Take A Bite Of My Heart Tonight

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Take A Bite Of My Heart Tonight Page 10

by Laura Edwards

  "I'm so sorry this happened to you baby. You should have told me."

  "Why? How would it have helped anything?"

  Her voice was so sad it made his heart ache. He squeezed her even tighter, he didn't want to let her go.

  "I don't know. I just… You …. You shouldn't have been going through this alone."

  She stands, and he stands up automatically with her. He tucks a strand of glossy brown hair behind her ear so he can see her face better.

  "Why did you come over tonight anyway Drew? It's my night off."

  He smiles at her warmly. He couldn’t get over how brave she is. There she goes again, trying to change the subject. He decides to go along with it, she clearly doesn't want to talk about it. Maybe she would when she was ready, and he would make sure he was there.

  "I know it's your night off. I came to take you on a date."

  Her mouth falls open in shock as she stares at him.

  "Excuse me?"

  He chuckles at her confusion.

  "A date…. You know…. Have a meal, a drink, get to know each other, go home and fuck like rabbits , that sort of thing."

  He could have hit himself for saying filth again. She would never take him seriously if he didn't stop saying things like that. But old habits die hard. She pushes him playfully, not taking it as bad as he feared she would.

  "Not everything has to end up with sex you know."

  He holds her hand, breathing out, his nerves in tatters. His heart was racing wildly, it seemed to do that a lot in Louise Harts company.

  "I know. And honestly, I just wanted to take you on a date. Walk you home afterwards like a proper gentleman. Of course I would be hoping that you enjoyed the date so much you would want to shag my brains out…. But that would just be the icing on the cake. I …. I want to spend time with you. "

  She raises her eyebrows suspiciously.

  "I have already eaten. And I am pretty sure I don't need anything else to drink. So that only leaves fucking, and we am not going to do that. So I guess you won't get your date. "

  He smiles, placing a kiss on her sweet lips.

  "You forgot the thing I was most looking forward to about the date. Getting to know you. We can still do that."

  He looks at her hopefully. He needed to spend time with her, it would crush him if she said no.


  Wait, did he just hear that right? Did she just agree? He takes a step back. He can’t stop the slow smile spreading over his face.


  "Really. My place or yours?"

  He feels euphoric as he squeezes her hand, entwining their fingers together. They fit perfectly.

  "Let's go to mine for a change. Your friend has probably passed out drunk on your bed by now. Text her soon to let her know you are OK though. Oh. And Louise?"


  The grin on his face was uncontrollable by now.

  "Don't go trying to get me into bed will you? Because I don't want to have to reject you. It won't be nice for either of us."

  She giggles at his comment, much to his relief.

  "No worries sexy, there will be none of that."

  His heart jumps. He stops, this time me with his mouth hanging open in shock.

  "You just called me sexy."

  Her cheeks turned pink as he continues to stare at her, fireworks bursting through him at the first compliment she had ever really given him.

  He beams from ear to ear as they start walking again, hand in hand.

  "This is going to be fun."

  "Yeah it is." She agrees and smiles too, looking more relaxed than he had ever seen her.

  He was about to spend some real time with Louise. Out of college, out of working hours, out of shitty dorm rooms, just him and her, in a real house, talking together.

  And he knew for a fact, that by the time she left his, she would know that he was in love with her. Because he already knew that he was deeply, madly, and scarily in love with her. He had to tell her how he felt.

  Chapter ten - Louise

  I looked around at the immaculate living room in surprise. Drews house was so tidy and cosy. The huge corner sofa was cream, it blended in with the decor. I thought teenage boys were meant to be messy. Well, Frankie had been terrible, he made his Mom do everything from washing his underwear to taking away cups from his room that had been there for about a month.

  "Do you like it?" Drews voice shook, waiting for an answer. His hand still gripped mine just as it had all the way back to his.

  "It's lovely." I smile at him. "It's not how I thought it would be."

  "How did you think it would be?" He sounds genuinely puzzled.

  "Dirty, smelly, teenage boyish…."

  He rolls his eyes.

  "Wow, that's not stereotypical at all Louise. "

  I giggle, swaying a bit. I still felt drunk, so much had happened tonight and now I was here, in Drew Evans house. Heat rushed to my cheeks as I thought about the night in the hotel room. I knew that If we rekindled our passion tonight, I wouldn't stop him or run out. And I also knew that I wouldn't regret it. He was acting different. He seemed like… well, he seemed to care. He had handled the news about my parents with sensitivity and tact. He was there for me. He was absolutely gorgeous which helped of course. He made me feel weak just looking at him. Maybe NYSSA had made him grow up or something?

  "If I didn't know any better, I would say you are still intoxicated with wine. So here's the plan, we are going to get you some water and something to eat. The pizza you had obviously didn’t soak anything up.”

  I giggle again.

  "That's because I ate it before I drunk the whole bottle silly."

  He shakes his head in amusement.

  "Right, should have guessed. But before we do that, I have something to show you."

  My dirty mind got the better of my curiosity in the end. Tonight, it was my turn to want him.

  "Is it your cock?"

  The shock on his face could have made a great painting.

  "Excuse me?"

  I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him close to me. His body felt warm and his breath smelt sweet.

  "You heard me. That would be completely cool with me."

  I go to kiss him, but end up head-butting him on the nose by accident.

  He rubs his nose, frowning and laughing at the same time.

  "Wow. Drunk Louise is rude, flirty and clumsy. What have I let myself in for?" He grins and puts his arm around my shoulders, directing me to another room.

  "As much as I like the fact that you are completely cool with seeing my cock…. I actually wanted to show you something else."

  As he opens the door to the closed room we are standing outside of, my breath catches as I look around. Every wall is lined with shelves, shelves that reach right to the ceiling. And every shelf is stacked with books. Books of every colour, every thickness, fiction, non fiction, collections , everything you can possibly imagine. The books don't stop there. On the floor, there are piles and piles of them stacked up, I couldn't even begin to estimate how many books he had in here.

  Surprise takes over me as he takes in my reaction. His eyes are shining, he looks proud and embarrassed at the same time.

  "Well, what do you think? In the hotel that night, you… you asked if I had any books so I thought you might like to see…..you know….don’t worry about it."

  He shakes his head and reaches out to close the door. I stop him from shutting the door on the most amazing room I have ever seen. Drew Evans certainly had depth to him. He was way more than this cocky guy who made filthy remarks all the time. There was a whole side to him I didn't know. But I wanted to know him.

  He looks at my hand resting on his arm nervously, then looks into my eyes again. I can see that he is really uncomfortable with whatever it is that’s going through his mind.

  "Wow. Drew, this room, it is just….. Are you a fan of Beauty and the Beast?"

  His brow furrows in confusion.
/>   "Huh?"

  I giggle at his expression. I was definitely a giggly drunk.

  "You know, the Beast has that huge room full of books, then he gives it to Belle. It is so sweet. It’s every girls fantasy."

  He does a low throaty chuckle, the chuckle I love. He sounds so sexy when he laughs like that. I grin as his perfect white teeth gleam in the light. He really is hot.

  "The Beast is a pushover, don't even think about me giving this room to you, it’s never going to happen. "

  I sigh and put my hand over my aching chest.

  "How romantic of you. I should have known really, that a Beast would have more romance in his little hairy clawed finger than you have in your whole body."

  He growls as he shuts the door to the room of books, grabs me around the small of my waist, and pulls me in to him so our bodies are pressed together.

  I shiver as he wraps his other arm around the back of my neck and strokes me making all the hairs on my body stand on end. He dips me low, kissing me hard, making my head spin and leaving me gasping for air. It was like one of those old-fashioned kisses from the movies. It was perfect. As he straightens me back up, his hand that had been on my neck moves around to my cheek, his finger slowly traces my jaw line, his touch soft as a feather.

  "Fuck the Beast, I bet he doesn't kiss like that."

  I laugh, thinking how even though he was far from modest , I wouldn't want him any other way. I wrap my arms around his neck, tracing little kisses from his ear to his stubble that drives me so wild. He moans as I kiss harder. I place my hands on his strong chest, slowly undoing his shirt buttons.

  "I don't want to fuck the Beast. He can keep his library. I want you."

  He moans again as I continue kissing his soft skin. He smells gorgeous, manly and clean as I work my way down to his chest, his tufts of dark chest hair tickling my nose as I kiss him.

  "Louise. Stop. We can't do this."

  "Yes we can." I mutter as I drunkenly fumble with his belt. He backs away from me with a sigh, holding me steady so I don't fall forwards. He quickly does his shirt buttons up with his free hand as I glare at him. He looks hot and flustered. I try to push him away, my anger brimming up from nowhere.

  "Can you please stop making drunken passes at me? I am trying to do the right thing but shit, you are sure making it hard for me." He pulls me through to another room, while I carry on glaring at the back of his head.

  "Right, what do you want to eat? We need to get you sobered up."

  I realise we are in his kitchen. Every work top and appliance is shining; he is obviously a clean freak or something. My stomach growls as I realise I was really hungry. I know I had that pizza earlier, but after months of not eating properly, I wanted food.


  He narrows his eyes at me.


  I nod, rubbing my tummy.

  "Chocolate cake. I haven't had chocolate cake in so long."

  He looks me up and down.

  "Clearly. Seriously baby, you need to eat more."

  My cheeks flush red and I hug my arms to me, suddenly feeling self-conscious.

  "I just… My appetite has been … well… non-existent really."

  He looks at me with the sympathy I usually hated on other people, but on him, I didn't mind so much.

  "That's understandable. But I am here for you now if you want me to be. And you have your friend back. You won’t get away with not eating properly anymore."

  I appreciate his kind words. He was full of surprises tonight.

  "So, you want chocolate cake huh? I just happened to make some earlier."

  He opens the fridge and pulls out a cake tin. He lifts the lid. It looks like a professional cake, it was gooey and chocolately and the smell was making my mouth water.

  "There is no way you made that."

  "Oh yeah? Want me to make another one for you right now to prove it? Or do you just want to give me the benefit of the doubt and dig in?”

  I’m ravenous all of a sudden, so I decide to give him the benefit of the doubt. He cuts me a huge slice and puts it on a plate for me. I wait until he cuts himself a slice, then we return to the front room, settling down on the huge cream sofa.

  He watches me as I take my first bite, laughing as the chocolate cream oozes out from the middle and the brown crumbs fall onto my chest.

  "Oh my god, This is sooooo good."

  I mumble as the delicious cake fills my mouth. I knew it was rude to speak with your mouth full, but I didn't care. He eats his slice without dropping so much as a crumb, then takes his plate back to the kitchen while I finish eating mine. Even though he cut me a slice twice as big as his, I eat it all.

  He walks back through with a huge jug of water and a glass, and even some tissues so I could clear up the mess I'd made with the cake. I smile at him gratefully as I clean up and pour a glass of water, gulping it down in one go.

  "I'll be right back."

  He runs out of the room. I hear the thud of his footsteps going up and down the stairs.

  He has a huge smile on his face as he returns with two massive pillows and a big fluffy blanket. I can’t help but smile back as he puts the pillows at the corner of the couch. He nods his head towards them.

  “Make yourself at home.”

  I smile and stand up, undoing the zip on my black dress slowly. I take it off and throw it down on the floor. His eyes roam my body as I stand there in just my bra and panties. Even though I still have his earlier comment about me not eating enough swirling around, I don’t feel self-conscious at all.

  Judging by the way he gulps and his eyes flood with heat, I was clearly having an effect on him. I dive into the blanket, settling against the pillows he had placed there. I pat the spot beside me, wanting him to join me.

  To my surprise, he strips as well. He unbuttons his shirt and shrugs it off, letting it fall to the ground. He kicks his shoes and socks off. He removes his belt and shrugs out of his trousers with ease. I drunkenly wolf whistle as he stands there looking flawless in just his white boxers. He was muscled but not overly so, his chest and abs smooth and hard. My belly clenches as I notice his sexy happy trail from his navel leading to his boxers.

  He grins at my wolf whistle, then climbs under the blanket with me. The sofa is large enough that we can both lay comfortably side by side, it was bigger than a bed. He puts his arm around my shoulders and I cuddle into his chest, running my hand up and down his strong torso.

  "No funny business Miss Hart." He places his free hand over my hand, stopping my caressing.

  I sigh as I snuggle into him further. He was warm and comfortable, I feel relaxed for the first time in months.

  "You have been begging me for funny business since the day we met. And now you don't want it?"

  His chest rumbles as he laughs gently.

  "Not tonight no. Not with you like this. "His tone is soft. "I … I care about you now Louise. Before, it wouldn't have mattered if you were drunk and we slept together, because I would have never spoken to you again. I'd have gotten what I wanted. And that is just the sort of man I am….was. But now…. Well, now I want more. And there is no way in hell I would try anything on with you while you are intoxicated with alcohol. I have morals believe it or not."

  I smile at his words. I was still finding it hard to believe that Drew had a caring side to him.

  "You have morals? Really?" Sarcasm drips from my voice.

  He laughs again. He seemed younger when he laughed. Not such a jerk.

  "I'm a different person with you. You make me want to be a better person."

  I let his words sink in. I have no reply, so I just carry on hugging him. His heart is thudding erratically.

  "Thanks for tonight Drew. I feel …. I feel really secure with you right now."

  He kisses the top of my head.

  "Good. I always want you to feel like that around me baby. You have been through so much. I still can't believe I didn't know. Why didn't you tell me Louise?"
  I wince at his words. He sounds so angry with me. To be honest, it had never occurred to tell him. I didn't think he would care.

  "I just…. I didn't want…. I couldn't talk about it. It's still too raw." A single tear slides down my cheek. An involuntary action, and one that happened all too often these days.

  Drew feels the wetness drip onto his chest and slides down the sofa so he is level with me. Our bodies face each other, so close we are nearly touching. He gazes into my eyes and wipes away a second tear that has just spilled over.

  "When you are ready to talk about it, I will be here. I know you need time, but you don't need to go through this on your own anymore. You're not alone."

  He cups my face, placing a gentle kiss on my lips, then wraps his strong arms around me, slowly rubbing my back up and down. The rhythm makes me feel sleepy.

  "Thank you." My voice was quiet, tiredness had crept in big time.

  "Go to sleep now beautiful. I will text your mad friend from your phone, let her know you are safe."

  I nod in agreement, too tired now to say anything.

  The last thing I remember before falling into the best sleep I have had in months was Drew kissing the tip of my nose and whispering something.

  Chapter Eleven - Louise

  I wake up lazily, smiling to myself though I have no idea why. I blink in confusion as I look up at the unfamiliar pattern on the ceiling. I feel more rested than I have in months.

  "Good morning beautiful. You sure can sleep. Thought you were never going to wake up. I have found my very own sleeping beauty"

  I grumble sleepily and sit up straight, clutching the blanket to my chest as I realise I am in my underwear. The sudden movement makes my head ache, and I start remembering bits of last night.

  Oh my god, I was at Drews. I still am at Drews. It wasn't a dream. I wince as I rub my head, remembering the bottle of wine I had very quickly consumed.


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