Trois: Episode 2: An MMF Romance (Trois Serial)

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Trois: Episode 2: An MMF Romance (Trois Serial) Page 2

by Brill Harper

  “Wait,” I repeat. Wait for what? Am I all of the sudden brave? “I really don’t want to stop the lessons.”

  Shane sits up, back straight. Fletch moves away from the doorway. “What are you saying?”

  “What are you saying exactly? No uncertain terms, please,” Shane adds. “Like fucking spell it out, please.” He waggles his brows. “Feel free to use explicit language. The raunchier the better.”

  My heart is roaring in my ears, but I persevere. “I’m saying that I want you both to keep tutoring me. And I understand,” I swallow around the ball of feelings trying to come up my throat, “I understand that means I have to let my guard down. And let you make me...come...too.”

  Shane looks intrigued as hell, but Fletch still looks worried. I’m getting better at figuring out their wordless convos now. I think it goes something like this:

  Shane: Dude, this is excellent.

  Fletch: It’s a bad idea. Too many things can go wrong. She’s my little sister’s best friend.

  Shane: I know. Hot right?

  Fletch: She’s too young.

  Shane: She’s literally sixteen months younger than you are.

  Fletch: We’re supposed to be looking out for her.

  Shane: And we will. We help her get confident. Show her how hot she is. And we get off too. Come on, man. It’s not like we’re not all in college. This is what college is for.

  Maybe I need to intervene here. “I want to remember my time in this house as when two of my really hot friends showed me how good at sex I can be. I want to do this.”

  “Sex?” Shane repeats.

  “One thing at a time, bro,” Fletch says. He holds my gaze for a long time, his fist clenches, and then he lets go. “We go slow.”

  “Okay,” Shane and I answer simultaneously.

  “I know this is weird—” I start.

  But Fletch interrupts me. “This is just as weird for us, well, me, as it is for you. This isn’t weird for you at all, is it, Shane?”

  “Nope, it’s not that weird for me,” Shane agrees. “So, we get to make you come tonight?” He checks his watch. “Look at that. It’s pretty close to night right about now. Let’s give you more data for your sexy notebook, yeah?”

  I stand up. Taking charge of my own destiny. “Yes.” And I walk over to the couch, sitting next to Shane.

  It takes another minute of awkward silence before Fletcher joins us. I think he was rethinking his position until Shane put his arm around my shoulder. Then he wasn’t about to let Shane steer the bus alone.

  Fletch puts his hand on my knee. “This is all about you tonight. No penises come out.”

  “I like it when the penises come out,” I reply.

  We all laugh awkwardly.

  “I know you do, sweetheart,” Shane says and kisses me. Heatedly. And I kiss him back with no reservations because I like kissing, and I think I took to my kissing lesson from the other night well. It feels really good.

  Shane doesn’t mess around with the teasing kisses tonight. He’s holding my face and feeding his passion to me. Fletch strokes his big hand down my arm and back up, squeezing my shoulder, pushing my hair to the other side. Their attention is one-hundred percent focused on me. I forget to be awkward or self-conscious

  Fletch starts sucking on my earlobe while undressing me. I feel like I’m in some sort of passion fog. Like it’s happening to my body, but my brain doesn’t accept it as true. Like it’s a dream. A very good, erotic dream. Five minutes ago, I was avoiding eye contact with them and now I’m offering up my body.

  They pass me back and forth, kissing me until I’m naked but they are fully clothed. It feels naughtier this way. I’m so wet, heat blooming in my pussy as they kiss me over and over.

  Their hands stroke over me and they murmur things against my skin. In some kind of synchronized move, they both latch onto my breasts at the same time, and I shudder with a mini-release.

  “What a good girl you are,” Shane says.

  He’s having fun. He’s laidback and relaxed. But Fletch...well, he gets really intense. He starts directing the action. He loses that “Boy Scout” look in his eyes, and it’s replaced with a dangerous glint. He becomes this other man I’ve only seen in brief bits and pieces.

  Dominant. Arrogant. Completely in control. Of me. Of Shane. Of himself.

  “Lie back,” Fletch tells me as he pushes me back into the couch, moving my legs apart wide while he settles between them on his knees on the floor. “That’s the prettiest pussy I’ve ever seen.”

  Shane groans against my breast, maybe surprised at the dirty talk. I know I am. My nipple pops out of his mouth. “Your tits are awesome, Pen. Seriously.”

  Fletch slides his hands up my thighs, grasping me roughly. “God damn. I haven’t stopped thinking about what I want to do to you since I saw the way you looked at my cock the other night. You’re such a naughty girl, aren’t you?” He licks the seam where my leg meets my body.

  I shiver involuntarily, my pulse thundering in my ears. “Yes.”

  He licks on the other side. “Tell me.” His voice is sharp, the command goes right to my pussy.

  I start traveling someplace else in my mind. “Oh, God. Yes. I’m such a naughty girl.”

  “Did you like looking at our cocks? Touching them? Making us come all over your hands, sweetheart?”

  “Yes. I loved it. I loved both your cocks so much.”

  Who is talking right now? Was that me?

  “But you wanted more, didn’t you, Velma?” Shane asks. “You wanted us to make you come that night, didn’t you?”


  “We wanted to make you come so bad,” Fletch says. “We want to make you come all over our fingers and our tongues tonight. I want to eat your pussy until you can’t fucking remember your name.”

  When his mouth touches me, I cry out. His ruthless tongue drags across my tender flesh, lapping at my juices. I’m so wet I could drown him. I moan, and he growls, spreading me open with his tongue. He’s enjoying every second, it seems, toying with my clit and then delving deep into my center and back again. He’s hunched over, his shoulders rounded, and the sound of him on my pussy is sloppy and wet. He’s a Fletch-shaped animal gorging on my body. He raises his head and the whole lower half of his face is glazed from me.

  Purely carnal now, I hardly recognize him. He dives back in, and I start shuddering beneath his mouth, my orgasm sneaking up on me. He lays his head on my stomach while I come down from the sudden high, his hands continuing to stroke my legs until I stop shivering.

  “My turn,” Shane says and starts kissing his way down my body as Fletcher moves out of the way.

  When Shane starts licking me, Fletch moves up to the couch. “Spread your legs wider, Penelope.” He pulls one of my legs up at an angle. It’s so obscene, him holding me open so his best friend can eat me out. I turn my head toward him, and he starts kissing me deeply. I can taste myself on his mouth, it’s raw and unreal. There are two tongues inside my body right now, both of them fucking me. I don’t know who I am. I don’t know who these guys have become. We’re all turning into animals.

  “You like getting licked, don’t you? You’re such a bad girl. Are you going to come all over Shane’s face, bad girl?”

  My stomach pitches, and I feel my circuits gathering charge for another electric orgasm. I can’t slow the fall down now. Not with the sensation of Shane’s mouth on my center and the dirty words coming out of Fletch. The Fletch I know is the original Boy Scout. The pleasant gentleman. This Fletch is hardcore and dark, like he can see right into my head and revels in pulling out my filthiest thoughts. Shane inserts one and then a second finger into me and rolls his tongue over my clit over and over, and my eyes roll back in my head as my orgasm starts in my toes.

  As I tumble into coming, it seems to spur Shane on even more. He’s growling and rutting his face against my pussy, pushing my pleasure higher and harder. When I start screaming, Fletch palms my face and takes my cries
into his mouth with his kisses until I’m boneless and nearly pass out. I can’t control my body. It’s shivering, and my heart is beating too fast. Fletch pulls me across him onto his lap and holds me tightly to his broad, muscled chest.

  I curl up into a ball and let him tend to me. I don’t know how long it is until I start coming back to myself. Shane has left the room to “tend to some things.” Fletch is still holding me, stroking me while I shiver.

  “You okay, sweetheart?”

  “God. That was...amazing.”

  “You’re amazing. You taste really good.”

  It’s silly to blush at this point, but blush I do. I uncurl and risk a look at him. He’s still got some of that primitive fire in his eyes, but he’s gathering my clothes. As I get dressed, he goes to “check something in his room” and the doorbell rings. I’m still kind of shaky, but I manage okay until I open the door.



  Chapter Three


  At my door. Our door. My best friend Jenna who I can’t lie to even to save my life. Fletch’s little sister Jenna.

  Jenna the one person who I would share all the details of my sex life with except I just had sexual relations with her older brother.

  And his best friend.

  Two guys. Two hot guys. But what kind of girl has threesomes with her best friend’s family?

  Needless to say, I am bright red. I don’t need a mirror. I can tell. I feel like she can read my mind, like she can see the dirty thoughts about what I’d just done. Well, had done to me.

  Oh, my God. Her brother just ate me out in this room. She is never going to forgive me.

  “You okay, Pen?”

  I rush to hug her. At least I can hide my face for a few seconds. “You’re really here?”

  “I am! I didn’t have a project due like I usually do on Mondays, so I figured it was a good time to get a weekend visit in.”

  I let her in and yell, “Fletch, your sister is here!” I know I sound maniacal. My voice is about two octaves higher than normal. I bring her into the kitchen, not stopping once in the living room. I don’t even look at the couch. The Couch of Debauchery. God. This can’t be happening. Can she tell? Does she know? Will I give it away by acting so stupid?

  Shane enters the kitchen first. “Hey, Jenna.” He’s cool and collected. Why can’t I be cool and collected? Like ever?

  Jenna hugs him. “You’re looking good,” she says, squeezing his arm.

  He flexes. “Eating all my spinach,” he jokes.

  She’s checking him out. Oh, God. I’m jealous about it. This is bad. At least I know she won’t check out Fletch.

  I don’t know what to do with these angry green feelings bubbling in my chest. I’ve never had them before. I pretend everything is okay while I get a pot of coffee going. This sucks.

  I absolutely cannot get jealous feelings about either of these guys. We are not in a relationship. We are not dating. We are roommates with benefits.

  Shit. Why did I ever think this was a good idea?

  Fletch comes in and very carefully avoids my eyes.

  Everyone talks normally, but inside my head, I’m replaying the raw desire I experienced not half an hour ago. In their hands. In their mouths. My God. I’m utterly mortified that I’m still turned on. This can’t be good. We don’t even know what we are or what we are doing with each other yet. It’s not like I can explain it to Jenna in a way that makes sense. But I’ve never held back anything from her. And this is the biggest thing that’s ever happened to me. I’m torn in two over this.

  “Whose night is it to cook?” Fletch asks.

  “Pizza night, dude.”

  Jenna takes a sip of her coffee and grimaces at me. I shoulder shrug. I guess I’m getting used to cheap coffee. “You guys have nights to cook?”

  Shane wraps his arm around me and pulls me into an almost brotherly hug. Which is so weird. “We’re a happy little family unit. Though little bit’s cooking skills are still pretty lame. She helped Fletch make cookies the other day, though.”

  “Little bit?” she asks me.

  I shrug again.

  I notice Shane and Fletch having eye-talk again. Fletch nods.

  “We should go out instead of delivery tonight,” Shane says out loud. “Show Jenna around some.”

  I really want to get out of the house and away from the living room and the couch, so I agree. Probably a little too vehemently.

  We all head out for pizza. Jenna wants to go to a party later, but this crowded restaurant is all the peopling I can manage tonight. That’s when I run into Jones.

  “There you are,” he says. He hugs me, and it’s a weird sensation. He smells good, but not...right to me. Not like the men I’m getting used to. Maybe it’s pheromones. Maybe it’s soap. But he’s foreign to me.

  Jenna is making eyes at me like, “You go, girl,” if that were a thing we actually said to each other. Shane and Fletch are acting aloof and ignoring us, and I don’t know how to deal. At all. Objectively, Jones is a good-looking guy. His neck is kind of thick, but I gather that is a thing as he’s not the only guy I’ve seen like that on campus. He’s got eyes that remind me of the sky in June, and he texts in complete sentences. Why am I not excited that he’s showing me attention right now?

  “Hey, let’s go out Sunday night,” Jones says.


  “Oh, that’s perfect. I have to leave Sunday morning, so don’t say no on my account,” Jenna says, nudging me.


  “Yeah, you said you didn’t have any homework this weekend,” Fletch says, his face a mask I just can’t read. “You should go.”

  His words ping against my heart the way a rock does to a windshield on the highway.

  Shane is looking at Fletch like he just sprouted a second head. Jenna is either not sensing any tension or she’s not addressing it. Jones seems like he earnestly wants to get together. And I...I don’t think I want to. He’s a nice guy. But I have some mixed-up, confusing feelings about my roommates. Which is probably exactly why I should go. So I can unconfuse my feelings.

  It’s not like we’re dating. They’re helping me learn about men so I can find one of my own, right? I mean, they obviously aren’t the jealous types—cue recent memory of them urging me to come from the other’s administrations. It would be weird maybe to not go out with Jones since getting asked out by guys like Jones was the point of all this tutoring anyway.

  But I want to keep going with the lessons with Shane and Fletcher. I want to see what comes next. I don’t want anyone else. In the brief minute I had between getting dressed and answering the door earlier, I had already been wondering what it would be like to taste them. To feel the weight of them on my tongue. I wanted them to teach me how to give a blow job next.

  And I don’t feel that way about Jones.

  “Seriously, Penelope. You study too hard. You should go out with Jones,” Fletch says again.

  I put on the mask I used to save for PE class when they were picking teams for dodgeball. The one that says rejection doesn’t affect me. That says I don’t really care if I’m picked for a team or not. Because I am definitely feeling not picked for Team Fletch. Not only does he not want to pick me, he wants someone else to pick me so he doesn’t get stuck with me.

  “I’d love to.” I look down, feeling so stupid. What did I even expect? “Sounds great.”

  The pizza in my stomach is turning to stone. God, my best friend is finally here to help me navigate my social life, but I can’t share any of it with her. When did things become so complicated?

  When we get back to the house, the guys start their shooter game, and Jenna and I hit the kitchen with the wine we got on the way home and a cheesecake we got to-go from the pizza place. We don’t bother with plates for the dessert. Two forks is all we need.

  “So, what’s going on with this Jones guy? He seem nice, and he’s totally hot. Why aren’t you into

  I shrug. “He is both those things. You know me, I’m just awkward. I’m into him.”

  “Not buying it. How did you guys meet anyway?” She’s talking with her mouth full of cheesecake like we used to do when we were kids.

  “My roommates introduced me to him at a party they took me to.”

  “Oh, this is the guy you said invited you to coffee, but things kept getting in the way. I remember now. Well, if my brother introduced you, then he’s probably fine. Fletch won’t let you go out with a douche-canoe. He’s your honorary big brother.”

  I slug down some wine, trying really, really hard not to remember the way he growled over my clit earlier in the evening. How he told me how pretty my pussy is.

  “If I didn’t like Steven from Art History so much, I’d make a play for Shane. Do you think Fletch would get pissed if I hooked up with his best friend?”

  My wine glass is mysteriously empty. Just when I need it the most. “Um, I guess I don’t really know Fletch enough to say for sure.”

  I can’t tell her that Shane made me come. That I’ve jacked him off. That would technically make him off limits, but my whole life is this gray area now where normal limits may or may not apply.

  “Tell me more about this Steven guy.”

  She fills me in on her latest hookup who kind of sounds like he might be a little more. I realize after I’ve eaten half the pie and drank more than half the bottle of wine that I am drunk. This is a perfect excuse when the conversation steers back to Jones.

  “Man, I’m so wasted. I need to go sleep this off.”

  She blinks at me weird. “All right. I’ll hang out with the guys until I can kick them off the couch. Tomorrow, I want to go shopping. Hit all the thrift stores.”

  “That sounds great. Maybe you can help me pick out something for my date?” See? I can be a normal girl.

  Her eyes light up. “I would love that. Don’t forget to take a couple aspirin. Oh, and drink some water.”

  I’m feeling very smug with myself at getting out of talking about Jones until I am staring at the ceiling of my bedroom and wondering what Shane would do if Jenna makes a move on him. I have no right to jealousy, but it sours my stomach and turns that cheesecake into yet another brick inside my gut. I hate that I’m keeping things from my best friend. I hate that I am catching actual feelings for the guys when that wasn’t part of the deal. I hate that neither of them even cares if I go on a date with another guy.


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