Beast Rising: The Order of the Wolf, Book 7

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Beast Rising: The Order of the Wolf, Book 7 Page 13

by Angela Addams

  Her sister had been fully supportive. “You’re a wolf slayer, Bree, that’s what you were meant to be.”

  “But I’m mated to a wolf.” And she felt guilty at the idea of wanting to kill the very thing that Jay was.

  “From what I’ve seen, your mate isn’t anything like these beasts. He isn’t feral, he isn’t evil. You can feel it, right? You know what I’m talking about.”

  And yes, Aubrey had known exactly what she meant. She didn’t want to harm her mate. She wanted him at her side fighting with her to take down the beasts. Corra had explained that a Huntress’s instinct was to protect the human race and would only feel that motivation to kill if there was a threat. Jay was no threat—not to her or to anyone else. Well, except maybe a bunny or two. He might have been a little tough on the outside, personality wise, but he was no murderer. And he wasn’t evil.

  But Mayhem’s idea to ignite the beasts by speaking with their wolves had Aubrey nervous as all hell. She gulped back that fear, doing what she always did—push it down, lock it up, focus on the reality. Whatever happened, she would take care of it. She closed the lid on her secret stash of trophies, pushed it into her drawer under a messy pile of socks.

  “You ready for this?” Jay was at the door of the bedroom, looking a little green. “Mayhem wants us downstairs for instructions now.”

  Aubrey nodded as she glanced out the window. The sun was due to rise in thirty minutes. She wondered how wise it was to attempt this plan during wolf time. From her experience, the animal wasn’t too interested in civilized or rational discussion.

  “Are we doing this in a big group?” Another prospect that wasn’t appealing. It seemed like this would be better in a private setting.

  “I think so.” Jay shrugged. “He said that the spell is more powerful if we’re all together.”

  “Wait a minute…like this is a group discussion, the other Huntresses included?” Aubrey winced. “It’s a security risk, don’t you think?”

  “Let’s go talk to Mayhem. Find out what’s what.” Jay motioned for her hand, something he rarely did.

  She smiled, realizing just how freaked out he was about the brain invasion. She walked over and wrapped her arms around him, giving him a hug, not knowing how he’d take it. Sometimes he froze up, but this time he embraced her back, kissing the top of her head as a bonus.

  “We trust Mayhem. He knows what he’s doing,” Aubrey said.

  “Fuck yeah.” He squeezed her ass then let her go. “Let’s do this.”

  The group was already waiting for them, including Ariana, Lance, Greer, and a new Huntress. Mayhem was deep in discussion with them.

  Aubrey moved to Summer and Hannah, who were preparing some kind of herbal powder. “What’s going on? Who is that?”

  Summer glanced up, following her gaze to the small powwow. “That’s Harper. She can teleport. Brought some books to Mayhem earlier on behalf of the Queen.”

  “Mayhem looks like he’s all okay with this.” Aubrey frowned. A total change in the game as she saw it. Mayhem was serious, but more like seriously listening rather than seriously going to rip someone’s head off.

  “Yeah, the books are important. It was a good sign of faith and Mayhem is on board, for now.” Summer shrugged. “My gut isn’t doing backflips.”

  “Nah, mine either,” Aubrey said. At least not where the guests were concerned. The spell however, that was entirely different.

  “Ariana and Greer know a little something about this kind of spell,” Summer said. “Or tapping into the subconscious. Greer is going to give us some instructions, then lead us into the realm where we can talk to the wolves. Lance, Ariana, and Harper are on point. Guarding our asses in case we need to be pulled out quick.”

  Aubrey frowned. She knew she could trust the Huntresses, despite their initial meeting. Greer had vowed to align herself with the pack so long as Ariana did. And Ariana was fully committed. Even though Mayhem was playing nice now, the way things sounded, the spell required total dependence on the others to keep them out of trouble. It was a spell that required full focus, which would put Mayhem and the pack in danger if anything bad happened.

  So the question was, how trusting would Mayhem be? It wasn’t like emotions connected to mistrust could be simply shut off. He was willing to give them the benefit of the doubt thanks to their gesture in giving up those books, insider secrets for the wolves, but how far would that trust extend?

  Although Mayhem looked concerned, pointing his finger aggressively downward, she knew the conversation was still a constructive one. Lance, with a sword strapped to his back and arms crossed, was nodding, eyes intently watching as Mayhem gave instruction.

  “You got it, boss,” Lance said with a nod toward Ariana.

  “We’re on it.” Ariana passed a look to Greer, something silent and meaningful.

  Greer nodded. “I know you’ve got our backs.” Greer turned to the group, rubbing her hands together. “We doing this or what?”

  Maybe that was the catch. Greer was in on the spell, so she would be vulnerable too. There was no way Ariana would let anything bad happen to Greer.

  Mayhem motioned for the group to come together. “I’ve been talking to the experts.” He nodded toward Greer. “The Amazons have more experience with this kind of thing. But the ultimate goal is that we talk to the wolves, make sure they come on board with the plan.”

  “And this is better as a group?” Aubrey asked, once again thinking that she’d much rather be doing this one on one.

  “Everything is better as a group. Strength in numbers,” Greer said. “You’re a pack—there’s not only loyalty there but a unity that the wolves understand. If they’re aware of a meeting like this, a group coming together, they’re more likely to pay attention. Rather than discounting it as a suggestion, to them, it’s more like an order.”

  “And when you’re talking to the wolves, you need to do so in a very simple and direct way. Show dominance in your voice. Strength. There is an inherent respect for the Huntresses, but that doesn’t mean your words will get instant validation.” Mayhem rubbed his hand down his face. “The message will be need to be clear. Balance, control, power. We need to tap into our beasts in a safe way.”

  “I was thinking that maybe I could add to the effectiveness of this, maybe etch something on the wolves,” Summer said, sounding hesitant.

  “No, not a good idea,” Greer said gruffly. “Using the herbs will be somewhat disorienting. We need to keep this as simple as possible.”

  “I agree. This time, we need to keep focused on engaging the wolves. We need them cooperative. We’ll keep your suggestion a possibility for later if we need it,” Mayhem said. “Are we ready to get started?”

  Greer moved to the table and picked up the bowl of herbs. “We should move outside for this. We need to light it so you all can inhale the smoke.”

  “Better for the wolves too,” Jay said, his tone resigned.

  “Let’s do this.” Mayhem led the group outside. “Lance and Ariana are going to be patrolling the property. Summer reinforced the boundary markers.”

  “If a threat comes for us, we’ll know,” Summer said as she surveyed the distance.

  “We’re safe. Or as safe as we can be.” Mayhem nodded to each of them, a silent check in that all was okay.

  Greer was kneeling over the bowl. “I’m going to light this now. You all need to take a big whiff and then clasp hands and take a seat. You’ll probably get dizzy. Leave the chanting to me. I will cast the spell—I just need everyone to keep breathing and stay calm.”

  A nod of understanding went through the group.

  Aubrey looked to the horizon. The sky was getting lighter, daylight approaching within moments.

  “Here we go,” Greer said as she motioned for each of them to come close.

  Aubrey was the last, taking in a deep lungful
of the sweet smoke. She coughed a little, exhaling too quickly and then sucked in more. Her lungs burned with the intrusion of a foreign substance and her head swam. Summer clasped her hand on one side, with Jay on the other. They formed a dizzy little circle that would soon be disrupted by the presence of the wolves.

  Aubrey surveyed the group one last time before closing her eyes. Greer began the chant, her words soothing as she spun her magic.

  Aubrey was inside her head—like physically in a realm where she could feel herself exist, not just as a thought. When she opened her eyes, she only saw smoke and a faint outline of her pack. Greer’s words were still rolling over her, echoing around, each pass of her cycle’s rhythm bringing things more into focus.

  Summer and Hannah were standing facing her, looking just as bewildered as she felt.

  “Where are the boys?” Summer asked, her voice sounding like it was miles away.

  Aubrey shook her head as she scanned the area. The smoke was disorienting, making her dizzier.

  There was a howl, followed by two more. Wolves. She shivered. The outline of the boys came out of the fog, coming straight for their designated mates. Jay brushed his face against her leg, licking her hand as she lifted it to pet his muzzle. Mayhem’s giant black form moved from Hannah to nip at Jay and Dy, calling them to attention. Aubrey motioned for the girls to come to her side.

  “There is danger coming.” Aubrey tried to keep her tone even. “We need you to unleash the beast.”

  Mayhem cocked his head to the side, listening for sure, but what did he understand?

  “You need to allow the beast to come through,” Hannah said. “To protect the pack.”

  “Protect. Survive. Danger.”

  The voice in her head startled her. It was gruff, with no inflection, almost like a whip of sound. A bark. Aubrey looked to the others, who had the same startled expressions.

  “You two hear that?” she asked as a shiver rolled through her.

  Both Summer and Hannah nodded.

  “We need to be simpler,” Summer suggested.

  Aubrey crouched, making sure she was eye level but no lower. Mayhem had said that they needed to be firm, not submissive. She locked eyes with Jay, could see with the corner of her eyes the girls do the same. “Protect the pack. Let the beast out.”

  “Beast uncontrollable. Wild.”

  Aubrey shook her head. “No, use control. Power. Bond.” She reached forward and gripped Jay’s furry face. “Huntress will keep you anchored. Always.”

  Jay gave his giant head a hard shake, disengaging her hold with a snap of his neck. She immediately trapped him again, anger rising. “Listen to me,” she growled. “The pack is in danger. We need the beast. You need to keep control. Stay in power.”

  “No control. All power. No.” Jay snorted, shaking his head free again.

  Aubrey sat back on her heels, letting out a burst of breath. “Fucking stubborn ass.” She lunged for him, decking him in the snout with a hard tap. “Listen to me!”

  Jay snorted away her hit. Snarling at her with blazing eyes. Defiant.

  “Lazarus is coming,” Aubrey shouted, her frustration getting the best of her.

  Jay’s eyes snapped to Mayhem and Dy, some kind of communication happening there.

  “Evil. Tainted. Feral.”

  “Yes, and he’s coming for us. You’re too weak to defend us. You’re too weak for this war.”

  “Not weak,” the voice roared. “Not powerless.”

  “Not as the beast, no,” Aubrey argued. “You need to give the boys the power to harness. You need to trust them with your beasts. If you don’t, we’ll all die.”

  Jay’s wolf locked eyes with her, studying her, drawing her in, his wolfie gaze different, sharper, focused. Like he was something new. “Wolf slayer.” It sounded like an accusation and she felt a jolt of guilt. “Likes the taste of blood. Dangerous. Predatory. Deadly.”

  Aubrey opened her mouth to argue but instead felt a snap, like whatever she was tethered to had been yanked taut. She flailed as she fell backward. Her back hit the ground, and her breath whooshed out. When she opened her eyes, Jay was staring down at her, his eyes back to normal. All wolf, not a lot of rational thought happening there. Cunning, sure, but not rational. He cocked his head.

  Did he remember telling her she was dangerous just now? She looked up at him, waiting for something. And then he licked her face in a long, wet stroke before bolting off.

  She sat up, disoriented and grossed out. Summer and Hannah seemed to be recovering a little faster, both smirking at what Jay had done.

  “You think it worked?” Aubrey asked as she wiped her face with her sleeve.

  “I think the message was received,” Greer said as she offered Aubrey a hand to stand, meeting her eye to eye as she did. “On both sides.”

  Aubrey flinched. So she’d heard that too. What Jay had said to her. “I’m no—”

  Greer raised her hand and nodded. “Yes, you are and it’s nothing to be ashamed of. Embrace your destiny and you’ll rule the world.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  For the first time since he’d been bitten, Jay couldn’t remember his day as a wolf. He couldn’t remember much beyond inhaling the damn smoke and Greer’s eerie voice in his head. He found himself on all fours, as a man, feeling like his ass had been kicked in a serious way. He winced. There was a godawful burning on his neck, and he reached up to touch where it hurt.

  “Fuck.” He pulled his fingers to his line of sight, the smell of blood hitting him hard.

  Mayhem’s hand appeared in front of his face. “I had to bite you.”

  Jay glanced up to see his alpha looking worse for wear. He accepted the help and pulled himself to his feet with a grunt. “What the fuck happened? Did I go beast?”

  “Yeah, a giant nasty-ass one with ugly yellow eyes,” Dy said as he came into view. “Whatever the girls did, it worked, I guess. I can’t fucking remember much of it. Not sure I like what I do remember.”

  “Yeah, well, I remember.” Mayhem stretched his neck, popping a few joints with audible cracks. “We need to do some training, get the beasts leashed. I’m thinking Summer might have been on to something with her spell etching idea. Jay is volatile and out of control in his beast.”

  “Fucking great.” Jay shook his head. “Don’t you think that might be an indication to shut it down? I mean, better for the pack if I don’t go fucking nuts, right?”

  “No, I think it’s a good indication to train your ass,” Mayhem barked. “You’re powerful as hell in that form. It’s incredible to see, but we need to lock it down a bit so you’re in control. Let’s talk to Summer and see what she can come up with.”

  “What about you? Did you go beast?” Jay already knew the answer—it was all over Mayhem’s face. He almost wished he hadn’t asked.

  “I didn’t.” Mayhem shook his head. “My wolf is digging his claws in. I can’t give up control either. Not until I’m sure you guys are cool.”

  “I get it. You’re thinking of the pack first, but May, you’re putting yourself at a huge disadvantage,” Dy chimed in as he ran his hand through his hair, pulling a couple leaves out as he did.

  “I took him down.” Mayhem pointed at Jay. “And I took Raven down too. My wolf is powerful and more importantly, not insane. For the time being, unless Summer has some kind of magical solution, I’m not taking the risk.”

  “But you want us to?” Jay argued. “Maybe none of us should go beast then.”

  “You will learn to control it and you will become a formidable warrior as a beast. Once I’m satisfied with that, I’ll join you.” Mayhem turned toward the house. “This isn’t up for negotiation.” He added as he walked away.

  “Fuck,” Jay spat as he rolled his aching shoulder back. “Whatever you say, boss man.”

  “There’s always a master plan. Y
ou know that, Jay.” Dy pounded him on the back before following Mayhem into the house.

  Jay sighed. Yeah, Mayhem always had something working behind the scenes. Not being able to remember the entire day had him on edge though. He reached up to touch his neck wound and winced. Mayhem had taken a serious bite out of him and he had to wonder just how big of an asshole he had been as a beast. It also made him wonder how the fuck Raven was coping without Mayhem there to zap him back to reality if he freaked out.

  Jay shook his head. He needed some time with his mate. Bree was his anchor. She was his sanity. Whatever happened during the day didn’t matter as much as getting her into his arms.

  But when he found Bree, the tension rolling off her was like a smack to the face. He’d searched all over the mansion, getting more and more agitated the longer it took. And then as he was standing at the sliding door, listening to the night sounds of the forest, he heard the unmistakable thunk that told him exactly where he’d find her.

  Target practice. It wasn’t like her to train during their time together. Not unless it was a friendly competition that involved a lot of clothing bets.

  “All okay?” Jay tried to make as much noise as possible approaching from behind so that she didn’t spin and nail him with an arrow by accident.

  She glanced over her shoulder. “Yeah, why?” Then she let the arrow loose, and even without looking hit it dead center.

  “Thought I’d find you inside.” He walked toward her, ready to take her into his arms.

  She pushed her bow into his hands instead. “Wanna play?”

  She had that look in her eyes, the one that told him he was gonna get fucked in a good way if he agreed to her rules. “Hell yes!”

  She grinned like a predator. “Close your eyes.”

  He did as she said, shivered when he suddenly felt the press of her breasts against his back, her lips at his ear. “Count to ten then come and find me.”

  She liked to be chased. He loved to chase her. His wolf perked up. Jay tamped it back down. Not now, buddy. This is my catch.

  She took off. He counted to twenty, better to give her a head start. She was good at hiding, knew how to run so she wasn’t downwind but he was a wolf at heart. No way was she getting the best of him.


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