Black Hills Angel (Black Hills Series)

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Black Hills Angel (Black Hills Series) Page 7

by Wilson, A. C.


  Monica turned and walked away after her comment about Andy. He closed his mind to the view of Monica's short skirt and the way heels made her legs look even longer! The fact that he even saw her that way and that she had insulted Andy so viciously made him even angrier. He took a deep breath before he turned towards his very quiet date. His hand rested on her shoulder. Matt swallowed hard. He didn't like the calm, collected, but confused look on Andy's face.

  "I am so sorry. I wish I could excuse her, but there is absolutely no way to do that." His apology came out in a rush. Her green eyes had grown stormy as they met his. He couldn't describe the catch in his heartbeat, but it happened just the same.

  "She's beautiful." Andy pressed her lips together as if to keep from saying more and turned down the street towards the spot where he had parked his truck. Shit! This wasn't good at all.

  "Wait. Andy, please." Matt didn't like the gruff panic that came out with her name, but he didn't like the fact that she was walking away from him either. Hell she could rant and yell for all he cared, but silent and accepting was going to be a mortal death to this relationship. He was as good as sure of that.

  "I get it, Matt. I really do. I appreciate your help and your kindness." She made it to the end of the block before turning around to look at him. The storm in her green eyes had died considerably. He couldn't let her give up the fight. Fight for us, damn it! He had to get her talking and get her to express some of her feelings.

  "You don't get it at all, Andy. Monica and I are over." He stepped close enough to lower his voice and slide his hand down from her elbow to her fingers, entwining their hands. "This is now. I want to see where this will go." He scrutinized each fleck in her eyes, every blink and every spark. There was a distinct lack of the latter.

  "I think you should take me home, Matt." Andy didn't pull her hand from his grasp, but pulled him along behind her. Reluctantly he followed her, staring at the way her dark jeans clung to her backside. He nearly groaned. They got to his truck and he was torn between a serious desire to shuck all her clothes or get down on his knees and beg that she speak to him. She waited for him to unlock the door without turning around. Her fingers loosely interlaced with his and he wanted to pull her hard against his chest. He wanted to kiss her senseless until the fire reignited in those beautiful green depths. That was it!

  Clicking the unlock button on his remote, Matt put his hand on the door handle. He didn't pull, but let it rest there. An expectant pause stretched almost to breaking before he leaned his mouth close to her ear. He noticed the shiver that ran down her body at his approach. He grinned knowing she wasn't immune to him. She couldn't deny her desire for him. It was a definite point in his favor.

  "I will take you home, but not yet." He was careful to make the last a promise. Refraining from kissing her neck, Matt pulled open the door and watched Andy scramble inside. Closing the door, he couldn't help but grin. Anticipation was a great tool if used properly. She was already wondering what they were going to do next.

  They drove along the busy streets. Matt left the radio off and Andy had yet to say anything to him. His hand itched to reach across the short space and hold her hand, but he thought he had better put his full attention to driving. His mind wandered nonetheless. She sat there on the passenger side with her eyes averted to the houses passing. He wondered what she was thinking. He hoped that their meager foundation could withstand the questions and doubts that a devious intruder like Monica could incite. He hated that he wasn't sure.

  Pulling into a circular drive of a newer residential community, Matt pulled the Chevy truck into its spot skirted by red paving stones. Even though it was nearly dusk with the sun setting behind the house, the five bedroom, four bath cream colored brick building was impressive. It had been a point of pride for him and Garrett. Obviously they built homes for a living, but this was theirs. As soon as they had bought the lot and started blueprinting the basics of what they wanted, it had quickly gotten out of hand. So they had to compromise and before they knew it, they had built something unique and totally functional for their bachelor status.

  "This is your home." There was no question. Her statement bordered on the inconceivable. They sat in his truck in the silence until she finally looked his way. Her green eyes were rounded with curiosity.

  "Home sweet home." More so since you are with me. He wanted to say that, but knew it wasn't the right time. Opening his door, Matt made a beeline for the passenger side, but Andy was out before he could get there. Meeting her at the front, he didn't want her to think for one minute that he was backing down, so he took her hand in his and they walked to the front door. The wrap around porch had been a favorite of his. There were a couple of rocking chairs in the back, but the front was unadorned.

  Slipping the key into its lock, he heard it shift and spring back. Turning the knob to walk inside, he could almost feel Andy stop breathing. It was a fight not to grin and in the end, his humor won. The tan tiled entryway led them past a great room complete with brown leather sectional sofa with a looming fireplace to the far wall. Andy paused seeing the white-tailed deer heads on the wall. It was Garrett's passion, not really his. He tugged her past the dining room with the huge windows and oak table. He led her into the kitchen that boasted stainless steel appliances and granite countertops.

  "Do you want something to drink? Water. Soda. Beer. Wine." Matt ticked them off as he opened the fridge door.

  "Water, I guess. Garrett isn't home tonight? I thought he might be since he didn't have to watch Harper." Andy said as she moved slowly around the kitchen, running her fingertips over the cool granite.

  "No, I am sure he's out with Hannah." He smiled as he closed the door and handed her the bottle of water. She accepted it, but still wouldn't look him in the eye. "What do you think of the house? We finished it a year ago."

  "It's amazing and so big. I didn't think two men would need such a large house." Andy said as she clicked the top off the water bottle and took a sip before replacing the cap. Matt couldn't take his eyes from her lips and mentally shuddered with desire as a droplet of water went unnoticed on her lips.

  "It wasn't supposed to be this large, but well, one idea led to another. My parents come up along with my sister on holidays and there is plenty of room for everyone." Matt stumbled along in his thoughts, barely realizing he was stepping into her again. Andy's eyes finally met his as her hips came to rest against the counter. The green depths plunged revealing far more than she intended he was sure, but the fire in them only kindled and stoked his own.

  "I am still not sure about us, Matt. Maybe we shouldn't start something we cannot finish."

  Sliding his hands around her waist, stroking her lace shirt and settling her hips against his, Matt took a moment to address what she had said. Her words warred with her wants. Desire surged forward while past experiences held her back.

  "I know you aren't, but I am. I'm not ready to finish this. I don't know that it ever will be finished." If he spoke any more he was sure he would pledge his undying love, instead he brought his lips hungrily to her's. The moment they touched fire roared and cindered every tether holding them back. Their lips met, clung and held. His breath was ragged, his chest heaving with want and need. His hands slid from her waist to the back and down her backside, squeezing and holding her firmly to him. Her soft curves cradled his sharper ones.

  Her fingers had found their way into his hair, gripping wildly and tugging his lips to her own. He was hungry. Hell, he was starving! He felt like there was no other oxygen in the world except for that which he shared with her. She was the center of life. She could give it or take it away. Dear Lord, she's mine! His hands kneaded and stroked, drawing a moan from her as he pressed the hardening bulge of his jeans against her. The flames grew still higher.

  Andy started unsnapping the buttons of his shirt and finally slid her fingers over his bare chest as she had done in the truck. That first touch was the gift of an angel. He wanted mor
e. He needed more. Breaking the buttons away still further, Andy tugged hard on the shirt ends tucked into his Wranglers. She had to pull hard, but finally they came loose. The cool air on his hot, sweaty skin sent tingles throughout his entire body. Sweet Jesus!

  "Matt; oh, Matt!" Her voice was like velvet, soft and exciting. He loved the sound of his name on her sweet, kiss-reddened lips. He focused his attentions on the side of her throat, finding that tender spot behind her ear. He nipped and grazed his teeth lightly along her ear lobe. She shivered. Her whole body was sensitive with anticipation. He grinned against her mouth.

  "Maybe we should continue the tour upstairs." His voice was husky with sexual desire. Dazed and slightly off center, Andy nodded quickly and followed as he led them up the main staircase. Its open design made it a great focal point of the house. Matt wanted to lift her off her feet and run up the rest of the stairs to his room, but he didn't want Andy to push away again. The steps came up to the center of the upstairs and it was just a few feet to Matt's master suite.

  Pushing open the door to the bedroom, he was pleased to note her intake of breath as she saw the huge king four poster bed. It had been his favorite part. It was big, comfortable and inviting. Turning to Andy, he quickly unsnapped the buttons at his wrists and shrugged out of the shirt. It landed on the gray carpet. Matt wasn't sure if he pulled her closer or if she walked into him on her own, but soon they were breasts to chest and thigh to thigh once more.


  Andy felt dizzy and unbelievably hot as she watched Matt take his shirt off. Her eyes roamed his sculpted chest and lean torso. Her eyes narrowed in disappointment at the belted Wranglers. She vividly remembered the hard erection pressing into her lower stomach and instantly she was back in that moment. Her skin felt excessively warm. Her clothes felt like they were trying to strangle the life out of her. The center of her core ached to be pleasured and filled. She might have blushed had she thought about this outside of the sexy haze in the bedroom. Matt's bedroom.

  "Like what you see?" Matt's voice melted over her like sweet butter on a hot roll. Not a portion of her was untouched by its low, sensuous timbre.

  "Absolutely." Andy's voice felt scratchy. She swallowed hard as his blue eyes drank her in. She could look into them forever. Fantasies were made from those blue eyes and those incredible jeans! She needed to feel his hands on her body and she moved into him the moment he came towards her. Her breath caught as her breasts pressed firmly into his bare chest. Instinctively her nipples hardened as she closed her eyes at the intense sensation.

  Matt kissed her firmly again, his tongue dancing intimately with her own. He tilted her head to possess her more fully and she clung to his shoulders. His flesh was warm and firm beneath her fingertips. Digging her nails in slightly, she raked them down his back. She heard him growl against her mouth and lower his hands to cup her bottom. Pulling her up hard against him, her legs settled around his waist as he gripped her.

  She rained kisses down on his neck, his chin, and his lips as she felt him moving towards the big, beautiful bed. It was only moments before she felt the soft, cool covers against her back as he lay them both down. The heavy muscular weight of him was gratifying against her body. She could feel his fingers looping underneath the lace shirt and draw it slowly up and over her head. Her exposed skin made her search for his eyes immediately. This was all so new to her, but she didn't want to stop. The reassurance of desire in his eyes gave her the green light to keep discovering.

  Matt lifted his hand to the white cotton bra she had worn. She didn't own any underwear even remotely sexy. Had she known she might ever be in this position, she might have taken the time to buy at least one set. The wicked excitement curled tightly in her stomach. Andy loved the way his lips felt on her sensitive skin. They tickled over her ribs and across her stomach. She caught the playful grin as he slid a hand underneath her. Lifting her hips into his, she could feel his fingers brushing the clasp of her bra.

  "What the...?" Matt muttered under his breath as he straddled her. Pushing himself into a sitting position, he fumbled his vibrating cell phone from his jeans pocket. The screen lit the room and he took a minute to look at it. Clicking it off, Matt frowned and got back off the bed. Andy felt confused and incredibly bereft without his body on or next to hers.

  "What's the matter?" She tried to keep the disappointment from her voice, but it slipped out anyway. Matt handed her her shirt and picked up his own.

  "Margaret says Harper is screaming and she cannot get her to stop. She thinks it's best if we come back." He was snapping buttons as she came off the bed. Reality had a way of butting in and a rush of panic replaced the dense sexual haze.

  "Let's go." Andy was on her way down the stairs before Matt could tell her that it wasn't an emergency. She also missed him shaking his head and sighing as he followed her from the room.

  Chapter Eight

  They made it back to Andy's little apartment in record time considering where they had been and what they had been up to. Matt found it hard to tamp down the still boiling desire to have her naked and underneath him. Her face was still a bit flush and the bare shoulder reminded him of how perfectly sexy she looked in just her white cotton bra. He knew he should be focused on what they were about to walk into, but hell, he couldn't get his head on straight!

  "Oh Lord, she really is screaming!" Andy's voice was slightly raised above the din coming from her daughter on the other side of the wall. Opening the apartment door, they found Margaret walking and rocking the fairly pissed off infant.

  "So sorry to call you back home, but I'm afraid she will make herself sick unless she stops this screaming." Margaret had kids of her own and grandkids, but even she looked a bit frazzled. Andy walked briskly over to his secretary, apologizing and taking Harper into her arms. Margaret handed the baby over with some relief. Taking in a bracing breath of air, she reached for her purse and focused for the first time on him. Shit. Her raised eyebrow and speculative glance up and down his body made him squirm for a second. She knew. This would make for an awkward day on Monday.

  "Thank you for watching Harper, Margaret." Matt stood his ground as Margaret tried not to smile in her all-too-knowing way as she went to the door. Once it closed behind her, he felt that rush of teenage embarrassment ease. He had nothing to be embarrassed about, but it was like being caught making out with your high school girlfriend on your parent's couch.

  Harper was still crying in her baby hiccupping way, but at least the high pitch screeching was over. Andy had the baby laying against her chest and was bouncing lightly as she walked the living room. He watched them go back and forth. Back and forth. It was something of a dance between mother and child. Harper was winding down now, but still unwilling to give up her wailing completely. Stubborn girl. Matt admired that about both of those girls. He figured he might regret it someday, but right now, they needed that extra bit of strength to push forward with their lives.

  "You can go if you want, Matt. It may be a long night with her." Andy said in one of the quieter crying sessions. He considered it. He should probably go. He wasn't sure how much help he could be.

  "I'd like to stay, if you don't mind. I'm in no hurry." He heard himself say. What? Why? Andy considered this as she bounced and walked across the room. He could see Harper's little head bobbing to match the steps.

  "Shut the light off in the kitchen, then. If it's darker in here, she might go to sleep." Andy slipped off her boots by the recliner and took a seat. Harper squirmed and threw her head around, catching her mom in the chin. There was a growl, apparently from Andy, and less thrashing from Harper. Laying the soft pink baby blanket over Harper's back, Andy began rocking. Matt skirted the chair, taking a seat on the not so comfortable couch to watch the inner workings of being a parent. A single parent.

  He kept quiet. The only source of light in the room was the television that had been muted. The flash of light caused shadows to shift and settle on mother and daughter. It was like being a
spectator at a movie set. He noted the soft feathery hair of Harper shifting as Andy's breath moved it. There was only fidgeting from Harper and an occasional whine. Andy settled back, closing her eyes. He wondered if she was uncomfortable with him there watching her. Maybe he should leave.

  Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now am found, was blind but now I see.

  Matt heard the soft, musical voice in the shadows. His heart clenched.

  Twas Grace that taught my heart to fear, and Grace my fears relieved. How precious did that Grace appear, the hour I first believed.

  He had been to church and he had heard this song before, but never in this way. It was wholesome, unadorned, and special.

  Through many dangers, toils, and snares, I have already come. Tis Grace that brought me safe this far and Grace shall lead me home.

  Matt felt his heart swell. Captivated as he was by this moment, he didn't yet feel a part of it, but knew that he desperately wanted to.

  When we've been there ten thousand years bright shining as the sun. We've no less days to sing God's praise than when we first begun.

  Oh yes! He very much wanted to be a part of this. He watched Andy rock Harper for a few more minutes. They were perfect and precious. Being a male and not a father yet, even he could appreciate the beauty of mother and child.

  "She's out. All that crying made her tired, I think." Andy whispered as she leaned forward to get up from the chair. Softly padding in her socks across the living room to the bedroom where Harper's play pen was set up, Andy disappeared for a few moments. At her return, Matt stood and opened his arms to her. Without hesitation, she walked into them and hugged his waist. A crow of pleasure filled his chest. He held her tightly and marveled at everything that had happened in the last week.


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