Blood Burdens (The Shadow World)

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Blood Burdens (The Shadow World) Page 14

by Brandy Nacole

  My body starts to relax. I’m more than willing to give into the deep quiet bliss of sleep. But before the darkness takes me under, I start thinking about Micah. Maybe if I can connect to him I can find out more about Cerelia’s plans. I focus on his face, his eyes, and his gentle smile. I picture myself standing before him.

  As sleep overtakes me, I make a silent plea, hoping that it works.


  I grab my bag and head out into the dark morning, the previous night’s plea unheeded. The disappointment of my restless, dreamless sleep still weighs on me. I had no dreams at all last night, or visits for that matter. It was disheartening.

  When I make it to the front, everyone else is there waiting. Coy gives me a tender smile but I can see the hurt in his eyes. I felt bad for the way I acted last night, even though I just wanted to be alone. That’s what I should have told him instead of throwing accusations at him. That pain draws me to him. I give him a small hopeful smile as I take his hand.

  “Everyone ready?” Witten asks, as he gestures to the vans.

  No one says anything, we all just silently take our seats. I get in the first van, Coy’s right behind me. Two male Witches sit in the front. The one in the driver’s seat I recognize as the gate guard. Ethan, Coy, and I take up the second row, while Natahala, Brynn, and Thad take up the third row. Everyone else is in the second van.

  Danger meets us immediately. Standing right outside the gates, just past the safety of the Covenant, is a slew of Shadows. “What the hell?” Ethan exclaims. I silently ask the same question. Then a Lycan I recognize as Ethan’s father, steps up in front of the others.

  “We want the girl.” All eyes in the van turn to me.

  Chapter Ten

  There’s no question about who they want. I’m not going to lie and say my stomach doesn’t knot up when Ethan’s father calls for me. I clench my jaw as I look at the hungry mob blocking the vans. There are probably fifty Shadows gathered. “Why do they want me?” I ask.

  Ethan opens the side door on the van. “Let’s go find out.”

  Everyone starts climbing out except for Natahala, Brynn, and Thad. “You guys coming?” I ask.

  Natahala shakes her head. “Aldrick cannot know that I’m here.” She makes a gesture to the crowd indicating the few Vampires standing in the mix of Shadows. “They are here to put a front up for Aldrick. They cannot be allowed to see us.”

  I nod then exit the van. As I shut the door I see Ethan and his dad arguing with one another. “She has done nothing wrong!” Ethan says with so much venom I’m surprised it didn’t knock his dad back in surprise.

  Instead, his father takes a step toward his son. He towers over Ethan by two inches. His broad shoulders and bulky arms stretch out his shirt, making the seams pull with protest. The man is covered in so much hair and has a beard down to his chest that I wouldn’t be surprised if he hasn’t been mistaken for Bigfoot. Heck maybe he has. “How do you know for sure, Ethan? She could be playing you.”

  The Shadows erupt with agreement. Another Lycan steps up nodding his head. “Adam’s right, she’s just playing us.”

  Not all of the Shadows agree with Adam and his mob. A man I don’t know speaks up on my behalf. “Adam, you have no right to accuse Racquel. Have you not seen what the girl has done for us? She brought back our loved ones, the ones we thought we had lost forever.” The man’s voice carries a slight tone of pain. “This is why my men and I came to stand against you once we heard of your plans. There is no reason for you to be here, throwing out accusations. This only causes trouble where it shouldn’t be.” Evan, the Shape-shifter that went missing from Virginia, steps up and places his hand on the man’s shoulder.

  “I see she has fooled you as well, Joe.” Adam says, and then turns back to his son. “The girl is coming with us, Ethan. Whatever Cerelia has planned will probably be hindered without that one providing aid.”

  I stand there in silence, listening to the Shadows debating my innocence. Though there are a small number of them arguing I’m innocent, more than half are blaming me.

  Adam pushes Ethan out of his way and steps toward me. He reaches out his hand as if to come grab me. Is he kidding?! Rage fills my body as Adam gets closer. The Shadows before me become hazy as my vision blurs with the rage. I can feel my power build and pulse, wanting to be unleashed.

  Joe grabs Adam by the arm to pull him back, and Adam turns on Joe, growling, his eyes shining in the morning light. Ethan steps between the three of us, ready to stop any fight. Evan and a few other shifters step up behind Joe, ready to back him. These Shadows were ready to fight because of me.

  I snap. “Enough.” I yell, as I raise my hand, unleashing my power. I repel all the Shadows in front of me, pinning them to the trees or ground. I can see their lips moving and their faces set with pain. Adam tries shifting but I tighten my hold on him, keeping his wolf at bay.

  Those behind me are untouched by my power. The only one who gets caught in the crossfire is Ethan. I see him screaming my name but I don’t hear him. I don’t hear anything. The only thing I know is my rage. If they want to fear me and blame me for something, I’m going to give them a reason.

  I take a step forward but feel resistance. Someone has me by the arm, trying to pull me back. I fight the hands on me and pull away. Someone else steps up in front of me, snapping their fingers. But I don’t recognize the person or register their words. All that’s on my mind is teaching these Shadows a lesson.

  I push past the person in front of me to get closer to the Shadows I have pinned. “I have done nothing but fight my own feelings to help all of you. After all the Shadows have done to hurt me, I didn’t want to, but I did. And you thank me by putting the blame on me once again, after putting my life in danger for you? That’s too much.”

  I focus on the face who had spread blame on me. I don’t remember his name but I recognize his glowing chestnut eyes. Bringing my hand up in his direction, I get ready to send enough energy to hurl him through the forest, hoping his Lycan face will be smashed into something hard enough to split his skull.

  “Racquel stop!” I stumble, gasping as the command screams through my head. “I can feel your anger. You have to stop what you’re doing before you do something you’ll regret.” Micah’s desperate voice pleads with me. “Please stop, Racquel.”

  My body shudders and I collapse to the ground. The rage withdraws from my body as a silent sob shakes my body. I can still hear Micah’s voice echoing through my mind. How? How does he keep reaching out to me? I could hear his voice as if he was standing right in front of me.

  Strong arms wrap around my body, pulling me up to a sitting position. Coy sits on the ground next to me, whispering reassurance. “Racquel, it’s okay.” Coy runs his fingers through my hair. “You stopped, that’s what matters.”

  I pull away to peer up at his face. He thinks I did this on my own, that I was able to pull in the anger that had exploded from my body. Another tear slips down my cheek. If he knew what had actually stopped me, what would he think?

  Danika and Addie are by my side now. Addie puts her hand on my shoulder. “Racquel?” I glance over at her and cringe at the fear she’s trying to mask. “Are you okay?”

  I nod my head, not trusting my voice. The emotions that poured through me when Micah had reached out to me are still gripping me. I went from feeling nothing, to a storm of anger, that then collided with remorse and caring. Micah’s pleading instantly pulled back my anger. My body responded to him with no hesitation.

  Coy wraps his arm around my waist as he helps me stand. I look at the group of Shadows now free from my hold. They have stunned expressions on their faces as they rub sore spots from the rough treatment.

  Adam angrily steps forward. “See? She can’t be trusted. She nearly killed all of us.”

  So much for scaring them enough to leave me alone.

  Ethan steps up between me and his father. “You’re wrong, dad. How would you feel if a mob of Shadows was putting blame o
n you after you’d barely escaped with your life in order to help them?”

  Adam shakes his head. “It doesn’t change who she is.” Hushed murmurs filter through the quiet forest. Some are in agreement with Adam. Others still don’t feel the same way—even after my outburst.

  Everything falls silent as a purple mist fills the air. Queen Kaya emerges from the midst. Right behind her is Casper. Queen Kaya looks at me for a brief moment before turning back to the crowd of Shadows. “The blame you place on her is unjustified. You will leave the girl alone. She is the only one who can stop Cerelia.”

  Another Lycan steps forward, with a shifter by his side, “She’s in league with her grandfather. How else would she know where to find them?”

  Dagna steps up beside me, grasping my hand. “Racquel has been helping us track Cerelia. Without our Coven’s help, Racquel would not have been able to find her.”

  The Lycan takes a step closer, standing beside Adam now. “How do we not know the Witches are in league with her? Cerelia is a powerful Witch, maybe you’re all working with her to gain power.”

  Witten steps up beside Dagna, emitting power that makes the Lycan step back. I can feel the power of his anger from being blamed crackle through the air. “You go too far. I would watch your tongue, Chris. If you keep throwing accusations at innocent Shadows, you could be brought before the Ruling Council for judgment on attempted murder.” The Lycan pales but stays where he’s at.

  Casper addresses his shifters. “I know Racquel well enough to trust her. My shifters are to leave Racquel alone. If any brings blame or harm to her again, they will have to deal with me before they are brought to the Ruling Council.”

  Casper walks over to Joe, placing a hand on Joe’s shoulder. “I am proud of you, son. You showed great leadership here today.” Casper squeezes his son’s shoulder, then turns back to give me a friendly smile. “Be safe,” he tells me, then turns his massive head to glance back over his shoulder. He lets out a deep throaty grumble, calling for the other shifters to follow. All the Shape-shifters look to the ground as they follow their ruling leader out of the forest.

  Before Joe leaves he walks over to me with a solemn expression. “I’m sorry for the trouble here today. Do know that if there is anything you need, we will be more than happy to assist.”

  “Thank you,” I say.

  Joe turns to leave but Evan stops him. “I want to go with them.” Two more shifters step up behind Evan, proclaiming the same. “Dad, they saved my life. The least I can do is to offer my assistance.”

  Joe looks at his son with a proud grin. “I understand. I would accompany you as well but I have to stay here to keep the others in line. Everyone is afraid of what is coming, there’s no telling what they will do when driven by that fear.” Joe sighs, then gives Evan a hug and tells the boys to be careful. Joe starts running out through the forest. When he’s a few yards away, he shifts into a hawk. He disappears from sight as he flies to catch up with the others.

  “Thank you for being so courageous. I’m sure we are going to need all the help we can get.” Dagna says to the boys.

  The two other shifters introduce themselves. “Hi, I’m Eric.” Eric sticks his hand out. I shake his hand firmly. “Nice to meet you.” Eric is a nice-looking guy with auburn hair, brown eyes, and a nice smile. A small crescent scar on his right cheek adds to his features.

  “And I’m Trent.” I shake Trent’s hand, which is tight and strong. Trent has dark brown hair with brown eyes. I wonder how old these boys are. They don’t look older than seventeen or eighteen. Both boys have short hair, ruffled in a nice mess, which only adds to their boyish charms.

  Adam clears his throat. I give him a glare, which he ignores.

  “I still don’t trust the girl. Ethan, you are coming back with your pack.” His tone implies a command but only the true Alpha can subject a true command. Adam’s tone is that of father commanding his son to follow his rules.

  But Ethan isn’t swayed. He squares his shoulders and stands his ground against his father. “I’m staying.”

  Adam regards Ethan with disbelief. He recovers fast, his face turning red as his anger builds. “You will not defy me.”

  Ethan clutches his fist at his sides. “I will when you’re wrong, dad.”

  “Fine, betray your pack. From here on out you are not welcome in my home.” Adam says with menace.

  I’m stunned at Adam’s response to Ethan. I start to speak out against Adam when Coy stops me, saying quietly, “Don’t. You will only make it worse.” I glare at Adam’s retreating head as he calls his other pack members.

  With all the Lycans and shifters gone, there are only ten Shadows remaining. The three Vampires, who have been quietly watching the whole scene, come forward. The one in the middle gives a slight bow before addressing us. “Aldrick sends his regards. He heard of the Lycans plans to confront you. He sent us to let you know we do not put blame on you.”

  “You came all this way from the lair to tell us that?” I ask, skeptical.

  “No, we are from New York. Aldrick called when his co-leader in Virginia told him about Adam’s plans.” I was going to ask for a meeting with Aldrick, wanting to see their reaction. Well, there goes that idea.

  “He also told us to tell you that if you need any assistance he is more than happy to provide whatever you need. Aldrick does not like this threat looming over us all.”

  Hmmm, I bet. I play along with the vamp, who seems to be trying to hide a smirk about something. “Tell Aldrick we appreciate his offer, and we will be in contact with him soon.” All three vamps give a half-bow before turning and disappearing into the woods.

  I glance over at Witten and Dagna with a ‘can you believe that crap’ look. Dagna closes her eyes and shakes her head.

  Witten keeps his eyes on the Vampires until they disappear through the woods. “I’m sure that will further convince Cerelia we are falling apart. As much as I don’t like being lied to, I do believe their presence was to our benefit.” Witten, uncharacteristically, has a smug smirk.

  “I agree.” Queen Kaya says as she steps forward, with a small fairie by her side. “Nolan will be joining you as well. I would not even consider sending him if he hadn’t insisted. When the Perigee Moon comes into its full phase, he will become a full-grown man. His fairy powers will be of use.”

  “Thank you, Kaya. I know how precious the Fae are to you, and to us all.” Meira says. The Elders are standing side-by-side, exhibiting their unity. They all bow their heads in respect to Kaya.

  Kaya returns the gesture, then turns to me. “I need to speak with Racquel for a moment,” The queen says sternly. She walks away into the woods without even checking to see if I’m following, which of course, I do. I’m intrigued to see what the fairy queen has to say.

  We walk about thirty feet from the others before Kaya turns around. “I gave you a warning once before, Racquel. I’m here to remind you of it. Edwin is not the one who will bring you the most pain.” Kaya gives me a sympathetic look as purple mist starts forming around her, signaling her departure.

  “Wait, I need to know-” Kaya disappears in the mist before I’ve finished my sentence.

  That’s it? Wonderful, more cryptic mumbo jumbo from the fairy queen. I wonder what she means. If Edwin’s betrayal isn’t what Kaya was warning me about, then who is? I turn back toward the others. Could it be one of them? While I do have great respect for all of them, the one I hold closest to my heart is Addie. It can’t be her.

  I shake off the fairy’s warning as I walk back to the others. A few Leprechauns that showed up are speaking with the Elders. “Here is a golden coin,” one says. “If you need our assistance, place the coin on the ground and say, producat aurea.”

  Stepping up beside Coy, I ask, “What does that mean?”

  The Leprechaun looks at me with his clover-green eyes. I chuckle when I see he’s wearing a green t-shirt with a four leaf clover on the front with ‘Lucky’ printed underneath. “The words mean ‘
bring forth the Golden Ones.”

  “The Golden Ones? Wouldn’t something like-” Danika steps up in front of me, cutting me off.

  “Thank you, Irving.”

  Irving peers past Danika to give me a sharp look before throwing a gold coin on the ground. The five Leprechauns disappear in a rainbow that shoots across the sky. Before the rainbow disappears, the golden coin is sucked in by the colorful mist.

  “All right, the drama’s over. We must get a move on it.” Lucas announces as he walks back to the vehicles.

  As we get back in the van, Coy regards me with curiosity. “What were you going to say to Irving?”

  I shrug my shoulders innocently. “I just thought rainbow jumpers or treasure munchkin was more fitting than golden ones.”

  “That is why I interrupted you,” Danika responds.

  Coy shakes his head in amusement as we get in the van.

  By the time we arrive at the airport, the jets are ready for take-off. The group splits up again, with the Elders, Lucas, Danika, Gaige and Kaleb the Witch guards, and Nolan going on the first plane, while me, Coy, Addie, Ethan, Natahala, Brynn, Thad, Reed, Evan, Eric, and Trent go on the second plane.

  Lucas tries to coax Addie onto the Elders’ plane. “I was hoping we could talk about a few things about your return this spring. We have plenty of room on the plane.”

  Addie looks uncomfortable for a second, then Reed wraps his arm around Addie’s shoulders, pulling her to him. He offers Lucas a friendly expression. “Sorry man, Addie already promised to ride with me.” Addie gives Lucas an apologetic smile as Reed pulls her to the plane.

  I chuckle a little at the disappointed expression on Lucas’s face. He really is full of himself. He was so sure that Addie wouldn’t turn him away. I hope his ego is knocked down a few more notches before Witten gives him the reins. I’m surprised that Lucas was even chosen to be next in line for Magister. I expected someone a little older and mature to be given such a role.


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