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Shameless (An Enemies To Lovers Novel Book 5)

Page 14

by Michelle Horst

  “As long as you’re strapped to me, we can jump out of planes as many times as you want.”

  I let out a shriek of joy as I throw my arms around his neck.

  “And can we go paragliding, and bungee jumping, and rappelling, and –”

  My words are cut off when Dad starts to laugh.

  “We can do all those things.”


  What was I thinking?

  I can’t do this.

  I try to take a step away from the edge, but being strapped to Dad’s chest stops me.

  Oh crap.

  I’m doing this.

  Dad moves forward, and we start to tip forward. I let out a scream that’s slammed right back into my throat as the air hits me in the face.

  A lifetime passes where I can only feel my heart racing madly in my chest. My body is suddenly jerked upwards, and then a calm settles over me.

  Dad points to something on the ground, and I look down.

  Oh wow. Everything is so small. I see patches of land, buildings, trees, and looking to my left, I see the ocean.

  As Dad steers us towards the ground, I close my eyes and allow myself to feel this moment. It’s just my father and me, and we’re on top of the world.

  As we near the ground, I pull my legs up like Dad told me to, and he takes the brunt of the impact. I expected us to roll across the grass, but instead, Dad takes a few steps before bringing us to a stop.

  His hands move so fast, I can’t keep track of everything he’s doing, and before I know it, we’re unclasped, and he’s turning me around. His eyes search my face, and when I grin, he relaxes visibly.

  “That was amazing,” I yell.

  I throw myself at him, not even thinking that I might knock him off balance. He catches me against his solid chest.

  I wrap my arms tighter around his neck and bury my face in his shoulder, as my emotions sky-rocket.

  “I’m so glad I found you,” I cry. “I’ve only had you a few weeks, and already I can’t imagine my life without you.”

  “You’ll never have to, Evie. I’m here now, and I’m never leaving you.”

  Hearing the promise in his words fills me with a sense of belonging and safety. It’s like a security blanket has been wrapped around my heart.

  When Dad sets me down on my feet, I look up into his eyes.

  “How did I get so lucky?” I whisper. “You’re everything I dreamt a father would be.”

  “It’s only because I had twenty-six years of dreaming what it would be like to have you in my life.”

  Chapter 30


  I lift my hand to knock on the door but freeze before I can go through with it. I can’t remember a time in my life where I’ve been so nervous. Hell, not even when I lost my virginity.

  I’ve come this far, and I’m not about to back out.

  “You’ve got this,” I whisper to myself as I knock on the door.

  I hear movement on the other side of the door, and as it opens, Evie says, “You’re early.”

  For a second she looks so happy, and her eyes sparkle. I drink in everything about her in a split-second. Her hair is longer. There’s a glow to her that I’ve never seen before, at least, not one I can remember.

  But fuck, she’s even more beautiful than I remember.

  Then her face freezes and the joy fades away, the light in her eyes dim, and I know it’s all because I’m standing in front of her.

  “Hi, Evie,” I whisper. When she takes a step backward, I dart forward and place my hand on the door so she can’t slam it in my face. “Just give me five minutes.”

  She looks visibly shaken from seeing me, and I hate that I’ve fucked-up so badly.

  She steps to the side and whispers, “Come in.”

  That’s a good sign, right?

  She doesn’t close the door behind me but instead leaves it wide open.

  My eyes dart around her home. I smile when I see Evie’s things everywhere.

  “I know it’s been years,” I say as I bring my eyes back to her, “and that we didn’t part on the best of terms, but I’d like to explain myself.”

  “You don’t have to,” she says. “You don’t owe me anything.”

  “I do, Evie. I owe you an apology.”

  She furrows her brow. “For what?”

  “You can do it,” I tell myself silently. “Be honest with her.”

  “For not believing in you,” I say. I clear my throat, and then I get it all off my chest. “For not trusting you when you never gave me any reason not to. For being stubborn. For being self-absorbed. For not loving you the way you deserve to be loved when I had the chance. Mostly, I’m sorry for letting you go. I’m sorry it took me six years to realize what I have lost.”

  She wraps her arms around herself. “It’s okay. It’s been six years.”

  Things are taking a turn for the awkward, so I quickly ask, “How have you been?”

  A small smile tugs at her lips. “Actually, things have never been better.”

  Dreading the answer, I ask it anyway, “Have you met someone?”

  She chuckles, but it’s a sharp sound. “Does it matter? Why are you doing this, Rhett? You’ve been in LA for over a year. Why reach out to me now?”

  “Because I was scared out of my mind.” The brutally honest words leave my mouth before I’m even done thinking them. “I have thought of you every day since you left. Watching you drive away, it ripped my heart out. I kept pushing you away because I wanted to save myself from that kind of pain, but in the end, it happened anyway.”

  “I’m sorry,” she whispers.

  “I might not get this opportunity again, so here goes nothing. I don’t trust easily. You know that” I add more for myself than for her. I’m messing this up. Fuck. I suck in a deep breath and try again, “After my parents died, none of our family wanted to take care of Mia and me. If it weren’t for Mr. Hayes, we could’ve ended up being separated, or worse. The second they found out that the wealthy Christopher Hayes was taking care of us, they all were suddenly very willing to take us in. For a price of course. That was my first lesson on how people only saw dollar signs when they looked at me.”

  I can see that I’m getting through to Evie, so I continue, “I never knew whether someone really cared about me, or whether they were only interested in what they could get from me. Besides that, no one ever stuck around. My parents died. Jaxon and Logan’s dad ran off with Carter’s mother. Marcus’ dad killed his mom and sister. My entire life people were hurting each other. Girls only wanted to be with me because I was good for their social status. I could never trust anyone.”

  Evie stares at me for a while before she whispers, “I wish you had told me all of this before I left.”

  “I was a coward, Evie. It was easier to hide behind my bullshit jokes and hardass mask.”

  I can’t take my eyes off of her as I watch her process everything I’ve just said.

  I know my time is up. Whoever Evie’s waiting for will be here any moment.

  I place my business card on her coffee table.

  “I’d like to have coffee with you, Evie. It would be nice to catch up.”

  She nods and draws her bottom lip in between her teeth as she glances at my card.

  “I miss you,” I whisper.

  She smiles sadly, and I’m surprised when she admits, “I’ve missed you too.”

  “When you’re ready to have coffee with me, please call or text. Hell, you can send a smoke signal.”

  She lets out a little burst of laughter. Fuck, I’ve missed that sound so much.

  I walk to the door and turn back one last time. “You look happy, Evie. I’m glad. No one deserves it more than you.”

  “Thank you, Rhett. I’ll be in touch.”

  Taking one last look at her, I turn around to leave, but instead, I come face to face with the scariest looking man I’ve ever laid eyes on.

  I can hold my own in a fight, but my gut tells me that few have g
one up against him, and survived to tell the tale.

  “Hi,” he says, reaching a hand out to me. “I’m Hayden Cole. Who are you?”

  Holy fuck. He’s intense.

  I take his hand and say, “Rhett Daniels.”

  Evie pops up next to us and the huge smile I saw when she opened the door is back on her face. She stands on her toes, and I watch as the man leans a little down so Evie can reach his cheek where she plants a firm kiss.

  She takes hold of his arm and pulls his hand out of mine, then locks it in a tight grip to her chest.

  “Morning, Daddy,” she says, and the two words send ripples of shock through my entire body.

  “Daddy?” I echo her like an idiot.

  Hayden’s eyes snap back to mine, and I quickly explain, “Sorry, the last time Evie and I spoke, she didn’t know who her parents were.”

  “How do you and Rhett know each other?” he asks Evie, but he never takes his eyes off me.

  I have never been so intimidated by a girl’s father before.

  Evie clears her throat, and her cheeks flush pink, as she says “He’s the guy I told you about. Rhett helped me get off the street.”

  Hayden’s facial expression changes so fast, I actually blink to make sure I’m not seeing things. It’s as if he just threw an off switch. Gone is the Hulk and he’s back to being Bruce Banner.

  “Thank you,” he says, as he pulls his arm free from Evie’s death grip, and holds his hand out to me once more.

  I shake his hand, and this time he doesn’t try to break any bones.

  “Thank you for taking care of my daughter when I couldn’t.”

  I have a million questions but now is definitely not the right time to ask them.

  I nod because saying something as stupid as you’re welcome or it’s a pleasure, doesn’t sound right.

  My manners haven’t entirely up and left me. “It was nice meeting you, Sir,” I say.

  I smile at Evie. “Talk to you soon.”

  Not waiting for them to reply, I walk away.

  Fuck, that was unexpected. Evie found her dad. I wonder what else has changed in her life.

  Chapter 31


  When I saw Rhett standing in front of me, I couldn’t believe my eyes.

  It’s been so long since I last saw him, but at that moment it felt like the past six years were nothing but a wrinkle in time.

  I was overwhelmed by everything he told me, especially after the shock I had from seeing him.

  I texted Rhett yesterday and asked him to meet me at the same park where I met Dad. I’m hoping for the same outcome between Rhett and me, that I had with Dad.

  With my hands tucked deep in the pockets of my coat, I walk into the park. As I near the lake, I see Rhett waiting for me. It’s an odd twist of fate. This time Rhett is the lost one, and I’m the one who thought what we shared had died.

  “Rhett,” I whisper from behind him. He swings around, and our eyes lock.

  “You came,” he says, sounding relieved.

  “I did. I thought about what you said,” I say. “I don’t want you to feel bad for what happened. We were so young. Young and stupid. We thought we knew everything, and it turned out we understood nothing. Nothing about what life is like as an adult.”

  I feel so sad as I whisper the next words, but they are true, and I can’t ignore them.

  “We understood nothing about each other. I fell in love with the guy who saved me. It was so easy. But I never really knew the real you.”

  Rhett glances to the side, and I hate that my words are hurting him.

  “I understand,” he whispers.

  “Do you? You have a tendency to jump to conclusions,” I say when I see the resigned look on his face.

  “I thought you didn’t know me?” he can’t help but tease.

  “Not as well as you should know someone you claim to love.”

  “Claim to love?” he asks, and seeing the hope creep back into his eyes, I know I made the right decision.

  “I’d like to catch up, Rhett. I’d like to hear about the past six years. I meant it when I said that I missed you. You were the first important person in my life. Because of you, I searched for my parents. Every important decision I’ve made is in some way connected to you. We were good friends, and at the very least, I’d like for us to get back to that.”

  Rhett closes his eyes and relief relaxes is features. In some ways, he still looks like my Rhett, but in many ways, he’s become a man… a stranger.

  His jaw is more pronounced, and there’s no sign of the boyish features I fell in love with.

  When he opens his eyes, he holds out his hand to me. “No more bullshit. No secrets. I’d love it so fucking much to be your friend again.”

  I place my hand in his, and we shake as I whisper, “It’s a deal.”

  Rhett chuckles and suddenly yanks me forward. When I crash into his chest, his arms wrap around me.

  He holds me tight, and whispers, “I’m sorry I broke my promise to you, Evie. The love I felt for you scared me so much.”

  I nod against his chest. “The love I felt for you scared me too.”

  He lets go of me so fast, I almost lose my balance.

  “Wait here,” he says, and then I watch as he jogs away from me. He disappears behind some trees, leaving me to wonder what he’s up to.

  “Excuse me,” he suddenly says behind me.

  I swing around, wondering how he got behind me without me noticing.

  Before I can ask, he says, “I was wondering if you’ve seen my jaw, because I dropped it when I saw you.”

  The pick-up line is so lame that I burst out laughing.

  He holds his hand out to me again. “I’m Rhett Daniels.”

  Finally catching on to what he’s doing, I place my hand in his.

  “Evie Cole.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, Evie.”

  “Likewise,” I whisper.

  “Can I take you for coffee?” he asks, a playful grin lighting up his dark eyes.

  “I’d like that.”

  We walk to the nearest Starbucks, and I grab us a table while Rhett places our order.

  When we’re both settled with a steaming beverage in our hands, I ask, “What’s your biggest fear?”

  “There’s the Evie I remember. Not scared to ask the deep questions,” he teases, but then his eyes get serious. “My biggest fear is not living up to the man my goddaughter thinks I am.”

  “Willow has tried to keep me up to date with everything that’s been happening. I know most of the guys have children now, but which one is your goddaughter?”

  “Danny.” Just saying her name makes a love I’ve never seen before shine from Rhett’s eyes. “She’s Carter and Della’s oldest.”

  “I hope I’ll get to meet her one day,” I say, meaning every word.

  Rhett chuckles, and for a moment he looks a little embarrassed as he says, “She can’t wait to meet you. A few months back we were watching Frozen, and she asked me when I’ll find my Elsa.” Rhett pauses, then asks, “Have you watched Frozen?”

  I laugh, “Yeah, but if you tell anyone, I’ll deny it.”

  He chuckles, then continues, “I told Danny that I’ve already met my Anna, but she was having an adventure.”

  It takes a minute for me to grasp what Rhett just said.

  “I’m your Anna?”

  “Yeah, pretty much from the first moment I laid eyes on you.”

  It’s going to take me a while to get used to this side of Rhett. I remember him being guarded and having him be so open with me is a little mind-blowing.

  “What’s your biggest fear?” Rhett asks.

  Now that Dad is in my life, it's no longer being alone.

  “I’m scared,” I pause, hating to even say the words out loud. “I’m scared, my dad will leave for work, and he won’t come back.”

  Rhett reaches across the table and squeezes my hand.

  “Evie, your dad’s pretty scary.
I’m sure death would shit himself if he has to try and take your dad from you.” Rhett’s words make me smile. “I know I would fight with everything I have to stay with you and I’m not half as badass as he is.”

  I chuckle, “He is pretty badass.”

  “Tell me more about him. What does he do for a living? How did you find him?”

  “Dad’s a Navy SEAL.”

  Rhett’s eyebrows shoot up. “Damn, Evie, I take back what I said. You have nothing to worry about. Your dad is the best of the best.”

  “He is?” I frown at myself when I hear how stupid the question sounds. “I mean, I know he is. I just don’t understand all the military and Navy terms.”

  Rhett thinks a little before he says, “Remember that movie we watched, Lone Survivor?”

  I have to really think hard. Most of the times I fell asleep while we were watching a movie.

  “The one where the guy falls down the mountain, breaks his leg, and makes it to that tiny village?”

  “Yeah, you couldn’t believe he survived all of that. That’s your dad, Evie. He’s trained to survive anything.”

  “He searched for me, Rhett,” I whisper. “He thought I was dead.”

  Rhett’s mouth twitches at the corner. “But you found him, Evie. That’s amazing.”

  “There was just something inside of me that wouldn’t let me give up.”

  “After meeting your dad, I now understand where you get your strength from.”

  I frown at his words. “Dad says I’m like mom, that she wouldn’t have given up either.”

  “You’re a survivor, Evie, just like him. No matter what life throws at you, you get up, and you keep trying. I’ve always admired that most about you.”


  After meeting with Rhett, I catch a cab to take me to Marilyn’s.

  It was really nice seeing Rhett again. We talked about so many things. It’s funny how I learned more about him in the last four hours than I did in the two years back when we were in school.

  When the cab stops in front of the restaurant, my stomach tightens. I’ve been doing my best to avoid Kyle since he lost his temper and said all those cruel things to me. But it’s time I face him.


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