Refusing to Fall (Dennison Series Book 3)

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Refusing to Fall (Dennison Series Book 3) Page 20

by Ferraro, W

  “Oh, don’t be so melodramatic, Reed. I just thought you and I should discuss a few things before the press arrives in the morning.”

  “I believe I was very specific earlier today when I said we would discuss this idea at the end of the week.”

  As if his anger wasn’t as obvious as the nose on his face, Lacey removed her coat and threw it over the end of the banister. Standing in front of him now in a pair of black slacks cut and tailored for her specifically along with a low cut periwinkle silk blouse, she matched his stance. The action only brought more attention to how well she filled out her clothes and how the specific design intended to draw the eye.

  “I am truly getting tired of having to repeat myself, Reed. Have you not been paying attention? What I say goes, and if you want to solidify this race, then let me do my job and keep your opinions to yourself. Now, as I was saying, this town of yours is the perfect backdrop and stage for your campaign. I want you out in front here, filling the role of helpful neighborly Senate candidate. So I arranged for the press to be here first thing tomorrow to greet you and to get the lay of the land.”

  Reed easily read between the lines. “You mean so they can interrogate and harass all the residents including my family to find out any tidbit of information that has nothing to do with this race.”

  With a bright smile stretched upon her face, one that he was sure had gotten her many things, Lacey unfolded her arms, placed her hands in her pockets, and began to leisurely pace, being sure to kick her expensive pointy toed stiletto out in front with each stride. “Welcome to politics.”

  Reed had the uncharacteristic desire to grab her by her New York City styled hair and shove her out his front door. He knew he would need to make an appointment with his dentist, considering how much he was bearing down on his teeth as of late to keep his mouth shut.

  “Look, you are an unmarried man, and a mostly unattached man, running for a state seat. Of course, the public is going to want to know everything about you—especially the dirtier, kinkier facts. That is just the plight of the American public. However, you being unattached is exactly how I intend to get you elected. We spin it that you are just your average Joe, relatable yet experienced enough to maneuver through the political red tape. The females will be drooling while the men will be envious.”

  Leaning back, Reed’s shoulders bumped the door behind him as he stared at the woman in front of him. She was right; few seeking office could use that angle, considering most publicized their too perfect family life. However, what she said next completely threw him for a loop.

  Stopping her pacing, she stood rather close to him and had to look upward to connect their gazes. “Of course, this strategy only works if you are in fact uncommitted? Unless, of course, your plan is to go public with your ongoing affair with young Ms. Jackson.”

  All the breath in Reed’s body left him as Lacey stared him in the eye.

  “How the fuck . . .”

  “How many times must I tell you, Reed? There isn’t anything I don’t know about, including what went on earlier tonight. Now, before you go all caveman, I was and am always very discreet.” Knowing she had his full and undivided attention, Lacey began her pacing again. This time leading away from him. “One thing I can never get you politicians to understand is you think a door grants you privacy when, if anything, it is the best way to announce you have something to hide.”

  “My private life is no one else’s business!” he shouted.

  Stopping, Lacey pivoted on her five-inch heels and cocked a well-manicured brow at him. “The moment you decided to run, it became everyone’s business.”

  “Who I fuck has nothing to do with economic growth,” Reed seethed.

  “It most certainly does if the wealthy female voter who envisions her chance of getting into your bed endorses you to all her high reaching friends. And it most certainly does have everything to do with this campaign when the moral and valued homegrown candidate refuses to be seen in public with who he fills his nights with.”

  “My privacy . . .”

  Lacey interrupted, “You no longer have any. Take my advice, if she really means something to you, make sure you are with her in public. If not, then you might want to indulge elsewhere or better yet with someone who you don’t mind being caught with.”

  “You don’t know what the fuck you are talking about, Lacey!”

  “Oh, really? Well, then, tell me why no one knows about your relationship? I mean her moving to this town had to be quite devastating. No longer were you able to come and go from her wretched apartment in that dingy alleyway.” Beginning her strides once more, she continued, “Or better yet, all these times I’ve mentioned broadcasting you as the bachelor candidate, you’ve never once corrected me? Go upstairs, bring her down here, introduce us, and I can and will happily change and incorporate her into this candidacy. We will make the official statement, and you two can tour the state together; rallying the blue collar workers along with the college students and struggling artists.”

  Fury ripped through him at Lacey’s digs, yet before he could verbalize such thoughts, movement coming down the stairs drew his eye.


  “No that won’t be necessary, ma’am.”


  Reed’s eyes dragged over her. She had put her now wrinkled clothes back on and cleaned up her appearance, but her still swollen lips and neck marks from his indulgence were quite obvious. With her spine ramrod straight, she held her head high and her voice didn’t quiver. Only looking at him for a fraction of a moment, Colby focused on Lacey. Seeing them side by side, the contrast was enormous. Sleek and sophisticated next to natural and real; there was no doubt in Reed’s mind who would win out in his mind every time. The two stared at each other for a moment, Lacey like a serpent ready to strike while Colby seemed casual yet confident and fully prepare for when Lacey attacked.

  “I apologize, but it was kind of hard not to hear your conversation.”

  Reed left his post and walked over to stand by Colby, protect her, but she raised a hand, making contact with his exposed torso. Where he was expecting comfort by her touch, instead, he felt an almost coldness.

  “There is no need for any such announcement. Mr. Dennison’s campaign should be about his dedication and desire to better the state and make a positive impact on its economy and its citizens. That is the only subject in which a campaign should be run on. However, as you pointed out, I’m neither well-educated nor backed by a huge voting demographic.”

  “Colby . . .” Reed began trying to move past her hand, but for her slight frame, she had such strength. Focusing only on her in front of him, he was panicking with what to say.

  Now turning to face him head-on, he immediately wanted to enfold her into his embrace, but he knew she didn’t want his touch at that moment. “Reed, there is nothing to say. You’ve made it quite clear of how you live your life. Don’t break your values because the status quo changed.”

  Yes, these thoughts and decisions had occupied his thoughts for long before tonight! But only tonight did he consider the ramifications of doing just what Lacey dared him to do. However, for him to declare to everyone that his heart belonged to only one—damn it, it wouldn’t be because his campaign manager said so or because it could be spun to get him votes. He refused to be pushed into a corner when it came to making such a big decision!

  So what are my options? Beg, plead, and hope she understands?

  Barely registering the sound of an approaching car and a tiny squeal of brakes, Reed could only stare at her eyes. But it was as if she wasn’t seeing him but rather seeing through him.

  That thought terrified him.

  As panic overwhelmed him, he held on to her gaze, scared to sever the only connection he still had to her.

  Then she smiled—the delicate, beautiful, and genuine smile that had captivated him so many times over. “I never got the chance to tell you that your press conference was great. Don’t worry, you have my vote.”

  She began to step past him, but he grabbed hold of her arm, halting her. “Wait! Colby! We can talk about this.”

  Her gaze remained rooted on the ground, but her voice was loud and clear. “I think it is best if it just stops here. Everything.”

  This can’t be happening!

  Refusing to release her, he was unable to find any words to express his current emotion.

  To emphasize the awkward and deafening tension in the foyer, another knock came on his door.

  Unable to rein in his anger any longer, he released Colby, stomped to the door, and as he yanked it open hard, he bellowed, “What the fuck? Is this Grand Central Station?”

  There, waiting on the other side, was Paige in full uniform with a running squad card behind her.


  The look on Paige’s face confirmed her internal sentiments were along the same lines.

  From behind him, Colby answered, this time with an obvious catch to her voice. “Thanks for coming, Paige.”

  Now standing behind Reed because he blocked the doorway, Paige moved her eyes from his to past his shoulder where Colby stood. “No problem. Are you ready?”

  Panic cemented his feet to the spot, causing Colby to have to squeeze past him, allowing him once more to feel her perfect body against his. His brain finally began to function when both she and Paige walked toward the waiting car.

  “Colby, wait!”

  “No Reed, that isn’t a good idea. Good-bye.”

  At that moment, his heart truly cracked.

  He watched both women climb into the cruiser, and it pulled away from his door. He watched until he no longer could see the taillights. Only then did he step back through to the warmth of his home, close the door, and start making his way up the steps.

  Never resting eyes on the remaining female, all he said was, “See yourself out, Lacey. I’ll meet your reporters in the morning.”

  Vaguely hearing his front door close, Reed walked to his dining area, removed the decanter of scotch he kept there on the serving board, and poured himself a hefty amount. Picking the glass up, he swallowed all the smoky burning liquid in one gulp before he hurled the glass against the far wall, shattering it on impact.

  Just like the glass that now lay in pieces on the floor, Reed felt that he too was splintered and broken.

  As Paige pulled away from the curb, the tight hold Colby had on her emotions crumbled. Her eyes filled with water, and the tears began to pour down her cheeks. The darkness of night gave her the veil of privacy, but she knew Paige knew she was crying. She wished she could just shake herself for being so foolish that this would end any other way.

  Never would Reed pick her and shame on her for letting even an iota of such a thought to enter her mind.

  The heaviness she felt in the center of her chest had her practically doubling over in pain. She wanted to call out, but instead, she bit down on her lower lip until the taste of metallic hit her tongue.

  By the time Paige pulled into her apartment complex, Colby knew she looked like death warmed over, but she couldn’t really do anything about it. Without a word, both women exited the car and walked toward the back entrance. Once the door was unlocked, they ascended the stairs with Colby leading and Paige not far behind.

  Colby’s heart was in her throat as she pulled open the stairwell door to the fourth floor, praying the hall would be empty. Of all things to go in her favor tonight, this was it, and she was completely grateful.

  Quickly making her way to her door, with Paige on her heels, Colby had the door unlocked in seconds. Once both were safely inside, Paige locked the door and walked to the kitchen to get them both a glass of water.

  Colby chose to wrap her arms around herself and sit on her small sofa. This position had her staring at the piece she wished didn’t exist.

  Paige brought her drink over, placed it on the makeshift coffee table, and sat in the only other chair. Noticing Colby’s eyes were heavy with emotion, she realized Colby was lost in her own mind.

  Colby came out of the bathroom after redressing and peeked her head out the slightly open door. Their voices carried, and it was obvious his late-night visitor was a friend. Fighting with herself not to eavesdrop, Colby closed the door tightly this time and walked across the room to look out the window.

  Even through the closed door, the higher octaves of yelling permeated into the room.

  Her curiosity could take no more or rather her jealousy couldn’t.

  Why would a woman show up in the middle of the night to his place? Or more of concern, how many women did such things?

  Was this a lover’s quarrel that she found herself tiptoeing to the top of the stairs to hear?

  The design of the townhouse made listening quite easy, for when Colby leaned over the hall banister she could see the top of the blonde’s head two floors below. All she could see of Reed was his naked feet and the lower half of his pajama pants covered legs.

  With one or two sentences now clearly heard, Colby knew exactly who this woman was. The way she spoke sweetened threats had Colby reacting before she even knew it.

  She was back in Reed’s room, grabbing her bag and dialing Paige’s cell phone before fifteen seconds had passed.

  “Hello?” Paige’s voice could be heard on the other end.

  “Paige, you need to come and get me . . .”

  “Are you all right? Where are you?” Colby felt bad for the panic she evoked in her cousin, but she couldn’t do anything about it.

  “I’m at Reed Dennison’s place. Please hurry.”

  “Did he hurt you?” Paige asked in a whisper.

  “No! No! Nothing like that. Please, Paige! I just need to get out of here.”

  “Okay, I’m on my way,” Paige said before she disconnected.

  Seconds, minutes, hours, days—Colby didn’t know how much time had gone by that she and her cousin sat in silence, both lost in their thoughts. Colby knew, however long it was, that time was coming to a quick end.

  “Don’t look at me like that, Paige!” Colby pleaded still looking at the canvas, which leaned against the wall in front of her.

  “Hey, don’t get snappy with me. You’re lucky I’ve given you the last twenty minutes of silence to stew. Now that I have, you had better damn well start explaining because my mind is having a hard time catching up.”

  Colby continued to stare out into space, knowing that Paige wouldn’t give up until she knew everything, so it really only came down to how long Colby could take being badgered.

  “I’m waiting, Colby!”

  Having nothing left in her to fight with, Colby’s body slumped in defeat as she pulled her legs up against her body, wrapped her arms around her knees, and placed her chin on one. “I would think it would be obvious.”

  Whether it was Paige feeling bad for what Colby went through, using her cop intuition to soften, or because hell had frozen over, who knew, but Paige slumped her posture as well and reached over the distance that separated the two and placed her hand on the other raised knee of Colby’s.

  “So of all people for you to hook up with in this town, you pick Reed Dennison?” Paige asked mystified.

  “Why do you say it like it is so far-fetched?” Colby asked, feeling confident that she already knew the answer.

  Giving Colby’s knee a tap before leaning back and crossing her arms over her chest, Paige explained, “Well, to be frank, it’s impressive. I’ve lived in this town a long time. I’ve known Reed for a long time, and I can honestly say I have never personally known anyone to know him in such a way.” Colby looked at her and just raised an eyebrow, so Paige continued, “Don’t get me wrong. I know plenty of women who wished to know him in such a way, but aside from their dreams, he’s never given in to anyone, including those grinding dark corner kind of loss of control moments that some fall victim to.”

  “If what you are suggesting is you thought for a moment or two that he was hitting for the other team, I can assure you he doesn’t,”
Colby retorted in defense of the man.

  As if she was at the end of her tether, Paige snapped, “All right! Enough evasion, Col! Just explain how all this happened? I assume it was him here the other night?”

  “Yes, it was him, and honestly, I don’t think you would believe me if I told you.”

  “After seeing you leave his house and him dressed in only lose fitting pants, honey, I’ll probably believe in the Easter Bunny again, so hit me. How serious are you guys?”

  At this, Colby actually let out a depressing laugh. “Serious? I think the only seriousness in this whole situation is how stupid I feel. I was no more than a fuck buddy for him.”

  “But not for you?”

  Feeling her eyes water once more but refusing to let anything fall past her lashes, Colby squeezed them shut. When she felt she was in control, she opened them, let her eyes fall on their painting once more before deciding to tell the absolute truth. Just like a Band-Aid, Colby didn’t think, she just ripped the words from her aching chest. “I’m in love with him, Paige.”

  “So that’s it, huh?”

  Colby’s hurt turned to anger as she rose from her seat, passed her cousin, and headed to her bedroom alcove to strip out of her clothes and change into an oversized t-shirt, yelling the entire time. “Yes, that’s it. We fucked, he had fun, and I fell in love.”

  Paige rolled her eyes and followed Colby across the small apartment. She stripped off her belt, placing it on the floor next to the bed before climbing on, sprawling on her stomach with her hands folded in front of her and her knees bent swinging her feet back and forth through the air. “That isn’t what I meant. I meant, you’ve been different lately, even before you moved here. I thought something had happened in Lancaster, and once you moved here, it would disappear. I can’t explain it; you are here but not at the same time. You’re constantly thinking, daydreaming, but I knew if I asked, you would just tell me you were thinking of a painting or some shit.”


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