Take A Bite Of My Heart Tonight

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Take A Bite Of My Heart Tonight Page 5

by Laura Edwards

  To his annoyance, she told him his chat up lines needed some work and snatched his key, marching into his room like she owned the place. After a boring conversation about how he wasn't sharing a room with anyone, she asked if he had any books. The question flummoxed him.

  All the girls he had hooked up with in the past had no interest in anything other than him. They probably didn't even know what a book was. Now here was Louise, asking to read a book in case she got bored. He went along with the conversation, he was an avid reader and always had a bunch of books in his bag, especially for nights he was away from home. It turned him on to think that the girl actually had a brain cell and could read.

  He tips the books onto the bed, thinking how pretty she looks while she searches through them. Her eyes light up when she sees a few of them. He watches her mouth drop as she picks up Fifty Shades, staring at him in disbelief. His belly swirls as she yaps on about how she has read it because she is a girl and blah blah blah, his mind focusing on all the little tricks they could do from that book. He laughs as she carries on talking about how he is disgusting and rude, she really is a funny girl.

  With the combination of thinking about acting out Fifty Shades with Louise and her sexy shorts, he was starting to get hard. Her legs just looked so good. He reached his hand over, stroking her soft leg, not even aware that he was touching her, it was just an automatic reaction.

  She moves his hand while saying something about slapping him and storming out, which just makes him talk about wanting to spank her. He was already turned on enough, he didn't need to add to it by saying things like that.

  He makes a joke asking if she will have sex with him for the right price, causing her to mutter sarcastically about being a prostitute and hold out her hand for the money. All he can think about is touching her. He needs to feel her against him, see her moaning in delight, screaming out his name as the waves of an orgasm ripple through her.

  He grabs her hand, pulling her upright with him. He was done with the games. He just wanted her.

  He pulls her body close to his, needing to feel her. She resists, trying to move away, but the chair behind keeps her next to him. He wraps his arms around her waist, soothing patterns into her skin, trying to reassure her it’s OK. It feels right to do this. Surely she could see that? He gazes into her eyes, wanting her to trust him, needing her to trust him. Her expression softens a little. He raises her top, wanting to take it off. He moves slowly at first, not wanting to scare her away from his touch, but as it inches up, showing more of her soft, toned stomach his impatience grows. He can’t help but smile at the thought of what is about to happen and he rips at her top, parting it all the way down the middle. It rips surprisingly easy. Her eyes widen at what he had just done, he pushes the ruined top off her shoulders, letting it fall to the floor.

  "Drew! What the hell…..?"

  He doesn’t want to hear the rest. He dives for her mouth, kissing her urgently, hungrily. He feels her gasp against his mouth, she was as surprised as he was. He always avoided kissing the other girls he had been with. He mostly let them fawn all over him not the other way round. It really was a case of quick fuck, minimal touching, see you later… But he needed to kiss Louise, there was something about her, something about the way she had made him chase her all night, she was different.

  He smiles as she relaxes into the kiss, finally kissing him back. It felt good. She wraps her arms around his neck, bringing her body even closer to his. The bulge in his pants was becoming more uncomfortable by the second. He kisses her harder, lifting her on to the bedside dresser behind them. He parts her legs so he can be closer, surprised when she put up no resistance. Her heavy breathing tells him she is as into this as he is. He nibbles her ear, kisses her along her jaw line, sucking and biting her neck. He doesn’t want to leave a mark in case it freaks her out. Her moans of pleasure makes him carry on, he couldn't have stopped even if his life was at stake. He needed this. Well no, he needed her. He feels her lift the bottom of his t-shirt, almost shyly, so he raises his arms, eager for her to take it off.

  Once she does, she runs her fingers down his chest, her touch is gentle, maybe she wasn't like the other girls. Maybe she didn't have a clue about any of this? He knew she was a virgin, she had made that clear in their first conversation, but he had thought she was just putting on a good act of being a prude. It made him want her more, her being so timid and not even realising how fucking sexy she was.

  She moved her hands around to his back, dragging her nails down, hard. Oh shit, It felt amazing. He bites into her shoulder, trying to disguise the fact that she had made him lose control. He pushes his body into her. He feels dizzy with wanting her, It scares him to think that if she did that a few more times, he could easily come just from that. He hadn't been this turned on in a long time.

  It was when she put her hand through his curls that really got him. It was such an intimate thing to do. As she tugs on his hair, he runs his hands down the length of her body.

  "I want you so fucking bad " He whispers in her ear, breathless.

  For some reason, she freezes up. Her whole body stiffens. He doesn’t know what he has said that was wrong, but the mood has changed. He was desperate for her.

  "What's going on?" He asks as she withdraws even more. She pushes him and gets off the dresser. Maybe she just wants a change of pace, he tries to pull her on the bed with him but she’s not having it.

  "This was a bad idea. A terrible idea. I need to go."

  He drops her hand like he has just been scolded. What was bad about this? Everything felt right. What the hell had changed in the last two minutes? Didn't she know that he needed her? Now she was just being evil.

  "You have got to be kidding me?"

  He really hoped she was, that she would just laugh and fall back into his arms so they could carry on.

  "Do I look like I'm laughing Drew?" She glares at him. Holy crap, she really is being serious.

  He watches her as she picks up her ruined top, wrapping it round her beautiful body and heads towards the door.

  "Stop being a tease Louise. Come back so we can finish the job off. You can't leave me half seen to. "

  Surely she wasn't actually going to leave him? This had never happened before. What the fuck was he meant to do now?

  "Phone one of your many lady friends up. Use your hand. Suck your own dick. I don't care. Just do me a favour. Never, and I mean never come near me again. "

  With that she walks out the door, and he hears her footsteps running down the corridor. He stares at the door open-mouthed, did that actually just happen? He punches the wall in anger. Who the hell did she think she was?

  He knew one thing for sure. He couldn't do her the favour she so nicely asked for. Because what he had conveniently forgotten to tell her was that he would be seeing her very soon. A few days ago he had received his acceptance letter into NYSSA , the college of his dreams. As he had said earlier, only the very talented got into that place. And he would do whatever it took to clear up the unfinished business he had with Louise Hart.

  Chapter Five - Louise

  I stare at the intimidating building in front of me. There was no way I could do this. My hands shake as I clutch my bag tighter to my chest. I was no longer the same girl I had been three months ago. I didn't have the courage. I took a few deep breaths to pull myself together. I couldn't back out now. I had worked so hard to get here, and I couldn't throw it away. It was my first day at NYSSA.

  I push open the heavy brown door while other students barge past me, giddy and excited about their first day at this amazing place. I should have felt that way. Instead, I wanted to throw up and scream.

  I walk up to the reception desk. A stocky middle-aged woman looks up at me in disgust that I have interrupted her very important job of filing her nails. I gear myself up to speak to her. I haven’t really spoken to anyone for months. I wasn't even sure if my voice still worked.

  "H-Hi, Uh, I'm a new student here a-and, I �
�� I don't really know where to go."

  The woman rolls her eyes at me, then wheels her chair over towards the filing cabinet.

  "Name?" She asks gruffly.

  "Louise Hart" I answer meekly, my voice quiet and timid.

  She flicks through the draws, slamming them hard when she finds the right paper. She hands it to me, not even looking in my direction. She was back to doing her nails.

  "That is your timetable and a map of the place. It will tell you where to go. "

  I study the timetable, my first lesson was dance class. The room was located right at the other end of the building. I make my way there, keeping my head down, not daring to look at anyone.

  I enter the vast classroom; Mirrors adorn every wall. I will have to make sure to avoid those, my reflection isn't my best friend at the moment. I look like a ghost of my former self, dark shadows under my eyes, hair tied up in a scruffy pony. I have even changed the way I dress. Gone were the skirts and knee-high socks with chic blouses, they were replaced by baggy jumpers and jeans. I wanted to hide myself away, shut myself off from the world.

  A stunning blonde woman enters my line of vision, she is wearing a black leotard and her legs go on forever. She stares at me, giving me a curious look.

  "And who are you?"

  I realise she is speaking to me, my cheeks turn pink as I notice the rest of the class peeking at me.

  "Louise Hart." I mutter as I stare at the ground.

  "Oh. So you are the Louise Hart are you? I did my research on all of my students, and I will be keeping an eye on you. If I catch a whiff of diva, I won't be happy. Don't think you are above the rest of us in here, you are back at the bottom now Hart. "

  Her speech makes me look up at her in surprise. What have I done to deserve that lecture? I have only been in the class for ten seconds.

  "I …. I don't think I am better than anyone. I'm just here to learn. "

  She glares down at me, her eyes full of loathing. Now I knew how Harry Potter felt when Snape kept getting on at him.

  "You will call me Amber when you speak to me. And next time, you can wear the proper dance attire. Never enter my room again looking like that."

  She looks with distaste at my frayed white jumper and old faded skinny jeans. My cheeks turn red as the whole class continues to stare.

  "I'm sorry Amber, I uh, I didn't get any memo about what to wear."

  "Every NYSSA student was sent a book in July telling them what they would need for each lesson Hart. Are you above reading? Did you think you could turn up and just do what you wanted? You are not in The Never Notes now, like I said before…. you are back at the bottom and you will need to fight very hard to even make it back to the middle, let alone the top."

  I shake my head, not understanding why she keeps going on at me.

  "Of course I am not above reading. It's just …." I close my eyes for a second, my throat feeling constricted. "I had a lot going on over the summer, that's all. Besides, I didn't get the book."

  She glares at me even harder than before.

  "Well, well, well. I am already seeing the diva I have heard so much about. We were all busy over summer. You don't get a free pass. I don't want to hear any more excuses from you for the whole year, understood?"

  I nod, staring down at the floor again.

  "I have a class to teach. And you have some learning to do."

  The class was a nightmare. She picked me for everything, even though I was the only one not wearing the proper attire. She yelled at me to be faster, to be better. I nearly yelled back, but I kept it in. I knew I was here to reach my dreams. Except, it all seemed so pointless now. As the bell went signifying the end of the lesson, I started to make my way out of the door when I accidentally stand on someone's foot. The guy gives me a hard shove in return.

  "Watch it loser."

  He walks out, laughing with one of his friends. I steady myself against the wall, overwhelming panic setting in. I close my eyes, resting my head against the cold brick wall. No matter how hard I tried to keep the memories away, they always turned up.

  "Watch it loser" Samantha groaned as I spilled a few bits of popcorn out of the bowl and into her lap.

  I apologise straight away, but she smiles, grabbing me in a huge hug.

  We had become great friends since FSC . I told her about the whole sorry episode with Drew the next day and she just laughed, telling me that if a near hook up was all it took to get me upset, then I needed tougher skin. She also recommended I become a lesbian, but that if I so much as looked at Becky, she would end me. They were an out and proud couple now, no longer trying to hide it. It was two weeks since FSC, and a week into our summer holiday. I had the whole club at mine for a little get together. My parents were away on holiday and wouldn't be back for five days. I thought it was a great opportunity to get the gang together, because who knew how much we would be able to do this in future? We were all heading in different directions. We were all destined to make our dreams come true. Life was good.

  I looked around the living room smiling. Zoe was in Frankies lap. Amy and Melissa were sharing a joke on their phones, giggling like mad. Alfie was teaching Becky a new dance move while Samantha who was sat next to me glared angrily at his hand on her waist. Lucas was swigging beer from the bottles he had brought over. Everyone was having a great time being in each others company, I couldn't have wished for better friends. These guys would never know how much they meant to me.

  "Hey babyyyyyyyyy" Lucas walks over to me, staggering a bit. How much had he downed so far? I would have to keep an eye on him. "Can we put theeeee T.V on, I shagged a hot weather girl lasssst night, she told me to watch today."

  I stare at him in disbelief.

  "You want to watch the T.V because you had sex with a weather girl?"

  He nods, his eyes looking blurry and bloodshot. I really did like Lucas, but he had an issue with drinking and sleeping around.

  "Go for it" I smile at him as he sits down on the floor, grabbing my remote and switching the T.V on.

  I whisper to Samantha that I was off to get him some water, she nods at me, then asks Lucas if the weather girl is hot. I walk to the kitchen smiling. My friends are nuts.

  A loud bang startles me as Amber walks out of the class room, slamming the door behind her.

  "What are you still doing here Hart?"

  I stand up straight, my breathing slowly returning to normal. I shrug my shoulders; I didn't have an answer.

  "Go and have your lunch. Get out of my sight."

  I nod and hurry away, looking at the map to figure out where the food hall was. I grab a tray, choosing a salad. I knew I wasn't going to eat it. I haven't had an appetite for the last few months. I didn't know if I would ever feel hungry again. But I picked at it anyway, managing a few slices of cucumber and a baby tomato.

  I glance around the food hall feeling lower than ever.

  Everybody had already made friends. My cheeks flamed red when I realised I was the only one in the whole place who was sitting by herself. I started to feel paranoid. Everyone was staring at me, laughing about me. This was a really bad idea, I should never have come. Not when things were still so raw.

  A huge howl of laughter made me look at the table at the far side of the room. A group of about five guys sat there all stuffing their faces with burger and chips. They were engaged in conversation, laughing and joking the way friends were supposed to do. I glare at them as they talk and have fun. Didn't they know that my life was in pieces? A tall blonde guy who had been sitting down at the table stood up to return his empty tray. I couldn’t believe what I saw.

  Drew Evans sitting there, his hair looking curlier than ever, a huge smile on his face as he uses hand gestures to explain a story to his friends. They all start howling with laughter again at whatever he had said, one even bursting into applause. He looked like the cat that had got the cream. What the hell was he doing here? I never wanted to see him again. The tall blonde guy returns to the table, bloc
king Drew from my view.

  I return my tray, plate still full of food, then rush out of the food hall, angry at the thought of Drew Evans being here. Him of all people.

  "Louise! Hey! Come here."

  "Louise! Hey! come here"

  I turn the tap off that had filled the glass for Lucas’s water.

  "Quickly, get in here."

  Why was Samantha shouting me so urgently? I had only just left the room. If it was about the bloody popcorn again, I would scream. I didn't mean to spill it on her, but the bowl was huge and no-one had helped me carry it. Anyway, she had hugged me, surely she didn't care about it now.

  I rush into the living room and place the water down beside Lucas who was already half snoring. I roll my eyes at Samantha.

  "How can anyone fall asleep that quick? I was only gone for ten sec…."

  "Louise." She cuts me off, a serious look on her face. "Louise honey, sit down. I don't want you to worry but…"

  I sit down, my heart thudding. I don't think I have ever seen Samantha look so concerned in all the time I had known her.

  "But what?"

  She shuffles in her seat uncomfortably and grabs one of my hands. Samantha and I had definitely got closer in the last two weeks but she was never touchy feely with anyone except Becks. I blink at our hands together in confusion, then look back at her as she takes a deep breath.

  "Where did you say your parents were going on holiday again?"

  I wondered why she was asking me such a random question.

  "Arizona. They are obsessed with The Grand Canyon. They try and go to the same place every year. Actually, I had a phone call from them this morning, they were going on a helicopter ride around it. God, they wouldn't stop yapping on about it and I had so much to do for you guys coming round, I had to hang up on them!"


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