Shameless (An Enemies To Lovers Novel Book 5)

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Shameless (An Enemies To Lovers Novel Book 5) Page 9

by Michelle Horst

  With the image of Evie on top of me, I grip my cock, fantasizing that I’m thrusting into her hot pussy. It doesn’t take much imagination to picture Evie naked and bouncing on my cock, which makes me shoot my load all over the wall, grinding my teeth so I won’t groan out loud.

  Fuck that was intense. If that’s what it’s like to orgasm to a wet dream, the real thing is most probably going to kill me.

  Chapter 19


  I try to hide the grin on my face as I go fetch my clothes in the laundry room. I want to get dressed before Rhett is done showering.

  Luckily I don’t run into anyone, and I manage to grab my clothes and make it back to the room in a few minutes. I turn my back to the bathroom and pull the shirt off. Fastening my bra, I take a second to arrange the girls in their cups. I shove the sweatpants down and pull my panties on. When I hear the water shutting off in the bathroom, I squeak and quickly yank my dress over my head. I rush to cover myself, but the material only makes it to my waist when I hear the bathroom door open.

  “Fuck,” Rhett hisses behind me.

  I stand frozen until I hear the bathroom door slamming closed and the water running again.

  My eyes grow huge as I realize Rhett is taking another shower. Oh my gosh! Does that mean…? Is he…?

  I’m pretty sure he’s masturbating in there, and it doesn’t escape my attention that all it took for him to get turned on was one look at my panty-covered butt.

  I finish getting dressed and giving Rhett some space, I head down to the kitchen in search of coffee.


  Things have been different between Rhett and I since I spent the night at his place four months ago.

  One good thing that’s come out of it is that we’re spending more time together, and with every passing day, I’m falling harder for him.

  Since the dry humping incident, there haven’t been any more intense moments between us. Rhett seems to be comfortable with only a friendship between us which leaves me pining from a distance.

  It’s sad really. It kills a little piece of my heart every time I see Rhett flirting with another girl. I suppose it is what it is. There’s nothing I can do to change how Rhett feels about me.

  Because I’ve been spending more time with Rhett, I’ve gotten to know the other guys better. I’ve learned that Carter isn’t as nice as I thought he was at first, and tend to stay out of his way.

  Marcus isn’t much better, so I do my best to stay away from his broody glares. I’m not sure what his deal is, but it’s pretty clear he’s not one to be messed with.

  Jaxson turned out to be surprisingly kind and funny, but I’m guessing that just like Rhett, he uses it as a wall to hide behind.

  Logan is the quiet one in the group, and it’s clear as daylight he only has eyes for Mia. At least they still have a chance of being together, where that’s not the case for Rhett and me.

  Rhett invited me to a party. I’ve heard about the infamous parties the guys have at their place, but this will be my first time going to one. I asked Willow to come with me, but she already has plans to go home for the weekend which is a bummer. It would’ve been nice to have her there with me.

  Since Willow’s moved in, it’s been heaven. I never knew how amazing it could be sharing a home with another girl. She’s so easy to get along with. It was the most natural thing to fall into a friendship with her.

  Although it’s spring, the nights are still pretty nippy. I’m standing in front of my closet trying to decide what I should wear when Willow walks into my room and comes to stand beside me.

  All my clothes are practical. I don’t know what would be fitting to wear to my first party.

  “Girl, we need to do something about this wardrobe you’ve got going,” Willow says, a look of torture making her furrow her brow while squinting. “This is a fashion disaster.”

  “Geez, don’t hold back on account of my feelings,” I tease as I bump my shoulder against hers.

  “My hands are itching to take it all and to transform it into pieces that won’t hurt my eyes.”

  I smile as I glance at her. “I wouldn’t mind. Remember, I’ve seen your clothes. I’m not too proud to admit that I suck when it comes to fashion.”

  “You don’t suck,” she says as she throws her arm over my shoulder and gives me a sideways hug. “You just need a push in the right direction.”

  “I don’t know what to wear tonight,” I admit, biting my lower lip. I want to look pretty for Rhett.

  Willow starts to look through my closet, her face scrunching with every single thing she doesn’t like. I’m about to lose hope when her face brightens up. She yanks out a pair of cut-off shorts I bought but haven’t had the guts to wear. Plus it’s been cold.

  Shoving it against my chest, she says, “Hold this. I’ll be right back.”

  I stare at the shorts with huge eyes thinking how I’m going to freeze my butt off tonight.

  Willow comes whirling back into my room, carrying a pair of caramel knee-high boots with an off shoulder semi-sheer knit sweater. I’m hoping it will keep me warm.

  “Come on, get your sexy ass in those shorts. When I’m done with you, you’re going to make heads turn.”

  I strip out of the sweats and baggy shirt I’m wearing and drag on the shorts.

  “Cute undies,” Willow remarks, making me blush furiously.

  I’m a comfort kinda gal, and boyshorts are my go-to preference.

  Her eyes lock onto my bra, which is pretty dull. “Take off the bra, you won’t need it.”

  My eyes widen, but I finish zipping up the shorts, then take off the bra.

  She hands me the sweater, which I pull on quickly. Willow takes the liberty to pull the collar over my shoulders, then making a few tweaks here and there until she’s satisfied. I love the sleeves, which cover half my hands with a thick cuff.

  Next are the boots, which are cozy and warm. I’m hardly done zipping the last boot when Willow takes hold of my shoulders and steers me over to my dresser. She pushes me down on the chair and starts to work with the rat nest on top of my head.

  Fascinated by how beautiful her hands are as they flutter around my head, I’m stunned by the final result when she says, “Oh my gosh, you’re going to have all the guys drooling.”

  She’s piled most of my curls on top of my head in a messy bun which I can never get right. Mine always end up looking like a blob. Loose curls hang to my shoulders, but the majority of my neck is exposed.

  “Now for your makeup then you’re all set to go.” Willow doesn’t go overboard like I expected she would. She only brushes on some eyeshadow, mascara, and rounds the look off with rustic lip stain.

  She used a dark, shimmery eyeshadow which makes the green of my eyes pop. With the rustic coloring on my lips, my skin looks snowy and soft.

  Hell, even I have to admit that I look pretty.

  “My job here is done,” Willow says as she stands back to admire her work. “I’ll see you Sunday night. Have fun tonight and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

  I get up and give her a hug. “Enjoy your weekend and thank you for making me look pretty.”

  Hugging me back, she says, “You’ve always been pretty, Evie. I’ve just added a few touches.”

  We let go of each other, and walking Willow to the door, I say, “When you get back will you teach me a few tricks?”

  “Sure, it will be so much fun.” She opens the front door but then looks back at me from over her shoulder. “On second thought do everything I wouldn’t do then you can tell me all about your wild night when I get back.”

  I laugh and shake my head because we both know I don’t have a wild bone in my body.

  After Willow leaves, I spray on some deodorant, grab a coat in case it gets colder tonight, and head over to Rhett’s.

  The front door is open when I get to the house. I’m thirty minutes early because I’m hoping to spend some time with Rhett before everyone arrives.

p; Hearing voices coming from the kitchen, I walk in that direction. I drape my coat over the back of the couch and leave my bag on the seat.

  As I walk into the kitchen, Marcus says, “Dude, I’m beating you, hands down.”

  Rhett chuckles as he places red solo cups next to a keg of beer. I think it’s beer.

  “Only by four screws,” Rhett says. “By the end of tonight, the figures will change.”

  “Yeah, which means you’ll be further behind,” Marcus laughs.

  I walk closer to see what the guys are so engrossed with. They’re standing around Marcus staring at his laptop screen. When I get close enough, I peek under Carter’s arm, and I see the words Screw Crew Wall Of Fame as a heading to what seems to be a list of names.

  It takes me a moment to put it all together.

  The guys made a list of girls they have slept with.

  I shouldn’t be surprised after running into Rhett and that girl, Josie at the library a couple of months back. After all, she had just given him a blowjob.

  But still... There’s a painful twinge in my chest, and I’m once again reminded that I actually have very little in common with Rhett and his friends.

  I’m about to sneak out before the guys notice I’m here, so that I can avoid an awkward situation, but then Jaxson turns around and his eyes land on me.

  He lets out a long wolf whistle, and says, “Damn, Evie, you look smoking.”

  I fist my hands, digging my fingers into the cuffs of the sweater and feel myself blush all the way to the roots of my hair.

  Rhett knocks over a tower of solo cups as he swings around. His eyes widen, and his lips part as a burst of air explodes over them.

  When the rest of the guys turn to look at me, things start to feel awkward at the speed of light.

  Logan clears his throat before excusing himself. Marcus doesn’t hide the fact that he’s blatantly checking me out, his eyes sweep over every inch of me.

  “What the fuck are you wearing?” Rhett roars, yanking my attention back to him. Where he looked stunned a second ago, and I was hoping he would notice the effort Willow and I put into my appearance, it evaporates as dread coils in my stomach.

  “Let’s give them some privacy,” Carter says, immediately heading for the door. Jaxson and Marcus follow right behind him. I get a feeling they’re all too willing to throw me to the wolf so they can save their own butts and not get caught in the line of fire.

  I swallow hard as Rhett’s eyes sweep over me, before stopping at my chest.

  “You’re not wearing a bra,” he hisses, and the pissed off look turns murderous.

  I take a step backward, so I’m closer to the door in case I need to make a quick escape.

  I’m going to stand up for myself though. Just because Rhett doesn’t like what I’m wearing doesn’t mean I look bad. After all, Jaxson thinks I’m smoking which I assume is his way of saying I look hot.

  “Our deal was that you keep your clothes on,” Rhett bites out.

  Feeling hurt, I wrap my arms around my chest and hunch my shoulders.

  “You don’t have to be so rude,” I whisper. “I get that you think I look awful.”

  I’m about to turn around and leave when anger bubbles to life in my chest.

  I straighten my spine and scowl at Rhett. “You know what,” I snap, lifting my chin, “I actually think I look pretty.”

  Rhett’s eyebrows pop into his hairline, and he stalks towards me. He pinches some of my sweater between his thumb and forefinger, pulling it away from my chest.

  Glaring down at me, he hisses, “Where the fuck it the other half of this outfit? I can see your fucking nipples! I don’t pay you to look like a whore.”

  He lets go of my sweater as if it’s burning him and I immediately cross my arms over my breasts.

  I felt pretty and confident when I left my apartment, but now I feel cheap and exposed.

  Anger and shame wars inside of me as disappointment starts to weigh down on my shoulders. I can’t believe he just said that to me.

  There’s so much I can say to hurt him back, but that’s not who I am. I shake my head lightly and turning my back on Rhett, I rush out of the kitchen. I grab my coat and quickly put it on before snatching my bag off the seat. On my way out of the front door, I fasten every button so I can cover the outfit.

  “Evie!” Rhett hollers behind me.

  I’ve had more than enough insults to last me a lifetime, and I sure as hell can’t handle anymore. I break out into a run so I can get away from that house and the man who broke my heart.

  Chapter 20


  I’m about to go after Evie, when Carter grabs hold of my arm, holding me back.

  “Let her go,” he says with anger written all over his face.

  Logan is standing at the bottom of the stairs, with a look of disappointment.

  I open my mouth but swallow my protest when Carter’s look turns dark.

  “You were out of line, Rhett. Give Evie time. I think you’ve done enough damage for one night.”

  I yank my arm out of Carter’s hold and turn to face him.

  “Stay out of this,” I hiss.

  “Rhett, you need to calm down,” Logan says as he comes to stand next to Carter.

  Seeing my best friends upset with me brings it home.

  What have I done?

  The thought sweeps through me like a storm, pissing on the fire that was feeding my rage.

  How could I say those things to Evie? What the fuck came over me?

  Her perky nipples, that’s what.

  Seeing her dressed like that unleashed something far worse than the perverted monster that’s been living inside of me. This was possessive and dominant.

  It made me see red, knowing my friends could see every sexy part of her body I was seeing. Her toned legs, and those boots… fuck those boots. Her slim neck and slender shoulders. Her smokey eyes and red lips. I wanted to bite those lips until they were naturally red and swollen.

  She looked like sex in boots, and the domineering jerk inside of me was roaring with jealousy.

  Logan reaches out and gives my shoulder a comforting squeeze, but his words are the opposite.

  “You called Evie a whore.” Logan being upset is a huge deal. It takes a lot to ruffle his feathers and right now he’s far from happy with me. “That girl ate out of dumpsters to avoid selling herself for food. Honestly, I don’t think you can repair the damage you’ve done.”

  Hearing the hard truth from Logan makes my body shudder with dread. Have I fucked up things between Evie and I and ruined our friendship?

  Knowing that Carter and Logan are right, I walk back into the house. I only make it to the living room when my phone vibrates in my pocket. I take it out and unlock the screen.

  I’m confused when I see a message from Evie.

  Evie: I’ve paid everything I’ve managed to save over the last few months to your bank account. It’s all I have right now. I’ll repay the rest of what I owe you as quick as I can.

  It feels as if the ground gives way beneath my feet as I read the message again and again.

  She’s going to run!

  The thought has my body moving so fast, and I’m out the front door before Carter or Logan can stop me. I have to make things right before I lose her.

  That’s if you haven’t lost her already, dumbass!

  I jump in my car and make it to Evie’s place in record time. I run up to her apartment and knock on the door.

  When she doesn’t open, I start to panic. She couldn’t have packed everything so fast? It’s only been twenty minutes since I last saw her.

  Pulling my keys from my pocket, I look for the spare key to her apartment. I never thought I’d have to use it. I only kept it in case she locked herself out.

  It’s another dick move on my part, intruding on her privacy, but I have to see her.

  I let myself in, shutting the door behind me before I walk to Evie’s room.

  The sweater, sh
orts, and boots are lying in a heap in the middle of her room. Hearing water running, I walk to the bathroom, and when I see Evie, relief floods me.

  I’m in time. Thank God.

  Evie is splashing water on her face. She grabs a towel, and as she dries her face, she starts to walk towards me.

  “Hey,” I say so she won’t bump into me.

  She lets out a piercing shriek, throws the towel at me, and stumbles back. Her face pales from the fright, and she loses her balance. I rush forward, but I’m too late. I watch with horror how Evie’s butt slams into the floor. The back of her head collides with the bath, the sound sickening and scary.

  I drop to my knees beside Evie. She groans as she reaches for the back of her head.

  “I’m sorry,” I whisper as I slide my hand behind her neck, and pulling her forward, I check to see if there’s blood. With her hair still piled up on her head, it makes the task easier. Luckily there’s no blood, only a goose egg that’s already forming.

  Positioning one arm behind her back, and another under her knees, I lift her to my chest as I climb to my feet.

  She weighs next to nothing as I carry her to the bed. Once I’ve set her down, I rush to the kitchen to grab a bag of frozen vegetables from her freezer. When I get back to her bedroom, I sit down beside her and gently press the frozen bag to the back of her head.

  She takes it from me and moves away, putting plenty of space between us.

  “What are you doing here?” she says softly, sounding worn out.

  I know it won’t be easy to fix what I’ve broken, but I’m determined to try.

  “I came to apologize,” I say, turning my body to face her.

  I wish I could take her hand, but her whole body is closed off, and her walls are back up.

  She doesn’t say anything as she stares at the floor.

  Needing her to look at me, I hook a finger under her chin and turn her face to me. I see red blemishes around her eyes, and it’s evidence of just how much I hurt her.


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