The Marshal's Prize (Harlequin American Romance)

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The Marshal's Prize (Harlequin American Romance) Page 12

by Winters, Rebecca

  “That’s when he had a major meltdown. He told me point-blank he would never make enough money with his lowly warehouse job at the plant to match my salary. I reminded him he could move up if he finished college and went for his MBA. Or he could go out and look for the kind of job he truly wanted. The next thing I knew, he slammed the door behind him and left to buy those expensive special rims for his car.”

  Mitch saw her jaw harden. “I should have seen the signs of blind ambition in him, but hormones got in the way. It’s clear love didn’t motivate him to marry me. He wanted a shortcut to money. It’s no wonder he was so upset when he couldn’t get into my accounts. What I’m trying to understand is how he and Nadine grew close enough to join forces. All this time I thought he was in Oregon. This is the proof that Zack means absolutely nothing to him! I feel doubly savaged.”

  The hurt in her voice tore him up inside. “So do I,” Mitch said, “but remember they’ve taken wrong paths of their own free will and aren’t worthy to breathe the same air you do. I’ve had to deal with felons for a long time. Most of them have had something happen in their childhoods that a majority of psychiatrists refer to as a brain freeze.”

  “I’ve heard that theory, too.”

  “It’s probably because they never bonded with anyone. If certain emotions like empathy and remorse—the kind you and I feel—get cut off, then behavior can grow more immoral over time.”

  She wiped her eyes. “That describes Gary. He resented having to live with his grandparents after his parents died in a boating accident.” Her head jerked around. “But look at you—you never had a family to bond with, yet you’re wonderful!”

  Heidi, Heidi.

  “So are you,” he whispered, pulling her across his lap so that she half lay in his arms. “So wonderful and so beautiful, I don’t have words. Forgive me, but I have to do this or I won’t be able to function.”

  Her sweet mouth had lured him from day one. At his apartment her lips had teased him. But now that he was covering them with his own, he was lost in sensation after sensation. His heart leaped to realize their hunger was mutual. He found himself kissing her face and hair, her throat where a pulse was madly beating. Her hands on his chest took his breath away, enthralling him in a way he hadn’t dared dream about.

  “You’re more beautiful to me than you can imagine,” he whispered against the side of her neck. “Not just physically. I see the way you care for your son, the way you cherish those you love. You’re fun and exciting and amazing and so many other things….”

  “You’re amazing, too, Mitch.” She ran kisses along his jaw. “I never expected to meet someone like you when Bruno asked me to drive to the Lufka firm.”

  As Mitch half moaned her name in longing, a car honked loud and long behind them, causing her to sit up abruptly and move to her side of the Audi. She looked back. “What if that’s Gary?” she cried in panic.

  “Don’t be frightened. It’s an older man, but we’re probably blocking his shed.” The rain had turned to drizzle while they’d been entwined. You could see rivulets of floating hail.

  “We’d better move.”

  Yup. The interruption was ill-timed, but he had no choice except to start the engine and head for the exit.

  He knew in his gut Heidi was just as shaken by the passion that had flared between them. It had taken over conscious thought. If that driver hadn’t come along…

  On their way out to the highway he flicked her a glance. “Before we drive any farther, I want to be clear about something. I have no intention of asking your forgiveness for what happened back there.”

  “That’s good, because I don’t expect one,” she confessed with her unfailing honesty. That’s what he loved about her. That resilient spirit.

  “I could blame it on the amazing dress you’re wearing, but that wouldn’t be the truth. You already know I’ve been intensely attracted to you from the moment you walked in my office. In all honesty, after we’d finished making our first batch of donuts, I wanted to drag you back to my cave by your incredible hair. Whether you believe me or not, I’ve never gotten involved with a client before. You’re my first.

  “Wait—I take that back. Once, when I was a federal marshal guarding a woman who’d been put in the witness protection program, we found ourselves attracted due to the time we’d had to spend together. Fortunately I got out before I jeopardized the case.”

  He heard her take a swift breath. “Then fortune is still with you.”

  “What do you mean?”

  She stared at him. “Inside of a week you’ve all but solved this case for my great uncle without jeopardizing it, either. In a few more days you’ll have tied up the loose ends and can head back to Florida.

  “After watching you in action, I can’t imagine this P.I. job holding a man like you for long, not with your skills and instincts.” She sighed. “You’re overqualified for the work of a private detective, Agent X12.”

  He grimaced. After getting into each other’s arms, those thrilling feelings they’d both experienced had frightened her. Damn Gary Norris for robbing her of her confidence. But Mitch wouldn’t allow her defenses to thwart him. This called for different tactics. You didn’t rush a woman like Heidi.

  “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Those loose ends could take some time. If you feel you’ve got other things to do and can no longer help me, I understand.”

  “You know that’s not what I said.”

  “Then you’re not frightened of me?”

  “Of you? No.”

  It was an answer of sorts. “For your information,” he said, “this situation is new to me, too. But none of it matters as long as we have complete trust and are frank with each other.” As long as we stay together and explore what’s going on here.

  “You really mean that?”


  “Let’s assume the shoe was on the other foot and after seeing each other for a week, I told you I was headed for my home across the country, still on a quest to locate my mother or father. It wouldn’t be a vacation. I planned to return to a job I loved and had held for a long time.” Her eyes blazed with fire. “Knowing those facts, how much of an investment would you make in me?”

  Once her question had rung out in the car’s interior, she reached for her phone and called her parents to find out their plans. When she hung up she said, “Because of the rain, they’re already on their way back from the ranch with Zack. If you wouldn’t mind, Mitch, I’d like to stop at your place and get my car. I need to talk to my dad about what we’ve found out and prepare him. He’s going to take this hard and will blame himself for firing Gary.”

  “I don’t think so. Your ex-husband took a left turn long before his blowup with your father, and your dad knows it.” He reached for her hand. “And you need to stop taking on any more guilt for marrying him.”

  “Actually, I have stopped,” she said before slowly removing her hand from his grasp.

  Mitch hoped she meant it. After learning her ex-husband had been close to Salt Lake all along and had played a role in this crime against her family, naturally she would go straight to her dad to talk to him.

  Maybe it was selfish of Mitch, but he wanted her to come to him, Mitch. Just the way Mitch wanted his father or mother to come to him?

  You’re out of your mind, Garrett.

  They drove the rest of the way to his apartment in silence. At the entrance to the carport, she was out of his car before he could stop her. He saw the bleakness in her eyes when she leaned in to speak. “In light of what we’ve just learned, I want to thank you for the drive. But under the circumstances, that doesn’t sound quite right, does it?” Her strength after being confronted by such adversity was a revelation to him.

  “No,” he murmured. “If you and Zack decide you’d l
ike to come over here later, I have calls to make and am not going anyplace. Don’t forget I promised him he could work out in my mini-gym.”

  She nodded. “I haven’t forgotten. Neither has he.”

  On that note he watched her climb into her car, back out and drive off. After her taillights disappeared, he phoned Travis hoping he’d pick up. He needed to talk to one of his buddies or he was going to explode. To his chagrin, he got his voice mail.

  “Travis? It’s Mitch. When you’ve got a minute, call me. This is important.”

  After he let himself into the apartment, he made himself a cup of coffee. While he was draining it, his phone rang. He grabbed for it and checked the caller ID before clicking on. “What’s up, Lon?”


  “Go ahead.”

  “I checked the license plate on that pickup. It’s registered to a Merrill Warburton, 81, at the home address you asked me to check.”

  Mitch sat down at the table so he could take notes. “The guy driving the pickup last night had to be in his late twenties, so it could be anyone living at that address with him.”

  “Right. I made a few phone calls to neighbors and found out Mr. Warburton passed away two and a half years ago. His only son, Cain Warburton, lives in Sacramento, California. His family is grown. He lets his oldest son, Levi Warburton, live there in Alpine and take care of his grandparents’ place. This neighbor told me they’ve been trying to sell it, but no buyers yet. This Levi is single and has a single male living with him.”

  “You work miracles, Lon. It’s all making sense.”

  “I got lucky and found a next-door neighbor who likes to talk. As for the Honda Accord in that supermarket parking lot, it’s registered to a Jeremy Farnsworth, 27. The Ford Taurus is registered to a Noah Eldredge, 29. They both live in Alpine at different addresses.”

  “Great work. What about the truck driver who works for Bauer’s?”

  “Yeah, Matt Sayer. If he was on the wrong side of the law before working for them, then he never got caught until you got him on film.”

  “Things are starting to line up. What have you found on Gary Norris?”

  “Well, there’s no history of him living anywhere in Oregon in the last nine years. No warrants for his arrest. Zip. He still holds a current Utah driver’s license.”

  Adrenaline charged Mitch’s body. “At what address?”

  When Lon told him, Mitch let out a low whistle. “That’s his ex-wife’s address. It means that when he renewed his license, he never changed his place of residence. It’ll interest you to know Heidi and I found his sports car parked in one of those storage sheds in Draper this morning. What do you bet he lives at the Warburton house, where he can keep a low profile?”

  “I’ll drive down there and do some more investigating.”

  “As long as you’re going, buy a meal in that pub in Alpine and see if you can get a visual on Norris. You’ve got picture ID. Once we can tie him to the pub, I’ll have enough evidence to take to Bruno Bauer.”

  “I’m on my way.”

  “I owe you, Lon. This case is exceptionally important to me.”

  “Just doing my job.”

  “But no one does it like you do.”

  He’d barely hung up when Travis returned his call. He clicked on. “Thanks for getting back to me so fast.”

  “You sound upset. What’s going on?”

  “How long have you got?”

  “You want me and Casey to drive in?”

  Travis lived in the south end of the valley. “No, no. I just need to talk.”

  “This wouldn’t have anything to do with Heidi Bauer, would it?”

  “Who’s been spreading rumors?”

  “The usual suspects. Lisa noticed you did give your client and her son a private showing of the shop. Once she told Roman, that was it.”

  “Nothing’s sacred.”

  “He comes from fine Russian stock and insists on knowing everything that goes on. He doesn’t head a spy ring for nothing.”

  In spite of Mitch’s turmoil, he smiled, but it didn’t last. “Here’s the problem. This morning Heidi and I found out her ex-husband is involved in this case up to his eyebrows.” Mitch brought Travis up to speed.

  “So he and this Nadine have been stealing the company blind. They’re a real gutsy duo.”

  “Yup. I’m still reeling from the fact that he abandoned Heidi and Zack a long time ago. He gave up his parental rights after they divorced. Knowing he’s indirectly back in her life in such an ugly way has made the case much more complicated for me on an emotional level because—”

  “Because you’re already emotionally involved with her up to your eyebrows,” Travis finished the sentence.

  “Afraid so. I want to be alone with her. You know what I mean? But I can’t do anything about it while I’m in the middle of this case, so I want to offer support from a distance. How would you and Casey like to come to the parade with me on Monday morning? Zack is going to ride on the Bauer float and be dressed up like a pioneer child. I’d like to be there for him and Heidi. After learning of her ex-husband’s betrayal, she needs to know I’m there for her.”

  “Casey and I would love to go to the parade with you. How old is Zack again?”


  “With Casey being seven, they’ll have to meet. Count us in. I’ll call Chaz and tell him to bring Lacey and Abby.”

  “You’re reading my mind.”

  “I’ll call him as soon as we get off the phone.”

  “Thanks, Travis.”

  “Stealing from her family’s company on top of everything else is what I call the ultimate betrayal. I’m sorry for all concerned. Talk to you later, Mitch.”

  The empathy in Travis’s tone stayed with him after they’d hung up. His friend had lived through something much worse after he’d learned his wife had been murdered. Mitch had suffered for him and Casey, too.

  * * *

  HEIDI GLANCED AT HER BOY. “Did you have fun with Grandma and Grandpa?” They’d just driven away from her parents’ home.

  “Yes, but it rained so we couldn’t go riding. I’m glad we came back after lunch. Can we go over to Mitch’s now? He said I could play with his gym stuff.”

  She knew Zack. He wouldn’t let it go, so she made a decision. Better deal with this immediately or he’d drive her crazy for the rest of the day. “Tell you what. Here’s my phone.” She passed it back to him from the front seat. “Press two and Mitch should answer. Find out what his plans are.” Heidi was afraid to let Mitch know how eager she was to be with him again.

  “Goody.” In a few seconds her son was talking to Mitch, who had him laughing. Their conversation went on for as long as it took to reach her house. “Okay. See ya. Hey, Mom? Mitch wants us to come over now. He rented a scary spy movie for us to watch after we work out.”

  That sounded like Mitch. He was pretty perfect. Ask her son. But the haunting thought that he was close to resuming his federal marshal job gripped her like a vise.

  “All right. While you put your bike in the garage, I’ll change clothes and we’ll go.” She retrieved her phone and opened the trunk to get out his bike.

  “Do you have to change? He told me to hurry.”

  “It won’t take me long.” The dress she had on was a reminder of the way he’d looked at her before their mouths had fused in raw hunger. That memory would always live with her whether she removed it or not, but she would still feel better showing up at his apartment in jeans and a shirt.

  Since seeing Gary’s car, she’d had time to put the morning’s discovery into perspective. It only underlined the utter deadness of her feelings for her ex. They were so dead that when Mitch had cocooned her in his arms and had driven their
kiss deeper, she’d been on fire for him. Forget the world. Forget the case Mitch had been hired to solve. Forget everything except Mitch’s way of bringing out her deepest emotions.

  Earlier Mitch had asked her if she’d been in love with her husband. Whatever feelings she’d had in those days, Gary had systematically killed them. She didn’t know how empty she’d been until Mitch had come along, bringing her back to life.

  Ten minutes later she and Zack entered his apartment. “Hi, Mitch! I brought my walkie-talkies.”

  “So I see.” Mitch squeezed him on the shoulder. “I’m glad you remembered.” He put them on the counter. “After we finish exercising, we’ll have some fun. Go ahead and check out the equipment in the other room. I’ll be right in.”


  As Zack took off, Mitch’s gaze swept over Heidi. She felt a quickening because by the look he was giving her, she might as well have been wearing the sundress. “Did you tell your parents what we’ve discovered?”

  “I told them we have evidence that Nadine is one of the culprits. That came as a huge shock to them. I didn’t say anything about Gary, because Zack was right there. We agreed to put off our talk until Monday night. It’s going to be a big day and we don’t want to ruin it for anyone or act like anything’s wrong.”

  “I think that’s the wisest course. It’ll give me time tomorrow to check out some more leads.”

  She nodded. “After the parade, there’ll be a big barbecue at the ranch for those in the family who want to go. The kids will play and then I’ll take Zack home and put him to bed. My parents will come by then. Dad wants you there. Is that all right with you?”

  “Of course. I plan to be at the parade, too, and get pictures of Zack. Where would be the best place to watch it?”


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