Claiming the Dragon King: The Elite Guards Book Two

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Claiming the Dragon King: The Elite Guards Book Two Page 33

by Amelia Hutchins

  He thrust forward, lowering his mouth to touch against hers as his finger found her clitoris, rubbing it in a skilled circle until she was coming undone around his cock. She arched her back, taking more as he pulled his mouth away, slamming against her until he screamed his release and dropped his arms to support himself on either side of her head. His breathing was as labored as hers. His body pulsed around hers and then his eyes changed, and his dragon stared down at her.

  “My turn,” it hissed.

  “Bring it, dragon. I’m fucking ravenous.”

  “You did it, my little dragon mate,” he murmured thickly, as if he wasn’t used to using Blane’s words. “You healed his broken pieces and mended your own. I am proud to call you my mate and proud of the children we will create together.”

  “I love you too, dragon,” she laughed softly. “Now show me what you got for me. Make me feel owned.”

  “And so naughty,” he purred as he grew inside of her body until she was a writhing mess beneath him. “You can take more, my pretty little girl,” he demanded and sat back, growing until she squirmed around his cock. “More,” he encouraged and then bucked his hips, using the orgasm that tore through her to find more access until he stretched her pussy full, and purred like a kitten as she bucked against it. “We’re going to have so much fun together.”

  “I know we will,” she whimpered. “Because, you and I, we have forever.”

  “Yes, and you have so many other places for me to explore, don’t you?” he asked, pushing his fingers between her lips which clenched down, sucking her arousal clean from them. “You’re the most sensual, beautiful creature I’ve ever known. I cannot wait to watch us grow and flourish as you give me a horde of children, sweet one. I’m going to enjoy making every one of them with you.”

  Chapter Forty-Seven

  Ciara turned over in bed, her hand resting on her tiny belly as Blane slumbered beside her. Today they were getting married, again. She opened her eyes as excitement shot through her, only to find Blane wasn’t beside her, and neither was Fury.

  Her eyes searched the room, finding something moving beneath the covers. She lifted them, exposing a tiny green dragon that stared at her with blue eyes. It let out a yelp, which she assumed was supposed to be a roar.

  Where the hell was Fury? Her eyes moved to Blane who sat in a chair across the room, silently observing her.

  “Where is our son, and why is there a dragon in our bed?” she demanded as she fought against the sleep to wake.

  “It’s not any dragon,” he laughed as he rose and watched her as if he expected her to freak out at any moment and lose her shit which was possible. “That is Fury.”

  “What? No, Fury is our son, and he isn’t green or scaly. Remember?”

  “He transformed around midnight and has been waiting for his mother to wake up,” he laughed wickedly. “I think he wants to feed,” he explained. The tiny dragon opened his mouth as if he agreed, revealing rows of sharp teeth.

  “Oh hell no,” she scoffed with a nervous laugh as she covered her breasts with her arms. “If he wants to feed, he better change back. Those teeth are not getting anywhere close to these boobs.”

  The baby dragon moved closer, using its nose to nudge her leg before it found her hand. It licked her fingers before it bit her, drawing blood.

  “Fury, we do not chew on mommy,” Blane said in a thick voice, and she realized it wasn’t Blane in the room with her. It was his dragon, watching his child as it discovered its other self. He knelt down, watching it as it tilted its head, studying him back. “We like her breasts whole, and mommy is not like us. She’s special, unable to change to your needs so you must change to hers.” He was talking to him in their language, and she understood them clearly. She smiled, touching the side of Blane’s face as he smiled back at her, turning his fierce, inhuman eyes in her direction. “Mommy is very special, and while she can handle dragon…parts and needs, she needs us to understand her limits. You did well last night, my dragon rider. I am proud, and you are sore but happy. You can ride this dragon anytime you are in need of me.”

  “I’m very happy and very sore, but it was welcome, as are you whenever you want me,” she said as pain sliced through her finger again. She stared down at her finger which dripped blood that Fury lapped at greedily.

  “I said no chewing on your mother, my son,” he admonished sternly. Blane picked him up and cradled him as he spoke to him more, and then she watched as her baby shed his dragon form and was once again her beautiful little hungry monster. She accepted him and bared her breast, feeding him as the dragon watched.

  “We cannot meet as souls today,” he said after a time of watching her feed their child. “You carry our daughter, and her soul is not ready to meet mine as Fury’s was. She’s only just begun forming in your womb, and it could change who she is meant to become if she met him or me in the world beyond ours. I know they told you that we could only meet as souls once…but you and I…we are not bound by their rules. We are other, stronger, and different than they are. We will journey to the realm of souls many times, but not today.”

  “I know, Blane explained that I was further along with Fury both times we entered the soul world.”

  “I wish it was otherwise because there I could have you without giving you pain or ruining your body with my needs. He’s anxious to marry you, and I need to rest before tonight.”

  “Tonight?” she asked.

  “You planned the wedding; he chose your honeymoon. We will fly tonight for hours before you come back here to mate. I enjoyed it when you flew on me, the way your thighs held on made me want to land and test your limits, but in my form, it would be dangerous.”

  “Not to be blunt or anything, but I like you in his form. It doesn’t scare me as much. It’s almost like you guys just split your personalities. And I’m not dragon, no matter how much I wish it otherwise.”

  “We do not wish you to change,” he admitted. “Dragons tear each other apart when they mate in their true form. You are not meant to be torn apart, you’re meant to be cherished and ravished, and he is right, savaged. Not in our form though, in yours. We will learn you as you teach us, Ciara. In time, we will know everything about you and you us. Time is something we have. I will go, he is impatient, and the Horde is arriving for the wedding.”

  Blane stared down at her, one moment with the eyes of his dragon and the next his. He smiled as he stared down at Fury. “It’s law to let the dragon interact with the child during their first transition. Fury needed to sense him, and I knew you’d be okay through it. I didn’t warn you, and for that I’m sorry.”

  “He is the cutest flying lizard ever,” she murmured as she lifted her lips for his kiss.

  “He is,” he laughed as he kissed her. “I have to go get ready, and the women are outside the door, bustling to get in to prepare you.”

  “I’ll see you soon.”

  An hour later she stood in the dress she’d worn for their first wedding in her bare feet. Her hair was tied up in braids, bound in a bun. Ryder held her arm as they prepared to walk down the aisle of dirt in the courtyard of the Blane’s castle. Tiny fairies danced on either side of the walkway while everyone waited for the music to turn on.

  “You’re sure you want to do this twice?” Ryder asked as he stared down at her as she held Fury in her arms. He was dressed in a kilt, marking him dragon by birth along with Fae. He wore both colors proudly.

  “I’d marry him a thousand times,” she admitted.

  Petals were placed as Kahleena tossed them clumsily down the aisle. Her platinum blonde curls bounced as she reached down, picking some back up as she threw them into the air, much to the boys’ delight. Her golden eyes lit up as she peered back and used her chubby little hand to indicate they should follow her.

  “She’s so beautiful, Ryder.” She smi
led as his hand tightened.

  “She’s going to be a wild one, I fear,” he mused.

  “Look at her parents,” she laughed and then tensed as Christina Perri’s A Thousand Years started to play in the overflowing courtyard, indicating it was time to meet her king at the end of the aisle again.

  “The difference is, I can kill any boy who gets too close to her, and no one can challenge me on it.”

  “Isn’t that what you said about me too?” she asked as she smiled up at him. “Sometimes we have to fall before we fly, brother. You can’t always protect us from everything. Life is about falling and getting back up, it’s about learning to fly and knowing when we can and when we can’t. It’s about living through the pain, and finding the rays that enter through our broken cracks,” she murmured as her eyes landed on Blane, decked out in his armor with his family crest displayed on it proudly.

  Remy stood beside Darynda, who was fussing over his injuries. Zahruk and Fyra argued over swords as he offered for her to slide down his and verify herself just how sharp and skilled it was. Synthia stood beside Blane, smiling at Ryder as if they were sharing a private moment, and Ristan cradled Olivia in his arms, his hands resting on her growing bump.

  “Look at how far we’ve come,” she whispered softly. We have children of our own, and we are growing daily and fixing ourselves. We’re fixing the world and undoing the past. We are living, and we’re free. We are free to choose our own paths and choose what our destiny is. We’re winning, Ryder. Everything else is just extra.”

  “How’d you get so smart?” he asked as they reached Blane.

  “I had a good teacher.” She stood up on her tiptoes as he bent down, kissing his cheek. “I had someone who loved me enough to show me what it was to be loved. All of you did that together.”

  “Can I have my bride?” Blane asked with a smirk, and Ciara laughed as the group chuckled. The people cheered as she kissed him hard, not waiting for vows or anything else. She didn’t need to marry him again; she had her perfect wedding, even if she had been drunk at it.

  “I do, I do, a thousand times, yes,” she said, kissing him as Fury wailed between them. “Forever, dragon,” she whispered thickly.

  “I’m glad you claimed me, my queen. You are the queen to my king,” he murmured as he bent his head and kissed their son. “And my little prince,” he uttered before dragons erupted in the sky, flipping as they soared over them. “Your people adore you; our people couldn’t be happier that you’ve said yes, again.” His smile blinded her as she looked at the triplets, tossing the flowers at the fairies that zipped here and there to escape the heavy petals. Synthia was holding Zander in her arms, staring at Ciara proudly.

  “I knew you were strong enough to win this fight,” she announced. “Now we have to win the war that’s coming.”

  “We will; we can’t lose with dragons on our side,” she beamed proudly.

  It didn’t matter what came at them, they’d be ready. They had families depending on them and the love of Faery and the lower castes of Fae on their side. She’d survived worse things than Mages, and with Blane at her side; they’d survive anything this world threw at them. No, losing wasn’t an option. Everything happened for a reason. He’d helped them unknowingly with their father, he’d help them with the war, and she’d give him however many beautiful dragon babies he wanted.

  “I love you,” he murmured.

  “I want hundreds of them,” she laughed.

  “I’ll say it a million times and more,” he chuckled.

  “Babies, I want all of your babies,” she whispered breathlessly.

  “We need to talk about that privately. Dragons can have four in a single year,” he said in a high-pitched voice. “I say we have our daughter, and then practice making them for a while. They’re a lot of work, and your boobs are off-limits while you are feeding them.”

  Ristan chuckled and then straightened as he looked down at Olivia’s breasts. “You’re joking, right?”

  “Afraid not, they belong to the baby until they are weaned, demon.”

  “Fucking hell,” he groaned. “I love your boobs!”

  “This is so inappropriate for a wedding,” Adam laughed as the entire assembly started coughing and laughing with them.

  “Not this one,” Ciara laughed as she pulled Blane to her. “I just agreed to it for the honeymoon.”

  “You want to ride me?”

  “Whoa, Ciara,” Ristan chuckled.

  “His dragon, I’m going to ride his dragon into the stars tonight.”

  “Kinky fuckery,” Ristan laughed as he tightened his hold on Olivia. “We’ll babysit; Olivia needs the practice. She’s started to grow faster now, which means her time will near soon. Probably because Faery is fractured,” he smiled, not bothered that his child was coming sooner.

  “Okay, but if he turns into a dragon, watch your fingers,” she offered as she winked at Olivia, who frowned.

  “What?” Olivia squeaked in a high-pitched tone.

  “He transforms, but if you talk to him gently, he’ll change back. If not, call for us, and we will come home early.”

  “This should be…fun,” she said as she watched Ciara hand Fury to her, kissing him on the head as she turned to Blane with excitement.

  “Let’s do this, dragon.”

  “Come on and ride me, my queen.”

  About the Author

  Amelia lives in the great Pacific Northwest with her family. When not writing, she can be found on her author page, hanging out with fans, or dreaming up new twisting plots. She’s an avid reader of everything paranormal romance.

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  Embracing the Dragon Sneak Peek

  Coming August 2018

  Chapter I

  Ash fell from the sky, blanketing the charred ground like cascading snow. Amelia stretched out her fingers, finding the burnt residue cool against her pale skin, lacking the heat responsible for the land’s horrific transformation. As she searched the valley for the conflagration’s source, or any living being, toxic particles coated her lungs with each labored breath.

  Normally this lush region would have been filled with the merry songs of chittering birds, and the scattering rustle of creatures hidden amid the tall grass. As she walked the field, the only sounds were the crunch of charred vegetation, and her occasional cough as her chest attempted to expel the smoke-laden air.

  She scanned the horizon, seeking flames. Gloomy air surrounded her, with smoke so thick she couldn’t even discern the fire’s glow through its suffocating layers.

  Amelia pushed forward, drawing shallow breaths as more particles lined her throat, turning coughs to occasional gags as she reached what should have been the forest’s edge. In place of towering trees, she found blackened stumps. Her heart skipped at the sight, her mind rejecting the ruined vision of the land she had loved.

  “What happened?” she asked the desolate terrain. “What, by the gods, took place here?”

  She had cherished this land with its lush shrubbery, thick enough to hide even her darkest secrets. A place all were once welcomed to enjoy shaded comfort, perfumed by the sweet scent of fresh grass and wildflowers. Now, only cooling embers remained.

  When she reached the clearing’s center, a pitiful squeak drew her attention. She knelt, brushing her hand through ash and soot to find a bird chirping m
eekly between desperate gasps. Gently cradling the suffering creature between her hands, Amelia closed her eyes.

  As though anticipating her intentions, the wren remained motionless against her palms, and its labored breathing eased.

  Settling her mind upon the bird, soft-blue light emanated from between her fingers, bathing the unremarkable brown feathers in cerulean light. As Amelia’s power drew out the toxins poisoning the delicate creature, it first flapped its wings, and then flew from Amelia’s hands.

  “Fly away,” she urged. “The air remains poisonous.”

  The bird chirped in thanks before fluttering away, though Amelia was uncertain as to the safety of its chosen direction.

  She resumed her survey of the ruined forest, helping a struggling squirrel in the same manner she had the bird. As it scampered away, Amelia stood and attempted to brush the soot from her hands, but only managed to smudge the fine black powder.

  Without audible warning, orange flames surged toward her, forcing Amelia to jump to her left, rolling through the fire’s debris, hands and knees stinging as they encountered hidden rocks.

  A roar resounded, shattering the unnatural silence as Amelia glanced toward the sky to face a looming figure.

  Above, darker than the choking smoke, hovered an immense beast, its wingspan casting a wide shadow over her curled form. The deep purple wings had a feathered appearance, glowing with what appeared to be golden flames, though they did not burn. Instead the menacing creature’s wings fanned hotter, reminding Amelia of a forge fire amplified by a blacksmith’s bellow. From an ebony body, its back feet were hooved, but its front arms had claws similar to a bird’s, while larger talons protruded from the outer tips of both wings. A terrifying creature of utter destruction.


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