Voices of the Stars

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Voices of the Stars Page 30

by Rowena Whaling

  “When this eventually comes to pass, Brennos, I will grieve the loss of you most sorrowfully.”

  “Never fear for the Death of my body, Gwyddion, for I will never be lost to you. I will live in your Dreams and in your memories. Besides, all you have to do, my boy, is come and find me... Have I not myself trained you to be a Walker? I will meet you in the Otherworlds...”

  “Now, tell me all about this Dragon you saw. Was it male or female?”

  “How could I know?”

  “Trust your instincts, boy – and your feelings! Close your eyes and ‘See’ it again.”

  “Yes... Well then... she was female.”

  “A good start! Now what size and colour was she? And, did she look into your eyes? And, if so, what were her eyes like?”

  “I do not remember.”

  “Yes, you do, Gwyddion – think! Was she winged? If so, how large were they? Did she have fur or down on her skin, or scales? What shape was her head? Did she have bony spikes? Think, boy!”

  I sat and closed my eyes, focusing on the sound of my breathing and the Water trickling down the walls of his Cave. I made a hand sign, just as Brennos had taught me to do – I remembered: “Breathe in, and then out.” And so I breathed in and out, and in and out, and in and out... and soon I was Entranced. I began to “See”... I was inside my Dream now – reliving it. I slowed all motion down... Now, understand that when I am in this state I am wholly in the place that I have gone to; in this case back into my Dream. Yet, at the same Time I always know where my fleshly body is, as well; thus I can narrate what I am experiencing to those around me. And so I began to tell Brennos what I was seeing.

  “She is perhaps twice the size of a Human; dark golden cream in her colouring, mostly, but with some brown. She does not look directly into my eyes, but I see the colour of hers in a glance... They are gold... with vertically shaped pupils, which are very dark, but not truly black. More than this I cannot see.”

  “Yes you can! Try my boy.”

  I breathed some more and soon my Vision cleared...

  “The Dragon, she has a beautiful face, somehow. I have never thought of a Dragon as being beautiful before – but she is! She is mesmerizing. The glow of the life energy around her is larger than that of Humans or other beings of flesh; but I see now she is not here in flesh and bone – not quite solid – more made of the stuff of Visions, Mists, Spirits, and Gods.”

  “A Spirit, a God... as you wish... But what does she look like?” asked Brennos.

  “Well, there is one bony nub on the top of her head – half a hand’s length high. It is covered in skin and fur, very soft short fur – in fact most of her body is thusly covered. So soft looking… I am being drawn to touch her... seduced by my own desire to feel her. She has seven spikes running down the length of her neck. They seem like bone. Her head is somewhat square with a long and graceful snout. She has wings, held close to her breast now, so that I can neither tell what size nor shape they are. She has four muscular legs with great feet – five toes on each one; four in front and one on their insides – with heavy curved claws.

  But wait, my focus is changing... shifting... I cannot hold this Vision... It is lost. All I see – all I care about are the black haired woman’s green eyes. They that taunt me... Her eyes... It is only they which draw me in... draw me in... I am enthralled... Lost... I am lost... I only want to live in her eyes... Her eyes... Her eyes...”

  He shouted, “Gwyddion! Gwyddion! Come back! Awaken!”

  Brennos was shaking me – but to no avail. I had fallen downward – into the Sea of her eyes...

  Finally he pulled me back to this world.

  “If it is the future that I have seen, then she is there, too!”

  With nothing more to say, we sat for a while in silence.

  When I had recovered, I asked...

  “But Brennos, truly... Dragons???”

  “Yes, Gwyddion, Dragons are real; God-like Creatures of the Spirit Realms, they are. Great guides, teachers, companions, and protectors are they. Somewhat like the Creatures the Christians call ‘Angels.’ But... not always are their lessons easy.”

  “Tell me...”

  “Well for one thing, they are more intelligent than Humans, still they are fascinated by us. And although they communicate in thoughts similar to Human thinking, they are not Human – they are Dragon. And it is very, very wise always to remember the difference.

  “Dragons are literal beings and great caution must be taken when requesting their help in some matter. For, if they choose to grant your spoken desire, only do they take care that the outcome accomplishes your wish – and only that the final outcome be in your ultimate best interests. Now, this may sound like a fine idea – but think – in the event that they do your bidding, they will arrange that all circumstances in your life fall in such a way as to lead you down the straightest path to your desire – giving little or no concern to the consequences.

  “Oh bother, my boy! I am not expressing myself clearly... Here, let me give you a true example, which befell one of my old friends:

  “Now as it was, this man had a nagging and unreasonable wife, who from Time to Time threatened to leave him to go back to her family – although he tried in every way to keep her happy. This made my friend very sad and he lived in fear and misery all of the Time. For he did, in fact, so very much Love his wife, regardless of her ill treatment of him.

  “So, after much thought and consternation, he made up a song of great sadness, for to sing in the Woods or on the Hilltops – anywhere that he might be alone – calling out to an old Dragon with his mournful plea to return joyfulness to their lives. He, not really believing in Dragons, thought that his singing at the top of his voice would, of itself, relieve his sadness.

  “‘For after all’ – he told me – ‘I knew that, at the least, I had Mother Nature to sing to of my plight... I knew that She would listen and bring some comfort to my aching heart.’

  “Well, Gwyddion, that is not how things worked out at all. For in his song, he was calling out to Dragons and they heard his anguished plea. So, they granted his request.

  “Within three months from the first singing of his song, his cruel wife found another man, whom she fancied – and joyfully left with him, never to return.

  “Oh, how he wailed and moaned at first – thinking never to recover from her loss. When he told me of it, he said, ‘This is the worst thing that could ever happen to me in my whole life. Should I live to be old, I surely will never heal from this hurt!’

  “But in a much shorter Time than he, or I, could ever have imagined, he too found a woman he fancied, and they fell in Love.

  “I knew this man for thirty more years and he and his ‘new fancy’ were still joyful in Love – and they treated each other with all tenderness and respect.

  “There is a lesson to learn from this. Dragons – although they do Love – do not fear the pain of loss as do Humans.

  “If what is best for us would cost the loss of a wife or a house or our Animals, fields or crops, then we would walk a winding path around these perceived obstacles, avoiding the pain of loss... But it is not so with Dragons! They clear a straight path between us and what we need or want.

  “So... the moral of this story is: Never ask a Dragon for something if you are not willing to pay the cost... For, as I have taught you from the beginning, ‘everything has a cost.’ Never forget this, Gwyddion! And, be careful if ever you entreat a Dragon!”

  Confounded by these new revelations, I blurted out – “But I have ever thought of Dragons as imaginary fabrications of superstitious and delusionary fools.”

  Brennos replied, “I believe that the tales told of Dragon sightings, wherein they are perceived as flesh and bone in this world of form – walking through the countryside or flying above the Mountainous ranges – are misunderstandings by people who, perhaps someday in this life or perhaps in their next life, will be Dragon called, but are not yet ready for that communication... I
believe they are granted ‘glimpses’ of that future relationship.

  “Have you never seen a Dragon before, Gwyddion?”

  “Never... Well, only in my Dream...

  “Brennos, why did you never tell me or teach me of their existence?”

  “Because you never asked...

  “You see Gwyddion, the brother and sisterhood of Dragon Callers is a silent tradition. Only those who are called may speak of it – and then only to others who have been ‘called.’ You probably know several, perhaps many, people who are Dragon called, or Dragon Callers – Bedwyr, for one.”

  “Bedwyr? Yet, I never knew!”

  “We Dragon Callers seem to feel each other – or each other’s Dragons. I call the one in your Dream, Brandon – which means ‘From the Dark Valley’.”

  Trying still to digest this knowledge, I responded, “Then Dragons are truly real?

  “Bedwyr!? My student – no less dear to me than a son – with whom I thought was held no secret; yet I never knew!

  “Brennos... I can read his faithful heart in all other things! I shake my head in wonder, for I am called a great Seer and yet sometimes I cannot see a truth that is right in front of my eyes.

  “But you said, ‘Dragon called’ or ‘Dragon Caller’? What is the difference?”

  “Ahh, now you have reached the boundaries of what must remain silent. Only if we learn these things from Dragons themselves may we speak of them.”

  “But, you were giving to the woman with green eyes your Cave, your home. Then she must be a Dragon Caller, too?”

  “That might be so. To give her my home... then yes, she must be a Dragon Caller and perhaps much more. In that case I might bequeath my Cave and what material possessions I have to her, but more importantly, the care of my Dragon, Brandon, and my Ravens three.”

  “I see.

  “But her name, Brennos? I can almost hear it. I have been crazy with fear for you and yet, it is her name that haunts me. Her name... So sweet, it is... Elusive like the song of a bubbling Brook, almost here now, then gone – it changes. Gone from my memory... Like a Faun; so gentle, a beguiling little thing, yet always just beyond reach...”

  “You must rest now, Gwyddion. Sleep well.”

  The last thing I remembered was his Humming an old tune. Then into the land of peaceful sleep went I...

  Chapter 15

  Riddle of the Ages


  After a good Night’s rest I felt more my old self again.

  The next morning, whilst sharing a cup of honeyed milk with Brennos, he said that he had barely slept the Night before for thinking of what I had said about not seeing a truth that is right before my eyes.

  “Gwyddion, if you truly believe that you have this weakness, there is something that can help you see the truth in all things. For, as King Arthur’s counselor, we both know that you must always be able to discern truth from lie. The safety of these Fair Isles is at risk if you cannot!

  “This something of which I speak, you must yourself find. On your way back to Arthur, seek a broad but shallow Creek, whose Waters are swiftly rushing. Look there in the Water for a Stone with a hole in it.”

  He held a Stone in the palm of his open hand.

  “A Stone of the Twyla y Tag – A Faery Stone?” asked I.

  “Yes... Yes, some call them that, some call them Goddess Stones – whichever... I call them Truth Stones.

  “But listen, you must choose one pulled from the Water by your own hand.

  “This Stone would best have the insinuation of a face upon it, with the hole forming its mouth.

  “Now, there is but one real test to determine whether you have found the right Stone – and this is of the utmost importance. It is regarding the thin boundary of life force, which emanates from the entire surface of every living thing in and on this Earth. Of course, you know of what I speak... You will recognize your Stone by the extraordinarily strong ring of life energy encircling the interior of its hole. Only so will it serve your purpose.

  “Hold it up to the light... Now look – not through it, but – at the surface of the hole as if it were a bronze mirror. You must see that the ring of its life force is much wider than all other Stones you may find. Take your Time – look until you find the perfect one. Only then can it serve you well in this manner.

  “Then, of course, as you know, you must entreat the Spirit of the Stone to serve as your Truth Seer.

  “Once the finding of it has been accomplished, you must wear it always – hanging from a braided twine cord, fastened with seven Magic Knots, and hung around your neck.

  “But know this truth, Gwyddion – when one as wise as you cannot see the lie in something or someone, the cause of it can only be that your own desire has placed a veil before your eyes. This conundrum can happen to any of us. We refuse to believe the true nature of someone because we do not wish to. We have allowed ourselves to be Charmed by this one beyond our own reason. Do you see what I mean?”

  “Yes, I do. Thank you, Brennos...

  “I saw such a Creek on my way here. I will stay at that Creek until I have found my ‘Stone of Truth,’ just as you have charged me to. Once found, I will wear it always.

  “Brennos, it has been wonderful finding you alive and well. I am more grateful than I can express. How I would Love to stay longer here with you, but as you said, Arthur needs me. I should be leaving soon.”

  He leaned back in the chair that he had fashioned for himself of Wood, straw, and pelts. There he stayed with eyes closed and head bent forward – the weight of it seemingly being held up only by his ancient, arched hands – fingertips pressed together – for ever so long. In this pensive position, I would have thought him fast asleep, but for the ever so gentle, rhythmic tapping of his forefingers against his bottom lip. I waited...

  “I was just remembering a Day, long ago Gwyddion, when you came rushing into my Cave with your right hand held up – fingers splayed before your face – utterly astounded and fascinated. You blurted out to me: ‘Brennos... I... I can see it! The line of clearness – that is all around the outside of my skin – brighter and clearer is it than everything else I see in the whole world! And... and... just beyond that ‘clearer than clear’ line, is a wavering, white edged line of cloudiness! Oh, I mean, although it is slim, it is thicker by twice, or sometimes even by thrice, or more, than the clear space. Farther out, beyond where the changeable white cloudy edge fades from my sight, I see no more. I can only feel – or perceive – the rings of colours, which, as you have told me, many Wise Ones see. But this... these life force lines I can see with my eyes!’

  “Yes, your every word was seared into my memory... Maybe it was for this very reason that I had spent twenty years learning to memorize...

  “Do you remember that Day, Gwyddion? Should I say, that month? For, I think your eyes beheld nothing else around you during that Time, save your clearer than clear.”

  “Of course I do, Brennos... I remember everything of those years.

  “Just now I am thinking of the Day upon which you taught me of the ‘Grym Hudol’ – of Magical power.

  “How I had wanted to believe in Magic, but in my Grandfather’s house, even the word Magic was forbidden to be spoken. You were the spark that ignited my curiosity, my intellect, and my hunger to learn. You were the one who believed in the ‘Grym Hudol.’ You were the one who believed in me. No one could ever have had a better teacher than you, or a better friend. No... much more than a teacher, you were like the Father I never had.”

  “I wonder Gwyddion, was I the teacher or the apprentice? Yes, I was a Druid; having studied for the full twenty years... I had the most renowned teachers known to be about. Wise and venerable were they. Still, in my old age I deeply respect them and am very grateful for all I learned from them. But you, my boy, shine with an un-earthly brilliance, which has confounded me since first we met.

  “As an example – and perhaps the greatest one – I believe you were only ten years upon
the Day in which the Voices of the Stars spoke their ‘Great Riddle’ into your thoughts. It was all those years ago, yet I remember every breath of it as though it had been today.

  “I will never forget your telling of the Great Riddle. The Riddle of the Ages...

  “You said, ‘One afternoon whilst sitting beneath the boughs of my favourite Oak, heavy with its Summer greens, Voices entered my thoughts – the One, yet the Many, all speaking in perfect unison; interrupting what thoughts I had been thinking – busily intent upon another subject – with a RIDDLE... the most confounding Riddle in all the Worlds...

  “‘As if They were beginning in the middle of something... The Voices said, ‘BUT... WHAT WOULD THERE BE IF THERE WERE NOTHING?’

  “‘I beg your pardon?’ – was your response.”

  “Yes, Brennos,” I laughed. “There was naught but silence... No answer... only the question... Truly, I expected nothing more... or less... You know, I did indeed take that quite literally. I knew they meant NOTHING – NOTHING anywhere!

  “I laugh now to think back on how it was with me during those first few Months; of my almost complete absorption in trying to deduce the answer. Night and Day it haunted me... I even remember stumbling over boulders and walking right into Trees – so obsessed was I with The Riddle... ‘IF THERE WERE NOTHING?’

  “I also instinctively knew that, once blessed with the challenge – a chance to solve such an enormous Mystery, the chance would not be offered twice. I knew that I must remember every word of what They had said. I must hold on to it... keep it in my thoughts... lest it blow away into the Sands of Time, forever irretrievable. I knew that I must clutch it fast to my heart, never allowing it to flee from me.

  “At first I began the whole method of deciphering in the wrong direction... I began to go backward... As in: there would be no Forests, no Streams, no Animals, no People, no Spirits, no Ancestors, no Earth, no Sun, no indigo Starry Sky, no Gods... No Universe at all! But how could this be? If everything were to be gone, all that would be left would be empty space! But then again – NO! A void – empty space – could not be counted as space, lest it fill something – lest it have boundaries to lie within! And boundaries are something…


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