The Enforcer (NHL Scorpions)

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The Enforcer (NHL Scorpions) Page 21

by Nikki Worrell

  “Shit. I think that’s my fault,” Zoe said, biting her bottom lip.

  Lacey bumped Zoe’s shoulder. “Zoe, how can that be your fault? Vlad’s just not having a good game, that’s all.”

  “Seb wanted to go down to the glass and watch warm ups. We wound up near Vlad’s net, and he saw us. Let’s just say he wasn’t overjoyed to see me with Seb.”

  “That’s a shame, but what are you supposed to do? Never date again? Are you going to hide from Vlad?”

  “Fuck, I don’t know. I feel bad, and I’m sick of it. I don’t want to feel guilty every time I see Vlad.”

  Sebastian was on his way back from the restroom so Lacey spoke fast. “So stop feeling guilty. He got pulled because he sucks tonight. It happens. He’ll figure it out and come back next game.” Lacey handed Zoe another beer. “Here, drink and be merry.”

  Zoe smiled as she took the offered beer, and then she stole Lacey’s nachos, too. “You’re right. Thanks, Lace.”

  It was almost time for Jody to make a statement. Coach wanted him to mix things up when they had about five minutes left to go in the second, but Jody was having a hard time getting Grayson to drop his gloves. Guess I’ll have to take a run at Volku. We’ll see if he lets me check one of their goal scorers. It had to be a clean hit, though, or he’d be taken off the ice before getting the chance to go a round with Grayson.

  Volku got the puck, and Jody checked him hard into the boards. It was a clean hit – thank god – and Volku went down. That’s all it took.

  Grayson came rushing over, dropping his gloves on the way. “You win douchebag, let’s go.”

  “Took you long enough, Dick. You’re even more of a pussy than usual tonight.”

  As they circled each other, Dick kept talking. “Saw your new chick, LaGrange. A little cheap looking, but I guess her legs spread well enough.”

  Jody was going to destroy him. He threw his stick down, dropped his gloves and removed his helmet. “Take your fucking helmet off, asshole.”

  Grayson obliged and got into a fighting stance. Jody quickly grabbed Grayson’s jersey and delivered half a dozen quick rabbit punches to his face.

  Shaking off his elbow protector, Grayson pulled back and got in a direct hit to Jody’s left eye, drawing blood.

  Jody shook his head and responded with a head punch of his own. He got in more rabbit punches, which were throwing Grayson off balance. Just when he thought Grayson was going down, he regained his balance and got Jody with an upper cut that had him seeing stars.

  Fuck if I’m going to let him win this. Redoubling his effort, Jody connected with two solid punches, one to the side of Grayson’s head and one that audibly cracked his nose.

  Grayson caught Jody again in the same spot that was already bleeding, which broke the skin open wider. Uh, that’s going to need stitches. With blood dripping down his face, Jody went wild. He was going to end this. Raining punches on Grayson so quickly that he had no chance to defend himself, he went down, and the crowd erupted with deafening roars.

  Both of them were given a five minute major for fighting, and with less than five minutes to go in the period, they were told to go to their locker rooms instead of the penalty box. Grayson was still yapping at Jody on his way off the ice, so Jody flipped him off, just like his girl did earlier.

  Lacey was a lunatic watching Jody and Grayson fight. When she saw the blood on Jody’s face, she jumped out of her seat and started yelling, “Come on Jody! Beat that fucker into the ground! Get him!” With each punch Jody landed, Lacey yelled some more, “That’s it, baby! Yeah, punch him again!”

  Gary looked at Aidan and asked him if Lacey was always like that at games.

  “Yeah, pretty much. She’s a firecracker. But I think dating Jody might be contributing to her over exuberance tonight.”

  Even though the Scorpions scored three more goals in the third period, it was too little, too late. Losing a pre-season game wasn’t the end of the world, but it still sucked.

  After saying goodbye to her group, Lacey walked out to the players parking area to meet Jody at his truck. He wasn’t there yet so she talked to the security guard until he came out.

  When she saw him walking toward her, she looked him up and down and licked her lips. She wasn’t happy that he got hurt, of course, but the stitches above his eye made him look even sexier than before. They added an element of danger. He looked rough and manly, and she loved it.

  “Keep looking at me like that, Lace, and I’ll be taking you right here in the back seat of my truck.” Jody was always amped up after a game, especially if he had fought. He usually either went out with the guys and shot some pool or went home and tried to relax on the deck or in front of the TV. Now that he had Lacey, though, he couldn’t think of a better way to unwind than with her beneath him, or on top of him. Never let it be said that he didn’t believe in equality.

  “Nice fight there, Chief.” Lacey gently ran her fingers over his cut. “Sorry about the stitches, but Jesus, you look hot. Over the top hot.” Lacey’s breaths were coming out quicker, and Jody shoved her in the truck to avoid shoving her up against it in front of the world.

  Time seemed to crawl as Jody got in the truck and started driving away. He wanted to get home as soon as humanly possible in order to get Lacey naked.

  It was shocking to him that she still seemed to find him attractive – stitches and all. When he had actually looked in the mirror, after his shower at the arena, he saw his black eye and stitches and thought, uglier and uglier.

  With each mile that went by, Jody was getting more desperate to be inside his girl. He slid his hand up her thigh and cupped her, putting pressure on her at the same time. “Lace, I need to be inside you.”

  Lacey knew she was already wet for him. She could feel it. “Good, because I need you there.” Lacey pushed herself against his hand and asked him, “Are you always like this after a game? I can’t wait to see what you’re like after you guys win.”

  “I’ve never felt quite like this. You stir my blood like no one ever has. Sometimes I can’t even think straight when I’m around you.” He’d never get used to the way she looked at him when they were making love. She looked at him like he was the only man who had ever shown her pleasure – like he and he alone could satisfy her.

  Finally, after what seemed like hours, but was only about twenty minutes, Jody pulled into his driveway. He killed the engine and jumped out of the truck. Lacey was already out and on her way up the stairs to the door. She moved out of the way so Jody could open the door. He opened it and pulled Lacey in.

  The door was barely shut when Jody lifted Lacey up and wrapped her legs around his waist. He pushed her up against the door and attacked her lips while he rubbed the underside of her breasts with his thumbs. “Can’t … get … enough.”

  “Take my clothes off. Please.”

  He put her down just long enough to unclothe them both. Then he picked her back up and entered her in one quick thrust as she wrapped her legs around him. “Oh, so good,” she cried out. “Fast and hard.”

  Jody pumped his hips faster and harder, pushing her against the door with each thrust. “Lace, I can’t last like this, I have to slow down.”

  “Fuck, no!” Lacey was already starting to come. As soon as Jody felt her tightening around him, he lost it.

  “Oh God, Lace. I’m sorry, I can’t...” Jody didn’t even finish his sentence as he exploded inside her. Lacey screamed out his name seconds later as he continued to stroke himself inside of her.

  When her breathing slowed, Jody pressed his forehead against hers, and Lacey slowly lowered her legs to the floor. “Wow,” she said, “I’ve never been taken like that before. I’ve always wanted to be pushed up against a door.”

  Jody was embarrassed that he came so quickly. “Lace, I’m sorry. I didn’t last long. I’ll make it up to you.” He smiled at her and proceeded to tell her exactly how he’d make it up to her. Picking her up, he took them both into the shower and started
right there.

  Lacey and Jody settled into a routine over the next several weeks. Lacey stayed at Jody’s house when he was traveling with the team, but she still stayed with Zoe when he was home. He had asked her to move in with him, but she wasn’t quite ready to leave Zoe’s yet. It seemed like such a whirlwind romance, and she was leery of taking that step so soon.

  Jody made a phone appointment with Zoe when he was on the road to further discuss his lack of control. He thought he was holding his own, but he still felt the rage inside when someone looked at Lacey the wrong way.

  At three o’clock sharp, four days after Jody had left for the Scorpions’ weeklong road trip, Zoe’s office phone rang.

  “Dr. Millis.”

  “Hi Zoe, it’s Jody.”

  “Hi Jody, how are you? Great game the other night.” The Scorpions had taken the Devils down four to one. Jody got an assist for passing the puck to their captain, who shot it through the five hole to score. Jody didn’t play on the same line as Keith, but they were making a line change, and he happened to still be on the ice when the puck found its way to him. Keith had just stepped onto the ice, and the Devils were changing, also. It was perfect timing for the Devils to have a sloppy line change. No one was there to cover Keith, who was waiting at the red line, banging his stick. Jody passed it over, and Keith took it in. It was sweet!

  “Thanks, it’s not every night that I get a point. Feels good to get an assist.” Jody didn’t mind being their enforcer, hell, he loved his job, but it was still satisfying to see that point for assisting in a goal.

  “It was a pretty sweet play. So, what’s up Jody?”

  “Well, it’s this control or anger issue, whatever you want to call it. When we talked last time, you came up with the counting thing, and it worked.” Jody scratched his head. He wasn’t sure how to explain what he was feeling. “But it’s like it only worked for that one issue or something.”

  “Okay, why do you think it worked then? I assume you’re talking about letting Lacey deal with Steven in her own way?” Zoe knew that it had to have been hard for Jody to leave Steven alone. She knew he felt like he was supposed to have beaten him to a pulp, and Cage beat him to it.

  “I don’t know. I think maybe it was because I did it for her. If it was up to me, I would have broken every one of his goddamn fingers like I told him I would, but Lacey asked me not to, and I’d do just about anything for her.” Besides that, he knew she was right. Life isn’t like hockey. In hockey, he could pound on someone, and the only consequence was that he had to sit in the sin bin for five minutes. In real life, he could go to jail. What a shame life wasn’t more like hockey.

  “Even though you did it for her, Jody, I’d say that’s a pretty big victory. You controlled yourself long enough to think it through, and you made the right decision. Is there something specific you’re having trouble with now?”

  “I wouldn’t say there is any one thing, but I still feel rage when someone looks at her, you know? I don’t even like Aidan hugging her, and he’s gay for Christ’s sake! I know it’s not rational to be like this. It’s far beyond jealousy. I want to rip his fucking arms off when he hugs her.” Jody realized his faux pas too late. “Oh, uh, sorry, I know he’s your brother and all.” Fuck.

  Zoe just laughed. “No problem. I also know that you wouldn’t hurt him for that. Jealousy can be destructive to a relationship, but I think that as long as you are addressing it, you’re well ahead of the game. Do you trust Lacey?”

  “Sure. I mean, I think I do. What exactly do you mean?”

  “Do you trust her not to be with another man? Have you two even talked about not dating other people? It’s important to set some ground rules so that you both know what kind of relationship you’re in.” Zoe didn’t know the answer to that question. She hadn’t had a long talk with Lacey in a while.

  “Well, I told her that I love her, and I know she has feelings for me, but maybe you’re right. Maybe I would feel more secure if I heard her say that she won’t date anyone else.” He thought about that for a minute. “Huh, I guess I really do need to hear her say it. I guess that makes me pretty pathetic, eh?” Lacey made him weak, but maybe she made him stronger, too. He wanted to be a better man for her.

  “No Jody, it makes you human. There’s not a person alive who doesn’t have some kind of insecurity. And again, you’re ahead of the game because you’re smart enough to address it. I think you’re doing a bang up job of changing the things that you want to about yourself. Talk to Lacey. I do think that if she tells you that she isn’t interested in dating anyone but you, you’ll find that you can trust that she won’t be swayed by another man, and your jealously will lessen.” Zoe thought Jody was doing a fabulous job of conquering his trigger points that set him off. And holy shit! Lacey hadn’t told her that he said the L word.

  “I will. Thanks Zoe. I never thought I’d get anything out of talking to a therapist, but you really are helping me. I was afraid that I’d be uncomfortable around you when we all go to the bar or wherever, but I’m not. Thanks for keeping our sessions separate from my everyday life.” It couldn’t be easy. It was like she had two different people inside of her, but it worked.

  “I’m glad you’re finding our talks helpful, Jody. I never want you to feel uncomfortable and anything you say to me, stays with me.”

  “Great. I’m going to get my nap in now before the game. Thanks for talking to me.” Most of the guys tried to get an hour or so of sleep in on a game day.

  “Anytime, Jody. Have a great game. We’ll be watching! I took some allergy meds and am going to try to watch the game at your house with Lacey and Izzy. Wish me luck.” Zoe hoped it worked.

  Jody laughed. “Well, enjoy my girls, Zoe. Goodnight.”

  It was the day before Halloween, and Lacey could not wait until Jody got home from his latest road trip. He’d only been gone for three days this time, but between her work schedule, his schedule and the time difference, they’d hardly even had time for a good conversation. She missed him and finally admitted to herself that she loved him. Even though they had only been together a little over two months, it seemed like much longer. She loved him with every fiber of her being, and she wanted to tell him.

  He was due to get home around four o’clock, and Lacey wanted to be at his house when he did. A homemade meal never tasted better than after eating out for days on end. At least Lacey thought so, and she was going to cook for Jody. He said he liked spicy, so she was cooking a Mexican dinner.

  She had just put the chicken in the oven when she heard the door open. “Lace? Where are you? I’m so glad to be home.”

  “Follow your nose!” She heard him put his travel bag down. Footsteps fell on the tile as he came closer to her, and then he was standing in front of her. “I missed you,” she told him, “I’m glad you’re back.”

  Lacey launched herself into his arms, burying her face in his neck. That’s when she caught the scent. A feminine scent. Not quite perfume, but feminine all the same. Oh God, oh God, oh God. No, please no, not Jody, too.

  Jody felt Lacey stiffen immediately. He pulled her away and looked into her eyes. Her eyes were shiny with unshed tears, but they also held anger. “Hey, what’s wrong, Angel?”

  “I can’t believe it. Aw, Jody, not you. How? How could you do this to me?” Lacey was mortified when a sob escaped her. She covered her face and turned away from him.

  “Lace, sweetheart, what are you talking about?” He tried to put his arms around her, but she whirled around and shoved him away.

  She was incredibly sad, but she was also getting pissed. “You forgot to shower, sweetheart. I can smell her on you. I can smell her scent on your skin.” Lacey felt her anger kick up a notch when she saw a smile break out on his face as he figured out what she meant.

  “Aw, Lace. I smell like a woman because I stole your soap to take with me on the road. I wanted to feel like you were close to me. It’s your lavender soap. I even had to shower twice so the guys would
n’t smell it on me in the mornings.” Jody pulled her into his arms and ran his hands over her back in soothing circles. When she finally put her arms around his waist, he tilted her head back to make her look at him. “Lacey Benoit, listen to me good. I love you. I love you more than anything in the entire world. I never knew it was possible to love someone so much. If I thought you’d say yes, I’d marry you tomorrow. Now read my lips, I will never … ever be unfaithful to you.” Just to make sure she had zero doubts, he went over to his suitcase and pulled out her soap, putting it on the counter before her.

  Lacey felt like a fool. It was one of those moments she wished she could take back – rewind time and handle it differently. “I’m sorry, Jody. I … I don’t know what else to say. It wasn’t fair of me to just accuse you like that. You don’t deserve-” Jody put a finger to her lips.

  “Stop Lace, it’s okay. If you want to make it up to me, promise me that you’ll be faithful to me, too.” He never did talk to her about their relationship after he spoke to Zoe. He meant to, but it just never came about.

  Lacey was taken aback by that, and blurted out, “Huh? Of course I will. I love you.” Okay, that was not the way she wanted to tell him that. Another moment she’d like to take back.

  Jody went perfectly still. He felt like he’d just won the lottery of a lifetime. She loved him? Truly? Nothing would ever compare to that moment. Nothing. Not even hoisting the Stanley Cup. His voice horse, he commanded, “Say it again.”

  Lacey smiled at him and looked him in the eyes. Giving him a gentle kiss on his lips, she whispered, “I love you, Jody LaGrange. I love you more than chocolate.” Jody laughed at that.

  “More than chocolate, eh? That makes me happy. I know how much you love chocolate.” Jody hugged her tighter and rested his chin on her head. “Thank you.”

  “For loving you more than chocolate?” He didn’t say anything for the space of a few heartbeats.


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