Doctor Single Dad

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Doctor Single Dad Page 19

by Sonia Belier

  “I don’t want soft Forest.” The words mangled their way out of her throat.

  Was this a challenge or something?

  Be careful what you wish for…

  I worked to unfasten my belt while she threw my shirt over my head. Our hands collided awkwardly at the movement. But I didn’t care. Any way to get this shit off was alright with me. I lifted her pink skirt up her thighs and slid my fingers along her.

  “Wet already huh?”

  “Do something about it already!”

  That nearly did me in. Something about the way she begged made me harder than a meteor. As soon as I was loose from my jeans, I plunged seven inches of driving flesh deep into her body.

  Fuck, it was heaven.

  She screamed wildly and I put my hand over her mouth. “No sounds from you today” She ground her hips against me as I pressed her body harder against the wall, holding her soft ass in the palms of my hands.

  She wanted rough? I’d give her rough.

  Her soft walls closed around me and the blood rushed to my head started spinning. It felt mind-blowing. If I didn’t stop it, something else would blow pretty soon.

  I slowed the speed of my pumping against her and she moaned in irritation.

  “So impatient.” I raked my teeth along her earlobe and down her chin, staring into her hazy lust filled eyes.

  I moved my hips into her slowly and built up speed, hitting every nerve in her body.


  That feeling that I needed, I got it in her. Her tight, addictive body. It was like a drug.

  My body began to jerked and the circulation in my legs was going. It was probably painful, but I didn’t care.

  I couldn’t focus on speaking. My ears were being beaten with her wild cries, which only made me go faster. I pulled her leg so far up, I wasn’t ever entirely sure she actually was that flexible. I could feel her body trembling against me.

  “Oh god, Forest!!” She clenched on to my body hard, changing my angle inside her.

  Why did I need to race when she’d keep my body racing? Keep my heart pumping, my skin soaked with sweat. I didn’t need any of it anymore.

  Jamie was enough.

  When I couldn’t prolong it anymore, I gave her three final, disjointed spasms and nearly collapsed to the floor.

  I used what little bit of energy I had left to pick her up and bring her to the bedroom, laying her on the bed gently once we were inside. I fell to the side of her and she threw her arm around my chest. It was the first time I think, that I felt happy.


  He left my body aching, and all I could manage to muster up was my arm across his chest. The feeling of his body rising and falling with his breaths against my arm was so comforting.

  Forest chose me. He put me over his past, over his danger. He poked at my side in the middle of my thinking, his nail pricking my skin awkwardly.

  “Ouch! What is it Forest? Why’d you poke me?”

  “I love you.”

  Did he-?

  “You wh-what?” Floored. That was the word I was looking for. I was floored.

  “I said, I love you bug eyes. Don’t you ever leave my side. Not ever. Do I have your word on that?”

  When I first met Forest. I didn’t think he was capable of love. I thought there was no hope for a man like him.

  Too many enemies, too many demons.

  I learned that he was more than capable of it. Anyone is capable of redemption.

  “Forest, I love you too. There’s no way I’m ever leaving you. I promise you that.” I held on to him tight and wanted to stay in that moment forever. Nothing could compare to the feeling of being wrapped under his arms.

  Epilogue: Three Years Later

  “Well well, Ms. Famous painter lady. You ready to go to the Hatton Estate?” I don’t think Forest would ever get tired of mocking me. At least he didn’t call me “bug eyes” anymore. That damn nickname nearly drove me crazy every time he said it.

  “I’m ready, but I’m nervous. I don’t think I calmed down since the flight from Seattle here. I’ve never been to New York City before. It’s huge!!” We’d been staying at a nice hotel in Manhattan while we waited for Fate and Valor Hatton to give us the okay to head to their Estate. When I first caught glimpse of the Hatton twins, I knew they were wealthy. But I was totally wrong on just how wealthy.

  They were loaded.

  Collecting art was a big thing of theirs and I’d been steadily climbing up in the art world, thanks in part to Mauve of course. The days of my coffee making were long behind me and life was consistently looking up.

  We pulled up at their estate and my jaw nearly hit the floor. Why did two brothers need this much space?! Share some with the rest of the world!

  I caught a glimpse of one of the twins walking towards our car. The one with the glasses, Valor I think?

  “Forest, Jamie, you made it! Good to see you two. Jamie, I hope you brought that beautiful artwork of yours with you.” He reached for my hand and gave it a small peck. Old school charm huh? Nice.

  “Long time no see brother. How are you and Fate.”

  “Doing well, business has never been better.”

  “By the look of your mansion, I’d say so.” I pointed to the gaudy building behind Valor.

  “Oh that thing had been passed down in our family for generations. Don’t sweat it.”

  Whatever you say, rich boy.

  “Come inside you two. Let me take you where you’ll be staying.” Forest held on to my hand and we walked inside the estate.

  It wasn’t an estate. It was a castle! Forest noticed my awe and shrugged, smiling lightly.

  “How exactly did you say you met them again?” I whispered discreetly into his ear.

  “Long story, I’ll tell you later.”

  Valor opened the door to the suite I’d be staying in with Forest.

  “Here is a nice private suite just for you two lovebirds. I’ll let you get settled. You need anything, you let me know. There’s an intercom button on the wall next to the door over here.”

  We nodded our heads and Valor left the room.

  Forest must’ve been thinking the same thing I was because as soon as Valor left we jumped on the California king bed like kids.

  “This place is amazing Forest!” He smiled at me and we rolled over next to each other

  “Their offering you big money to design pieces for their estate Jamie. You earned it.” He pressed his soft lips against mine.

  “I could never dream of something like this. Forest, I’m so happy.”

  There was nothing that could erase the feeling I had.

  I knew I was going to spend the rest of my life with Forest and he wanted that more than anything.

  “I was going to wait to show you this. But what the hell. Now’s a perfect time if any.” He jogged over to his suitcase and pulled out a box.

  Did get me new paint brushes?! How did he know I needed some! He hardly pays attention to me when I paint!

  “Here babe. These are for you. I figured you might want something really good to work on your paintings for the Hatton twins. Picked them up for you before we left Seattle.”

  “Forest! You’re so sweet! Thank you baby…” I opened the black box. They were arranged neatly in a line. Rosewood handles and natural bristles, they were high quality.

  How gave him the know-how on what to pick?

  I sifted through the box, turning a few of the brushes around and my heart caught my chest.

  A large diamond ring poked out from underneath a small bundle of brushes. My eyes welled up. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.

  “Forest, what’s this??”

  Without even answering the question, he grabbed the ring and slowly placed it on my finger.

  “Marry me Jamie.” He got off the bed and kneeled down to the floor on one knee.

  He wanted me to…marry him.

  He actually asked.

  Of course, I wanted to!!

  “Yes yes yes!!! I love you Forest! Yes, I’ll marry you!!” I leaped on him and smothered him with kisses all over.

  Valor, Fate and their estate staff walked into the suite with champagne, balloons, and confetti.

  “Congratulations to the beautiful couple!!”

  Forest looked me in the eyes and smiled ear to ear.

  It was a road with so many turns and so much uncertainty. But I knew we would ride it together.

  Thanks for reading!!




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