by Chris Webb
STADLER, Otto. Born on March 22, 1897, in Strazow Na Sumave (Czech Republic). He met his wife Martha in Zlin, Moravia, in 1924.
STYK, Ozjasz. Famous co-painter of “Raclawice’s Panorama”—the painting depicts the battle of Raclawice, fought in April 1794, between Russian troops and a Polish peasant army, defending Polish independence. The Poles won the battle, but lost the war. Before the Second World War, the painting was exhibited in Lvov, and today it can be seen in Wroclaw. He was deported from the Lvov ghetto to Belzec in March 1942.
SUSSKIND, Mindla. Born in 1913, in Biecz. Deported from Biecz to Belzec during 1942.
SZEPS, Azriel. Born in 1886, in Zamosc. He was a well-known tailor in Zamosc, a member of the Zionist Organisation, and vice-president of the Zamosc Judenrat. Before the Second World War, he was a member of the City Council and the Jewish Community Council. In October 1942, he was deported with his family and other Jews from Zamosc to Izbica, and in early November from Izbica to the Belzec extermination camp. Rudolf Reder witnessed his death and this is covered in depth in Chapter 10 of his book, Belzec.
SZEPS, David. Son of Azriel and Pesa. Deported with his parents from Zamosc to Izbica, and from there to Belzec in early November 1942.
SZEPS, Lea. Daughter of Azriel and Pesa. Deported with her parents from Zamosc to Izbica, and from there to Belzec in early November 1942.
SZEPS, Pesa. Born in 1890. Married to Azriel Szeps. Deported from Zamosc to Izbica, and from there to Belzec in early November 1942.
SZLAM, Frajda. Born in 1890, in Zamosc. Deported from Zamosc to Belzec together with her husband Icek during 1942.
SZLAM, Icek, Dawid. Born in Zamosc. He was married to Frajda and was a merchant by profession. Deported from Zamosc to Belzec during 1942.
TABAK, Rachel. Born in 1888, in Stryj. She was married and was housewife.
TAJTELBAUM, Roza. Born in 1885, in Krakow. Married to Yekhezkel. Deported from Krakow to Belzec during 1942.
TAJTLER, Syma. Born in 1897, née Rozenberg, in Boryslaw. She was married to Moritz and was a housewife. Perished in Belzec during 1942.
TAU, Chawa. Born in 1912, in Chelm. She was married to Fishel and was a housewife. Deported during 1942 from Lublin to Belzec.
TAU, Schlomo. Born in 1892, in Piask. He was married and was a merchant by profession. Deported to Belzec during 1942.
TAUB, Aharon. Born in 1909, in Krakow. He was single. Deported from Wieliczka to Belzec.
TAUCHER, Wolf. Jewish Kapo, described by Dr. Janusz Peters, who worked at the hospital in Tomaszow Lubelski, as being well-built and very strong.
TEICHTAL, Josef. Born in 1908, in Brzesko. He was married and was a merchant by profession. He perished in Belzec on 28 October, 1942.
TEITELBAUM, Lieba. Born in 1872, in Rymanow. She was married to Yisrael and was a housewife. Deported from Rymanow during 1942 to Belzec.
TEITELBAUM, Miriam. Born in 1910, in Vienna, Austria. She was single. Deported from Rymanow to Belzec during 1942.
TENCER, Icchak. Born in 1883, in Strzyzow. He was married and was a merchant by profession.
TENCER, Szmuel. Born in 1898, in Strzyzow. He was married and was a merchant by profession.
TENENBAUM, Hene. Born in Dzialoszyce, née Platkeiwicz. She was a housewife. Deported to Belzec during 1942.
TENENBAUM, Klara. Born in 1915, in Zloczow. She was married and was housewife. Deported to Belzec during 1942.
TIRGFELD, Rejzel. Born in 1884, in Zborow. She was married to Yaakov and was a housewife. Deported from Slawna to Belzec during August 1942.
TIRKILTOUB, Wolf. Born in 1905, in Chrobjeszow. He was married and was a carriage owner by profession. Deported from Ludma to Belzec.
TOBIAS, Berta. Born in 1911, née Shvartz, in Oswiecim. She was married to Herman and was a housewife. Deported during 1942 from Krakow to Belzec.
TROHM, Israel. Born in 1890, in Frysztak. He was married to Ida and was a merchant by profession. Deported from Rzeszow to Belzec during 1942.
TURM, Malka. Born in 1872, née Likhtenshtein, in Komarow. She was married to Yisrael and was a housewife. Deported from Komarow to Belzec during 1942.
VEINBERG, Shalom. Born in Turobin. Married to Matil. Deported from Bychawa to Belzec.
WACHMAN, Dr. A lawyer from Lvov. Deported from the Lvov ghetto to Belzec in March 1942.
WAJNSZTOK, Fajga. Born in 1884. Deported from Szcebrzeszyn to Belzec during 1942.
WAJSBROT. He was a Hassidic rabbi from Turobin. During the war he was in the Krasnik ghetto together with his son and his family. In October 1942, during the “Second Action” in the Krasnik ghetto, they were deported to Zaklikow, which was the main collecting point for the Jews in Krasnik county. From there, he and his family members were deported to Belzec.
WAJSELFISZ, Josef. Born on August 1, 1898. He was an activist of the Zionist Organization in Lublin, and a member of the Jewish Community Council, who worked with Hebrew schools in Lublin. During the Nazi occupation, he was a member of the Judenrat. Deported to Belzec together with his whole family on March 31, 1942.
WEB, David. Born in 1893, in Rawa Mazowiecka. He was married to Masha and was a rabbi. Deported from Rawa Mazowiecka to Belzec.
WEINBAUM, Jehuda. Born in 1887, in Stojanow. He was married and an engineer by profession. Deported from Sambor to Belzec.
WEINBERG, Riwka. Born in 1882, née Katz. She was married to Yisrael and was a housewife. Deported from Sokal to Belzec.
WEINBERG, Shmuel. Born in 1892, in Rowne. He was married to Mala and was a merchant by profession. Perished in Belzec during 1942.
WEINSTOCK, Berthold (Olek). Born in 1897. He was an electrical engineer by profession. Deported from the Przemysl ghetto to Belzec during the “First Action” on July 27, 1942.
WEINSTOCK, Irena. Born in 1903, née Reisner. She was a school teacher by profession. Deported from the Przemysl ghetto to Belzec during the “First Action” on July 27, 1942.
WEINSTOCK, Izydor (Chaskel). Born in 1865. He was a jeweler by profession. Deported from the Przemysl ghetto to Belzec during the “First Action” on July 27, 1942.
WEINSTOCK, Ludwiczek. Born in 1934. Deported from the Przemysl ghetto to Belzec during the “First Action” on July 27, 1942.
WEJNRATH, Szejndel. Born in 1902, in Lubaczow. She was married. Perished in Belzec during 1942.
WEJNSZTOK, Gustav. Born in 1914, in Lvov. He was married and a school teacher by profession.
WELC, Cwy. Born in 1918, in Tarnogrod. He was single. Deported from Tarnogrod to Belzec.
WELICZKER, Abraham. Born in 1894, in Stojanov. He was a timber merchant and was associated with a company that exported eggs, and was a partner in a cement-pipe company in Stojanov. When the famly moved to Lvov, he designed houses. Deported from Lvov on November 19, 1942 to Belzec.
WERDINGER, Ana. Born in 1908, née Roka, in Boryslaw. She was a clerk by profession. Perished in Belzec during 1942.
WERTMAN, Ichak. Born in 1896, in Izbica. He was married to Mendel and was a merchant by profession.
WERTMAN, Pinie. Born in 1910, in Tomaszow Lubelski. He was married and was a merchant by profession.
WICKLER, Rachel. Born in 1876. Deported from Probuzna to Belzec during 1942.
WIENER, Stefa. Born in 1900, in Krakow. She was married to Yulius and was a housewife. Deported from Krakow to Belzec during 1942.
WIKLER, Abraham. Born in Probuzna.
WILF, Isser. Born in 1905, in Boryslaw. He was married and an engineer by profession. Perished in Belzec during 1942.
WITLIN, Abraham. Born in 1910, in Zolkiew. He was a grocer by profession and single.
WITMAN, Ysak. Born in 1888, in Sobibor. Married to Sara. Perished in Belzec during 1942.
WOLBROMSKI, Sara. Born in 1918, in Ksiaz Wielki. Perished in Belzec during 1942.
WOLBROMSKI, Tzirel. Born in 1886, in Wodzislaw. She was married to Aahron and lived in Ksiaz Wielki. Perished in Belzec during 1942.
WOLF, Sara. Born in 1910, in Zwadka. She was married to Yosef and was a hous
ewife. Deported from the Lvov ghetto to Belzec during 1942.
WOLKENFELD, Juda. Born in 1895. He was married to Tziporan and lived in Biecz. Perished in Belzec on November 11, 1942.
WOLMAN, Szmul. Born on November 4, 1889, in Lublin. He was the owner of large hardware stores in Lublin. Deported in March 1942 to Belzec.
WOLSZTAJN, Lejb. Born in 1927, in Wloclawek. He was resettled to Zamosc in 1940. He was sent to Belzec during the “First Action” on April 11, 1942, together with his mother and sister. Lejb managed to escape and he returned to the Zamosc Ghetto. He told the Judenrat in Zamosc about the death camp and the fate of the Jews transported there. In August 1942, he was again deported to Belzec, together with his father Szmul. Both of them perished in Belzec.
WOLSZTAJN, Rojza. Born in 1921. Daughter of Szmul and Zera.
WOLSZTAJN, Szmul. Born in 1890. Father of Lejb and Rojza. He was resettled to Zamosc in 1940 together with his family. He was a member of the Jewish Social Self-Help (Judische Soziale Selbshilfe) in the Zamosc ghetto. Deported to Belzec along with his son Lejb, in August 1942. They both perished in Belzec.
WOLSZTAJN, Zera. Born in 1892. She was the mother of Lejb and Rojza, and wife to Szmul. Perished in Belzec during August 1942.
ZAJDENFODEM, Szymon. Born in 1920, in Chelm. He was married to Pesa and was a metalworker by profession. Deported from Chelm to Belzec during 1942.
ZALCBERG, Sara. Born in 1900, née Tzukerman, in Miechow. She was a housewife. Perished in Belzec during 1942.
ZAUER, Sara. Born in 1918, in Limanowa. Deported from Chelmiec during 1942 to Belzec.
ZEIDENWEG, Fawel. He was single and lived in Zakilow. Deported from there to Belzec.
ZEMLER, Fawl. Born in 1887, in Nemirow. He was married to Roshi and was a merchant by profession. Deported during 1942 from Rawa Ruska to Belzec.
ZIEGEL, Berl. Born in 1913, in Laski. He was single and was a merchant by profession. Perished in Belzec during 1942.
ZIEGEL, Josef. Born in 1900, in Cieszanow. He was married to Pesel and was a merchant by profession. Deported from the Lvov ghetto in 1942 to Belzec.
ZIGEL, Amalia. Born in 1890, in Uhnow. Married to Moshe. Deported to Belzec during 1942.
ZILBERGER, Amalia. Born in 1892, née Brandsdorfer, in Brzesko. Married to Shimon. Deported during 1942 to Belzec.
ZILBERNADEL, Ester. Born in 1908, in Belzec.
ZILBERSZTEIN, Fejga. Born in 1895. She was married to Yosef and was a housewife in Tomaszow Lubelski. Deported from Tomaszow Lubelski to Belzec.
ZINGER, Mirjam. Born in 1884, in Tomaszow Lubelski. Married to Iasha. Deported to Belzec during 1942.
ZIS, Faivel. Born in 1874, in Zamosc. Married to Ester.
ZISKIND, Rosalia. Born in 1921, in Gorlice. She was single. Deported to Belzec during 1942.
ZLOCZOWER, Chana. Born in 1920, in Lvov. Daughter of Rachel and Shlomo Zloczower. Perished in Belzec together with her parents and sister Rena during 1942.
ZLOCZOWER, Israel. Born in 1900, in Lvov. He was a tailor by profession. Perished in Belzec during 1942.
ZLOCZOWER, Rachel. Married to Shlomo. Deported from the Lvov ghetto to Belzec during 1942, where she perished with other members of her family.
ZLOCZOWER, Rena. Born in 1924, in Lvov. Daughter of Rachel and Shlomo Zloczower. Perished in Belzec together with her parents and sister Chana during 1942.
ZLOCZOWER, Shlomo. Born in 1890, in Lvov. He was married to Rachel, with whome he had two daughters—Chana and Rena—and he was a tailor by profession. Perished in Belzec during 1942, along with the rest of his family.
ZMISZLONO, Jakob. Born in 1910, in Dzaloszice. He was married to Sara and was a merchant by profession. Deported from Dzaloszice to Belzec during 1942.
ZOMMER, Brajndel. Born in 1920, in Debica. She was a pupil and single. Deported from Debica to Belzec during 1942.
ZYLBER, Szlomo. Born in 1888, in Zamosc. He was married to Reizl and was a worker by profession. Deported in 1942 from Zamosc to Belzec.
ZYLBERBERG, David. Born in 1902, in Tomaszow Lubelski. He was married to Miril and was a driver by profession.
ZYLBERBERG, Miril. Born in 1902, in Tomaszow Lubelski. She was married to David and was a housewife. Perished in Belzec during 1942.
ZYSKIND, Michael. Born in 1875, in Rozyszcze. He was married to Khala and was an agent by profession. Perished in Belzec during 1942.
ZYSKIND, Sheindl. Born in 1910, in Kowel. She was single. Perished in Belzec during 1942.
Chapter XIV
The Perpetrators
The following chapter is based on information disclosed at the trials of those men who served at the Aktion Reinhardt camps, or from survivor accounts and accounts by their fellow officers.
Almost all of them came from the lower middle class—their fathers were factory workers, craftsmen, salesmen, or shop workers. Most of the men who served in the death camps had finished extended elementary school, some lower high school, and a few had attended secondary school. Some had attended commercial schools, or had received vocational training. Those who were former euthanasia program employees were mostly former nurses, craftsmen, farm workers, or salesmen.
Almost all of the accused were members of either the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeitspartei (NSDAP)—the Nazi Party—the police, the Schutzstaffel (SS) or the Sturmabteilung (SA). Some had joined these organisations before Hitler came to power, others joined the Party later. Their average age was between thirty and forty at the time they served in the death camps.
The personnel who ran the camps and supervised the extermination activities were absolutely ordinary people. They were not assigned to these roles because of any exceptional qualities or characteristics. The anti-Semitism that festered within them was no doubt part of their milieu and was an accepted phenomenon among large segments of German society. Many of them were married, and most had no criminal record. They had either volunteered to serve in the SS or had been drafted into its ranks. So it was not unusual that a man wore an SS uniform but received his salary from his real employer, the German police, or Aktion T4, the Nazi euthanasia program.
These men carried out the murder of hundreds of thousands of men, women, and children—always loyally and without question. What is more, they constantly displayed initiative in trying to improve the extermination process. An integral aspect of their duties was that they were also to exhibit cruelty towards their victims, and many of them contributed their own ideas and innovations for various forms of torture that served to entertain them all. Under the Nazi regime, these perfectly ordinary people were turned into something extraordinarily inhuman.
Source and pertinent material on the daily lives of these men in Belzec, on their personal feelings about the tasks that they carried out, and their relationship to their innocent victims is almost non-existent—men more than anxious to cover up their past were not about to sit down and record their memoirs. Even at their trials, when some of them were forced to attest to their deeds, very little was brought out about their personal feelings and experiences. The primary sources on the behavior of these perpetrators and their actual relationship to their victims are the testimonies of those who survived the camps, as well as some material and evidence that was submitted during the trials. Prisoners used to give nicknames to the various men in SS uniform, and these were indicative of their reputations and activities in the camp. These nicknames were also a type of code to be used as a warning when a particular SS-man appeared in a certain area of the camp.
Taking the above restrictions on information into account, it is nevertheless possible to compile a reasonably comprehensive staff list of Belzec perpetrators. The list is assembled based on known evidence and information from various sources, however scant, about the perpetrators. The SS garrison only comprised of about twenty to thirty men stationed in the camp at any given time, and this list contains the names of mainly SS-men who were assigned duties at Belzec during the time of its existence.
Members of the SS held key posi
tions in the camp, and many of the staff belonged to a police detachment of unknown origin—a few were civilians. SS-men were sometimes transferred between the three Aktion Reinhardt camps, and may have served in Belzec only briefly. It cannot be ascertained if this list contains all of the staff that served at the camp, as not all of the names of the camp staff or their specific functions could be gleaned from eyewitness reports. Most of the SS camp personnel first worked in the euthanasia program (Aktion T4), although not all functions were known, but where this is known it has been included.
After the three Aktion Reinhardt camps were demolished, most of the personnel were posted to northern Italy, assisting with the suppression of partisan activities, rounding-up Jews, and confiscating Jewish property and valuables. As the war drew to a close, the Nazi command realized that the staff and commanders could incriminate their superiors, and they were consequently sent to dangerous areas where some of them, such as Christian Wirth and Franz Reichleitner, were killed by partisans. As Franz Stangl said afterwards, “We were an embarrassment to the brass. They wanted to find ways to incinerate us.”
Belzec Death Camp—Construction Supervisor (Latter Stages)
Born on October 23, 1903, in Sabine-bei-Annahof (today, Sowin, in Polish Silesia), in the Falkenberg district of Upper Silesia. A builder by profession, he was bi-lingual in German and Polish, and joined the SS on July 1, 1932, and the Nazi Party a month later. On October 5, 1935, Thomalla married Margarete Bruckner. He saw military service in Falkenberg and Oppeln, and service in the SS in Wohlau and Breslau (Wroclaw) in the present–day southeastern part of Polish Lower Silesia.
On September 6, 1940, Thomalla was transferred from Breslau to the Generalgouvernment, where he was a member of the SS-Hilfspolizei (auxiliary police), in the cities of Czestochowa and Radom. On August 22, 1940, he was transferred by Friedrich-Wilhelm Krüger, the Höhere SS- und Polizeiführer Ost (HSSPF), based in Krakow, to serve under Odilo Globocnik, SS- und Polizeiführer (SSPF) Lublin. From August to October 1940, he was section leader of the SS Border Defence Construction Service (SS-Grenzschutz Baudienst) in Belzec, on the demarcation line between the Generalgouvernement and Soviet-occupied Galicia (western Ukraine). His first task was the establishment of a construction depot of the Waffen-SS and police in Zamosc, about 40 kilometers north of Belzec.