Doctor Single Dad

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Doctor Single Dad Page 4

by Sonia Belier

  I snapped myself to doctor mode.

  “Mrs. Townsend, I hear you were looking for me. I’m right here. What would you like to discuss?” I definitely aged myself ten years with the excessive grinning I was doing. Smile lines and wrinkles etched on my skin, I gave her the most forced smile I could muster.

  “Oh good, good. You’re here. Listen, I need to talk to you about my father’s surgery. Dr. Gray, it’s important that he has this particular kind of granola before you give him anesthesia. You see, he eats it all the time. Never been a day without it in his life. ‘Cept of course when he was a baby. He won’t be calm without it! And he also needs this 700-count Egyptian cotton sheet blend. There’s no way that the oper-.”

  If this was some kind of cruel punishment for kissing my student, could I please be forgiven?

  Because this was fucking mind numbing.

  I brought my hand to her shoulder.

  Absolute pain was a gross understatement. But her family was oh so important and powerful and I had to put on my good boy face as a result. Wouldn’t want Mrs. looney Townsend ruining my reputation, would we?

  “Please Mrs. Courtney. I can assure you that your father is in the best hands in all of Los Angeles. I will take care of him like I would take care of my own dad. Doctors honor.” I placed my hand on my heart and really, I mean really rubbed her back. How else could I get this woman to calm down?

  “Alright, I suppose I should relax. Y’all seem to have this place under control.”

  That’s right lady, we do. Now you got the right idea. She was quiet for a moment and just stood there nodding her head.

  “But you don’t understand!”

  Dammit all....

  “My father needs a lot of things for his surgery! The last nine that he had he was given exactly everything that’s on this list!” She shoved a crumpled paper that smelled strongly of her perfume in my face. I grabbed it without reading it and repeatedly nodded my head. “We are paying top dollar to make sure that y’all meet his comfort level exactly the way he wants it to be met!” She stomped her feet on the ground to every syllable she spoke. Every. Single. One.

  Was it alright to quit now? Or…

  “Mrs. Townsend, thank you for this list. My team will provide your father everything that is here and more. You don’t need to worry. Here’s my card.” I reached into my white coat and begrudgingly gave her my card. Thank goodness that phone number wasn’t personal.

  “You can call me for anything leading up to the surgery. My job is to give your father the world-class treatment that I’m known for. You should have no doubts.”

  I felt Lorrie holding in laughs from behind my back. Of course she thought this was hilarious.

  And then I thought about what I told April after class a few days ago. I was singing a different tune about being a surgeon back then. Contrary to what I told her, I did care about people and making sure they were safe in my possession. Despite how infuriating, exasperating, tiresome, and obnoxious they might be.

  I’m looking right at you Mrs. Townsend.

  “Mrs. Townsend, this is Lorrie Wills. She’ll be assisting me with the surgery with me next week.”

  Lorrie extended her hand out for to Townsend woman and smiled awkwardly, looking back at me every so often.

  “I just want to echo what Dr. Gray said. Your father is in good hands. We’ll make sure he gets the best possible care that we can provide.”

  Mrs. Townsend grabbed her purse and shot me a menacing glare for some odd reason. She turned back to Lorrie and gave her a hug that seemed to last for ages. I didn’t care that she clearly preferred Lorrie to myself. Anything to get her out of my hair.

  “Thank you Lorrie. I guess I should be leaving now. I’ll be seeing you both next week. Expect a call from me Dr. Gray.”

  Oh, I expect thousands…

  “We’ll see you soon Mrs. Townsend.”

  And she quickly left. Thankfully.

  I turned around to Lorrie and sighed laughing slightly. I had an operation to perform and all I could think about was how many times that lady was going to call me.

  “It’s been a while, Lorrie. You found some relief since ditching my babysitting gig?” She wrapped her wavy brown hair up in a ponytail and gave me a half-hearted smile.

  “You could say so.”

  I wasn’t really sure what was eating her. Last I remembered, we didn’t end on bad terms. “Well, that surgery next week will be a lot of fun huh? Let’s make sure to keep Courtney chained to the lounge door or something so we can concentrate while we operate.” She chuckled a little bit and then turned to the door.

  “I’ll let the interns know.”

  She walked away without saying another word.

  It was pretty strange, downright mind-boggling even. I couldn’t understand why Lorrie had suddenly had a bone to pick with me. I didn’t put up any fight when she wanted to quit, even though it inconvenienced me like hell.

  Rather than wasting any more time thinking about it, I walked back to my office to give April a call.

  Sitting back behind my desk, I grab my phone and dialed her number.

  It was odd.

  Normally when I left Dylan with a new sitter, I’d be worried sick about my champ all day. But this time, I wasn’t. I trusted April a lot more than I ever thought I would.

  Two rings and I heard her sweet voice on the other side of the line.

  “Hi Paul! How ya doing?” Her bouncy vibrant voice lit up my mood and grabbed my focus from thinking about what the hell Lorrie’s problem was. She was whispering and I could hear the sound of a children’s show playing in the background.

  “Hanging in there. You and Dylan sound like you’re having a good time! He’ll probably be knocked out by the time I get home.” I tried to stop the sound of a smile creeping on my face at the thought of that.

  “Yeah, I’m pretty sure he will be. Hey, what time do you think you’re coming back? Is the hospital busy?” The town of her voice changed and became much more longing and sultry. I adjusted myself in my chair and cleared my throat. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think she was trying to seduce me over the phone. There wasn’t any harm in playing that game too was there?

  “You sound like you’re expecting something little lady.”


  The sound of her sexy voice as she chuckled buzzed right to my eardrums.

  I might just leave this hospital right now…

  “You’re sly aren’t you Paul? I’ll see you soon.” She left me on the edge, listening to the static on the other end of the line after she hung up.

  I thought about reeling myself in from this. Thought about nipping it in the bud before it became something dangerous. Obviously, it was too late. Who the hell was I kidding?

  Here I was in the hospital, distracted from paperwork with the idea of seeing April’s voluptuous curves when I got back to my condo. Running my hands over her devilishly soft skin. Tasting the sweetness of her lips. All of the sudden it was all I was thinking about.

  Shaking myself out of the thoughts, I grabbed the stack of papers on my desk and looked through them. It was a dumb idea seeing as though my brain was clearly on a different planet.

  Now I found myself falling for the babysitter.

  Just how the hell did I get here?

  Chapter 6


  “Alright kiddo, time for you to hit the sack!” I scurried over to the sofa and lifted Dylan up from his feet, spinning him around like an airplane. His laugh was so cute and my heart fluttered just listening to him.

  “But-but April, we didn’t finish building the robot base tower!” He said in between hurried laughs.

  “I know Dylan, but guess what? You and your daddy are going to finish it tomorrow. So we’ll leave it waiting right there for him, okay?”

  “Okay!” He changed into his jammies and I tucked him into his bed with his favorite teddy.

  “Goodnight Dylan, see you later.”

“Night April!” With a kiss on the forehead, I walked out of his room and back into the living room.

  My mind was racing.

  It’s not that I’ve never babysat before but knowing that at any moment Paul was going to walk in, I was definitely feeling the pressure.

  I sat down on the giant leather couch and grabbed the remote. Maybe a movie would clear my mind?

  As soon as I pressed the volume button I heard the front door unlock.

  My heart almost beat out of my chest. I thought about scrambling out of the room and I rose up from the sofa. Changing my mind almost instantly, I hurried back to the sofa and practically curled up into a ball at the edge of it.

  Why was I so nervous all of the sudden?

  “April, I’m back.” Paul’s deep voice called out and echoed through the halls. I hesitated to answer him. My chest was pulsing with nervousness. Suddenly it hit me that I was practically all alone, at night, in a giant condo with Dr. Paul Gray. And I knew exactly where my body wanted to take this.

  “April, are you in here?” His work shoes clanked against the fancy marble flooring in the room.

  “I’m right here Paul!” Finally getting some courage, I got up for the chair and walked over to him.

  Probably not the best idea on second thought…because his sex appeal practically suffocated me.

  His muscular body towered over me and the scent of his spicy cologne swept up through my senses. He stood there smiling at me casually, with those blinding eyes and that wide grin. You would expect a doctor to look beat after a long day’s work. But Paul? You probably would’ve thought he just finished up some expensive photo shoot in the hills for some fancy Italian fashion brand. He must’ve caught me staring him up and down because he leaned in a little closer and raised an eyebrow.

  “Uh, you doing okay?” Paul gently ran his hands along the side of my cheek, his voice filled with concern.

  Get your shit together April.

  “Y-yeah, just fine. You just startled me coming in, that’s all.” Unconsciously, I leaned in for a hug and sunk into the firm warmth of his embrace. Our bodies rose and fall to the rhythm of our breathing. Thinking I should break the embrace before it got too dangerous, I let go of him.

  “So, how was Dylan? I trust he didn’t give you too many problems?” He said removing his blazer and throwing it to the sofa. Idly, I looked in the other direction. I knew my face was turning red as a cherry and I wanted to avoid him noticing if I could.

  “Dylan was an angel. You’ve got an awesome son there.”

  “I agree. What’s this, you got a movie rolling?” Pointing at the large flat screen tv, he unbuttoned his shirt revealing just a little bit of his sculpted chest. It was then that I realized how tanned he was.

  Not some kind of artificial spray tan or something. No, tanned from just the right amount of natural sunlight.

  It was pretty obvious that we were both just procrastinating at this point and avoiding the inevitable.

  “Oh yeah, I just put it on. You wanna watch with me?” Without saying a word, he pulled me to the sofa and I nestled myself in his arms. The room was chill with the air conditioner blowing, but the heat from his body made me forget just how cold I was. I found myself unconsciously running my hands against his smooth, firm chest. A low “hmm” of deep timbre slid its way from his lips.

  Oh lord, stop me before I do something stupid.

  “You know, I didn’t get a chance to say that I’m grateful for you watching Dylan tonight. You saved my ass more than you know. Please tell me you’re willing to make this a permanent thing?”

  “It was really no problem. Easy as pie. And yes, I definitely wouldn’t mind doing this again. The more I get to stay in this nice condo, the better.”

  He let out a gentle laugh and gripped my shoulder tight, rubbing it up and down. “You can come by anytime. I don’t bite.” The last three words came out like a growl and I felt my thighs tensing at the rumble of his chest. A few minutes later I caught his eyes moving from the tv to a small picture sitting on the coffee table against the wall. Paul let out a big sigh and shook his head slightly.

  “The last time I remember taking a second to breathe was three years ago.” He said with a bit of sadness in his voice.

  I put two and two together pretty quickly and figured out that Paul was probably talking about the woman in the picture. His wife.

  Immediately I wondered if I’d made some massive mistake. Was she still in the picture?

  “Is she…your wife?” I asked the question gingerly, afraid of the answer.

  “She was. She passed three years ago. Her name was Linda. That time was pretty hard for me and Dylan.” My heart sunk as I took in his somber words. How could Dylan be such a happy kid when he lost his mom at such an early age?

  “I-I’m sorry to hear that…I really don’t know what to say.”

  “We’ve coped and now we’re trying to continue with life. It’s what Linda would’ve wanted.” I hugged him tighter and felt him let out a deep sigh again. If there was any way I could erase the pain he was feeling, I wanted to do it.

  I looked him in the eyes.

  He was so strong, so firm despite everything he went through. His eyes were pools into his soul that I fell right into. Like some strange force was pushing us closer, I found myself just inches from Paul’s lips. So close I could smell the earthen scent of his aftershave.

  Paul made the first move and parted his lips, pressing them against mine forcefully. He inserted his hungry tongue inside and it danced against my tongue. He placed his hand on the small of my back and I arched against it.

  He moved his lips to my ear and whispered slowly, “Are you okay with this?” Shivers went through my spine. There wasn’t any doubt in my mind that I wanted Paul.

  “Yeah…I am…” Any fear that I felt was covered up with desire and a whole lot of expectation. I was nervous but already well under his spell. Paul looked at me with longing eyes and leaned back in to steal another kiss. The whole time I couldn’t stop thinking about if I should tell him that I-…no.

  No no no no. No way I would tell him that. I knew I wanted this but I couldn’t help but be nervous. Would one night ruin everything for me? Still, I couldn’t say no to that look in his eyes.

  We moved closer together pressing our bodies against each other and he moved his hands down to my breasts. Cupping them lightly, he squeezed them brushing the cotton fabric of my t-shirt against my taut nipples. Even though it was such a slight movement, the electricity from it shocked my whole body.

  Each kiss he planted on my neck seared my skin practically choking me with his fiery touch. He traced his tongue along my color bone and down to my breasts, sucking the hard pebbles through the fabric.

  Waves of pleasure coursed through my body. Paul was somehow an expert with me despite never touching me before. He knew exactly what to do.

  “I’m getting a little tired of this shirt of yours. I want it off.” He didn’t even ask before he yanked the white cotton t-shirt over my head and threw it to the floor.

  His dominant attitude was making my folds slick with desire.

  “There we go…now lean back.” Paul pressed my body against the sofa and hoisted himself over me. I didn’t know what else to do, so I awkwardly ran my hands along his sculpted chest and started unlatching the buttons on his shirt.

  “I can tell you’re still nervous. Just relax baby…” He crooned into my ear sliding his hand along my bare breasts. He pinched my nipples again and elicited a loud and uncontrolled moan out of me.

  Paul quickly put his right hand over my mouth to muffle the sound.

  “Shh…you’d better keep those sexy little moans in ya hear?” He said as he pinched my nipple with his free hand even harder. That devilish look on his face practically made me squirm. I winced under the weight of him nodding my head and he slid his thigh gently between my legs, pressing it up against tender my button. Paul was possessive, making me his with ever burning touch.r />
  He kneaded his thigh into the space between my legs and I grabbed on hard to his muscular back. In one quick motion, he grabbed me off of the couch and I wrapped my legs around his waist.

  “Ready to go for a little ride?”

  “Fire away doctor!”

  Paul carried me through the two flights of stairs in his condo as I tried to stifle my shrieks and laughter at the bounces and bumps of our little ride. When we got to the bedroom, he plopped me on the California king bed and I felt like I was floating on cloud nine.

  “Let me taste those luscious legs of yours…”

  “Come here.” I motioned for him to join me on the bed.

  Paul hoisted himself over me on the bed and arched my legs in the air. I was already getting so wet underneath my silk panties, I was pretty sure Paul noticed.

  Lightly brushing his fingers against the moist silk folds, a sly smirk crept on his face. “What’s this hmm? You’re already fucking soaked.”

  My face turned flush.

  “You’re gonna do something about it, right?” I licked my lips watching his firm hands go for the drawstrings on my fire red panties. Pulling them over my feet, he nearly growled at me.

  “Hell yeah I’ll do something about it.” The grip he had on my legs was enough to leave red imprints on them for days. He leaned his body closer to me, hovering just over my slick folds. I gulped in anticipation.

  Could he hear me?

  I really hope he didn’t hear me. I didn’t want him thinking I was some inexperienced little plaything. Even though I probably was…

  My body went numb when he brought his tongue to me. Slick and sinuous against my wetness, I bit down on my lip to quiet myself. It was like a burst of static prickling all over my body. His tongue wound against my delicate skin and up, ever so gently to my flower

  I couldn’t even think; my mind was reeling.


  I pushed my head back against the bed as the length of his tongue picked up speed against my pussy. The muscles in my thighs were damn near burning from Paul pressing down against them as he spread my legs open with his left hand.


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