Doctor Single Dad

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Doctor Single Dad Page 10

by Sonia Belier

  “My name is Professor Hall. I’m substituting for Dr. Gray due to a family emergency. Now let’s get started.”

  Family emergency?!

  Now I was getting really worried. What could’ve happened that Paul wouldn’t have told me about?

  My mind started racing on overdrive to try and figure out what could’ve been going on.

  “Please please please be safe Paul.” I whispered to myself.

  Chapter 15


  I couldn’t believe this was happening.

  All at once, my whole fucking world was closing in on me.

  My heart was beating so loud that I could hear it in my eardrums.

  The very thing I’d been worrying about all along finally happened. And there was nothing I could do about it.

  I held the red note in my hand and read it a million times over.

  “We went to Six Flags. I want the 2 million in a briefcase and in your living room.”

  I was being extorted and my life, my son, Dylan was being used as collateral. How the hell did I let this shit happen?! How did I let everything get to this point?!

  Tearing through the house, I ripped apart every sheet, pillow, cabinet, and door to see if Dylan was still somewhere inside and that this was some kind of trick. I looked under every bed and in ventilation shafts and I still couldn’t find him.

  My eyes were getting watery and my heart was getting heavy. I felt like I couldn’t breathe. Some invisible thing was choking me.

  Get it together Paul. You need to find your son.

  I stumbled through my condo and suddenly cursed myself for having such a big fucking house. My phone in my pocket was vibrating off the hook.

  It was probably April.

  I had tunnel vision.

  I couldn’t even form a sentence.

  One destination. Six Flags. I need to get my son.

  I shoved myself into my beamer and revved the engine, taking off down the highway as fast as the damn car would allow me to go.

  “Fuck fuck fuck!!!” I slammed my hands on the wheel and swerved into another lane. I caught myself and regained control of the wheeling, zooming back into the other lane.

  Horns honking…


  Can’t think. Can’t fucking think.

  I pressed the dashboard and answered my phone from the car. April was probably worried sick.

  “Paul? Paul is everything okay?! They said you had an emergency!!”

  “Dylan, he’s gone. I’m going to go find him. Someone took him April. I need you to go back to my condo and call the police. Wait for me there.”

  “Oh my god. Okay, I will!”

  I hung up the phone and took the car from 75 miles an hour to 85.

  The theme park was almost two hours away from my house and my palms were sweating at the thought that I might be too late.

  I couldn’t lose him. I just couldn’t fucking lose him.

  All I could think about is how tightly I would grip the neck of the son of a bitch that took my son. They wouldn’t see another day in their life.

  And then my anger went to worry. And the worry to fear.

  The longer I was driving on the winding highway the more my body was filling with dread.

  What if the worst happened?

  “Dad’s coming to get you Dylan. You just be strong for me champ.”

  When I finally got to the park I didn’t even bother parking in the right spot. I launched myself out of that damn car and went crazy all over the park looking for my son.

  I was an ant in the jungle.

  I ran all over the place, waited at every ride and lapped the place almost four times. Then I finally settled on going to the security.

  I was spent. Out of breath.

  I barged up to the glass by the security desk huffing and puffing. The man behind the desk looked at me like I was a fucking alien.

  “Excuse me, I’m looking for my son. He was kidnapped and taken here. Someone has him. You need to make an announcement now!!!” I banged my hands against the glass and the idiot behind it just continued to look at me like I was an alien.


  “Sir, I’m gonna need ya to calm down now. We don’t allow anyone to bang on this glass. You need to relax.” I was now two seconds away from knocking this damn glass down.

  “Calm down?!! Did you just hear what the hell I said?! My. Son. Is. Missing! You fucking moron!” Passing eyes stopped what they were doing and looked at me like I was a crazy man, but I didn’t care. My son was my world and right now it felt like that world was spiraling down.

  “Sir, what’s your son’s name? We’ll make an announcement right now.”

  “His name is Dylan Gray. Tell him his dad Paul his here to get him. Tell him to come here now so we can go home.” Fuck, I was choking up. Everything was hitting me all at once. The security guard grabbed the microphone and turned it on, clearing his throat into it.

  “Dylan Gray, your dad Paul is here waiting for you. Please make your way through the park and meet him at security.”

  Everyone looked suspicious. Every face was the person who did it. I just couldn’t make sense of anything anymore.

  I must’ve waited at that godforsaken security booth for two hours. Dylan still didn’t show up. My knees dropped to the floor.

  My son was gone and it was all my fault. It was my fault I couldn’t do anything for him. It was my fault for getting to-

  I wanted to chug my phone to the ground. The ringing was driving me crazy.

  “April’s calling??”

  Time stood still for a second and I answered the phone.

  “April, is everything okay? Is Dylan back?!!” There was a short pause and some slight muffling before she answered.

  She cleared her throat, “Hi Paul…umm, everything is okay. Dylan is safe and playing in his room right now.” A huge plume of relief came over me and the tension in my muscles eased up. But something didn’t sound right.

  April sounded scared.

  “April is someone in there with you right now?? Are the police on their way?!”

  “Don’t …say anything…” The muffled sound of a voice in the room with April turned my guard back up.

  “Baby, who’s in there with you?! What’s going on?!”

  She whispered so gently I could hardly make out what she was saying. “Paul…she has a gun to my head. I couldn’t call the police.”

  My eyes widened.

  The situation went from catastrophic to hellish in a matter of minutes.

  “You hang on tight April, I’m coming. The cops are going to be there soon. Hang on for me baby. April?...April?!!” The line went silent.


  I dashed back to my car and sped down the highway once again.

  She had April at gunpoint. There was only one “she” that could be.

  Lorrie fucking Wills.

  Red and blue flashing everywhere. I didn’t know whether to still be worried or relieved.

  I parked my car and before I could dash inside the house, my attention was drawn to a blood-curdling scream.

  “Is that…Lorrie?!” Yes it was.

  She was laying against the pavement with her hands in handcuffs. Screaming at the top of her lungs, the officers were working to load her in the back of their cruiser.

  So it was her all along.

  “Excuse me, are you Dr. Gray?”

  I didn’t even have anything left in me to utter a word. I nodded my head dragging my feet towards the front door of my condo.

  “Everything is clear in your estate sir. You’re free to go in. Your son and April Madison are waiting for you inside. We’ll be in touch with you to collect statements.”

  I walked inside and Dylan plowed into me.

  “Daddy! I missed you so much daddy! I went to Six Flags today with Ms. Lorrie, it was fun but the police guys say she has to leave now…” I rubbed his back and kissed his head as
hard as I could.

  “Yeah son, you won’t be seeing her for a long time. I’m so glad you’re okay.” April emerged from the stairs and walked down placing her arms around us. “Dylan, why don’t you get ready for bed?”

  “Okay dad!” He ran back up the stairs and I pulled April close to me.

  “Thank goodness you’re okay. I almost lost my mind out there.” I held her in a tight embrace and felt a few teardrops on my skin.

  “This was what you were protecting me from…I’m so sorry Paul.”

  “C’mon. Let’s all go inside and put this behind us.”

  I held Dylan’s hand and we all walked back into the condo.

  It was way past time for Dylan to go to sleep so I motioned for April to wait for me in my suite while I tucked him in.

  “I’m glad April is back dada.” Dylan snuggled into his cover and I kissed him on the forehead.

  “Yeah, me too champ. Get some sleep. You have to be up bright and early for school tomorrow.” I plugged his dinosaur nightlight in and walked out of his room.

  It felt so good to finally get down to the bottom of the person leaving those damn notes. Turns out Lorrie just wanted to extort some money out of me.

  Should’ve seen that coming.

  I never want anything like this day to happen ever again. If I’m going to protect my patients in the hospital, I’m going to protect my son and…April.

  She sat on the sofa in the living room and ran her fingers through her hair. Even though she was held at gunpoint by a crazy lady that was practically a stranger to her, she handled the whole situation with a crazy amount of grace.

  “There’s my superwoman.” I hopped over to the couch next to her and threw my arms around her. The soft sound of her exhale was so gentle it could’ve put me to sleep. “I’m sorry April. I wouldn’t have guessed that it was Lorrie behind all of it.”

  “All of what?”

  “I never told you because I didn’t want to worry you, but Lorrie was leaving notes on my door at night. Threatening money out of me.” Thinking back on it, I should’ve gotten the police involved then and there.

  Spilled milk now.

  “Let’s not talk about it Paul. I understand why you did it. Let’s just go to bed babe.” She turned towards me and those vibrant green gems sparkled.

  “Alright, let’s go.” I leaned in for a kiss and ran my hand against her cheek. My heart was aching. There was something that I needed to say to her.

  “April, I…”

  Shit…this was way harder than they made it seem in the movies. And looking at her beautiful face stare at me in amusement wasn’t making it any easier.

  “What’s up Paul?” She smiled at me and I couldn’t help but smile back. There was no doubt in my mind that she was the one. I didn’t have a single doubt anymore.

  “I love you. I don’t know how you did it to me, but I love you too much. There’s no turning back from this now.” For some reason, I couldn’t look her in the face and I held my head down. She held it up with the gentle touch of her finger.

  “I love you too Paul…I-I really do.”

  Bringing those tender lips to mine again I kissed her softly, tasting every part of her.

  April was mine. And I’d give my all for her.

  Chapter 16


  Well, today was the day.

  It kept being pushed back for as long as humanly possible, but Courtney Townsend was finally ready to let her dad have his long-awaited surgery. And yours truly would be right beside the one and only Paul Gray.

  I would say I was nervous, but I don’t lie.

  We stayed in prep room to go over the procedure and prepare for the operation.

  “You all set April?” Paul looked so dapper in a white coat I started to wonder if he became a doctor just for that reason.

  “Yeah I’m ready! Let’s get this thing done.” I headed for the door but Paul grabbed my arm gently and spun me towards him.

  “I just wanted you to know I’m proud of you.” My emotions skyrocketed all over the place at the sound of his deep and sincere voice. “Ever since the first time I got a look at you, I just knew you were something special. Smart, quick-witted, fucking sexy…” I gave him a playful jab at his last words and fell into his chest in an embrace.

  “I couldn’t imagine a more perfect person to be with than you Dr. Paul Gray.”

  Giving me a surprising slap on the ass, he walked towards the door. “Let’s get suited up, shall we?”

  I followed Paul out of the prep room and to the operation.

  My heart was also following him. To the next part of my life…with Paul.


  Anytime April went out with Judy, you could guarantee it was going to be for a millennium. The ladies went out to get their nails done, or something like that. And I was stuck here in my office at student grading papers. Wonderful.

  Regardless, I loved her to death so I would do anything to make sure she was enjoying herself. Besides, our wedding was just a few days away and my baby wanted to look her best.

  So, I slaved away putting x’s and checks on the papers of doctor hopefuls, waiting for her call.

  I got something even better.

  The door to my office opened gently and a cheeky April piled in with a whole mess of bags in her hand. I got up from my desk to help her in.

  “Babe? What’re you doing here?” I smiled at her and scratched my head. The house was prepped and Gabe was waiting there for her every beck and call.

  “I thought I’d stop by and give you a hand with some of those papers so we can leave together.” She dropped the bags by the door and walked over to me. I bit my lip at the sight of her in a tight black dress. Her perfect round tits were exposed slightly in through the low-v of the dress.

  This was definitely the kind of break from work that I looked forward to.

  I got up from behind my desk and walked over to the irresistible beauty that stood in front of me.

  “You look edible as hell right now. You trying to seduce me?” She playfully flicked her finger down my nose and smiled.

  “Is it working?”

  “Damn right it is.”

  I pressed my lips against her and ran my hands down the arc of her back giving it a good grab. She leaned into my chest and purr lightly. No matter how many times we did this, I would never get tired of her sexy cat-like whispers.

  Her dainty hands worked to undo my tie and I helped her with the buttons. (A little thing we knew always caused her a lot of trouble.)

  Throwing my shirt to the ground, she slid down to her knees before I could give those perky tits a grab.

  April unbuckled my belt and dropped my slacks to the floor. I was already hard as hell and she gave a devilish grin right before she took my cock into her mouth. Her vacuum suction was driving me wild. I grabbed her hair gently and pulled her closer to me.

  “Fuck…keep going babe.”

  She took it as deep as she can go and twirled her tongue around inside. I thrust my hips hard to get a better feeling of her hard work.

  A few minutes of me angling my cock in her mouth and I could feel myself getting closer to the edge. I pulled myself away and picked April up by her legs, putting her on the desk behind.

  “Like old times baby?”

  “That’s right baby girl.”

  I held her legs in the air and slid her panties to the side, pressing my cock into her tight pussy.

  The sexy tone of her shriek when I pushed inside made me not even want to wait. I wanted her now.

  I thrust deep inside of her and held her hips tight and she wrapped her arms around my neck. The whole time she was growling my name and running her fingers down my back, I was trying my hardest not to come right then and there. Every single time I felt April’s body it felt like the first time, especially being in my office. Seeing her voluptuous curves sprawled out on the desk, her tits bouncing while I moved inside and out of her. It wouldn’t ever st
op being a thrill.

  Her soft walls were tightening around me and I picked up my pace.

  “Yes…Paul…yes!” She bit her lip trying to quiet herself, but I moved her arm and held it firmly over her head.

  This time, I didn’t care about any footsteps outside.

  I flung my head back and thrust into her as hard as I could.

  I couldn’t keep my pace much longer. She clenched down on her walls in sweet release and I let it all go, deep inside of her perfect body.

  Stumbling over her on the desk, she swatted a stack of papers to the floor and I practically collapsed on the vacant area.

  “Fuck, April…that never gets old.” I tried to catch my breath and turned over to smile at her. She was everything I wanted but everything that I never knew I needed.

  “There’s always plenty more where that came from.” We chuckled together and I got up to my feet, helping her up after.

  We threw our clothes on and I walked over to the front door to grab her bags.

  “I never got a chance to ask you this Paul. Are you ready to start your life with me? The wedding’s in a few days.”

  I gave her one good look into her glowing eyes.

  “I’ve never been more ready for anything in my life April.”


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