Child of Hope (Prophecy Series Book 4)

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Child of Hope (Prophecy Series Book 4) Page 10

by T. N. Hayden

  “What did you see?” Kaleb looked at Brent. “What did you guys see when Henika healed you?”

  “My mother was killed by the soldiers who kidnapped me.” Brent told him. “I fought the soldiers when they took me, so they killed my mother in retaliation.”

  “What about your sister and father?”

  “I don’t know.” Brent shook his head. “I was never really loyal to your father, but I’m still loyal to you, Kaleb. I swear my allegiance to you.” He knelt.

  “Thank you.” Kaleb grabbed Brent’s forearm and had him stand. “What about you, Nate?”

  “Gizelle used her magic to make me loyal to your father.” Nate answered.

  “What about you?” Brent looked at him. “If you’re asking us, can I assume you were also healed?”

  “Liliana used magic to make my body always want to kill the Sorceress, even if I didn’t want to. I nearly did again.” He closed his eyes.

  “You what?” Brent gasped. “I didn’t know you almost killed her again.”

  “I almost drowned her.” Kaleb paused. “She was barely able to use her magic against me. I’m glad she did. When Henika used her magic, I remembered Liliana, and I remembered all the times I saw my mother hurt, bruised, battered, even broken. I need to find my mother, and I need to hear her tell me everything I now know is true.”

  “What do we tell everyone when we get back to the palace?” Brent asked.

  “Nothing about the past few months.” Kaleb looked at his friends. “No one speaks of the time we were prisoners. They’re expecting our return after this years’ time of our mission.”

  “It’s most important you speak with your mother when we return.” Brent stated.

  “She has the answers you need.” Nate agreed.

  As the sun set the following night, they rode up the cobblestone streets of Owlet. Kaleb watched the crowds of people dressed in their finest clothing. How come Owlet was the only city which displayed such wealth? He thought of the prison in Kagu, and he nearly got sick.

  The entire palace was there to see the return of their prince and his companions. Brightly colored banners waved greetings, bright bursts of colors ignited in the sky, and everyone in the palace seemed to be there.

  Kaleb brought his stallion to a stop at the front of the procession where his parents and brothers waited for him.

  “Kaleb!” Spencer screamed and rushed to throw himself into his brother’s arms.

  Kaleb laughed, despite his mood, and spun his brother. “Hey Spence.” He tousled his brother’s brown locks.

  “Welcome home, my son.” Queen Rose stepped forward and hugged him. He knew tonight wouldn’t be the time to speak with his mother, as desperately as he wanted to. He needed to wait. He would make time in the morning.

  She smelled of her name, and she held onto him a little longer than he anticipated.

  “Welcome home, my son.” King Marc embraced him.

  “Thank you, Father.”

  “I hear the Sorceress is still living.” Izik sneered. “It looks like the younger prince will be the one to fulfill his duty to our father and become the next king.”

  “Izik.” Rose’s tone held an edge of warning.

  “It’s alright, Mom.” Kaleb lowered his eyes. “I’m sorry I failed you, Father, but I have discovered a lot of information about the Sorceress and the rebellion.”

  “Good.” King Marc nodded. “Come inside, and we’ll discuss your journey.”

  ~ Chapter 21 ~

  Rose was glad to see her son as he joined her on her morning walk.

  “Good morning.” Kaleb offered his arm to her.

  Rose smiled as she took it. “Good morning to you too, Kaleb. It’s so nice to have you home.” She sat on a wooden swing.

  When her son didn’t speak, she touched his shoulders. “Are you alright, my son? You don’t look well.”

  “I wanted to give you something from my travels.” He held out a beautiful gold ring with roses etched into the material.

  “This is beautiful.” She kissed his forehead as she slipped it on.

  Jenkin rushed into the room. “Rose!”

  She ran to him, threw her arms around him, and kissed him deeply. She didn’t know who was attacking or why, but she knew she would always be safe with her husband around.

  They turned toward the door as it banged open. Rose gasped as she saw Marc. How could he betray Jenkin? They had been friends, brothers-in-arms, and always loyal. Marc held a naked blade in hand, and he stepped into the room. “Well now I’ll get the woman I always wanted.”

  “You’ve always coveted married women.” Jenkin snarled. “I just didn’t think you would betray me.”

  “Rose will be mine.” Marc grabbed at her.

  Jenkin stepped in front, and Rose loved him even more for defending her. “Rose will never be yours. She loves me.”

  “And I always will.” Rose glared at Marc.

  Jenkin grabbed the poker in the fireplace and lunged at Marc. Marc blocked the attack.

  Jenkin turned. “Look at you. Rose is pregnant, Marc. She’s going to have my child. Please don’t hurt them. You’re not this kind of man.”

  “Oh, but I really am.”

  Jenkin let a shaky breath loose. “I don’t want to fight you, Marc.”

  “I have already taken the palace.” Marc lunged. “It is amazing what people can do with magic, particularly those who aren’t afraid to use theirs.” His dark eyes flashed at Rose.

  Something sparkled from her fingers, and she recognized the touch of her magic.

  Jenkin blocked and brought his weapon around. Marc ducked the wild blow, and Rose jumped into the fight. She slammed into Marc, clawing at his face. Marc grabbed Rose’s hair and smashed her head against the side of her vanity. She whimpered as roses fell, a glass vase breaking beside her fallen body. Blood seeped from her face and side. Jenkin rushed to her and cupped her face in his gentle hands.

  Marc snarled as he grabbed a large piece of glass. “You are mine.” Marc threw the glass, and it seemed to sprout in Jenkin’s forehead.

  Rose screamed as Jenkin’s body thudded to the floor. She threw herself on her husband’s bloody body. She could have stopped Marc. She could have…

  Marc clipped something around her wrist, and Rose cried out in pain.

  “Clauditis.” The word seemed like poison as Marc said it.

  Rose gasped and felt faint, as if something was sucking the life out of her. She fell to her side and shuttered.

  “You’re queen, and I shall now be your king.” Marc knelt over her and ran several fingers through her disheveled, bloody hair. “I shall be a better king than Jenkin ever was, and I will be a better lover than Jenkin ever was.” His fingers trailed her skin.

  Her body shook in horror, and Rose tried to call her magic. Nothing happened, and Marc chuckled. “Don’t think you can do anything to fight me. That is my wedding gift to you.” He grabbed her wrist, nearly shoving the bracelet in her face. “Now you will never use your magic again, and you will never defy me again.” He yanked her from the ground.

  Rose screamed and tried to attack him. The bracelet on her wrist seemed to take her energy from her.

  “This little present is from Brad Killer.” Marc smiled as he carried her from the room. “I shall be the greatest king the land has known, and I will crush anyone who opposes me.”

  “You will never be a greater king than Jenkin.” Rose kicked him. “You are a coward, hiding behind magical devices and others who help you in your cause. You are nothing Marc, and you will never amount for anything which others see as good and just.”

  “No?” He shifted her and slammed her back into the cold stone wall of the palace. “I will let you carry Jenkin’s child to term, but don’t misunderstand me, Rose, you will be the mother of my children.”

  “I would rather die.”

  “I’m sure you would.” He yanked her close and touched the bracelet. Her mind seemed to erase, and Marc whispered. “Th
is will help you remember the good from this night, and we shall always love each other.”

  Rose stumbled back, nearly falling off the swing. She stood.

  “What did you see?” Kaleb demanded.

  “I—I’m not sure.”

  “You saw the truth, the moment he took away the truth from you.” Kaleb explained. “The king is not who you thought he was.”

  “So, your father,” Rose turned, “he really is King Jenkin. But Jenkin was kind, loving, and…”

  “You loved him.” Kaleb nodded. “You never loved Marc.”

  “What else has he kept hidden from me?” Rose looked at her son. “How do you know all this?”

  “We were captured by rebels who revealed and helped us face the truth.” Kaleb explained. “I am going to rescue you from King Marc, and we will be safe.”

  “Are you alright?” Rose touched his shoulders, her fingers trembling as she needed to know more. What else had her husband kept from her? What else had magic changed and erased?

  “The leader of the rebellion is a man named Ed.” Kaleb explained. “He said he was friends with King Jenkin and Marc. Now, I need to find the rebels and help them. I promise you, I will free you. I’ll get you away from Marc, and you will be safe from him. I’ll help you gain your freedom, and I will help the rebels, as the son of King Jenkin should.”

  “I know you will, and I love you, my son.” Rose brushed fingers through his hair. He felt like a little boy again.

  “I love you too, Mom.”

  ~ Chapter 22 ~

  Kaleb wanted to hit something, mainly the man claiming to be his father, but he knew he couldn’t harm the king. He couldn’t believe it. Everything the Sorceress and rebels had told him was true. He was the son of Jenkin, and his mother had never loved Marc.

  “Welcome home, Prince Kaleb.” Gizelle seemed to appear in the shadows of the hallway. “I was outside when you returned, but you didn’t seem to notice.”

  Kaleb shook his head. “I’m sorry, Gizelle, but I have to be somewhere.”

  “But you just got back from your long journey.” She stroked her fingers through his dark hair. “It must have been lonely, out there, hunting a wicked Sorceress with no female companions to keep you men company.”

  Kaleb grabbed her wrists and held her away from him. He didn’t want someone like Gizelle, but he had to make sure she didn’t suspect that he was no longer under magical control.

  “It was rough, and I am glad to be home in the company of such fine women.” He faked a smile. “However, I must be off. I’m meeting my friends.”

  “And I know how loyal you are to them.” Gizelle smiled. “Perhaps we can see each other later?”

  “Perhaps.” He bowed as he left.

  Kaleb found Brent and Nate waiting for the prince in his room, and Kaleb looked at them.

  “What did you find out?” Brent asked. “You’re pale.”

  “Is it true then?” Nate whispered.

  “I’m the son of Jenkin Masen.” Kaleb nodded. “Prince Kaleb Masen.” He shook his head. “It sounds impossible.”

  “What are you going to do now?”

  “Ed was friends with my true father, and he was loyal to him. I’ve only been loyal to the king out of lies. I will no longer be Marc’s son. I can’t.” He paced. “He’s throwing a ball tonight to celebrate our return. I need to leave the palace and find the Sorceress. She was right about everything, and now I need to make things right.” He couldn’t believe how much he had hated her and the rebels. They were good people, doing what they could to protect the innocent from King Marc. He felt sick. He had always been fighting for the wrong side.

  “How will you find her?” Brent asked. “How can we help?”

  “We?” Kaleb looked between his friends. “I can’t ask you to follow me. What I’m going to do is treason.”

  “I didn’t hear you ask us.” Nate shrugged. “Doesn’t make any difference anyway. We told you before, our loyalty is to you.”

  “And now you know the truth.” Brent nodded. “Now we all know the truth.”

  “You are strong enough to find the rebellion and join them. The Sorceress will ride to fulfill her destiny with you by her side. You will take the throne as your father’s son, the true heir to the kingdom.” Brent smiled. “How could we not be willing to be loyal to a man like that?”

  “When will we leave?” Nate asked.

  “Tonight, right after the ball.” Kaleb looked between his friends. He didn’t know how they would get the rebels to trust them, but he had to try. “We shall leave at midnight.”

  Kaleb felt like an object on display for his father. He was glad his friends were going to join him on his new mission. Where would he begin? Petrel? The Sorceress and Ryl had made sure he was blindfolded the entire journey into and out of the rebel city. He only knew to look in the mountains.

  Frustration put him in a bad mood as he entered the crowded ballroom. He needed to free his mother, and he knew Marc would hunt him when he found out Kaleb betrayed him.

  Kaleb looked at his brother, and Izik laughed at something Gizelle said. Her brunette hair was pinned loosely around her neck, and her grey-green eyes glanced toward Kaleb.

  The prince straightened his cloak, and he went to find his friends.

  Nate and Brent were getting food when Kaleb found them.

  “I’m starving.” Kaleb paused as he thought about the poverty in the rest of Waden. His hand fell from the food.

  “You’re not going to eat?” Brent asked.

  “I can’t.” Kaleb whispered and turned. His gaze seemed to lift, and he couldn’t help but stare at the woman walking down the large banister.

  Her long golden hair was pinned, and her sapphire eyes matched her dress. The bodice of her gown was embroidered with silver swirls which reminded the prince of flowers and vines. Her sapphire sleeves ended at her wrists, but at the elbow, a wave of silver silk trailed past her knees. She wore a silver locket which hung down her chest. She was tall, and silver heels peaked out from under her long skirt as she walked down the stairs.

  Kaleb nearly forgot to keep his mouth closed as he stared. Who was she? He’d never seen her before, but she was beautiful.

  Abruptly his mind kicked him, and Kaleb noticed the man with her. The woman’s delicate hand rested on his arm as he escorted her down the stairs. The man had black hair as dark as ink, and he was several inches taller than the golden woman he accompanied. He was dressed in fine sapphire pants with silver lines along the outside of the garment, and his sapphire tunic was embroidered with silver brocade along his chest and the outer lines of his tunic. He wore a long cape, dark blue on the outside and silver on the inside.

  Kaleb was surprised to realize they were heading toward him, Nate, and Brent. He ran a few fingers through his hair, and Brent raised a golden brow at him. “Everything alright, Kaleb?”

  “Yeah.” Kaleb shrugged.

  The golden woman and her dark-haired companion stepped up to the small group, and the man laughed. “Hello Nate.”

  “Cyril.” Nate embraced him.

  Kaleb wasn’t sure who this man was, and he frowned as Nate embraced the woman as well.

  “Brent and Kaleb, I would like to introduce my cousin, Sir Cyril Chandler. He’s a knight in the eastern region of the kingdom. This is our good friend, Lady Risalina.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, Lady Risalina.” Brent bowed.

  “Please just call me Risa.” She smiled.

  “It’s a pleasure.” Kaleb bowed.

  “My friends, meet Prince Kaleb Donnie and Sir Brenton Kilton.” Nate gestured.

  “It’s an honor, Your Highness.” Risa curtsied. She was graceful in her movements, and Kaleb wondered why Nate had introduced her as “our good friend.” Was she courting Cyril?

  “May I have the honor of a dance, Lady Risalina?” Kaleb could barely get the words out as he glanced at the man who was Nate’s cousin.

  Cyril’s dark brown eyes seemed familiar,
but Kaleb was too intrigued by Risa to give the man’s gaze much thought.

  “I would be honored, Your Highness.” She curtsied again.

  He gently took her hand, and he was surprised to find callouses on her palm and fingers. Most women he knew only used their hands for embroidery, art, or reading.

  “What brings you to Owlet?” He asked as they joined the dance, a slow rhythmic waltz.

  “Nate asked Cyril and me to come and visit.” She smiled, and her heart-shaped face dazzled him.

  “Nate doesn’t talk much about his family.” Kaleb knew why.

  “He misses them.” Risa answered as she turned. “It must pain him to speak of those he’s lost, and those who he cannot see as often as he likes.”

  He could smell lilac on her.

  “Cyril and his mother are all Nate has left in his family.”

  “Why don’t Cyril and his mother come and live in Owlet?” Kaleb hoped they wouldn’t come. Soon he, Brent, and Nate wouldn’t be welcome in the royal city.

  “Cyril likes his mission, and court life isn’t for him.”

  “He seems content here.” Kaleb frowned at the dark-haired man as he spoke with Nate and Brent. The three seemed comfortable together.

  Risa flashed him a smile as she spun into him and took hold of his cape. “I hope you don’t think me too forward.” She paused as she gripped the length of the silk garment.

  Kaleb eyed her curiously. He knew girls who were too forward, but Risa hadn’t crossed a line, as Gizelle often tried. “What is it you want Lady Risalina?”

  “First off, just call me Risa.” She whispered with a coy smile. “Second, I want you to move with me.” Her steps still danced, but they moved with another purpose.

  Not sure what the new purpose was, Kaleb followed her. “Where are we going?”

  “Somewhere safe.” Her sapphire eyes glanced up at him.

  Kaleb paused and gently took hold of her wrists. He moved her hands from his cape. “Who are you?” His voice was so low, he wasn’t sure she could hear him.

  “Risa.” She answered.


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