If I Loved You (Harper Falls Book 1)

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If I Loved You (Harper Falls Book 1) Page 12

by Mary J. Williams

  “Tyler said she almost cried.” Drew relayed what Tyler had told him while they had been waiting for Jack and Rose to come back in the tavern. “She’s invested, Jack. I don’t think she’ll give up on you for something that happened before you started seeing her.”

  Jack felt a constriction in his chest at the thought of bringing Rose to the verge of tears. He wanted to make her smile and laugh. He wanted to hear her moans as he brought her pleasure again and again. But he never wanted to be responsible for making her cry.

  “Jack?” The voice of their assistant, Pam Stoddard, called out from the intercom. “I know you said you didn’t want to be disturbed but I have a bit of a situation out here.”

  Jack and Drew exchanged surprised looks. Pam was pretty much unflappable, in fact, neither of them could ever remember her losing her cool.

  “What’s the problem?” Bulletproof glass and locks that you could only disengage from the inside would have stopped anyone trying to gain unwanted entrance, so they knew Pam wasn’t in any physical danger. Jack checked the security camera feed on his computer screen just to be certain. The lobby was clear but outside there was a woman. She was tapping her high heel covered foot, obviously impatient at being kept waiting. Jack couldn’t get a good look at her face, but she was dressed in a figure hugging black dress that was cut low in the front to show off an attention-grabbing amount of cleavage. Her dark hair fell in artfully styled waves down her back. Large sunglasses hid the color of her eyes, but her lips were a bright, fire engine red. Not a woman who was trying to hide in the shadows.

  “Anyone you know?” Jack asked Drew.

  “No, but she’s a looker.”

  “She doesn’t have an appointment, does she, Pam?”

  “No,” Jack could hear the dislike in Pam’s voice. “But she seems to think you’ll want to see her even though she is refusing to tell me who she is or what she wants.”

  “I’ll handle it.”

  Jack hit the button that connected him the outside intercom. “This is Jack Winston. Can I be of assistance?”

  “Jack,” she woman practically purred. “How are you?”

  “I’m sorry, but have we met?”

  “Well, not technically.” She smoothed back her hair and adjusted her breasts. Jack couldn’t decide if she was unaware of the camera or was giving him a show. “I’m Louise, Louise Hoover.”

  Jack looked at Drew, but it was clear he was just as lost as Jack.

  “Now don’t be coy,” the woman continued, her voice running like warm syrup. “I know you’re keeping company with Rose.”

  Rose? This woman knew Rose? Well, that wasn’t going to get her in. She needed to stop being so cryptic and provide some actual information.

  “Well, shit,” Drew thought.

  Jack pulled his hand back from the intercom button. “Do you recognize her?”

  “I think that’s Aunt Louise.” He emphasized the word aunt because that was the way Tyler had always said it.

  “Rose’s aunt?” Jack frowned. Rose had only mentioned the woman once, but he’d gotten the distinct impression they weren’t close.

  “Right.” Drew gave the woman on screen a closer look. “I don’t know much about her but I do know she’s trouble, Jack.”

  Jack considered for a moment then rang Pam. “Let her in, Pam. Take her to the small lounge and offer her something to drink. I’ll be down in a few minutes.”

  “Tell me what you know,” Jack said as he pulled on his jacket.

  “Not much,” Drew admitted. “When I started seeing Tyler she and Rose and Dani had been friends for a long time and they kept each other’s secrets pretty tight to the vest. But I do remember Rose’s aunt took her out of school one year a few months before the end of the term. I didn't see the aunt. She just showed up and the next day Rose was gone.”

  “When was this?”

  “Let me think.” Drew closed his eyes and ran his fingers roughly over his scalp. Jack recognized the gesture as one Drew used when he was trying to figure out a software problem. “I was a sophomore, so that made Rose a freshman. She must have been about fifteen.”

  “But she finished school here in Harper Falls, right?” Jack was getting a sick feeling in the pit of his stomach.

  “She was back that fall. Not to Harper Academy, but Harper Falls High.” Drew met Jack’s concerned gaze and shook his head. “I don’t know what happened, Jack. Since we weren't at the same school anymore, I didn't see her every day but she seemed different. Quieter, I guess. We didn’t hang out with the same crowd, so I can’t give you any details, but Rose was the kind of girl you noticed. I don’t have to tell you that. But for a while it was like she’d lost her spark. And that girl always had plenty of spark. By the next summer, when Tyler and I started dating, she was back to her old self.”

  “On the outside,” Jack observed grimly. “Whatever Aunt Louise did to her is still influencing how Rose lives her life—at least her love life.”

  “And you think you’re going to get answers by meeting with that woman?”

  Jack shrugged. “I doubt she’ll tell me anything with words but I want to get a feel for the woman. I want to get some idea, no matter how small, of what Rose went through.”

  "Hey, if you end up strangling her you know you can count on me to help you get rid of the body.”

  Jack knew Drew was joking, mostly. The point was Drew had his back no matter what.

  Jack paused outside the lounge and pulled in a few calming breaths. He had always had a pretty long, slow burning fuse, but with just the little he knew about this woman, he could feel his blood beginning to simmer. It wouldn’t take much to get it boiling.

  Louise Hoover certainly knew how to set a scene; Jack thought as he entered the lounge. He searched his brain for the right word for how she had herself arranged on the sofa and decided artfully best described it.

  Jack supposed she was trying to look casual and unconcerned as she leaned against the cushions, her arm resting on the back of the sofa. But there was nothing relaxed about it. She had herself on display. She had crossed her legs in a way that had the hem of her skirt riding several inches up her thigh. Not too far but enough to show off how trim and shapely they were. When she saw him enter, she gave him a slow, welcoming smile and leaned forward so that the first thing he would notice were her breasts. But just to be sure, she took a deep, cleavage enhancing breath.

  “Hello, Jack.” The woman was good, Jack thought. With just those two words she had made it seem like they already knew each other—really well.

  “If you’re in town to see Rose I’m afraid you’ve missed her.” Jack waited for the lie he knew was coming.

  “Oh, dear. I had so hoped to spend some time with her. It’s been much too long.” She leaned even closer, cleavage first. “She's always so busy. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve wanted to see her only to have her brush me off. But since I’m here maybe we can get to know each other. I’m sure Rose would love for us to become good friends.”

  And there it was. I was such an obvious come on. He knew what she was doing, and she knew he knew. He wondered if she expected him to jump her right here at his place of business. Some men would, some probably had. But just the thought of having those slick, red lips anywhere on his body made Jack shudder.

  Enough, Jack thought. Five minutes in and he’d gotten what he needed. The woman was a calculating bitch. She’d slithered into town and made a beeline for the man she knew her niece was seeing. She was in seduction mode before Jack had even entered the room. What was she after? A way to hurt Rose? Or was her main goal Jack’s money? Both would be his guess. Well, Aunt Louise was going to leave town empty handed on both counts.

  “I find it odd that you've never mentioned that you’re Rose’s aunt.”

  “Oh, there’s such a small difference in our ages I never think of her in that way.” The ever so brief tightening of Louise’s mouth told Jack that she didn’t like being reminded of that she and Rose
were related. “She never called me anything but Louise so I tend to forget. Now, why don’t you take me someplace cozier and I’ll show you just how little like an aunt I really am.”

  “That is a bad line, Louise.” Jack slowly shook his head. “Even if I was the slightest bit interested I would hesitate after you threw that one at me.”

  It was obvious that had thrown her, but she was a gamer. She wasn’t going to give up that easily. Jack was sure she had quite a catalog of routines in her arsenal, ones she’d been perfecting for years. But he didn’t want to play anymore. It was time to send the woman on her way.

  “This isn’t going to happen, Louise. Not now, not tomorrow, not ever. Pack your bags and get out of town before Rose returns.”

  “She’d believe me if I told her you came on to me, that we had sex.”

  Five minutes with the woman and Jack was exhausted. He couldn’t imagine what it had been like for Rose to spend months at her mercy. Louise was pure poison wrapped in a silky but ever hardening shell. In a few more years, she wouldn’t be able to hide her brittle exterior with honeyed words and artfully applied cosmetics.

  Jack didn’t bother to reply, he just waited for Louise to gather her purse and escorted her to the door. Seeing them enter the lobby Pam quickly disengaged the lock. Jack restrained himself from forcibly pushing her out of the building, but it was a close thing. He waited long enough to see her drive away before heading back to his office.

  He needed a drink. They didn’t keep anything harder than beer at work, so he grabbed his keys and head home. Along with the drink, he wanted a long, hot shower. And Rose, he wanted Rose. There was no point in looking at the calendar. Three more days. He just hoped she was missing him even half as much as he was missing her.


  “WHAT ARE YOU doing?”

  Rose looked over her shoulder as Frank entered the kitchen. He had on his ‘Don’t Mess with The Sex God’ t-shirt that she had given him for his last birthday. It didn’t do any good to point out that it had been a gag gift. Frank took it as the complete truth.

  “If you insist on me stating the obvious, I’m making popcorn.” She waved the already popped bag at him. “I was also being a good guest and giving you and Len a few minutes alone to cuddle. But since you’re here you can grab the drinks.”

  Frank and Len had insisted that Rose stay with them instead of in a hotel. They had a spacious two bedroom loft in Greenwich Village, so she readily agreed. It was great having the extra time to catch up, and since the men had long ago dropped their party-boy lifestyle the three of them spent the evenings talking and watching movies. Popcorn and diet whatever were the nights snacks of choice.

  “I mean what are you doing in New York when you have a gorgeous, sexy man back home just waiting to ravage your body the moment you get back? And don’t say you’re here for work, you finished holding Felicity’s hand two days ago.”

  It had turned out to be a bit more than hand holding.

  When Felicity Pike had called her on Saturday morning practically in tears, Rose had agreed to fly to New York and smooth over the differences the singer and her producer were having. Felicity was an artist which when translated meant temperamental diva. But she was also talented enough to get away with the occasional outburst. And Rose loved the way Felicity sang her songs. The producer was, well, a producer. Tommy B. was a control freak. It was his way or the highway. Rose was there to help them find a happy medium, something not usually in her job description. But she knew them both and they all wanted to be able to release the best possible product. Hit records meant prestige and money. That was something none of them could argue about.

  What she thought would be one afternoon of calm negotiations and ego stroking had stretched into three days of long hours and upset stomachs. But the result was two of the best sounding recordings of her material that Rose had ever heard. Felicity had been grateful. Tommy B. said he owed her one. And Rose promised herself never again.

  “Just a few weeks ago you were saying how much you missed me. Are you tired of me already?” And can we please change the subject? As busy as she had been, Jack had never been far from her thoughts. The return airplane ticket that she had tucked away in her suitcase seemed to be sending out a beacon to remind her that she was due to fly home tomorrow.

  "The bet ends on Sunday. I just wondered why you're waiting until the last minute to go home."

  She had told Frank and Len the whole story. At first they had been outraged that he would involve her in something so ridiculous. But as the week progressed their sympathies had made a definite shift. She wasn’t sure how Jack had become their best pal when they’d never even met, but she was starting to feel like she had done something wrong.

  "I was needed here in New York." She didn't have to look at Frank to know how lame he thought that excuse was.

  “Ready to get back to the movie?” Not waiting for her answer Frank picked up the tray of drinks and left the kitchen.

  Fine, Rose huffed, following behind. Hadn’t she said that she didn’t want to talk about it?

  Setting the bowl down on the glass coffee table, Rose grabbed her drink and dropped into her chair. She felt a little like pouting but Len, sweet, happy, Len, would have none of that.

  “You have got to see this video a friend told me about this afternoon.” He picked up the remote and hit play.

  Rose watched as a group of men dressed in nothing but jockstraps gathered on some an open field. “I’m all for gay porn, guys, but maybe you’d rather be alone to watch this.”

  “It isn’t porn,” Frank informed her. “Though it has made me rethink my opinion of that little town you live in.”

  Rose sat up in her chair. That was happening in Harper Falls? Peering closer she realized that the field did look vaguely familiar.

  “You guys ready to pay up?” a voice off camera asked.

  Jack. That had to be Jack holding the camera. And that was a practically naked Drew giving Jack the finger.

  “Uh, Rose.” Never taking his eyes from the screen, Frank reached for the bowl of popcorn. “You never did say what the stakes of that bet were.”

  “I never found out.” She recognized some of the guys who had been at the tavern Saturday night. “Oh, my God. They’re going to run the obstacle course. But why aren't they completely naked?”

  “Honey, the last thing a guy wants is for his man bits to flop around.” Len leaned in closer. “And some of those things they’re jumping over and under, not to mention crawling through, look like they might scrape things up pretty bad." Both men grimaced slightly.

  “Would you look at that red haired giant?” Frank sighed. “I’d consider giving you the boot if he came calling.”

  “I’d consider giving you the boot if any of them came calling.” Len gave Frank an affectionate kiss and then whispered, “Or maybe I’d keep you and invite them to join us.”

  “We’d have to get a bigger bed.”

  Rose had tuned out their banter. This was fantastic. By themselves every one of those guys was pretty spectacular. But as a group those muscular, well-toned bodies would cause a sensation. Women were going to be stampeding to Harper Falls by the thousands. And since Drew was the only one who actually lived there he was going to be a busy boy indeed. She picked up her phone and sent a quick text. Tyler and Dani had to see this.

  They'd ended up running it three times before finally turning off the TV. It had been better than any of the movies they’d planned on watching. Rose was still laughing when she suddenly realized that today was only Friday. Why had they paid off the bet two days early? She was mulling the possibilities when her phone chimed signaling that she'd just received a text. Seeing that it was from Jack, she quickly opened it.

  Schedules are going to be crazy for the next month, so the guys got together today to pay off the bet. You should get a kick out of this. After the message he left a link to the video. Smiling, she saved the text knowing it was something she would wa
nt to look at again.

  “So at the risk of you biting my head off I’ll ask again. What are you doing here when you have a man waiting for you? A man, I’ll remind you, who has nothing to keep him from jumping the first available woman who walks by.”

  “I hope you aren't suggesting that Jack would wait three weeks to be with me and then give it up to another woman?” Rose looked at Frank as if he’d lost his mind. She had no doubt that Jack would remain celibate until she got there. But Frank was right about one thing. What was she waiting for? Why didn’t she get online and book the first available flight home?

  “I’m going to clear up the dishes and then go to bed.” Len gathered everything onto the tray and headed for the kitchen.

  “It’s not about the sex, is it, Rose?” Frank patted the cushion next to him. Rose didn’t hesitate. She snuggled into Frank’s embrace; her head resting on his shoulder. “If that’s all it was you would have been gone by now.”

  “Jack is different, Frank.”

  “You mean he’s not boring?”

  “Definitely not boring,” Rose confirmed. “He makes me…”

  “See the possibilities?” Frank finished for her.

  Rose sighed. Possibilities she hadn’t thought existed. At least not for her.

  “No offense? But why aren’t you one of those stereotypical gay friends that women have in the movies?”

  Frank laughed. “You mean the ones that flit around wearing pink spandex and give the heroines fabulous makeovers?”


  “First of all," he pointed out, "you don’t need a makeover. Second, I gave away my pink spandex about the same time I quit flitting.”


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