The Enforcer (NHL Scorpions)

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The Enforcer (NHL Scorpions) Page 16

by Nikki Worrell

  When Lacey told him his full name, the officer said, “I know the name. My wife loves him.”

  Lacey was about to ask if another officer could take her information as she didn’t want this guy thinking Steven wasn’t a threat just because he played beautiful music, but then he added, “You just never know what a person is really like, do you?”

  “Well, I guess I didn’t even know what he was really like until the day of my wedding. Believe me, I still feel like a fool.” She would never get over the fact that she was so blind to Steven’s infidelities.

  “Okay, this is what we can do for you. Unfortunately, there’s not a judge in the state that will issue a restraining order based on verbal threats that you can’t prove.” Jody’s hand tightened on hers, and Lacey hoped he wasn’t going to start with the officer about not being able to get a restraining order, but he didn’t say a word and the officer continued, “What I can do is document your visit and have you fill out a harassment complaint so that we have something on file. I know it’s not what you came looking for, but we have to follow the proper channels. I will tell you, though, that verbal threats should never be taken lightly. I would suggest that you carry your phone with you at all times and think about taking a self-defense class or carrying pepper spray until you see if he’s truly a threat.” The officer gave her a kind smile. “You did the right thing coming here, Ms. Benoit. I hope that you never need a restraining order, but at least now we have your story documented.”

  Lacey filled out all the paperwork, and the officer gave her a copy. When she left the building with Jody in tow, she felt marginally better just for taking a step at protecting herself. Reaching her car, Jody pulled a small bag out of his pocket and gave it to her with a sheepish grin. “I kind of took the liberty of buying this for you.” Inside the bag were two canisters of pepper spray. One was for her purse, and the other was for her keychain. “Please don’t be mad. I know you can take care of yourself … well, actually, I don’t know that. Dammit Lacey, move in with me until we can figure this out. I can’t stand the thought of you out there with that bastard around.” He looked down at the ground between them and added, “Please.”

  He was too cute. She could tell how hard he was trying not to be overbearing. In this instance, she didn’t mind his protective nature because there was an actual threat against her. “Thank you Jody, but no. He won’t chase me out of Zoe’s house. She has an alarm system that we’ll use every time we open and close the door until this situation is resolved. I promise to always have my phone and pepper spray on me. That’s the best I can do.”

  Lacey stretched up on her tiptoes to give him a kiss. “I have to go back to work. I’ll talk to you later.” She reached up and brushed an errant strand of hair off his forehead. “Thank you for being here with me.”

  Jody grabbed her right before she turned around to get into her car. He wrapped her in his arms and held her for bit with his face buried in her hair. “Please be safe, Lace, okay?” He kissed her forehead and left.

  When Saturday morning rolled around, Lacey was both excited and apprehensive at the same time. She couldn’t wait to see Jody again, but she was worried about Steven showing up. The anticipation of when he would actually show was getting to Zoe, too.

  “Why doesn’t that fucker just show up already? You should have kept your old number just so we would know what he was planning. Vlad’s called me twice already this morning on my work cell phone. He’s almost as bad as Jody, and I’m not the one being threatened, nor is Vlad my boyfriend. What am I going to do with him?” Zoe realized she was rambling. “Sorry, I got a bit off topic.”

  Lacey looked at Zoe and shook her head. “No problem. What are you going to do about Vlad anyway? There’s obviously a strong pull between you two. It’s a real shame to waste it.”

  “I know, but what can I do? We’re not allowed to date. The rules are very clear on this. I’ve worked hard to get where I am. I can’t lose my job. Even if he got traded, and I was allowed to date him, it’s still not right. He could come back to the team at any time. No, it’s for the best that I don’t date players at all anymore.” Zoe handed her phone to Lacey. “Will you please call Vlad and tell him we’re fine, and he is not to use my work cell phone unless he needs me in a professional manner?”

  Lacey took the phone from her and made the call. Vlad picked up on the first ring.

  “What the fuck took you so long to call me back? I was about to come over there.”

  “Well, hello Vlad. This is Lacey. Zoe asked me to call you and tell you we’re fine, and that you can’t use this number unless you need her professional help.” Lacey heard a loud bang on the other end of the line.

  Vlad let out a loud breath and said, “Sorry Lacey. I’m kinda going nuts over here. Now I understand how Jody feels. Have you heard from that freak yet?”

  “No, I haven’t. Relax. He’s not just going to come over here and beat us up for Christ’s sake! I have my pepper spray, and Zoe isn’t even on his radar-it’s me he wants. I’ll see you tonight.”

  Vlad told her that he wasn’t going to the skate. “What? Why?” Lacey asked.

  “Zoe won’t go because of me, and I’m not leaving her there in the house alone with Steven lurking around. I’ll sit on the steps outside if I have to.”

  Lacey looked at Zoe and rolled her eyes. “If you want to sit on the steps all night, have at it. I’ll talk to you later, Vlad.” Lacey hung up and handed Zoe back her phone.

  “Vlad seems to have taken the same class Jody did. He said he’s going to sit on your steps so you’re not alone tonight since he knows you won’t let him in. You have to admit, it’s kind of sweet. And you know he’s going to do exactly what he said he would. He’s going to sit on those steps all night or until Steven shows up.”

  Zoe groaned and put her head down on the table, forehead to tile. Then she mumbled to Lacey, “Again-what am I going to do with him? Do you have any idea how hard it is to keep pushing him away?”

  Lacey felt awful. If not for her, there wouldn’t be any of the Steven drama to add to the mess that was Zoe and Vlad. “I’m really sorry. I’ve made things a mess here. I should have stayed in Maine.”

  “What? Are you kidding? Lacey, none of this is your fault. You can’t control what people do. Come on, you know you didn’t do anything to make any of this happen. It’ll all work out; it’s just going to be a bumpy ride.” Zoe certainly didn’t hold Lacey responsible for any of it. It was all due to men. Every bit of drama they were going through in the past couple of weeks had one common denominator. Each problem involved a man. Go figure. Putting her head back down on the table, Zoe said, “This is precisely why women become lesbians. Men are such a pain in the ass!”

  “Amen to that. But they’re yummy, too.” Lacey needed to get out of there, and Zoe needed something else to occupy her mind. “Let’s go shopping, Zoe. We can walk around downtown and hit some of the boutiques.” She was not going to sit home all day waiting for Steven to show up, and Jody wasn’t picking her up until five o’clock.

  The girls decided to take the trolley instead of driving. The trolley was just two dollars each way and ran right past Zoe’s house.

  The first shop they stopped in sold upscale cocktail dresses. Even though Lacey wasn’t looking for those kinds of clothes, she was starting to like wearing dresses and wanted to try something fancy on. She noticed that Jody couldn’t keep his eyes off her legs when she wore her sundress, and she had to admit, it was empowering. Her views had changed on her ‘no dresses’ rule. She used to believe that women looked weak when they wore dresses – like they needed a man around. But now Lacey felt dresses just may be a woman’s strength. She drew the line at heels, though. Sandals or flats only for her.

  Zoe walked over to a little red number and held it up to Lacey. “Oh my God, Lacey, you have to try it on. You’d bring Jody to his knees wearing this!” Lacey stared at the dress in horror. There was nothing to it. She could never wear it in public, bu
t she tried it on anyway, otherwise, Zoe would never have left her alone.

  The dress (if you could call it that) was open in the front to just above her belly button. Strands of rhinestones that left most of her breasts exposed held the two sides of it together. “Zoe, get in here!” When Zoe was in the dressing room with her, Lacey asked, “How the hell do I keep my boobs in this?”

  “Well, you tape them to keep them pushed up since you can’t wear a bra, and we’ll put that non slip tape stuff they sell so that the material doesn’t slip. Sexy you want, but you don’t want to have a nipple peek out at the wrong time.” Zoe had seen busty girls tape their boobs before when they couldn’t wear a bra.

  “Tape them? You’re insane. Besides that, do you see the slit up the side? It comes all the way up to mid-thigh. And look at the back!” The back of the gown was held together by three thicker strands of rhinestones that hung on her back like a waterfall, and it was cut all the way down to just above her ass. If she sat down, she’d be showing more than she’d want to. “I’m not even sure Jody would like this. Remember his little issue? This dress will draw entirely too much attention.” Lacey wasn’t tooting her own horn, but she would definitely be noticed in the dress.

  “I think that may be the best reason of all to buy it. Think of it as therapy for him.” In the end, Zoe convinced her to buy the dress and also a pair of black heels. Lacey agreed to buy a pair of two inch heels and no higher. She’d fall flat on her face if she tried anything higher. Of course, Zoe picked out shoes for her with straps that wrapped around her leg and went about two inches above her ankle. Lacey had to admit, she felt like a sexy vixen in the dress and shoes, but the outfit set her back almost four hundred dollars.

  With her bags in hand, they left the store. “I cannot believe I let you talk me into buying this. Where in the hell am I even going to wear this stuff?” Thinking about Jody’s reaction to the outfit, she couldn’t help but want to show him. “I’m going to have to make him take me to some swanky restaurant.”

  Zoe agreed. “It won’t be a hardship for him. You could ask him to take you to the moon, and he’d try to book a flight. The man has it bad.”

  They walked around a little while longer, and Lacey bought another new outfit for the skating party. When it was close to two o’clock, they headed back to the trolley stop. That’s when they saw him. Steven was following them.

  Zoe saw him first. When Lacey followed Zoe’s gaze, she almost dropped her purchases. Part of her honestly thought he was going to stay in London. What should they do? He was pretty far away on the other side of the street. A trolley was just starting to leave when Zoe yelled at it to wait. They ran as fast as they could and got on the trolley, leaving Steven trying to cross the street to get to them. And he looked pissed.

  “Shit. I was hoping against hope that he wouldn’t come back. I don’t feel so brave anymore, Zoe. What should we do?”

  Since her bravado had left the building, Lacey gave in and called Jody.

  “Hi Lace, everything okay?” It had taken every ounce of self-control Jody had (and some he didn’t) for him to stay away from Lacey all day knowing that Steven was supposed to be back.

  “Well, here’s the thing. Now don’t freak out.” Okay, maybe she shouldn’t have said that. As soon as someone says something like that, the person tends to do exactly what he or she was told not to do.

  Hearing the uncertainty in Lacey’s voice, Jody grabbed his keys and headed out the door. “Where are you, Lace? Don’t argue with me either, just tell me where you are.”

  For once, Lacey didn’t mind Jody’s tone of voice. “Zoe and I are on the trolley on our way back to Zoe’s. We went shopping in town and saw Steven. I guess he was following us. Apparently, I’m not a brave as I thought, so I called you.” A part of Lacey hated herself for her weakness. Calling Jody could backfire on all of them. He was like a ticking time bomb where Steven was concerned.

  “I want you to stay on the phone with me until I get to you. I’m on my way to Zoe’s. If you don’t see my truck when you get to your stop, just keep riding the trolley, okay?” Jody hoped for once that Lacey would just do as he said. He admired her independence (well, most of the time), but this wasn’t the time to be stubborn.

  When she immediately agreed, Jody felt his heart twist. Lacey wasn’t afraid of anything. She was always full of attitude, and he didn’t like to hear the fear in her voice. He was going to beat that piece of shit into the ground. He really hoped Steven was stupid enough to show up at the house.

  Jody was already at Zoe’s by the time the trolley pulled up to its stop, and the girls stepped off. There was no sign of Steven yet. As they were walking up the stairs to the door, they heard another car pull up fast and a door slam. Jody told them to get into the house.

  “Wait Jody, we don’t know if he’ll actually do anything. You can’t just attack him.”

  “The hell I can’t. No one gets away with threatening my girl.” Lacey just knew Jody was going to do something stupid and get in trouble. This was such a mess.

  The driver of the car came into view, and they saw that it was not Steven. It was Vlad.

  Ignoring both girls, Vlad walked over to Jody. “Did he show up?” Vlad got tired of waiting for something to happen and decided to go sit guard at Zoe’s.

  “No, but the girls saw him in town. He’s either still in town, or he won’t come near because we’re here. Let’s go in and see if he’ll come. I’d like to get this prick taken care of for good.” When Jody and Vlad walked up the stairs to go into the house, Zoe stopped Vlad with a hand to his chest.

  “Thank you for your concern, but I don’t need you here, Vlad. I want you to leave.” Vlad didn’t answer her. He simply picked her up, slung her over his shoulder in a fireman’s hold, and walked into the house. Zoe was kicking and screaming, but Vlad continued up the stairs and flopped her down onto the first bed he saw. She propped herself up on her elbows, but Vlad gently pushed her back down and covered her body with his.

  “Get this into your head, Zoe Millis. I know we can’t be together, but I’m not going to stay home and watch TV when I know someone is around who might hurt you. Got it?” Before she had a chance to answer him, he grabbed her hands, pinning them above her head, and kissed her senseless.

  Zoe struggled against him for about one point two seconds before giving in with a moan. When she parted her lips, and flicked her tongue against his, Vlad got up. “Shit. Sorry Zoe, I know I promised you I wouldn’t do that.” Zoe watched him, dumbfounded, as he swiped a hand down his face, turned around and bounded down the stairs.

  Steven knocked on the door about fifteen minutes later. Lacey answered it with Jody lurking behind her.

  “I told you not to come here, Steven.” When Steven took a step forward to go into the house, Lacey shut the door a little, making her meaning clear. “You’re not welcome here. Go back to London, and leave me alone.”

  “Come on, Lacey. I’m getting real tired of the way you’re treating me. Let’s go talk.” Steven grabbed Lacey’s arm. She pulled it back.

  “I’m not going anywhere with you, and I’m not talking to you. I went to the police station yesterday and told them about the threat you made against me.” Maybe that would finally knock some sense into him.

  “What? You know I didn’t mean that, babe. I love you; I would never hurt you. Just come back with me, and it’ll all be fine, you’ll see.” Steven grabbed her arm again, a bit tighter than the first time.

  “Lace?” Jody whispered. “Let me take care of this. I need him to leave. If he touches you again, I’m going to kill him. Dead.” Jody reached around and took Steven’s hand off Lacey. He pulled Lacey behind him and pushed Steven out the door and down the steps. Lacey wasn’t sure which Jody was scarier. Was it irrational yelling Jody or calm, quiet Jody?

  “I warned you once about touching her. I’ve thought about what I would do to you if you came back, and here you are. I’m not going to beat you until you’re bloody
like I want to. No, the next time you touch her, I’m going to break every one of your fingers. Do you understand what that means? No more piano. I will break them all.” Jody was clenching his hands into fists so hard he was shaking. He couldn’t believe he hadn’t snapped yet, but he was close. “You need to get out of here now before I change my mind and beat the ever loving shit out of you anyway.” With a hearty push Jody helped him along the way to his car. “Get the hell out of here!”

  Finally, Steven did the smart thing and left. But as he was getting into his rental car, he yelled to Lacey. “I’ll come around when he’s not here so we can talk.”

  With Steven gone, Lacey relaxed a bit. Vlad took up his vigil on the steps, and Jody asked Lacey to go home with him and leave for the skating party from there. Deciding not to push his control anymore for that day (she was very proud of him), she gathered her overnight bag and said goodbye to Zoe.

  “Bye Zoe. Vlad’s sitting on the steps if you want to throw him some dinner later.” Lacey couldn’t help but enjoy the Zoe/Vlad saga a bit. She knew Zoe enjoyed the Lacey/Jody saga so turn about was fair play.

  “Bye Lacey, have a great night. Do you have your special things?” Knowing that tonight was the night, Zoe wanted to give Jody something to think about and watch Lacey blush. It was fun messing with your friends.

  Lacey walked over to Zoe and gave her a hug. She also informed her that if she said another word, Lacey would tell Vlad that Zoe secretly wanted him to bust the door down and take her on the kitchen table. “So shut your mouth girlfriend. It’s a surprise.” Zoe laughed and smacked Lacey’s butt.

  “Have fun tonight,” she said to both of them.

  Jody had to admit, when Lacey walked over to him carrying a good-sized duffle bag, he was intrigued. When they got to his truck, he took it and asked her, “What’s in the bag?”

  “Well, I thought maybe I could sleep over?” Lacey knew that he wanted her, but it was still a little scary putting herself out there. He didn’t say a word as he put her bag in the back. When he turned around to open her door for her, she had a new understanding of seeing desire in someone’s eyes. His looked more intense than she’d ever seen them. She could tell just by the way he looked at her that he was robbed of speech at the thought of her spending the night with him.


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