Cosmic Genten

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Cosmic Genten Page 5

by Grady P. Brown

  Pointing at Bralu, Devan asked, “So you are one of the cadets, I presume. Tell me a little about yourself.”

  Shifting his weight, Bralu said, “My family owns a dealership for merchant freighters. My brother is in the military, and I just want to defend my home.”

  Devan gestured to Amber. “You must be the other cadet. What is your goal in life?”

  “I come from a family of immigrants. I want to fight the Shogunate and make them pay for their crimes. That may seem simple and insurmountable, but I like to make big goals for myself. Why do I have to tell you this? We have urgent business with you,” Amber asked.

  Ignoring Amber’s protests, Devan continued by pointing to Kyle and saying,

  “That mask of yours makes you look interesting. What is your story?”

  “I’m the captain of the ship that crashed outside the city. I am hoping to recruit every fighter available to defeat the Shogunate,” Kyle replied.

  “Would you like to know my story, sir?” GB-89 asked.

  Brushing off the robot’s question, Devan growled, “I have no interest in the stories and opinions of soulless machines.”

  Taken aback, GB-89 scowled. “Why, I never!”

  Looking at both Jarek and Kelba, Devan said, “I remember you two. You and your fellow jet racers borrowed some turrets and shield generators from me. How have those turned out?”

  Kelba said, “We tried to use them when the ship crashed, but it turned out we didn’t need them.”

  Jarek sighed. “It’s true. I kind of feel cheated that I didn’t get to use them in a real fight. Fortunately, it looks like I will get my chance soon.”

  Owen cleared his throat. “This is all well and good, but we have urgent business to discuss with you, Devan.”

  “Yes. Yes. Our preparations are finally going to be used. What of it?” Devan said, rolling his eyes.

  “The government is willing to give you and your followers a pardon for your illegal activities. In exchange, you share your soldiers, weapons, and warships with us,” Owen answered.

  Raising an eyebrow, Devan asked, “Why would I want to share my arsenal with the political stooges? It took us a long time to gather our resources. Why should we squander it with a government that has allowed crime to run rampant?”

  “You have benefited from the rampant crime wave, you hypocrite!” Amber protested.

  “A means to an end to gather the resources we needed. Other than that, we do not approve of the government’s lax treatment of crime. I ask again, why should I join forces with a bunch of corrupt swine?” Devan affirmed.

  “Because we need to stand together if we have any hope of fending off the Shogunate. This planet may be your home, but it is ours as well. We all want the same thing,” Owen said.

  “That may be, but what is to stop the governor and his cronies from confiscating our equipment as soon as the battle is over?”

  “We will see what we can do about that, but for now, we need to join forces if Spica Prime is going to survive. Are you in or out?” Owen asked, slowly becoming impatient.

  Devan paused for a while before finally declaring, “Very well. We will play your game. We didn’t get prepared for nothing, and it would be even sweeter if we had more forces to work with. It should be an epic fight!”

  Owen nodded in approval. “So we have a deal?”

  “We do. Would you lot like to have a tour of our preparations?” Devan asked, his robotic legs creaking as he rose to his feet.

  “Yes. We are very curious about the extent of your arsenal. Lead the way, Mr. Devan,” Owen said.


  When Devan started his tour for his guests, his revelations were beyond belief. The bunker went deeper than Bralu had previously thought. There was more than enough room to accommodate thousands of people. Room after room was filled with all kinds of weaponry and equipment. A makeshift hangar bay housed a surprising number of ships. Overall, the extent of the militia’s operations far exceeded expectations.

  As he guided the group, Devan hobbled like an old man. His mismatched legs made ting-tong noises with each step, and he used his crude spear as a clumsy cane. Despite the apparent discomfort he was in, Devan hummed a merry tune in between explanations, as though he did not have a care or worry in the world.

  The enormity of the militia’s underground base overwhelmed Bralu. He whistled in amazement at what he saw. “I always thought you guys were just a bunch of angry rejects. I didn’t expect you to be this organized and armed.”

  “This is the culmination of a project we have been undertaking for over three years. Some of us had connections with mining and buildings companies, which allowed us to dig this bunker under the city. In case of an attack, we can protect Londinium’s entire population down here. There is enough food and provisions for two years. I would advise against venturing to the section that leads outside the city walls. That section is full of nasty surprises. In addition to technicians, engineers, and medics, we have less than two thousand battle-hardened veterans. They may be few in number, but they can put up one hell of a fight when the situation is right.

  “In terms of weapons, we made pacts with smugglers and pirates. They provided us with all kinds of equipment, ranging from rifles to shield generators. One group even stole an entire freighter full of a new kind of turret and shield generator. These models can be attached and detached from any ship model with ease. Once hooked up, they synchronize with the ship’s computer, and the pilot can use them as if they were always part of their craft. They are not as potent as the standard-issue series, but it is better than nothing. Jarek and his jet racer friends were given samples. Now that the Shogunate is coming, we can distribute them to other ships in the city, which will provide the backbone of our fleet.

  “Speaking of our fleet, through our corporate and criminal contacts, we were able to acquire a relatively small armada. The largest ship we could get was a Tucker-class frigate, which we named the Hulbert. We could not get more of this design, so we had to settle with the addition of three Mahan-class corvettes, which we designated Hale, Grayson, and Craven. Unfortunately, we do not have the numbers to give each ship its maximum crew capacity, so we have to make do with their minimum requirements. With this in mind, the frigate will be manned by two hundred and fifty personnel, while each corvette will be operated by a crew of fifty. We also acquired sixty-six Curtiss-class fighters and thirty Amiot-class bombers, which are divided up into three squadrons: Vikings, Lancers, and Zappers. That means each squadron consists of twenty-two fighters and ten bombers. Overall, we call this collection of ships the Spica Defense Fleet.”

  Scanning the small armada, GB-89 said, “Based on these weapons and warships, you have a sixty-four percent chance of defending a single planet. However, the probability of you fighting a Shogunate fleet in open battle is approximately eleven percent. Your efforts are admirable, but I calculate that it is not enough to fend off the Shogunate fleet when it arrives.”

  Furrowing his brow, Devan demanded, “Why are we listening to this tin can’s nonsense?”

  Rushing to his robot’s defense, Bralu said, “I’m sorry. He has no filter. He says whatever is in his head. You either like him or you don’t.”

  “I certainly don’t like him. Keep your toy quiet for the remainder of our tour,” Devan snarled.

  Kyle scoffed. “That is impressive considering your limited resources, but we will be up against a dreadnaught bigger than all these ships combined. Worse, it is armed with a cannon that can wipe out a fleet much bigger than this one. How do you hope to fight against that?”

  “If there is anything this war has taught us, it is improvisation. We may not have a solution now, but we will come up with one before the battle comes.”

  “That’s reassuring,” Kyle said sarcastically.

  “What about the smugglers and pirates you traded with? Will they help us?” Amber asked.

  Devan chuckled. “That’s darkly funny. They could fight with us i
f the price was right, and I am sure our dear governor would be more than happy to cough up. Right now, the smugglers and pirates are more focused on trying to leave the system before the Shogunate arrives. That is proving difficult considering the navigational computers are offline. As long as they remain offline, no one can safely use their Bierre drive to teleport out of here.”

  “Why don’t we promise them payment? If that is what will motivate them, then we should try. I’m sure the Consulate will pay as soon as the trade route stabilizes,” Bralu suggested.

  “Depending on their criminal records, I calculate a ninety-one percent probability that the smugglers and pirates will turn on us if the Shogunate bribes them. I would consider a more cautious approach,” GB-89 warned.

  Devan turned to Bralu. “For once, I agree with your toy soldier’s calculations. You sure like to play with fire, don’t you? Even if you can pay them to fight, it is just as likely that the Shogunate will tempt them with an even higher price. If that happens, we will have more enemies to deal with. The only god these scum worship is the almighty euro. Trying to make deals with smugglers and pirates is a serious gamble. We have learned that the hard way. When you spend as much time in the underworld as we do, you will understand what the hell I’m talking about.”

  “Have you always been this cynical?” Amber asked.

  “When you’ve seen hell as often as I have, you tend to learn a few things.” Devan tapped his right temple.

  “Are you guys the only militia in the system, or are there others?” Bralu asked.

  His eyes twinkling, Devan replied, “Interesting you should ask. As far as we know, we are the only militia in the system. However, we have been in contact with over a dozen other militias across the sector. Individually, we can only defend one system, but if we combine our numbers and resources, we are just as formidable as any fleet in the Consulate military. This collection of militias calls itself the Coalition. For now, each militia is busy defending their respective systems, but when the moment arrives, we will join forces. Before the long-range communications went out, we sent a distress signal to the Coalition for reinforcements. However, we did not receive a response before the communications went offline, and we don’t know if they got our message. They may send an additional fleet, or they may be too busy defending their own strongholds. We will see as the battle unfolds.”

  “I didn’t know there were other militia groups out there. I learn something new every day. I’m glad we’re not alone in this fight.”

  Grinning, Devan asked, “Are you all impressed with what my militia and I have been able to achieve?”

  Nodding in approval, Owen said, “Very impressive, sir. Will you and your followers join us in fending off the Shogunate when they arrive?”

  Devan paused for a while, heavily leaning on his spear.

  Frustrated, Jarek demanded, “Just join us, Devan! You and your guys fought on the front lines and liberated Mizar. We tried to use the weapons you gave us to fight for the liberation of our world, but we were robbed of the chance!”

  Raising an eyebrow, Devan asked, “Why are you and your fellow racers so eager to impress me, boy?”

  Flustered by the question, Jarek answered, “Because I want to do my share in fighting for the Consulate. You fought in the craziest battle in the war. You know what it takes to fight for the cause. We’re trying to impress you because we want to show Spica Prime’s most decorated veteran that we are worthy to fight for our government’s ideals! Is that not enough reason for us to want to fight?”

  Kelba joined in, saying, “I agree. I hear what happens on the news. Worlds less fortunate than ours are suffering under the Shogunate’s reign. I don’t want that to happen to our home. If we succeed in fending off the Shogunate from our world, I want to keep pushing them so deep into space that they will never invade us again!”

  Devan mirthlessly chuckled. “Such contagious idealism. Contagious yet naive. You think war is just about fighting for principles? You think liberating this world is going to be that easy or make a difference? I hate to burst your bubble, but war is hell. If you want to win, you have to fight as dirty as your enemies. You will never walk away from any battle unscathed. I guarantee that after your first skirmish, your precious ideals will shatter like glass.”

  Jarek and Kelba bowed their heads as the weight of Devan’s words weighed on them.

  “So, do we have a deal or not?” Kyle asked, impatient.

  Finally, Devan said, “We will join forces with you on one condition. After the Shogunate is driven away, Governor Spatha and his cronies must resign from office immediately and forever. If they refuse, I will lead what’s left of my soldiers to overthrow them by force!”

  Devan’s visitors remained silent for several moments before Kyle held out his hand. “Deal.”

  Smiling broadly, Devan shook Kyle’s cybernetic hand with his own.


  The next morning, Kyle and Owen met with Governor Spatha. Amber was also present, but she stood at the edge of the room. The meeting took place inside Spatha’s office on top of the tallest building in the city. Outside the room’s windows was a beautiful sunrise view of the cityscape, the settlement’s force field, and the savannah outside the walls. Despite the beauty outside, the atmosphere inside the room was tense.

  “Devan demands I do what?” Spatha yelled, dumbfounded.

  “He says that he will only help us defend the planet if you and your allies resign when the battle is over. Also, we have agreed to convince you to pay the smugglers and pirates who would be willing to fight,” Owen repeated.

  “I know it is asking a lot, Governor, but what choice do we have? In a position as dire as ours, we need as many allies as we can get. I agree some of these people are unsavory characters, but they will be better than nothing,” Kyle said.

  “Hiring smugglers and pirates I could do, but why should I resign? Does he want to underdo the last election?” Spatha asked bitterly.

  “It’s either that or Devan’s militia will deny us their help. What’s more important, Governor? Your political career or the survival of your people?” Owen asked firmly.

  Cursing loudly, Spatha shouted, “Fine! Fine!”

  “What about the other jet racers? Were they able to convince any other people to fight?” Kyle asked.

  Once he regained his composure, Spatha replied, “Yes. The entire police force has assembled all their gunships and weapons. We managed to commandeer twenty-three freighters from some less-than-happy merchants. Unfortunately, most of them are not built for combat, and neither are the police gunships. All that’s left is to take Devan’s detachable turrets and shield generators and fasten them to all these vehicles. In addition, a number of civilians are volunteering to participate in the forthcoming battle, but they will need as much combat training as they can get with the time we have.”

  “What’s the status of my surviving personnel from the Benfold? Have they recovered enough to fight?” Kyle asked.

  “Thanks to nanite injections, they will be fully recovered by tomorrow. The fighters and bombers that could be salvaged from the Benfold’s wreckage will be combat ready in a matter of hours. They number thirty-six fighters and nine bombers, which will be incorporated into Devan’s three fighter squadrons.” Spatha drank from a glass of brandy.

  “What do we know about the smugglers and pirates in the city? Which groups would be willing to fight for the right price, and how many ships do they have?” Owen asked.

  “The Crabbes are the main pirate guild, while the Bartons are primary smuggling contingent. In terms of ships, the Crabbes have four cruisers, while the Bartons have five. Out of all the miscreants we could hire, they have the most combat experience,” Spatha poured himself another glass.

  “Pay them, but be cautious in case they decide to stab us in the back,” Owen warned.

  Spatha turned to Owen. “What about you and your fellow Bushi? Are you able to fight?”

  “Yes. However
, it is just me and my two cadets. We may be the only Bushi available, but we will fight with everything we have. Fortunately, I could not have asked for more promising students. You can rely on them.”

  “So what does that bring our full strength to?” Spatha asked.

  “In total, our personnel number six thousand five hundred strong. With our defense fleet, we have one frigate, three corvettes, twenty-three freighters, nine cruisers, one hundred and two fighters, and thirty-nine bombers. The city’s defenses consist of the force field, thirty modified jet racers, fifty-three gunships, and eighty-four defense turrets mounted on the city’s outer walls. These are not the best fortifications we could ask for, but it is the best we have.”

  “What’s the status of the Shogunate fleet? How far have they gotten?” Kyle asked.

  “This morning, we received word that they have gotten as far as Spica Three. At that rate, they will be upon us in two or three days,” Spatha replied.

  “Then we shall continue with the preparations and evacuate the city’s population to Devan’s bunker. If the force field fails, that will be their last line of defense,” Owen said.

  Shaking his head, Spatha said, “Fine. Get on with it.”

  Kyle and Owen left Spatha alone with Amber, who slowly approached Spatha.

  Looking at Amber, Spatha asked, “You’re not going along with this madness, are you?”

  “I am not fond of the idea of joining forces with pirates, smugglers, and other vagabonds. That is like trying to walk a dog with rabies.”

  Spatha scowled. “I don’t care about those miscreants. What I do care about is giving up the political power our family has accumulated. I worked too hard to get us where we are.”

  “If it means saving our planet, wouldn’t you say it would be worth it? You can start again afterward.”

  “It’s not that simple. I have made deals with the shadiest characters imaginable. In exchange for the governorship, I would turn a blind eye to their activities. If we lose our status as the governors of Spica Prime, our family will be as expendable as dog droppings.”


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