Voices of the Stars

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Voices of the Stars Page 19

by Rowena Whaling

  Then I saw them – Stone Creatures of gruesome visages, heads of twisted bones and cruel grimaces with sardonic smiles, protruding from the walls. “Wait,” I thought, “These are only natural formations of the Rocks, simply exaggerated by the flickering light.” Or were they? But then, deep throaty groans began to emanate from the Stone Creatures nearest my torch. Startled, I turned – shifting my torch toward the next and more hideous head. When I moved they began to silence, but then, the Rocks nearest my torch began to awaken. The groans were deafening... I mused: “Oh, it is just some sort of vibration caused by the heat!”

  Now satisfied with this explanation, I began to move more deeply into the bowels of the Earth, toward an opening from whence the White Spring flowed into the Cave’s main chamber. At that point, the ceiling dropped and the walls narrowed significantly, forming a tunnel-like passage. My breaths began to echo. Of a sudden I felt a great chill come about me as a gust of Wind rushed through the mouth of the Cave. When the Wind entered the narrow passage where I stood, it spiraled around its walls – or at least, so it seemed – then it began to echo too... and echo and echo. The low-pitched whispers magnified. They seemed to be calling to me. “Merrrr-liiin... Merrrr-liiin...” Beyond all reason, I thought to flee.

  I was snatched from my panic when I noticed a very subtle greenish glow coming from somewhere further back in the passage. My wits returned.

  The pungent odor of fear in my perspiration, mixed with the earthen smell of the Cave and the chill in my bones was unsettling, yet on I searched for Caledfwlch.

  The passage split into two paths and then again into three – each of them looking the same. “How easily one could lose their way in this labyrinth,” thought I, but always I followed the green glow.

  I could not say how many twining branches of the passage I had passed or how long I had been at my task – but of a sudden, there it was! I had come face to face with Caledfwlch!

  Someone, at some Time past, had stood the sword upright – its blade held amidst a pile of Rocks, its hilt leaning against the Crystal wall – with the green Stone facing the entry of this last chamber of the Cave. I reverently approached. When the light from my torch hit the sword’s green Stone, it reflected onto the walls and ceiling about me. Then the small chamber’s entire surface was lit with clear Crystals, all the colour of Emeralds. I looked down at my hand... even I was green...

  I spoke to the Spirits of the Cave...

  “Will you think me a thief if I take it? That is if Caledfwlch will truly ‘sing’ for me... The Lady of the Lake told what my Mother had also said: that I am the true and rightful heir of the ancient Kings of the Britons. But the ‘Voices’ told that it was not written in my Stars ‘to be a King, but to make a King – Arthur.’ If Caledfwlch does not sing and glow in my hand, I will leave it here, in your realm – the realm of the Old Gods. But if it does sing for me, then I am honour bound to give it into Arthur’s hand... I just wanted to tell you...”

  I held my breath. “How do I dare touch this ancient relic?”

  My arm reached out to it... I closed my eyes... and then my hand grasped it... I pulled it loose from the Stones that were holding it and raised it into the Air...

  Caledfwlch began to vibrate and Hum – or was that just the shaking of my hand? Then came the famed blue Flame... So it was all true!

  I held it for a few moments, reveling in the Magic. It was like an old friend in my grasp. Of a sudden, the realization hit me – I could be this!... I could be High King of all the Britons… A surge of self esteem – or was it grandiosity? – hit me like a bolt of lightning. Yet I knew that I must give it up...

  I said the words: “I, Gwyddion The Merlin, brother of Ambrosius Aurelius and Uther, called the Pen Dragon, do claim the right of wielding Caledfwlch as true High King of the Britons.”

  At those words the Flames raged... The amazing thing was that there was no heat – only brilliant light...

  “From my hand I hereby relinquish Caledfwlch to Arthur, son of Igraine, Great Seer of the Old Tribes, and of Uther, called the Pen Dragon. Only Arthur may find and retrieve Caledfwlch from these Stones, whence I replace it. I give my right of Kingship to him as my heir and name him High King of the Britons – which he and only he will be until the Day upon which he willingly gives Caledfwlch into the hand of the one he names as his heir.”

  The blue flame went dim as soon as I had spoken the words... Star-struck I had been – but only for a few moments. I replaced Caledfwlch into the pile of Stones, just as I had found it...

  Hurrying, I followed my footprints down the twisting passage to the chamber of the Cave’s mouth. I walked outside. The sun shone brightly – it was a beautiful Day. I squinted – my eyes adjusting to the brilliance of the light. I then busied myself by picking Mosses at the Stream’s edge, until the boys returned.

  They were longer at their task than I had thought they would be. By the Time they returned, the Sun Disk was sinking below the Hills. It was too late upon this Day to lead Arthur to find Caledfwlch...

  That Night I could not sleep at all. I could not feel comfortable in my own skin, much less my bedding. Whims – or were they truly desires? – flooded through my consciousness... to have felt the power of Caledfwlch in my hand…. It could have been a beguiling thing... I could have kept it for my own... For a moment, I had been King.

  Sleep finally came. I awoke feeling better – with determination. The Ghosts of “What if?” had fled...

  “Chronos, how can I lead Arthur to the sword, yet allow him to find it? I know that this is something he must do by himself. Am I being like a Mother Owl, fretting to protect her Owlets? Will I ever be able to set him free from the nest? I think of every danger and every trap waiting to devour him... I think of every Wisdom I must yet impart to him... Yet, I know that the Time has come for him to be a man and a King on his own merit. This must be the hour of release.”

  Chronos, of course, only blinked...

  Morgan had asked us to rise very early that next morning so that we may accompany her across the reedy Lake, to deliver some sacks of the Order’s cheese stocks to a needy widow and her two small children, as well as to the old Monk who lived not far from the Lake’s edge. I could not refuse her. And so, we four were up and away to the Marsh Folk’s punts, while the Isle was still cloaked in pre-Dawn twilight. By the Time we had crossed the Water to the far shore, it was bright and cold, with the sunrise casting brilliant hues.

  We spent perhaps three hours on the opposite shore and then returned on the waiting punt. I had paid little attention to my surroundings – so deeply in my thoughts had I been of Arthur’s task – until Arthur said: “Look, is it not unusual for there to be such a dense Fog on the Isle at this Time of Day? The Sky has become clouded and the top of the Tor is hidden from sight. Does it mean that a Storm is coming, Morgan?”

  My head jerked up at that, and there it was – the scene of my Dream!

  Slowly did the Punt-men pull the little punt across the Lake. Then, all played out, as it had in my Dream – yet without the Phantastical drama.

  First, Morgan was carried off the punt by the Punt-men and then we were motioned to step off into the cold, ankle deep marshy Water.

  As we walked to the foot of the Tor, I told the boys that I had investigated the inner chamber of the Mossy Cave the Day before... They began to tease: “Well, then did you go down into the land of the Twyla y Tag?”

  “Yes, in a way I did. I began the un-riddling of a Riddle!”

  “What?” said Arthur.

  “Well, since you asked first, you may try to un-riddle it first... Go into the Cave and just see and hear what you will. Only bring a torch for to see and a long stick with you to scratch the ground with, in case your journey be long and winding.”

  Of course I knew that that would sufficiently prick his curiosity! I also knew that I had done all that I could, or should, to lead Arthur to the sword – knowing, too, that the True King will always find Caledfwlch. Now it al
l was up to Arthur.

  It is my hope that Arthur will write the details of his finding of Caledfwlch in his history... All I will say is that after a couple of hours, Arthur came back to us with Caledfwlch in one hand and a long stick still in the other. His face shone with a beatific smile and a vague blue-green glow.

  The Blessing of a King...

  The Ritual Blessing of a future King was a greatly honoured tradition of the folk on these, Our Fair Isles. This tradition dated back into the Time before even the Druids had arrived here. Clan and Tribe alike would never accept a Chieftain or King without the blessing of the Lady of the Lake – blood or no.

  The Lady’s blessing would indeed add credence to our claim of Arthur’s kingship amoung our prospective allies.

  As I have said, upon the Night of our arrival the Moon was Dark, now the Full Moon was three Days away.

  Now that Arthur held Caledfwlch by right, everyone living at The Order was told the news – Arthur had been promised the blessing of the Lady of the Lake. All who were to be involved in the Ritual became a-flutter with busy preparations.

  The Ritual...

  I will now describe upon these pages, which I call “The Book of Gwyddion’s Histories,” the Ritual acceptance and blessing of the future King of the Britons by the Lady of the Lake.

  I suspect that very few have ever witnessed this Rite – as it has been held as one of the Order’s deepest Mysteries. I know that this book, which I will place into the hands of Morgan with unquestioning trust, will be kept a secret until the Time she deems it necessary and honourable to share. If not for this trust, I would be hesitant to record this. Such is the esteem I hold for her.

  This is as it was...

  It was the Night of the Full Moon.

  Let me here note that that evening and Day were unseasonably warm – such as had not been known in memory! This was a good thing, for Winter Nights atop the Tor can be brutal.

  There were only six of us – Humans – who had been chosen to attend. Vivianne – Lady of the Lake, Arthur, Bedwyr, Makyr, Morgan, and I – were counted as six, but seven were needed for the Ritual. Of course, Morgan’s beloved Bees–who had been invited to follow us there – were counted as the seventh.

  First we were asked – on our honour and in dread of the Gods’ wrath – if we could enter this Holy place in a state of perfect peace... of heart, as well as with one another. All of us bi-legged Creatures answered “Aye!” The Bees hummed... All was perfect.

  We Humans were then anointed with oils, which had been coloured with red and white pigments. Ancient symbols of the Old Tribes who had “Vanished into the Woods” were written in blue woad on our hands and faces, along with nine Stars, in honour of their Nine Mother Goddesses. Upon only Arthur’s forehead was painted a crude Stag’s head, with seven tined antlers, as though it served as a primitive Chieftain’s circlet or coronet piece. We were all robed in white garments, which had been woven from the wool of the Order’s Sheep. They were to be worn for this one Night only. Of course the Bees were counted as living closest to Nature and thereby needed no anointing or special garments. And a good thing that was!

  In silent procession, led by drummers and quiet Chanting, we climbed the spiral path of the Tor, up and up to the great Stone Circle on its top. That was where the green Star Stone, which had fallen from the Sky somewhere in these environs, had been moved in Times long past and placed to lay in the center to serve as an Altar.

  The drummers – all but Makyr – and the Chanters, waited behind on the path. Far enough away were they for the words spoken to be unheard by them.

  There were seven Sacred directions to work within which would enclose – in a Magical sphere of power and protection – the Sacred space within the Stone Circle. These must first be acknowledged and honoured. Then the four Elements of Air, Fire, Water, and Earth must be stirred or awakened, so as to focus their powers and attributes into our Ritual space, to aid in the work to be done.

  When we entered the Temple of Stones, we formed a circle. Arthur stood at the East, with Caledfwlch at his side.

  He raised his voice in solemn salute, saying, “I stir and rouse thee, Oh Spirits of Air, you who are and represent the Times of Dawn, earliest blossoms, birth and all new beginnings... You are the breath of life, the first breath we take and the last. You are the Wind and those winged Creatures who fly amidst it. From your Realm of the East comes the origin of thought, memory, inspiration, and our rational, analytical processes. You are the domain of Science, Mathematics, and Astronomy... You are sounds... the sounds of flutes, whistles, stringed instruments, and bells... You are the calling of Birds, the chirping of Insects, and the creaking song of the Trees, as well as the melody of bubbling Springs and Streams...”

  With this said, Arthur was given a small bell, which he rang three times at the end of his invocation of Air. “We bid thee hail and welcome!”

  Makyr stood at the South and stirred the Element of Fire...

  She said, “To Fire who enters from the Southern gate, you who represents the Time of high-noon, Mid-Summer and the age of our young and strong adulthood...

  “Fire is of Serpent and Cat, of Lightning and Thunder... Wherefrom comes the source of all energies and power... It is passion, invincibility, assuredness, conviction, spirituality, anger, blood, and lust and the Magical Cast of directed WILL! – The spark of Creation itself. And let us not forget, the fermented liquor of honey, Fruits, and Grains, the Spirits of which can make our hearts dance into wild abandon!”

  Makyr clashed two flint Stones together once and made a great spark of Fire.

  “We bid thee hail and welcome!”

  Bedwyr stood at the West and bowed to the Element of Water...

  He called to the Times of twilight, of Red and Gold Leaves, and of the age of silver hair and approaching Wisdom.

  “Water, you of the Western realm are the Element of our emotions, wherein is found the place of compassion, Healing, beauty, and Love... yours is the place of access to the Mysteries. You are the source from whence all life springs... Water is the Element of the Seers, the Siren, and the song of the Siren. Water is also the Element of our children’s tears, our grief, our sorrows, and our regrets... Element of Water, you are the place of Magic, the Trance, the Dream... and the entrance to the Otherworlds... home of all Sea beings... the Whale, the Seal, the Salmon, and Eel.

  He offered to the West a beautiful shell, filled with the Waters of the Red and White Springs, to honour and celebrate the presence and Magic of Water, in this our Sacred Rite...

  “We bid thee hail and welcome!”

  Lady Vivianne stood at the North... “Seat of the Elders... Element of Earth… The Times of Midnight, Cold Winter, and Death… The Realm of truly attained Wisdom...”

  She Chanted:

  “Of Tree and Stone and Flesh and Bone...

  “Of health and wealth, of hearth and home...”

  She stomped upon the Earth three Times, poured a handful of dusty soil upon the sacred ground in front of her bare feet and then she spoke again...

  “The Forests, the Mountains, the Sands of the shores... all of Green Nature, Her Creatures and more. These things are of the Element of Earth...”

  She went on… “Our good Times... Nights spent by our hearths with dear friends in laughter. The work of our hands in which we are well satisfied, the food we eat... The children we make, Love and teach – and sometimes bury – A life of honour to be remembered by a good name! All of these, too, are of the Element of Earth.”

  She reminded us that Earth is also our stability – our families and home – and that singular quality for which all wise ones seek – balance...

  “To you and the Spirits who work within your Realm, I bid Hail and Welcome!

  To the Air that we breathe, the thoughts that we Weave...

  The Flames of our passion, our Spirit’s conviction…

  The Well and the Trance, our song of romance…

  The Forests, the Mountains, th
e Sands of the shores…

  To all of Green Nature and so much more.

  We Hail and we welcome thee, Elements four!”

  Lady Vivianne noted at that Time, that we had all entered this Temple of Earth and Stone by the Northeastern gate – to honour the Ancestors, for this was the place between Death and birth. Though, of course, the gate was unseen...

  The intensity grew – the Air around us felt hotter. I began to sweat. The circle was filled with Spirits… I felt the life force of Animal and Human Ancestors and of other unknown Spirits who act as our teachers and guides… So many had come… The Trance was upon me.

  Then Lady Vivianne asked me to bind us all to the “Pole of Destiny” ... to the beginning and the end, the Alpha and the Omega, to the core of Creation, to the center of the Cosmos, and to the Land of Myth, which is the Eternal Present of the Gods.

  I knelt upon the ground, just to the West of the center Altar Stone, so that I was facing East... I placed my hands flatly upon the Rock... I said the words... thereby not only binding our circle, but representing the direction of Below:

  “I bind this circle to the core...”

  Other ancient and hidden words did I speak, which I am under an “oath of silence” never to repeat...

  Then Morgan, half Entranced, was led to the Star Stone and was laid across it. How appropriate – Woman as Altar... the way it must have been “In the Beginning”...

  Morgan’s Bees encircled the space over her first and then the whole Ritual Circle… buzzing there to hail the Above!

  It was then that Lady Vivianne called to the great White Moon Goddess – Goddess of the hunt and of all Creatures wild and free.


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