that brat’s a Travis.”

  “Now you wait a minute,” Austin said, shoving to the front of the room. “Don’t say another word in front of the child unless you’re ready to swallow your teeth.”

  “That’s right,” Aaron said. “I’ll handle my own affairs.”

  Levi barked a cruel laugh. “Like before, you sniveling little worm?”

  Aaron shook his head. “Not like before. Like how it’s going to be from this day forward and you’re not included.”

  “We’ll see just how far you get without my money.”

  A faintly familiar voice sliced through the noise. “You can actually get by very well without him or his money.”

  All heads turned to see a middle-aged woman standing in the doorway beside a woman who could easily be her younger double.

  Levi staggered backwards. “What the hell?”

  Aaron, confusion written plainly on his face, stepped toward the women. “Mom?”

  She smiled. “Yes, it’s me.” She placed her hand on the woman next to her. “This is your older sister, Karen.”

  Levi recovered from the shock of his estranged wife’s sudden appearance, and that of his daughter, anger replacing the previous emotion.

  Shaking her head at the strange turn of events, she moved closer to Austin. “I didn’t know Ellen had another child.”

  “No one did,” Grandma Faith said. “He made her give Karen up when she was born because they weren’t married yet.” Grandma turned to Aaron. “Your mama didn’t leave with another man, she went after the daughter he’d made her abandon.”

  Aaron shot his dad a violent glare. “You turned your back on your own child?”

  Levi grinned maliciously. “Don’t look so surprised. You did the very same thing.”

  Aaron’s face paled, but he stiffened his spine and clenched his fists. “I won’t anymore. I won’t let you dictate my life. I don’t want to be cold-hearted, ruthless, and greedy like you anymore. From this day forward, I am my own man.” He glanced to Tyler and then to her. “And maybe, one day, I’ll get to be a father too.”

  Aaron’s mom put her hand to her heart and took a step towards him. “Aaron, look at you. You’ve grown up to be such a good man. I missed you so much.”

  Aaron put his hands up and his mother stopped her approach. “I haven’t been a good man. I’m just learning to be one, actually. But, what are you doing here? You what, walked out on me when I was just a kid, left me with him,” he threw his arm Levi’s way, “and then expect me to welcome you with open arms? You abandoned me.”

  His mom shook her head, tears welling up in her eyes. “It wasn’t like that. Honey, I just couldn’t take it anymore. I had to go. I had to find your sister. What Levi made me do? It wasn’t right and I could never forgive myself for it. I wanted to take you with me, but I didn’t know where I was going. I had no money, no job. What kind of life could I have given you? I called. I called everyday once I got settled. But the phone was disconnected. I should have known Levi would do such a thing. He would never let you go, Aaron, you are his heir, his legacy. He wanted nothing more than to make you just like him. I can only imagine the vile things he’s filled your head with.” She threw a wicked look Levi’s way. “He’d already begun to before I left.” Focusing on Aaron again, she pressed, “It was a terrible decision I had to make, leaving. But I knew he would never hurt you. And then I had no way of reaching you. I promise, I never meant to abandon you.”

  Aaron’s bottom lip trembled as he thought over all his mom had said. “You’re wrong. He did hurt me. He cut me down everyday, told me how stupid and worthless I was. All so I’d become just like him. And he did. He did make me just like him.” He shook his head, anguished by his own actions. “But I’m making it right, now.” Slowly, head up, he walked over and hugged his mom, then his sister. “I’m not saying this is going to be easy, we have a lot to talk about and work through, but if I’m looking for forgiveness, who would I be to not offer it as well? I don’t have a thing to offer other than that, but you’re welcome to come with me. We’ll be together and find a way to make it work.”

  “Oh, honey, I’m so sorry.” She squeezed him tightly, tears running down her cheeks. Pulling back, she wiped her eyes and said, “That’s kind of you son, but we’re staying right here in Rainwater, near my friend, Faith. It’s time I stopped letting Levi run my life, too.”

  The room was silent, everyone taking in the unexpected events, when Grandma Faith spoke up, admitting, “I called her. After I talked with you Aaron, I thought it time she came home.”

  Fury masking his features, Levi lashed out. “You just wanted to stir up trouble. Same as always. I know you helped her get away. It was all your idea, Faith!”

  “No, it wasn’t, but when she came to me, I didn’t turn her away. We’ve been friends too long.”

  To Candi’s horror, Levi pulled out a gun and pointed it at Tyler. Instantly everyone surrounded her son, creating a human shield. Only Austin stepped forward.

  “I’m going to advise you to put that weapon away and leave here while you still can. You’re not going to get away with hurting anyone here.”

  “That boy ruined my life!”

  “No, you did that yourself!�
�� Russ shouted.

  “That’s right. Your meanness and bitterness ruined this whole family,” Ellen said. “It’s time you stop, or maybe the law needs to step in. Karen and I are here to stay. Aaron will share our lives, and you’re not welcome.” She stepped closer, her fists balled. “No one wants you, Levi. You’re too rotten, too greedy and too filled with poison.”

  The gun went off and a collective scream filled the house as Ellen clutched her stomach and slumped to the ground. Austin jumped forward and, with Aaron’s help, wrestled the gun from Levi.

  Pinned to the ground, he cried out, “I didn’t mean to shoot her. I didn’t mean it. I love her.”

  Aaron pushed his weight on his dad’s head. “Shut up, old man. You don’t love anyone but yourself.”

  “Someone call an ambulance.” Russ knelt over Ellen, his hands stacked on top of hers. “She needs help.”

  “Lucas is on the way,” Candi’s dad shouted.

  Karen, a total stranger to all of them, dropped down beside her mother and wept. “She never hurt anyone in her life.”

  “I didn’t mean to do it,” Levi continued screaming.

  Candi’s mom took Tyler out the back door, calming him. As sirens wailed in the distance, she followed her mom outside and took Tyler into her arms.

  “It’s okay. It’s all okay,” she hushed.

  “What was that, Mom? I heard a loud noise and then everyone was screaming.”

  “It was nothing. We were just all surprised. Everything’s okay.”

  “You promise?” He looked up at her with wide, pleading eyes.

  “I promise.”

  After a few minutes, he calmed down and they were able to distract him. As they sat on the porch, she laughed while he pretended to be a dinosaur. “Look at my long tail, Grandma,” Tyler said, shaking the green material. “And listen to me roar.”

  Her mother sat in a yard chair, her hands clasped, leaning forward with a smile. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more ferocious tyrannosaurus.”

  After checking inside, she returned and cleared her throat, approaching her mom. “It’s rather chaotic in there.”

  “Yes, I agree and Tyler doesn’t need to see that or be involved.”

  “I appreciate you protecting him by bringing him out here.”

  Her mother looked surprised. “He’s my only grandchild. Of course, I’d protect him. Levi Travis is a crazy man that’s capable of near anything.”

  “Yes, he’s just proved that.”

  “I’m shocked Faith would have Ellen come back and not tell anyone.”

  “I think part of that was spite for the way Levi has been treating me and Tyler. She threatened to make him pay, and she did. However, I don’t think she ever predicted her friend would be shot.”

  “I hope Ellen is okay. She’s a wonderful person that your Grandma Faith just loves.” Her mother smiled. “Faith once told me she stitched Ellen’s wedding dress by hand. Wanted to make it extra special.”

  “I guess that’s what friends do. I pray for all of us that Ellen makes it. I’m afraid Lucas is going to arrest Levi. He’ll probably go to jail.”

  Her mom scowled. “Exactly where that crazy old coot belongs. I nearly died when he pointed that thing at Tyler. My whole life flashed before me and my knees nearly buckled.”

  “You and dad really love him, don’t you?”

  Her mom gazed up at her with tears streaming down her face. She hadn’t been aware her mother was crying.

  “More than you’ll ever know. I won’t ever bring up the circumstances around his birth again. I promise.”

  “Then you probably won’t mind babysitting for him next weekend?”

  Wiping away tears, her mother smiled. “We’d love to. Dad’s been wanting to take him for a ride in his new golf cart.” She turned to face her. “Where will you be?”

  “Austin and I want to spend the weekend together.” She waited for her mother to object. She made a slight movement, and Candi narrowed her eyes, but her mother just laughed. “I think that’s a great idea.” She glanced back toward the house. “I like him. One day, he’ll make you a good husband and Tyler a wonderful dad.”

  She squeezed her mom’s hand. “That’s all I want out of life. Just a chance to be happy.”

  Chapter 18

  Excitement kept his spirits high as Austin reminded himself he and Candi were going to Dallas for the weekend. They planned to leave right after dropping Tyler off at his grandparents’ house after school.

  Shoving his empty lunch plate aside, he watched Candi work. Thinking back to last Sunday, he realized Rainwater had a week to remember. Ellen made it to the hospital in time and would be discharged next Wednesday, Lucas arrested Levi, who now would stand trial for attempted murder, and Aaron and his sister Karen moved into the ranch.

  As much as he could tell, Aaron had fired the rowdy crowd he’d hired earlier. He genuinely appeared to be doing his best to work the ranch and was anxious for his mom’s full recovery. Levi had signed the ranch over to his family, probably knowing he wouldn’t be back for a long time. He even refused to spend money to hire a lawyer. That surprised the entire town.

  Candi came to his table and picked up the plates. “You excited about tonight?”

  He smiled. “I am. Maybe while we’re there we can do some more furniture shopping. I still don’t have a couch.”

  “That’s an idea.”

  They both turned as the door opened and Aaron came inside. He didn’t move any closer, but he did say, “I came by to tell you that my mom’s getting out sooner than expected. The doctor said maybe Monday.”

  Candi smiled. “That’s great news, Aaron. I’m sure you and Karen are relieved.”

  “Yes, we are.” He stuck his hands in his pockets and studied the floor. “I hear you two are going to Dallas tonight.”

  Austin started to rise, anticipating a fight on his hands. He wouldn’t allow Aaron to spoil their plans. “That’s right.”

  Candi put her hand on his shoulder. “We’re looking forward to it.”

  “Do you have someone to watch Tyler?” he asked, a little hesitantly.

  “Yes, my mom and dad.”

  “Well,” he said softly. “If you ever need anyone to look after him in the future, I’m your guy.”

  “He barely knows you, Aaron.” Candi remained much calmer than he expected.

  “I understand, and I want to change all of that. My mom can’t stop talking about him, and the little fella is growing on me, as well. I’d like to be a small part of his life, if that’s possible.”

  She glanced down at Austin and he nodded.

  “I guess we can arrange something. We’ll have to go slow at first.”

  Aaron’s eyes brightened and he smiled. “Yeah, sure, you make the rules and I’ll follow.”

  “Okay.” She chewed on her lip for a moment, before offering, “My parents are having a big Thanksgiving Day dinner. Your mom might not be up to cooking, why don’t you and your family join us.”

  Aaron looked at him. “Is that okay with you?”

  He smiled and glanced up at Candi. “I’m not a man easily threatened.”

  “Okay, well, I’ll see you guys later.” Aaron waved as the door closed. “Have fun.”

  Austin blew out a breath. “Has the world tilted on its axis, because things are changing way too fast for me.” He stood, getting ready to leave and go back to work. Since the place was empty, he bent down and kissed Candi soundly.

  When he raised his head, she glanced out the big window overlooking the parking lot. “You know, the weather man claims there’s a chance of rain tomorrow in Dallas.”

  He wrapped her in his arms and pulled her close. “I don’t care. Let it rain.”

  They arrived in Dallas to a slew of traffic and busy sidewalks. He’d made their reservations at the hotel downtown so they’d get to take in the sights and be close to eateries. Due to her parents delay, they didn’t arrive until near dark.

  After ch
ecking into their hotel, they decided to make use of the hotel’s restaurant. Afterwards they journeyed to the bar for a nightcap and listened to a piano playing softly in the distance.

  She reached over and put her hand on his, licking her lips. “I can’t believe I’m this nervous.” A pretty blush touched her cheeks. “I mean, it’s been so long, and all.”

  He felt her anxiousness all evening. She’d been jumpy during dinner, dropping her fork twice, spilling her glass of wine, and nearly falling out of her chair. Unable to take it any longer, he stacked his hand over hers. “Listen, we don’t have to hurry. We have the whole weekend.” He suggestively raised a brow. “The whole weekend.”

  She giggled a little then turned sober. “No, I don’t want to wait any longer, Austin.” She rose and held out her hand. “I’m ready to go to our room, if you are.”

  He slid his credit card to the bartender and reached around her waist and pulled her against him. “I’m at your service.”

  They entered the empty elevator and he turned, pressing her against the back wall, wanting her to feel his desire for her. His mouth came down on hers with a kiss so demanding he felt her knees almost give way. She evidently had no complaints because she opened her mouth and allowed his tongue to taste every recess. Then, she returned the favor and Austin’s own knees nearly grew weak.

  The dinging sound of them reaching their floor pulled them apart, but since they’d already dropped off their suitcases, he knew exactly where he was going and had the key card in hand. He allowed her to enter first, then tossed the key on the table near the TV. The bed seemed to loom large in the room.

  As he gazed at Candi he saw her eyes were riveted to the most obvious thing in the room. “Kind of intimidating, isn’t it?” he asked careful not to spook her. “But, it’s just a bed.”

  She glanced over her shoulder at him. “It’s what we’re going to do on the bed that’s a little frightening.”

  He stepped over and pulled her against his chest, raking his fingers through her hair. “Are you afraid?” He kissed her temples, then her cheeks and nibbled his way down her throat. “Don’t be. I won’t do anything to hurt you.”


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