Paths (Killers #2)

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Paths (Killers #2) Page 24

by Brynne Asher

  I end the call without saying goodbye and pull her to me tighter.

  “Ouch,” she winces.

  I release my hold. “What’s wrong?”

  She rubs her arm before she sinks into my chest again. “He hurt my arm when I was wrestling with him. It’s over. I’m fine.”

  I lean back, pulling her to me more gently this time. I scoot us down in the couch as she settles into my chest.


  I close my eyes and try not to think about how bad that could’ve been. “Hmm?”

  “I’m sorry,” she murmurs into my chest. “You were shot at because of me—because of my shitty history with Weston.”

  I rub her arm gently. “Don’t worry. They had no idea what they were doing and that’s not the first time I’ve been shot at.”

  My words make her body go tense again and she pushes from my chest to look at me with big eyes. “How many times have you been shot at?”

  I try and give her a reassuring smile and pull her back to me. “That’s a conversation for another day. I will say, I hope it’s the last time anyone fires a gun at me. Slid a ring on your finger last night, bonded with your dad over muffins this morning, and might’ve made a baby with you. I’m ready to move on to other things than being shot at.”

  She sinks into me. “You bonded with my dad?”

  “Yeah, he wants to see more of you. I told him I’d bring you back whenever you wanted, but after what just happened, there’s no way you’re leaving the vineyard until something happens with the MacLachlans.”

  She nods against my chest and we lay like this for a long while.

  Maya eventually breaks the silence. “This ruined your in-flight sex plans.”

  I sigh, finally relaxing. I put my lips to her soft hair. “I’ll charter a plane just to fly around in circles to make that happen. You give me the word and it’s a date.”

  “Okay.” She burrows in farther. “I’ll bring the condoms.”

  Chapter 22 – One, Two, Three, and Four

  Grady –

  Once the plane lands, I hurry her to my Escalade while making sure no one follows us. I don’t think they’ll try to make another move so soon, but you never know.

  I checked her eyes two more times on the plane for signs of a concussion. She’s got swelling on her cheek that’s sure to bruise and the scratches are starting to scab. Her pupils aren’t dilated, she hasn’t fallen asleep or been sick—but I’m not taking any chances, so I tell her I’m taking her straight to a doctor to get checked out.

  This is when we have our first argument. It isn’t ridiculous banter about food or Christmas trees, either. It’s a hands-down, lay-your-shit-out disagreement.

  She insists she’s fine.

  I tell her she’s going to the doctor—end of discussion. She’s not the one looking at her face with a constant reminder of what just happened. She even admits to having a slight headache.

  She retorts that anyone who skidded across a tarmac on their face would have a headache, and again, repeats that she’s fine.

  I tell her she doesn’t have a choice—we’re going.

  She says I’ll have to wrestle her out of the car and that would just be embarrassing, because she isn’t going and—fucking again—says she’s fine.

  I ignore her, insisting she go.

  Then she explains in a high-pitched tone that she’s the only health care professional in this vehicle and if she gets sick, she’ll go. She even goes so far as to add in a sarcastic tone that she’ll be sure to throw up all over me so I don’t miss it.

  I start my car, and as we leave the parking lot, put my foot down. She’s going to see a doctor.

  As I pull onto the highway to find the nearest emergency clinic, her voice fills the car, but this time it’s small and shaky.

  “Please, Grady,” she starts, and when I look over, her eyes are filled with tears. Damn it. That, mixed with seeing her beautiful face marred, is enough to gut me all over again. “I just want to go home after all that’s happened. I promise I’ll tell you if I don’t feel good. Please.”

  I sigh and turn back to focus on the highway. Reaching over, I take her hand and, fuck me, I agree. Seeing tears in her eyes nearly does me in.

  This doesn’t bode well for me.

  But I try to save face and tell her I’ll only take her home if she takes a couple more days off work to make sure she’s okay.

  Surprisingly, she doesn’t argue. I’m out of pawns to negotiate with, so I’m relieved she gives in. Plus, there’s no way I was going to let her go to work anyway, so it saves me another argument.

  The rest of the car ride is quiet, but when my phone rings and I see that it’s Crew, my stomach tightens, wondering what it could be now.

  I don’t put it on speaker, just in case. “Yeah?”

  “Hey, I know you’ve had a busy day already, and trust me, I wouldn’t bother you for anything else, but if I were you I’d want a warning.” I’ve known Crew for more than ten years. I probably know him better than anyone, so I can tell by his tone of voice, this isn’t an emergency. If anything, he sounds amused.

  “Okay,” I drawl, waiting for him to finish.

  “I was in the middle of a training session with the men, and then, boom—it was like a tornado hit.”

  “What are you talking about?” I growl and feel Maya squeeze my arm.

  When I look over, her face is as confused as I feel.

  “Well.” I hear him move the phone and muffle a laugh. “Let’s just say the Cain Quartet rolled into town and now my old farmhouse looks like Rudolph threw up all over the place.”

  “What the fuck?” I feel my face fall as Maya’s expression turns from confused to concerned.

  I’ve been putting my sisters off for months, even more since I was captured and fucked-up. I didn’t need them to see me that way. They know my job as a contractor could be dangerous and I told them I’d had an incident, but was fine. They don’t know the truth about my prior job.

  I guess I put them off long enough, they made a surprise attack. Damn them.

  “Yeah, you heard me. They said they were tired of you giving them the runaround, so they came to you. Did they ever. I wouldn’t believe it if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes. There was no way I could stop them, and man, they’ve only been here for thirty minutes. They’re a force to be reckoned with.”

  I look back to the road, but slow down. I was in a hurry to get her home, but now I’m wondering if we can get back on the plane and head for Fiji. I can keep her safe in Fiji, not to mention, we can fuck on the beach.

  Just when my thoughts go to how many ways we can fuck on a private island, Crew keeps talking. “Tell me you’re close. They’re talking my fucking ear off and I left the men with Asa. I’ve carried in all their shit and eaten enough Christmas cookies to get me through Independence Day. I think I’d rather go to the depths of hell for you again than entertain them.”

  I shake my head and turn onto the two-lane road that leads us home. “I’ve decided to take Maya to Fiji.”

  “Fuck you,” Crew clips.

  “I’ll see you in five,” I concede and we hang up.

  “What’s wrong now?” Maya asks.

  “I feel bad,” I start, trying to break the news that we’ll be bombarded the second we get home. “I had no idea they were coming, but they’re crazy and can do shit like this from time to time. I know it’s really a bad time after last night and today. I wanted to bring you home to peace and quiet, not to the whirlwind we’re about to walk into.”

  “Grady, what are you talking abou

  “My sisters.” I look over at her. “They’re here. They like this spur-of-the-moment shit. I’m sorry, baby, but from the sounds of it, there’ll be no peace and quiet today.”

  Her hand comes to her face and she instantly pulls down the mirror on the visor to inspect her scrapes.

  “Hey,” I call for her. “They’re a pain in the ass, but only the good kind. They’ll love you so much, it’ll make you sick to your stomach. But still, if you throw up on me, don’t think you can blame it purely on my sisters. You’re going to the doctor to get checked for a concussion.”

  “I’m a mess,” she says into the mirror. “I can’t believe I have to meet them looking like this. Can you just take me home? I’ll meet them next time.”

  I shake my head as I pull onto the road that leads to Crew’s house. “Sorry, baby. I need to get my sisters off Crew’s back and I’m not letting you out of my sight.”

  She flips the mirror closed, giving up. “It’s useless anyway. Who knows when my face will heal.”

  “It’s not deep. It should heal soon.” I look over at her and raise a brow. “But I shouldn’t have to tell you that. You are the health care professional here, right?”

  She closes her eyes. “Shut up.”

  I pull slowly up to the house, park next to a brand-new minivan with temporary tags and add, “Warning—they’ll attack you with the energy of a pack of puppies who just downed a double espresso. And since it’s Christmas, they could be on a sugar high. Just go with the flow, I promise you’ll make it out alive.”

  Her eyes get big right before I hear them and look toward the house.


  Maya –

  When the door bursts open, I get the feeling Grady wasn’t exaggerating. Four women come filing out—one in a flat-out run, one skip-running, and the other two at a quick clip.

  When Grady opens his door, I hear excited screams and shouts from the women, but I stay where I am. I know I can’t hide in Grady’s SUV forever, but for now, I feel safer in here.

  All four women have darkish hair similar to Grady’s. They all have his coloring, especially the most enthusiastic one running to him. Even from here, I see she has the same vibrant blue eyes I’ve been falling for.

  Shorter than me, she’s petite. When she gets close to Grady, she jumps, leaping into his arms where he catches her, leaving her feet dangling at least six inches off the ground. She wiggles from side to side, excited to see her big brother.

  But I barely have a moment to appreciate her love for Grady when the other three reach him. At least they don’t run and jump, but they do attack him. It’s like he’s turned into a huge tree smothered in vines.

  It’s honestly one of the sweetest things I’ve ever witnessed. I know I’m the same way with Joe, but to see Grady being loved on by his family, especially after I learned their parents are gone, makes it even sweeter.

  They finally give him some breathing room, breaking away even though they all seem to be talking a mile a minute. But just when I think I’m safe, tucked away in Grady’s big SUV, one of the sisters looks over and catches my eye.

  I can’t help but tense when she doesn’t look away. I’m not a professional lip-reader, but it’s easy to see she just asked who I was as she gestured to where I’m hiding. When they all look over, I give them a half-smile with a little wave. Grady gazes straight into my eyes, and his smile is bigger when he lifts a hand, crooking a finger for me to come to him.

  Well, I’d look like a freak if I just sat here, but none of my mother’s incessant lessons in composure taught me how to meet the family of the man I’m sleeping with when my face is scraped, swollen, and starting to bruise. It’s not like I can simply explain that my ex-fiancé and his mob family are after me and my face skidded across the tarmac of a runway. They obviously love Grady, they’re going to want more for him than some woman with baggage so big and heavy, it requires an eighteen-wheeler to haul it around.

  But the longer I sit here, the longer they’ll stare, and the weirder they’ll think I am.

  I finally reach for my door handle and climb down from my seat. The second I start toward the Cain huddle, Grady breaks away from his sisters and moves to me. I instantly feel at ease when he reaches for my hand and pulls me to his side with his arm around my shoulders.

  He turns me to our captive audience and announces, “This is Maya Augustine. Maya, these are my sisters.”

  I open my mouth to greet them, but it’s like I never had a chance. They prove just what I thought—their interest in the woman standing with their brother is off the charts.

  “You’re dating someone?”

  “No wonder he won’t return our calls.”

  “Obviously, he’s been busy.”

  “Look how cute they are.”

  “How long have you been together?”

  “You’re the most hypocritical man ever. You demand to know everything about us, and you didn’t tell us you have a girlfriend?”

  “I mean look, with her blonde hair against his dark complexion? They’re soooo cute.”

  “I agree.”

  “I bet they’ve been together a long time, it’s why he hasn’t come to visit. He’s been relationship-busy.”

  “But he’s never been in a real relationship.”

  “That’s why he’s been so busy—he doesn’t know what he’s doing.”

  “What happened to your face?”

  “Seriously, Grace? You need a filter.”

  “Sorry. But really, what happened to your face?”

  Holy shit, the way they talk, I doubt they ever need anyone to answer. I’m usually good with people, but really, it’s four versus one. I’m not sure what to say, who to answer first, or how to lie about my face.

  Grady’s arm tightens around my shoulders and he tucks my front to his side. I try not to look pained when I offer a little wave accompanied with a lame, “Hey.”

  “What the hell?” the tallest of the Cain sisters screams, staring at my hand. “You’re engaged?”

  I quickly pull my hand back, but Grady catches it in his.

  “Okay,” Grady starts in a voice that sounds practiced and clearly demands attention. “I should’ve told you about Maya. But fuck, have you all ever heard of an invitation? Or at least a phone call to warn me of this shit?”

  “No, and no.” The woman with blonde highlights steps forward and juts her hand out. At first I thought she wanted to shake mine, that is, until she rips my left hand out of Grady’s to inspect my ring. “It’s huge. And beautiful. And huge.” She looks up at her brother and smiles. “To think you did this without our help. I’m proud of you.” Looking back to me, she adds, “I’m Peyton, number two.”

  Overcome by … everything really, all I can think to do is question, “Number two?”

  “Yeah, sister number two,” she confirms. She waves her hand toward another sister, the one with shoulder length dark hair and a fuller face. “Raine thinks she’s special since she’s number one.” She flips out her other hand to the side toward the younger ones and continues, “Holly is number three and Gracie is four.”

  Holly’s the one who announced how cute Grady and I are, and Grace was the one who jumped into her brother’s arms.

  It’s hard not to be overwhelmed but … I am.

  I open my mouth again to properly greet them when Grace hits Grady’s arm and exclaims, “You’re getting married and didn’t tell us? Wait. You’re not already married, are you?”

  “No,” I respond quickly. “We’re not married. We’re,” I pause to collect my thoughts so I don’t ramble. “He gave me a ring just last
night, in fact. So, it wasn’t that he didn’t tell you, there just hasn’t been time. He did tell me about you all, though. But, ah, not enough. Still, he wasn’t keeping anything from you. It’s just been a busy…” I think about it, not wanting to admit it’s only been weeks, although Grady would insist it’s more like months, “time.”

  “You just got engaged last night?” Holly exclaims and grabs my hand, dislodging me from Grady. She pulls me into a huge hug. “Congratulations!”

  “Well, it seems we got here just in time,” Peyton says, with a hint of sarcasm. “Who knows how long it would’ve taken Grady to call us. They probably would’ve been pregnant before we heard from him.”

  Holly just releases me when these words float through the air, making me gasp.

  “It’s cold.” Grady changes the subject and puts a hand to the small of my back, giving me a push. “Can we take this inside?” I’m about to take a step through the gaggle of sisters when Grady stops and states, “You look funny. What’s wrong with you?”

  When I look back, his arms are crossed, and he’s glaring at Raine, sister number one.

  Raine smiles big, her shoulders rise, and her arms come out to her sides. “I was going to wait to tell you, but it’s hard to keep it a secret anymore. I’m pregnant!”

  I start to smile at her news until I hear Grady growl, “What the fuck?”

  When I look up to him, he doesn’t appear happy about becoming an uncle, even if Raine seems overly happy about her announcement.

  Raine rolls her eyes. “Would you stop? I’m married—get over it.”

  Really confused now, I look back to Grady and he’s closing his eyes and shakes his head.

  Honestly. I don’t know when I’ve ever been more confused.

  Sisters one, two, three, and four don’t seem a bit phased by Grady’s unhappiness about number one being with child, and they all turn toward the house, but not before Grace threads her arm through mine and pulls me with her.


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