Cheaper to Keep Her (part 1)

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Cheaper to Keep Her (part 1) Page 10

by Swinson presents Unique, Kiki

  “Grow up Lynise. Or get your own shit and get the fuck outta mine. Oh wait, you can’t because you ain’t got shit . . . everything you got I gave you. If you want to keep it that way then stay the fuck out of my way and just go with the flow.”

  With that, he exited the room and slammed the front door behind him.

  I fell back on the bed and let the tears run. I still hadn't been able to tell him that I was carrying his child. One part of me wanted to pack up my shit and leave.

  I didn’t know if I could just accept Duke’s blatant disrespect, but another part of me was convinced that when I broke the good news to him about our baby he would jump for joy and finally put a ring on it.

  Cheaper to Keep Her Unique

  Chapter 17—It Ain’t Personal

  I woke up the next morning to a ringing phone.

  I jumped up hoping it was Duke calling to apologize to me for his horrible attitude and behavior. But it wasn’t him. It was Diamond again. This time she was checking in on me.

  “What’s up, Diamond? I’m fine,” I mumbled, my voice still groggy with sleep.

  She immediately went for the jugular, asking me that important question, whether or not I had told Duke about the baby? I told her the truth that I didn’t tell him yet. Diamond went on and on about not telling him about the baby and to just get rid of it. For some reason she didn’t see it like I did. Maybe hindsight is twenty/twenty, but at the time, I thought the baby was all I had left to save my relationship with Duke.

  I quickly got off the phone with Diamond. I wasn’t in the mood to hear what she was talking about that early in the damn morning.

  I toyed with the idea of calling Duke and just telling him the news over the phone, but I really wanted to see him. I wanted to watch his reaction when he found out. I wanted to be the recipient of his hugs and kisses. I wanted to feel his excitement. Those visions of Duke’s fantasy reaction quickly faded from my mind when I remembered that he hardly ever answered my calls and he had just cursed me out and treated me like shit. I sighed loudly and stared at my cell phone. From how things looked, I finally settled in my mind that I would be telling Duke the news via telephone.

  It took me three starts and stops to finally place a single call to Duke.

  When he answered his phone, my heart immediately started pumping wildly. When his voice filtered through the phone I could tell he was annoyed with my call.

  “Duke, I don’t want to fight. I want to talk to you . . . in person,” I said in a low voice.

  “Lynise, I can’t come there right now. I’m taking care of business,” Duke said dryly. He sounded like he hated my guts now. He wasn’t even referring to me as Beautiful anymore. I was just plain ole Lynise to him now.

  “Please, Duke. I’m begging to see you. I have to tell you something important,” I implored. I had sat up in the bed. My head was spinning and I felt like throwing up. The morning sickness was coming on with a vengeance.

  “Naw, I’m not up for no emotional bullshit today,” Duke snapped. “You gon’ have to tell me over the phone or don’t tell me at all.”

  I closed my eyes and shook my head. I swear it was like this man went from an angel to the devil himself all in a matter of days. I just couldn’t believe how he was speaking to me and treating me all of a sudden.

  I swallowed hard and reluctantly proceeded to give him the news over the phone. “Duke, I’m pregnant,” I said, almost whispering.

  I heard him breathe hard like he was annoyed. He didn’t say anything.

  “Did you hear what I said? I’m pregnant with our baby!” I repeated in an urgent tone, my voice much louder now.

  “Look, what you want me to say? I ain’t got no kids for a reason, a’ight. So what you gon’ do?”

  His question felt like a slap in the face and his reaction felt like a kick in the gut. I was fighting hard to keep my composure. I didn’t want to start yelling and screaming, but I sure felt like it.

  “What do you mean what am I going to do?” I snapped back with attitude. “I thought you’d be happy. It’s our baby. Duke, this baby was conceived out of love. I’m not some teenage girl that you need to ask what I’m gonna do.” I was fucking offended and devastated. This was followed by the tears falling. I took a deep breath.

  “I’m not gonna be happy about no baby. I’m a businessman and I’m busy,” Duke said coldly. “I ain’t got time to raise no kid. Look, if it’s money you want, I got that. I really don’t care what you do with that baby.”

  “That baby?” I screamed at him. “Duke, it is your fucking baby too! You are a real cold bastard! God don’t like ugly—” Then I heard the phone go dead. Duke had hung up on me. I composed myself and decided I wouldn’t shed any more tears over this shit. I was just going to handle my business and some of Duke’s business too. He didn’t know who he was fucking with.

  I spent a week crying and not eating before I finally realized I was stronger than that. It seemed like after I told Duke about the baby he spent even less time coming to the condo. I hadn’t seen him in over a week.

  I pulled myself out of bed on a Saturday morning, showered and woke up with a new attitude. I decided I was going to be Duke Carrington’s woman if it was the last thing that I did. I was determined. After I had a full breakfast for the first time in a week, I quickly made myself an abortion appointment. If Duke didn’t want a baby, I wasn’t going to force one on him. I had a new found fervor to give Duke everything he wanted. I wanted things to be exactly how it was when we first met.

  My appointment was next Tuesday. Enough time for me to get my matted, nappy ass hair done. I needed both a manicure and pedicure. I wanted to look real good when Duke came to the condo. Since he hadn’t been here in a while, I was expecting him any day.

  I called Diamond and she met up with me. We did a day of Beautiful and shopping and I was feeling slightly happy again. That is, until my cell phone rang with a strange number. I picked it up all excited thinking Duke had gotten a new phone number and was calling me to apologize or tell me he thought about it and was really happy about the baby.

  “Hello!” I sang into my phone.

  “Is this Lynise?” the woman’s voice filtered through the phone. My face immediately turned icy. There were no chicks with my number except Diamond and she was sitting across from me looking in my mouth.

  “Who is this?” I snapped in a harsh whisper.

  “I know you’re fucking Duke and staying in the condo I used to live in. Well, I’m just letting you know, I’m living in the big house, and me and Duke are getting married in two months. I want you out of that condo because once I become Duke’s wife I plan on selling it,” the woman rambled like she was rushing to get the words out.

  “Fuck you bitch! I’m with Duke and until he puts me out of the condo I ain’t goin’ no fucking where!” I belted out.

  Diamond’s eyes grew wide and she tried to grab the phone, so she could curse the bitch out too. But the woman had already hung up.

  “Oh no Lynise. This nigga has gone far enough,” Diamond barked. “He got bitches calling you now? It’s time for you to either bounce or put the fucking screws to his muthafucking ass!”

  “I just can’t believe how he went from a dream to a nightmare. Why didn’t he just leave me alone in the club and let me go on with my life if he knew he was going to be so fucked up,” I lamented.

  “I just heard rumors that he was getting married but you know how Virginia Beach is . . . so I didn’t even pay that no fucking mind,” Diamond confessed. “Geneva, the new hairdresser, is supposed to be doing all of the bridesmaids’ hair . . . or so the rumor goes.”

  “Diamond, why the fuck you always wait until some shit jump off before you tell me these things!” I yelled at her.

  “Because a real friend isn’t going to report shit until I see it with my own eyes!” she replied. “Didn’t I call you when I saw him up in the club?”

  I nodded. She was right. “What am I going to do?” I asked, co

  “Girl, I don’t know what the hell you gonna do. What can you do to a man who has so many businesses, homes and so much money? It ain’t much you can do . . . unless you plan on sending your baby daddy to jail for illegal adoption.”

  She reminded me of just one of the weapons I could use against Duke. When she said that it was like a light bulb had gone off in my head. I knew just what Duke needed . . . to be taught a lesson.

  I stood up frantically. I must’ve startled Diamond because her eyes got wide. I threw some money down on the table for her to pay the bill.

  “Diamond, I gotta go! I will talk to you in a few days,” I said in a huff. With that, I raced to my car.

  I had business to handle.

  Cheaper to Keep Her Unique

  Chapter 18—Moment of Clarity

  I sat behind Duke’s desk inside the den of the condo as if I was really taking care of business.

  I felt important and stately sitting behind the thick oak desk in the leather executive chair.

  “Hi, is Mr. Barrett available?” I said to the woman on the other end of the phone.

  “Ok, this is Mr. Carrington’s secretary and I’m calling to cancel their meeting for tomorrow regarding the new real estate venture,” I lied to Mr. Barrett’s secretary. “Mr. Carrington asked me to give Mr. Barrett a special message, ‘Fuck off crook!’”

  I could tell the secretary on the other end of the line was taken aback. Duke would never be able to do business with real estate mogul Arnold Barrett again.

  “Next up,” I said evilly as I shuffled through Duke’s business contacts and his calendar. “Ewe, this is a good one,” I cackled as I dialed another number. “Good morning. I am the spouse of Mr. Duke Carrington. I am calling to cancel all of our insurance policies with your company.”

  “Yes, homeowners, business and all cars,” I lied to the customer service representative, in response to his question. “With a few exceptions. Uh, yes. Keep the insurance on the condominium at the Cosmopolitan building and the BMW X6.”

  “Oh, there is more than one BMW X6 listed,” the customer service representative caught me by surprise. “Ok, well keep it on the candy apple red one,” I said really annoyed. Then the bitch told me both were candy apple red. I was starting to feel like a fool. Duke had bought one of his other bitches the same fucking car.

  “Ok, I will give you the VIN for the one to keep,” I grumbled. I started fumbling with my pocketbook for the registration to my car. I read off the long vehicle identification number to the lady.

  “Yes, that will be all. No, you cannot ask why we have cancelled our policies with your company!” I snapped and hung up the phone.

  I put my head in my hands for a minute. Duke just didn’t know who he had fucked with. “Next, cancelling his liquor license, all of his light and gas at his other homes, all of his upcoming meetings . . . and if he fucks with me, my next stop will be the police station with these fucking pictures.”

  I opened up the folder I had just found that contained photos of young pregnant girls, along with medical records and pictures of newborn babies. The folder also had dates of when the babies were sold, how much this bastard had sold the babies for and the rich muthafuckas who had bought them. When Duke had locked this folder up at the condo, I guess he was trying to hide it from his precious fiancée who claimed she lived at his mansion. Well, he underestimated me, the hood rat he picked up from the dirt, as he told me. I was about to bring this nigga to his knees. I planned on keeping the folder as my big gun to use at a later date. In the meantime, I continued my secret assault on all of his business ventures and personal life.

  I picked up my cell phone and dialed another number. “Hi, yes, this is Mr. Carrington’s secretary, I’d like to tell you that your lease at his building is being terminated,” I lied yet to another person.

  “No, we will not accept an extra thousand dollars a month rent, we want you out by the end of the week, thanks,” I said in response to the counteroffer. I had to laugh when I hung up the phone. Everybody I had called so far was always shocked to hear the bad news. This shit was amusing. Duke’s money was going to start drying up real fast. I had taken even more money out of his precious lockbox. My stash bag was damn near full. I was unleashing the heat on Duke’s ass. I just needed to take care of a few more things before I officially got the fuck out of dodge.

  I had my abortion at the clinic on Newtown Road in Virginia Beach, without telling Duke shit. I planned to continue walking around like I was pregnant so I could take that fucking bastard for every dime I could get out of him. When I got home from the clinic I felt a little weak, but other than that I wasn’t feeling anything. I wasn’t really bleeding that much. As soon as I walked in the condo, I knew Duke was there. The alarm didn’t ask for a code and it didn’t beep when I came through the door. I took a deep breath and prepared myself for what was to come.

  Duke walked out of the bedroom and looked at me suspiciously. My heart started thumping.

  “Where you been?” he asked me.

  “Hi, Duke. I’m fine,” I said sarcastically. “I haven’t seen you in almost three weeks and the first thing you ask me is where have I been!” I snapped back.

  “Answer the question,” Duke retorted nastily.

  “I was at the doctor. I needed to get something to take for my morning sickness . . . not that you care,” I lied.

  Duke seemed to soften a little bit when I said that. He dug into his pocket and pulled out a wad of cash.

  “Here, this is for you and the . . . the—” Duke started but he couldn’t say it. A four letter damn word and he couldn’t spit it out. One simple word, four damn letters.

  “The baby! The fucking baby, Duke . . . your baby!” I screamed, finishing his sentence for him.

  “I didn’t come here to fight,” Duke replied. “I came to see how you were doing and to drop off some cash to you.”

  “Well, thank you for finally deciding I was worth checking on!” I barked. “Drop off some cash to me like I’m some cheap whore. I guess I am since you getting married in two months! Did you know that your new fiancé called me up to tell me you were getting married?”

  Duke’s black ass seemed to turn pale when I told him that.

  “Why Duke? Why would you even bring me into this if you were with someone else?” I asked. I was trying so hard to fight off my tears.

  “Because I want my cake and I want to eat it too,” Duke said matter-of-factly. “I pay like I weigh so I’m able to have any woman I want . . . and if I decide to have a hundred that’s what I will do. I take care of you and as long as I make money and give you some, you shouldn’t have a problem with what I do.” He was dead ass serious with that bullshit too.

  “You ain’t never heard the song, ‘she ain’t nothing but a gold digger . . . she ain’t messing with no broke niggas?’ That’s all of ya’ll women so as long as a nigga got money I’m gon’ keep fucking with ya’ll trifling ass gold diggers. Seems to me, ya’ll got the best pussy anyway,” Duke said, laughing evilly.

  “You ain’t never heard the saying it’s cheaper to keep her?” I retorted. “Well, you better take heed to that one because in some cases . . . we ain’t all gold diggers.” I walked away from Duke and went into the bedroom and slammed the door.

  When I was sure Duke had left, I ran into the closet and checked my stash. It was still there, untouched. I wiped sweat from my head, relieved that Duke hadn’t found it. Now that I had gotten rid of the baby, it was time for me to start putting my Plan B into action. I knew it wasn’t going to be long before Duke found out about what I had done to his businesses. I sat down in the closet and starting counting the money I had taken. I had amassed close to ten thousand dollars. Shit, that even surprised me. I hadn’t even been stealing from Duke that long.

  When I was finished counting and hiding the money, I called Diamond. Once again, she dropped a bomb on me. She told me she had heard Duke was having his engagement party at an exclusive cou
ntry club in Virginia Beach, not too far from the damn condo I was living in. I didn’t even get mad or upset like I usually did. I had long since left those emotions behind me. Now, it was all about getting even.

  I called some dudes from the ’hood I grew up with. I told them there would be all kinds of luxury cars outside of the country club and I wanted every one of the cars to be destroyed, stolen or vandalized in some way that would cost the owners a fortune to fix. Once I started rattling off car types—Escalades, BMWs, Porsches—it didn’t take long to convince my little wannabe gangsta friends to get to work. They knew just where to get the most money for those types of car parts. There were chop shops all over Virginia Beach.

  With that being done, I set out to do more damage to Duke’s life. My next deed was to fuck up his bank accounts, investments and really destroy him financially.

  If I couldn’t have the fucking money as his wife, nobody would.

  Cheaper to Keep Her Unique

  Chapter 19—The Break-Up

  Three days had passed and I still hadn’t heard anything from Duke.

  He hadn’t been back to the condo and at this point I didn’t want to see him. The streets were buzzing about his impending marriage. Then I received a call from him.

  “Hello,” I answered.

  “Bitch! You better be gone when I get back to town. I want you the fuck out of my condo and out of my fucking life,” Duke barked into the phone. A cold sweat broke out all over my body.

  “What are you talking about Duke?” I screamed, acting like I didn’t know what was going on.

  “You a lying ass bitch! You ain’t pregnant bitch! I know you had a fucking abortion. I also know you been fucking with my money and my business! That shit ain’t gon’ be tolerated . . . now, if you wanna live, I suggest you be the fuck out of my place when I get there!”

  I couldn’t get a word in edge wise. I was on my feet pacing now. I was nervous as hell, but I knew this day was coming. That’s why I had changed the fucking locks on the condo and put Plan B into action. I told Diamond I was leaving town. I didn’t think it would be this soon. It was time for me to get my shit together and break out. Duke had threatened to come put me out before but he had never shown up, so I wasn’t even scared.


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