Savage Promise

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Savage Promise Page 18

by J. Woods

  Brie lay under the bright lights, a blue sheet raised above her so she couldn’t see anything from the neck down. Max came running into the room and took his place beside her head, his eyebrows drawn into a frown of tension. Reaching up she smoothed away the crease between his worried eyes. She hated that she was taking away the playfulness that they usually held. She was suddenly starting to feel exhausted, the heaviness of the day weighing down on her. Kissing her palm he reached out to brush the hair back from her forehead.

  “Can you feel that, Brie?” Dr. Dae asked her.


  “Okay good.” The anesthesiologist had come and gone and blissfully numbed her entire lower body. Tuning out the increasingly concerned voices, she turned her head to face the man who sat helplessly beside her. She felt him playing with the ring on her finger and she realized she hadn’t given him an answer.


  “Brie, open your eyes baby. Tell me you’re okay.” Forcing her eyes open to meet his, she mustered the strength to pull him closer.

  “Yes,” she breathed.


  “Yes... I’ll marry you.” She wasn’t sure if she was actually able to form the words in her head as the darkness took her swiftly under, the last sounds she heard were Max’s panicked voice and the sweet cry of her baby.

  Chapter Nineteen

  “Brie! Brie... wake up. Please Brie - please, wake up.” The sound of his baby’s cries were drowned out by the symphony of machines that suddenly sounded like the march of death.

  “Shit! Max, get out of here!” his aunt barked.

  “What? No!” The amount of blood that stained her gloves and the front of her scrubs was horrifying.

  “Get him out of here, now!” The last thing he saw as two nurses forced him out of the room was his aunt working frantically to bring back the woman who held his heart lying lifeless on the operating table.

  Two hours later Max sat in a hard beige chair holding the smallest little life he had ever seen. The tiny blue hat that covered his son’s head matched the blue gown that a still sleeping Brie wore beside him. His aunt reassured him that her body would wake up when she was ready, that she had been through a lot and to give her time.

  Max didn’t think he had ever prayed so hard in his life. He kept repeating her last words to him, they were slurred and incomplete before she fell into unconsciousness but he knew what she was trying to say. She hadn’t had the chance to give him an answer when he slipped the ring on her finger, the ring that still adorned her left hand and she felt in that moment he needed to hear it. He would tell her when she awoke that he wasn’t actually giving her a choice. His attention was caught by her soft moan and quickly putting the baby back in his bassinet he moved to her side picking up her small hand in his. The wave of relief that washed over him was almost enough to knock him over once her eyes opened and met his.

  “Hey gorgeous.”

  “Hey,” she croaked.

  “How do you feel?”

  “Sore,” she admitted. “What happened?”

  “You had some internal bleeding, from the accident. You lost a lot of blood and fell unconscious during the c section. They were able to stop it and repair most of the damage but you’re going to be moving a little slow for a while.”

  “The baby?” He wanted to wipe away the worry that immediately clouded her eyes.

  “He’s perfect - happy and healthy. Want to see him?” She nodded her head vigorously in anticipation and he couldn’t resist the urge to lean down and press his lips softly against hers. Placing the baby in her arms, he watched as his son instinctively snuggled closer to her chest.

  “Oh Max... he’s amazing,” she breathed, looking from the baby to him and back again.

  “Yes, he is. And so are you, love. I’m so proud of you. You did so well, Brie.”

  “We need to think of a name.”

  “I was thinking, Jacob Tyler Savage.” Her eyes met his and he watched as her eyes filled with tears that soon flooded onto her cheeks.

  “My dad’s name?” she asked, surprised.

  “What do you think?”

  “I think I’m so in love with you,” she told him. Leaning in, he encircled his new little family within his arms as he pressed a lingering kiss to her temple.

  “Me too, baby. I love you, so much.”

  “We’re getting married?” she asked with a playful smirk. He nodded his head slowly, flashing her his most charming smile. “Can we do it now? I’m sure they have a chapel in this hospital somewhere.” He threw his head back with a laugh.

  “I like your enthusiasm. But we’re going to have to wait until you’re all healed up. I need you ready for our wedding night.”

  “She’s off limits for six weeks,” his aunt interrupted, walking in with a knowing smile.

  “Six weeks!”

  “Six weeks,” she repeated. “It’s good to see you’re awake. How are you feeling?”

  “I’m a little sore, but I think I’m pretty high on life right now,” she said, gesturing to the sleeping baby in her arms.

  “Completely understandable.” Max watched as she pulled out a pen and lifted the blanket from the bottom of the bed. Running the pen along the bottom of her foot she asked with determination, “Can you feel that?”


  “Good, just ensuring you’re not still numb from the epidural. Surgery went well, I’m sure Max told you about the internal bleeding we’re assuming from the accident you were in so you are stitched and stapled and you’re probably going to be quite sore for a few days, we’ll give you some pain killers for that though. We’re going to keep the IV in for now but you should be good to go home by tomorrow if all goes well tonight.”

  “That’s great news, thank you.” Max loved the sound of that - home. “Can you make sure he’s okay, I mean I’m sure he’s supposed to be lying in a hospital bed right now.”

  “Brie, I’m fine, I promise,” he implored. He had finally taken a look in the mirror and saw the bruises that marred his face but it looked worse than it was. Plus Stella had already text him informing him that she had already spoken to Aunt Sylvie and she would be waiting at his house when he got home with her medical bag.

  “Don’t worry sweetheart, he wasn’t allowed to see you unless he behaved himself and took the pills I had to practically force down his throat.”

  “Oh, good. Thank you.”

  “Have we decided on a name yet?”

  “Jacob. Jacob Tyler Savage,” Max informed her with pride.

  “Well little Jacob, your mommy and daddy did really well today and I am very proud of both of them. Okay kids, I’m on call for the next few hours, just page me if you need me. A nurse will be in soon to go over feeding, bathing, the whole nine with you.”

  “Thank you Dr. Dae, for everything you’ve done.”

  “Sweetheart, I think it’s okay if you call me Aunt Sylvie now.” With a final wink she left them alone. Max found himself swimming in pride as he stared down at his son. His son. Leaning in, he kissed the soft skin behind Brie’s ear causing her to lean into his touch.

  “Six weeks?” he asked disbelieving. He bit her shoulder gently at the sound of her giggle.

  “I guess that means we’re going to have to get really creative,” she whispered seductively.

  “That was the sexiest thing I’ve ever heard.”

  Two Months Later

  "I just wanted to come in and wish the beautiful bride good luck today!" Brie looked up and saw Zoe's reflection in the mirror. It was a rare moment that she found herself alone after in a day filled with blissful chaos.

  "Come in, come in," she said gesturing for the other woman to join her.

  "Oh Brie, you look stunning."

  "Thank you." She hadn't had any time alone with Zoe and she could feel the awkward tension settling between them. A tension she knew she had put there and had to get rid of immediately. Taking a deep breath she straightened her shoulders and swallo
wed her pride as she faced the intimidating beauty sitting across from her. "Zoe, I need to apologize to you." She watched as she cocked her head in confusion, a small frown forming between her brows. "I judged you unfairly and I shouldn't have done that."

  "You did?" Brie nodded her head realizing now that all of her unwarranted envy was ridiculous.

  "I won't get into it, I just needed to be a woman and say I'm sorry."

  "I think I have an idea why and believe me, when I think someone is trying to move in on my man, I don't just stand by either. There is no need for the apology though - Max is an amazing man and so very lucky to have you." Zoe stood and pulled her into a fierce, forgiving hug. "We're going to be good friends, Brie."

  "Good, I hope so." She couldn't stop the grin from spreading across her face, seeing in Zoe's eyes she meant every word she said. “Can I ask you a question?”

  “Of course, anything.”

  “How do you deal with it? With Logan and their work. I mean you’ve been in it longer than I have and you two seem so happy together, even with the added stress.”

  “Dealing with their work is the easy part. Dealing with a Savage, well, that’s a skill in and of itself.” Brie laughed as Zoe rolled her eyes. “Savage Security is a part of who they are and loving a Savage man means accepting that their job, that adrenaline for danger that runs through each one of them and that fierce protector will always be a dominating force in what makes up the men we love. There is no sense in trying to cage it because in doing so means taking away a part of them that feeds that need - Logan anyways. It also means having enough faith and trust that when they leave, they’ll come back.” Brie watched Zoe closely and saw the shadows quickly invade then disappear out of the other woman’s eyes at the thought of her fiancé leaving for a mission. “Now, dealing with the man - well, I have a few tricks up my sleeve.” Zoe’s eyes darkened with undoubtedly the memories of those tricks and Brie felt the familiarity at her own. “Just stick to your guns. You’re a strong woman - don’t let him push you over because really, there’s no fun in letting them get their way.”

  Brie realized she was starting to really like Zoe. “Now I know why Logan calls you a troublemaker.”

  Hearing commotion outside of her bridal suite, they both turned to find Roxy walking through the door, her arms full of soft rose bouquets.

  "How'd you manage to sneak in here?" she asked with amused attitude.

  “I made some lewd promises to one of the groomsmen.” Brie laughed at the telling waggle of Zoe’s eyebrows. The spark that heated her eyes with an obvious remembered thought of her fiancé was enough evidence for Brie that the other woman had no intentions with Max. “And now I must go make good on my word. You’re gorgeous and you’re going to be great.” She blew a kiss over her shoulder before sashaying out of the room.

  “Don’t be late to my wedding!” Brie called after her.

  “Wouldn’t dream of it!” she heard distantly.


  Zoe walked out into warming afternoon. Closing her eyes she turned her face up to the bright sun and felt the smile curve at her lips. A strong arm snaked around her waist and familiar lips silenced her squeal of surprise as she felt herself being pinned between chiselled muscle and a brick wall. Breaking away from the pull of his kiss she leaned her head back as he grazed his teeth in stinging caresses along her jaw and down her neck.

  “Logan, we’re going to get caught,” she told him, panting, her voice breathy and full of the heated passion she always felt around the man her heart belonged to.

  “No one can see us, baby. And it’s a good thing because I’m planning on cashing in those promises.” Her fingers gripped the lapels of his suit jacket as she felt him start to lift her skirt, his warm palm leaving a trail of fire up her thigh.

  “Have I told you how sexy you look in this?” she asked, pushing her fingers underneath the jacket. His groan caused a spark of feminine triumph surging through her, urging to fight for the dominance she knew she had no hope of achieving. Tugging at his hair she revelled in the low growl that was torn from his throat before pulling his lips down to hers. Cupping her ass, he lifted her and as her legs automatically wrapped around his hips it was the feeling of his rigid length grinding against her that pulled a moan from deep within her chest.

  “I want you so bad right now,” he breathed.

  Logan paused his curious fingers at the sound of someone saying his name. No matter what he did he couldn't get enough of the woman in his arms. He was insatiable, a starving man when it came to what she had to offer. He was so close, he could feel her heat against his hand, a heat that had his dick so hard he couldn't think straight. All he wanted in that moment was to sink into the sweetest heaven he had ever known. Zoe's soft yet frustrated laughter floated across his senses causing a knowing grin to tug at his lips.

  "You're a wanted man," she whispered, pressing her lips to his ear. He let his forehead fall to her shoulder with a groan.

  "What about what I want?" Her fingers threaded through his hair at the nape of his neck.

  "You can have whatever you want later tonight. As long as I'm the one who gets to peel you out of this suit."

  "Whatever I want?" he repeated.

  "Whatever you want," she mouthed with a saucy grin. Hearing his mother's voice closer than he wanted he let Zoe slide slowly down his body as he smoothed her skirt over her hips.

  "I told my mom that we picked a date," he told her, playing with the ring on her finger.

  "You did?" He looked down into her eyes and as always, lost himself for a moment before nodding his head. "Have you thought more about what you want?"

  "What are your thoughts on running away?" she asked with exaggerated seriousness.

  "I want whatever you want. If you want the big white wedding or to stand in front of Elvis in Vegas. All I want is you saying I do and someone telling me I can kiss my bride."

  Reaching up she pressed a soul stealing kiss against his lips. "You can be incredibly sweet sometimes, do you know that?"

  "Don't tell anyone."

  "Our little secret. Now go, you're needed. If you're lucky I'll save you a dance later." He growled into her neck causing her to giggle before taking her lips under his with heated silent promises.

  "Behave, Alcott," he threatened lightly. She pulled back in mock surprise.

  "Of course."

  "Minx," he muttered as he turned to walk away, feeling her hand come down across his ass. He turned back with a dangerous smile. He was looking forward to his night of whatever he wanted, he had plans for his little troublemaker.


  Max stood at the end of the aisle dressed in a black tuxedo underneath an awning of white flowers. Jacob bounced and laughed in his soon to be mother in law’s lap, fighting for the spotlight with Roxy as she walked toward him, Maddy tossing flower petals beside her lining the way for his bride. The two were the last in the lineup of bridesmaids, Maddy their flower girl. He was so happy when he called them to tell them the news of his marriage and her squeal of excitement when he asked her to be a part of it. She was such a monumental part of his life, he couldn’t imagine her not being involved. He had been able to fly them down to Vancouver, both Maddy and her parents, and they had gotten to spend a few days together before the wedding. She brought Max one of her famous drawings that he hung with pride on his fridge, a personal note on the back that she warned was just for him extracting a promise that he would write her back. He always did. He couldn’t help but reflect her beaming smile, her fluffy pink dress matching the petals she was laying along the way.

  “She’s beautiful,” Roxy mouthed to him before taking her place beside his other sisters.

  But Roxy was wrong. She was far beyond beautiful.

  Appearing like an angel in white at the end of the aisle with her flowers held in front of her, he resisted the urge to run down the aisle and throw her over his shoulder to get to the Reverend faster. He felt the warmth of her smile down to the bottom
of his soul as she looked at no one but him. Unable to stop himself, he moved from his spot and met her before she reached the alter. She beat him to the kiss, reaching up and pulling his mouth down to hers. He grinned as their tongues duelled for dominance, the sound of someone clearing their throats and distant laughter slicing through the moment.

  “Shall we get married?” he murmured against her mouth.


  “You are so fucking gorgeous.”

  “Clean up pretty nicely yourself, Savage.”

  Max repeated everything he was told to, his heart swelling as he placed the ring on her finger before his became adorned in a platinum, simple band. Everything became distant, cloudy almost, until the words, “I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride - again,” sounded in his ear. Overwhelmed by the hunger that was growing rapidly for the woman standing before him, the one he could truly call his now, he pulled her impossibly close and slammed his lips down on hers. He hadn’t had her in two months and if he was honest with himself, he didn’t know if he was going to last the entire night without dragging her into a shadowed corner and lifting her skirts.


  Brie sat at the head table, surrounded by all her friends and family in a state of blissful happiness. Her husband sat beside her, laughing with his brother but continuously playing with the rings on her finger, a habit he’d picked up ever since he put it there. She didn’t think he even knew he was doing it and she wasn’t about to complain. Jacob had been taken home by one of Max’s cousins who was kind enough to offer to babysit for the night. What she didn’t know was the security detail Max ensured surrounded her house, not taking any chances with his son. They’d had plenty of offers for sleepovers in his young two months but Brie and Max were both too selfish to share their son yet. And even though it would be their first night away from the mommy and daddy role, the night was full of many firsts as husband and wife. They had been introduced, danced their first dance, ate their first meal and the night was perfect. But Brie was starting to get restless. Max looked beyond sexy in his tuxedo and the desire that was slow burning deep in her belly confirmed just how badly she wanted him. She was pulled out of the fantasy that was starting to build when Max’s parents stood up to the microphone to start the speeches. Kind words filled with love were mingling together as each speech progressed. Everyone heard about their childhoods, how they met, Roxy’s interpretation of their college days and the love that was so evident between them. Max pushed away from the table and provided her with a quick but sultry kiss before stepping up to the microphone.


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