If I Loved You (Harper Falls Book 1)

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If I Loved You (Harper Falls Book 1) Page 9

by Mary J. Williams

  “You grew up a vegetarian?” Rose asked. Jack gave off a definite meat and potatoes man vibe.

  “Mom tried.” He finished buttering the bread and then wrapped it in foil and popped it the oven. “But given the chance we all cheated, even my dad sneaks out now and then for a burger. Mom pretends she doesn’t know.”

  “Sounds like a system that works.”

  “It has for almost forty years.” Jack opened the refrigerator and pulled out a bowl filled with lettuce. She could see some cucumber, carrots and black olives sitting on top. He deftly poured on some dressing and tossed everything together then after plating two servings finished it by shaving thin strips of parmesan cheese on top.

  “By the time we eat our salads everything else should be ready.”

  They didn’t eat at the solid oak dining table. It looked like it would seat an army. Instead, Jack led her to the coffee table in front of the fire. It was still cool enough in the evenings that the blaze felt good.

  “I hope you don’t mind sitting on the floor. I like eating over here.”

  Rose settled in next to Jack, curling her legs underneath her. The plush area rug provided a comfortable cushion between them and the wood floor. They tucked into the salad, an easy silence between them. Reaching for her wine Rose took a sip. This was nice, relaxed. In a very short amount of time she’d become very at ease with Jack. If it weren’t for the no sex thing, she wouldn't have had a single complaint.

  Get your mind off how sexy he looks in jeans and pullover. Or how the pushed up sleeves showed off his strong forearms. Good Lord, had she ever been turned on by forearms before? Then again, lately it didn’t take much more than Jack walking in a room for her libido to kick in. Or Jack sitting down. Or Jack licking his fork. It was getting hot in here, maybe sitting this close to the fire hadn’t been such a good idea.

  Had she worn that dress on purpose? Jack wondered. The raspberry colored knit hugged her like a glove cupping every luscious curve of her body. Curves he was becoming very used to dreaming about. And then he had to have the bright idea of sitting on the floor. The hem of the dress was now half way up her thighs. She had fantastic thighs. Had the fire suddenly gotten hotter?

  “A friend clued me in to what a celebrity you are. Nice video, by the way.”

  “Ah,” Jack shrugged. “You saw that.”

  “Are you blushing?” Rose teased.

  “Flushed,” Jack corrected her. “From the fire.” God he hated that video. It had followed him around for years. At least Rose seemed more amused than impressed. He’d lost count of how many women had come on to him just because of that one incident being posted online.

  “You could have been hurt.”

  That surprised him. He couldn’t remember a single person, outside of his family, who’d commented on the danger involved. There was none, not in that case. But Rose was genuinely concerned.

  “He turned out to be a flabby wacko. He could have hurt Karen, but not me or anyone else who had any experience and training.”

  “But,” she turned to him. She wasn't that easily convinced. “Even out of shape wackos can carry weapons. What then?”

  “In all the time I was in the business I never got a scratch. Neither did Drew.” Jack raised her hand to his lips. “But it’s sweet that you care.”

  “Did you have sex with Karen Poe?”

  “Well, when you change the direction of a conversation you make it a big, fat, sharp turn.”

  “I’m sorry.” Rose wanted to kick herself. Why had she asked such a stupid question? Because sex is on your mind. And why had he slept with Karen Poe but turned Rose down? And one has nothing to do with the other, she admonished herself. And stop having a pointless conversation in your head.

  “I honestly don’t care if you had sex with Karen Poe.” She quickly tried to backtrack. “Not that I would blame you. She’s gorgeous. You’re gorgeous. Undoubtedly you would have gorgeous sex.”

  “So we must have had sex.” Jack liked that Rose was a bit flustered and maybe a little jealous. “We didn’t. But we became good friends. In fact, I still act as her honorary bodyguard whenever she has a movie premiere. She thinks it’s good luck.”

  “I don’t want to know about the women in your past, Jack.” She frowned. “Though if we are ever going to get intimate we should discuss sexual health.”

  “I always use condoms and get tested every year when I have my physical.”

  “Me too.” Then she clarified. “I make the guy wear condoms; that is. I give blood regularly, so I know I don’t have any diseases.”

  “So we’re good.” Jack gave her hand another kiss before picking up their dishes and heading to the kitchen. “Looks like the casserole is hot and bubbling. I’ll dish some up. Would you mind letting Edgar in? He should have worn himself out by now chasing uncatchable squirrels.”

  Rose opened the door prepared to call the puppy but instead found him waiting as if he knew she was coming. “Aren’t you a good boy? Come on in.”

  She followed the bounding dog who paused to greet Jack before running back to the hall and out of sight.

  “It’s his dinner time too,” Jack explained. Rose watched as he filled their plates with something that smelled amazing. He brought the dishes out and set them on the table. Their eyes met and held, and he must have read the questions she hadn’t been brave enough to ask.

  “We will have sex, Rose.” He pulled her into a warm, gentle hug. Leaning back he met her gaze again. “But I like what we’re doing here. In just a week I know so much more about you, and I like you, Rose. I hope you feel the same.”

  “I do.” Rose snuggled deeper into his embrace. It felt good to have him hold her. “It’s not like I’ve ever been that into sex. It’s nice, sometimes it’s very nice. But when the possibility of it isn’t even on the table you tend to think of it a lot more.”

  “First of all, when we have sex it’s going to be a lot better than nice.”

  “Bragging?” Rose grinned into his chest.

  “Just stating the truth.” Jack gave her a playful slap on the butt. “Second, the possibility is more than on the table. In fact, you see that?” He gestured with his head towards the huge dining room table. “We will have sex on that and on that sofa and on that rug. And in all likelihood that kitchen counter.”

  “Now you are bragging.”

  “Again, just stating the truth.”


  ROSE LOOKED DOWN at the paper in her hand and then looked again. Still looking she picked up her phone and hit speed dial.

  “Had sex yet?”

  “I’m regretting telling you about any of that.” Tyler had been answering her calls with the same question for over a week. It was getting old.

  “Sorry, that was the last time, I promise.” And once Tyler made a promise then it was written in stone. “So what’s up?”

  “Are there etiquette rules for when a guy sends you a doctor's report clearing him of any sexually transmitted diseases?”

  “Say again?”

  “I’d rather not.” Rose looked at the paper one more time as if she expected the words to have magically rearranged themselves. It had arrived earlier that morning by messenger. Jack had told her last night that he was clean, and she believed him. And yet he'd still sent over documented proof.

  “I hope we’re talking about Jack because if random guys are sending you their medical records, well, there are some seriously weird dudes out there.”

  Rose laughed. Leave it to Tyler.

  “But what do you think it means?

  “It means you're going to be having sex with Jack Winston,” Tyler said. “And sooner than later.”

  Rose did a little happy dance around her living room. Then a thought hit her.

  “Do I reciprocate?”

  “I wish I was recording this so I could play it back to you at a later date.” Tyler sighed. "I doubt there are any hard and fast rules for something like this. Wait, is there anything like


  “But,” Tyler continued. “I’d say yes, reciprocate. If he was thoughtful enough to let you know he’s clean then you should be equally as thoughtful. And the minute you hang up I’m calling Dani and telling her every detail of this conversation.”

  “I wouldn’t expect anything less. Besides, it will save me having to do it.”

  “She’ll call you as soon as I’ve finished,” Tyler warned her.

  “I know. But in the meantime I’ll have called my doctor and gotten her to send the information to Jack.” Rose was already scrolling through her numbers for her doctor’s office.

  “Then get at it. See you soon.”

  As Rose was dialing she thought about just how right Tyler was, this was weird. But it meant she and Jack were going to have sex—soon. For that, she could live with a little weird.

  ONE WEEK LATER and still no sex.

  Rose was curled up on her sofa binge watching old Seinfeld episodes. Nothing new there. But tonight she was curled up next to Jack. His arm was tucked snuggly around her shoulders, her favorite blanket covering them. His hand gently rubbed up and down her arm. It was nice, comfortable and completely non-sexual.

  They’d met for lunch the day of the medical records exchange. At first Rose had felt slightly awkward but Jack had treated it as an everyday occurrence. It put her at ease, but it prompted her to ask if it was the norm for him.

  “This is the first time,” he assured her. “I want you to feel safe with me, in as well as out of the bedroom. I thought this might be one more way to do that.”

  She did feel safe with Jack. They saw each other every day, and they were developing a bond that was new for Rose. She had men who were friends and men she dated. She’d never known a man that combined the two. Jack’s plan to get to know each other before sex was working. She still wanted him, desperately. And Jack was very affectionate. They had even had a few hot and heavy make out sessions. But that was as far as it went. He always pulled back before it went too far. She’d never even seen him without his shirt on. He had gotten under her shirt one time, but the only bare skin touched was on her back. She was fine if it turned out that was all there was going to be. She just had to know one way or the other.

  “I was wondering if you’d like to go out to Tom Tom’s Tavern tomorrow night.”

  Rose lifted her head and frowned slightly. Had she missed something?

  “I’m sorry,” she said. “What, where?”

  Jack laughed. Damn, Rose thought, he was so gorgeous. And funny and sexy. She liked Jack as a friend, but it was going to be torture never having him in her bed.

  “Did I catch you dozing?”

  “No.” Rose sat up and ran a hand through her hair. “My mind was wandering a bit. What were you saying?”

  “Saturday night Drew and I are getting together with some of the guys on our security crew for drinks and pool. You've never hung out with Drew, and I thought this would be a good opportunity. You could invite Tyler and Dani if you want.”

  “Tyler and Drew in the same room for an entire evening?” It was a hard concept to wrap her head around. “It sounds like a recipe for disaster if they would even agree to it.”

  “He’s an idiot,” Jack said.

  “Yes.” You couldn’t argue with the truth.

  “And Tyler is—”

  “The injured party,” Rose interrupted. “I don’t know what Drew has told you. I don’t want to know. But what happened between them is all on him.”

  “There are two sides, Rose.”

  “And he’s never tried to explain his. Not then and not in all the time that has followed.” Drew Harper had hit her shit list ten years ago, and nothing had happened since to move him off. But she would admit that he could be a dick head to Tyler and still be a good friend to Jack. If he wanted them to meet up, she was willing. Besides, how much socializing could you really do inside a crowded, noisy bar?

  “I’ll ask them but I can’t guarantee that Tyler will show. Jack,” she asked warily. "This isn’t some ill-advised attempt at matchmaking is it?”

  “I promise it’s just what I said,” Jack assured her. “Shall I pick you up?”

  Rose shook her head. “I’ll come with Dani. And Tyler if she agrees.”

  “Forming a united front?”

  “Girl power never dies, even when you’ve become women. Can I get you something more to drink?”

  “Only if you’re getting something. Don’t make a special trip for me.”

  Considerate. She had to add that to the growing list of Jack’s stellar qualities. She grabbed one of the beers she’d recently started keeping in her fridge and poured herself a glass of water. Or maybe he was too considerate. It was time to find out.

  Jack took the beer and smiled. “Thanks, sweetheart. Do you feel like more Seinfeld or are you in the mood for something else?”

  Now there was an opening if ever she heard one.

  “I’ve been thinking, Jack.”

  “I’m all for that. My sisters have informed me for years that the sexiest thing about a woman is her brain.”

  “Your sisters are so interesting. I’d love to…” Damn it, she would not let him side track her. Jack was so good at that even when he didn’t know he was doing it.

  “I’ve been thinking,” she began again, “that I like you. More and more.”

  “I like you too.”

  “And maybe we should stop the pretense and be happy with just that.”

  It had sounded better in her head. But she’d said it and the rest was up to Jack.

  “Let me get this straight.” He sat his beer down and turned towards her. “You want to keep on being friends, hanging out and so forth. But you never want to have sex. At least not with me.”

  “Hey, this isn’t about what I want. I made my feelings clear on the very first night.” Rose was annoyed that Jack was turning this back on her. “I agreed to wait—against my better judgment. And I know you keep telling me how much you want me but let’s face it, Jack. We are firmly in the friend zone. And I’ve decided that I’m okay with that. So be honest with me and yourself. You’re just not that attracted to me. You’ve tried. And I appreciate it. But let’s forget about the sex so we can relax and just be friends.

  Rose waited for a response; her stomach churning with nerves. She expected Jack to shrug it off. He was so easy going, so quick to tease. Except that wasn't what was happening. And he didn't seem angry. But there was something in his eyes she’d never seen before. The warm blue had become icy steel. Rose wasn’t afraid, she knew Jack would never hurt her. But she was less sure of where this was going to go.


  That was it? No? No to what?

  “This isn’t over, Rose. It’s just beginning.”

  “What does that mean?” she demanded. “I’m not talking about ending us all together I just thought—”

  “Now’s the time to stop thinking. Shut down that beautiful brain of yours and just feel.”

  She would have said more, she meant to, but Jack leaned in and kissed her and all she was capable of doing is what he said to do. All she could do was feel.

  Just friends? Hell no. It didn’t take long for panic to take the place of the calm determination that made him so good at getting whatever it was he wanted. Whether it was a football scholarship or building a multi-million dollar company from the ground up. He had an unwavering belief in himself and his abilities. Rose was his, he believed it. If he hadn’t been sure before he was now. And it was time to show her.

  Lord, the man could kiss. He didn’t rush but savored the process. His tongue slowly traced the shape of her lower lip bathing it with gentle swipes. He could take her blood to a low boil with just that one languid movement. His teeth upped the heat. Taking her lip and pulling just hard enough to sting and then sucking it into his mouth to soothe any hurt he might have caused. But that didn’t ease her growing need. Instead, she was suffused with flush that travel
ed the length of her body. His kiss was the source that fed her arousal. It was an arousal that centered in that rapidly moistening place between her legs, a place that desperately longed for his touch.

  “I’m going to taste you, Rose. After tonight, I’ll no longer have to imagine how sweet you are. Your flavor will linger on my tongue like a fine wine. And I plan on savoring every sip.”

  Her clothes were suddenly an unnecessary burden. They were in the way. She needed them gone, now. Jack must have read her mind. He removed her top and bra with little effort and no resistance. The cool air felt like heaven against her overheated skin. No, that was wrong. Heaven was the feel of Jack’s lips on her breast. His tongue lapped at her beaded nipple once, twice before his teeth bit down ever so gently. He moved to the other breast giving it equal attention. Rose fingers gripped his head afraid he might take away the amazing sensations that were coursing through her body. His short hair was surprisingly soft, but the bristled tips still made her palms tingle with increased sensitivity.

  “Do you like that?" Jack asked biting her nipple a little harder than the first time.

  “Yes, I like it all,” she breathed. “More, I need more.

  He chuckled knowingly, leaving her breast to make a slow path of moist kisses down her stomach to the open waistband of her jeans. When had he done that? It didn’t matter. They were just one more thing that was in the way.

  “Lift for me, sweetheart.”

  Rose raised her hips so Jack could remove her jeans. And the panties? No, he’d left them.

  “I don’t need those.” Her voice was husky, unrecognizable.

  “But I do.”

  “They aren’t your size.” She was feeling a little nervous again which meant her brain was starting to be a bit of a smart ass. This was where she always had problems. She needed to shut down her brain and just let her body feel.

  Jack raised his eyes to hers. Deep, heated blue, not a trace of ice.

  “Close your eyes, Rose. All the way. Can you feel what I’m doing?”

  His finger was just inside the elastic band of her underwear. Rose swallowed.



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