Book Read Free


Page 7

by Amanda McLaren

  “I think you made that clear, Xia. Just don’t take a swing at the Prince’s personal guard again. I don’t need the prince to order your damn head on a platter.” Sanquility’s tone was so serious it sobered me up a little. “Numbers can overwhelm even us.”

  I stifled a yawn – but too late. Sanquility’s face softened. “Let’s get you to bed, alright?”

  “What about the priest?”

  Sanquility laughed. “Sweetie, you missed the ceremony. I was waiting for you at the temple because I knew you were supposed to be there. Fay had to cover for you.”

  “She’s going to kill me…”

  Sanquility snorted. “It’s not your fault.”

  “Of course it is. I could have walked away.”

  “If you could have walked away, Xia, you would have. Because a warrior like you doesn’t call for help for no reason; especially from somebody like me.” Sanquility told me calmly. “Now I don’t know about you, but I’m hungry. Let’s get something to eat.”

  The black wolf led me toward the vendors rather than the inn. I stood there staring after her, my brain trying to catch up. Then I hurried after her. “I want a bath too.”

  Sanquility got a chuckle out of that. After we ate a quick meal of veggies and noodles, the two of us hit the inn. I was a little surprised that she jumped in with me. There were other girls in there, however, preventing her from getting too touchy. The entire time I teased her very discretely, pulling away whenever she attempted to flirt back in any way at all.

  “Let’s go to the room, you little tease…” Sanquility whispered into my ear, squirming.

  Grinning from ear to ear, I helped her out. I was considering the possibility of giving her a chance for round two. Yet as the moment my head hit the pillow, I was out like fire doused by rain.

  Fay’s screaming and the scent of smoke woke me.

  “Get up Daddy! I’m scared!”

  Getting to my feet, I saw the toddler kneeling over our father. A dagger was lodged in his heart and blood covered his body. I scooped up my baby sister, jerked out the dagger and raced outside, instantly overwhelmed by the intense heat of flames. The smoke sent me into a hacking fit.

  Massive hands seized us, thrusting us on an enormous furred beast with wings. Something deep inside made me hide the dagger in my vest. I pulled Fay tightly too me as something was tied around my eyes, blinding me. Fay cried out in terror; I bit an arm that tried to touch her.

  The man shouted at me angrily. Another voice spoke; the two conversed a moment before the man left us alone on the animal. It was hours of riding on this bumpy beast; my butt went numb before the blindfolds were taken off and we were removed from the beasts. The people who had taken us, who had destroyed our home and killed our father, had skin like tanned leather and spoke in words neither of us could understand.

  When they tried to separate us, I kicked and screamed and bit until they brought her back, where they tied us up together. We were given blankets, practically crumbs for food and just enough water to keep us alive. I held Fay close as she cried herself to sleep.

  Upon the dawn, it would begin again without the blindfolds.

  I sat up in bed, sweating and shivering at the same time from the chilling memory. Sanquility turned around to stare at me with wide, horrified eyes. I suddenly realized the link was strong enough for her to have seen the nightmare. When the Azhi wrapped her arms around me, however, it erased all the anger, all the fear. I felt my tense muscles relaxing until I closed my eyes to exhale slowly.

  “Thank you, Sanquility.” I whispered.

  “Please, call me San. They’re monsters, Xia. All of them.”

  Loud, panicked banging snapped the moment. I instantly jerked the link to shrink it, but Sanquility reeled back in pain.

  “Please don’t weaken the link. It’s frail as it stands.”

  I hesitantly left it alone as the Azhi rose to get the door.

  “Who are you?” A familiar voice demanded. I peeked my head over to see a tall, powerfully built woman with long jet black hair tied up in a tight bun. Along her right arm was a long, twisting scar, and her Templar clothing was tattered and torn.

  “Anna? You’re back from chasing that Drake? Where’s Teresa?”

  Anna tried to shove passed Sanquility, but the Azhi jerked her right back out of the room by her waist. Their eyes locked.

  “Sanquility, open your eyes. She’s another Templar.”

  The Azhi’s eyes didn’t leave Anna. “Do you think I care? She’s tried to kill you before. I’m not letting her anywhere near you.”

  Talk about being protective. She must really want my soul.

  //After you give a distress call while fucking a lover, you expect me to leave you alone with a co-worker who tried to run you in? Not. Happening. //

  “Look, I don’t know who you are or how you know me, but this isn’t your business.”

  “Just tell me what you want.” I pressed, rubbing the base of my nose with closed eyes. “She’s not going to let you through.”

  “A Gryphon is terrorizing a village. The thing is supposedly enchanted by some amulet. The priest warned me that it’s about the strength of a class three Azhi.”

  I waved her away. “Get somebody else on it; I handle Azhi not beasts, and you still haven’t told me where Teresa is.”

  “Stop hitting on my apprentice. She’s getting some rest from our hard journey. As for the village, don’t be so cold; they need help.” The woman argued. “I’ve been out chasing a drake all over creation. Tess and Veeri are escorting medical supplies to Whitestone Village and Sybel and Ryeger off after a gang of enchanted Rocs terrorizing trade caravans. Their apprentices are being tested on the Seven.”

  “Whatever. Sanquility –”

  “I’ll get your weapons and Seishin.”

  I blinked several times. “What?”

  “You just get whatever you need around. I’ll handle the winged pony and your weapons. Okay?”


  Anna gave her a warily curious look. “Why would you help her out?”

  “I’m not letting some puffed-up winged pussy cat rob me of a perfectly good soul.” Then the woman barged passed Anna.

  The girl raised an eyebrow and pointed after her. I shrugged. “We’re soul-bound. She did it to save her life.”

  Anna’s hand found her hilt. “Finally siding with the Fallen One?”

  “No, idiot. She agreed to repent. I only agreed because it saved my life too. Are you quite through, or do you want me to join Sybel after taking care of a flying lion?”

  “As much as I hate not sending you on one perilous journey after another, your only mission is in Mist Peak Village. Oh, and have fun with letting that Azhi devour your soul and all. I hope every second feels like a thousand years of agony.”

  “Go burn in a damn fire, bitch.”

  “You first.”

  “How about I light it and you jump in?”

  She scoffed. “In your dreams.”

  Raising my eye brows, I gave a lustful, crooked smile. “Oh, you’re in my dreams alright.”

  Anna’s eyes grew wide as she realized what I meant. Back stiff, she whirled around and was gone.

  Like I’d ever…

  It didn’t take long for me to organize what I’d need; traveling clothing, my journals, extra ink. Still, Sanquility wasn’t back. I was left sitting there a moment wondering what to do. Then it occurred to me that I’d not written in my personal journal in forever. I pulled that out and turned to the first blank page.

  Early-Summer, Year of the Bear, 200 ATF

  I’ve not written since early spring, and a lot has happened. The most vital thing that happened you’ll find in the record book. Sanquility Anshumali was a mark. I was simply sent there to kill her or have her repent, but…during the battle we both nearly died. It was either let an Azhi kill me, and leave Fay all alone, or bind souls with her outside of the Temple.

  So now our souls are bound.
br />   It’s so crazy, because we have an empathic and telepathic link. I like to keep it frail, but it doesn’t seem she agrees. She wants a strong link. To be honest, it’s becoming almost…comforting somehow.

  You’ll notice a very strong desire for her touch. It’s not a bad thing, and can’t be helped. I’ve only had sex with her once, and – I’m still having a hard time believing this – she didn’t hurt me. She didn’t force me. I actually enjoyed it – like with that one I will not mention here. I’ve – I’ve never enjoyed it a part form her. And it wasn’t a forced pleasure like with Lyrea. So…don’t be afraid if she comes onto you, though I’ll leave it up to you to go further.

  I don’t know why, but Sanquility is very protective. She stopped Lyrea from raping me, wouldn’t let me pulverize an Acolyte and wouldn’t let Anna near me. Of course, you know already about Anna. I don’t blame her entirely for that anymore. She at least did what she thought was right.

  I have to admit, it’s got to be the bond. After all, what Azhi would care what happened to me – a human, prey for her old master? We’ll see where this leads.

  I waited only a moment longer for Sanquility before getting impatient. Closing it and packing it up, I headed for the inn keeper. He looked up when he saw me approaching. Stiffening, he hurried toward me.

  “What is it you need, Miss Leafsong?”

  “Just a few days’ of food for two. We’ll hunt the rest of the time.”

  He looked thoughtful. “Know what? That Gryphon’s nest is some ways away. How about I give you a week of food for two? Can’t give much more, but I can spare that. We have some salted boar that’s even too tough for stew.”

  “Do you think you could make some of it into jerky?”

  “How soon are you leaving?”

  “As soon as possible.”

  He shook his head. “Sorry; not enough time.”

  “It’s fine. Want me to help you pack it up?”

  “I can manage.”

  I peered closely at him, and then nodded once in thanks. Sanquility came inside and paused by the door when she saw me.

  “I’ll load the meat onto your horse.” He disappeared into the back. A moment later he came out with three packs of salted pork. Sanquility let him through and waited by the door.

  “What in gods’ name are you doing Sanquility?”

  //Waiting for you. //


  //Because I am. Look, the stronger the link is, the sooner we can break it. Let me intensify it. //.

  I tried not to rub my temples as a nagging ache began at my temples.

  “Are you insane?!”

  //Do you want it to stay? //


  Finally I let the link fade with a sigh. I gradually pressed down even more of my guards to allow her to do what I needed. Waves of dark energy flooded me – charging me. It was then that I realized how powerful the Azhi was. The thought of another fight with her sent a shiver of lust spiraling through me as the Azhi blended the guards with the link.

  A sudden, deep inlaid emotional pain sank to the pit of my mind before vanishing, followed by a rush of fresh emptiness and a sense of her searching for something, but couldn’t grasp what she was looking for. The feeling completely killed my desires.

  “Sanquility, are you okay?”

  //Just forget it. //

  “Then don’t let me feel it!” I snapped moodily. “I can’t help but worry thanks to this damn bond!”

  //…You’re worried? //

  “…So what if I am? I don’t want to be!”

  There was a moment of contemplation. //It’s from leaving the Fallen One. I don’t feel so empty with you around. //

  I blinked to clear my blurring vision, and from the realization that Sanquility was flirting with me. She bounced eyebrows up and down a couple times.

  //We have a month alone together with this bond as strong as it can get. //

  The inn keeper came back inside. I nodded my thanks to him as Sanquility led the way outside.

  “You’re running beside me as a wolf, by the way. It’ll be faster.”

  //And less intimate, eh Kari? //

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I replied “innocently” in thought.

  Sanquility’s body shivered and she contorted into the form of a huge black winged wolf again.

  //That’s a terrible headache. //

  “I told you; it’s from using magic.”

  //That’s…not normal, even for a human. //

  “Well it is for me.”

  //Anyway, you’ve been given a crossbow and several enchanted bolts. //

  “Anything else?”

  //That sword you took me down with. //

  “Good. That’s my favorite weapon and I’m best with it.” I kicked my white horse toward the gates, with the black wolf trotting at a graceful pace beside the snow-shod beast.

  //By the way, Fay threatened the gods’ wrath upon you if you didn’t return safely. //

  I just had to snicker. “She always does.”

  //She seemed pretty upset that you didn’t come to say goodbye, and gave me a lecture about skipping the ceremony too. I think she thought you heard it through me. //

  “Is that possible?”

  //It is between two soul-bound Azhi. Maybe if you worked on your magic a little, it would possible between us. //

  “Then I suppose it gives me another reason not to work on magic.”

  The wolf grunted.

  We paused at the gates, but for once they let us right through. The moment we were out of direct sight I relaxed. Seishin snorted as I took him out of the elegant trot and allowed him into something more practical; a natural, free-flowing lope.

  “I want to fly as little as possible to conserve energy. We’ll need both your wings and his during this fight.”

  //There’s something strange about all of these attacks. //

  “What do you mean?”

  //I’ve never heard of Gryphons terrorizing people. //

  “I know it’s strange, since we’ve been using them for transportation, protection and hauling for centuries, but they’ve begun attacking people a lot lately. So many beasts have been going nuts that I’m put against one.”

  //Is that abnormal? //

  “Yes. I’m reserved for Azhi.”

  //Don’t Templars handle rogue animals on a regular basis as well? //

  “Actually, most Templars pick a field to work in. Only people like me ever volunteer to handle Azhi.”

  //…People like you? //

  “People with my skill in battle and ruthless nature with my enemies.”

  She became quiet, leaving my mind in peace.

  Chapter Four

  Name of the Soul

  After a long but beautiful day of travel, we chose to settle in a corpse of trees with a small fire. Sanquility had remained in wolf form, staring into the crackling fire thoughtfully. I sharpened the katana, carefully examined the bolts and bow and organized the herbs so I’d know instantly where they were in a pinch.

  //I can heal you again, you know. //

  “You can also breathe fire, take human form and fight with a sword made of black magic, so it’s best to preserve your energy. Besides, you’ve seen how my body reacts to magic – even if you’re the one using it. It took me a week to charm the cloak to resist fire.”

  //If you’re severely injured I’ll heal your wounds with magic like it or not. //

  I glanced over at her before getting up and sighting the crossbow. “Why? You get my soul if I die.”

  //I vowed to protect and heal you at the cost of my own life. I don’t get your soul if I don’t try to keep you alive. //

  Doesn’t that just explain everything?

  With a grunt, I threw her another piece of meat. “Stop being so stubborn; there’s a lot here and you’re still hungry. We need to keep up our strength.”

  //We Azhi can go without eating and stay strong a lot longer than humans.
I’ve eaten enough to sustain me. //

  Done with what I needed to do, I put away the weapons. “Don’t give me that bullshit. I know you’re still hungry so eat or I won’t. We’ll see if you get that soul if I die of starvation.”

  With a glare that said it all, the wolf gulped it down whole. She didn’t take her amber eyes off the blaze. I watched her a moment as I ate too, feeling oddly content in doing nothing. Then I stretched, feeling the soreness in my bones.

  It’s time for bed.

  Removing both sleeping hides, I rolled them out. It was only after I’d laid out San’s and double-checked it to make sure it wouldn’t catch ablaze that I placed my own a little farther away. I’d be a little colder, but we wouldn’t crowd one another.

  Sanquility paced and sniffed the beds afore becoming human.

  “You brought two?” She asked with a heavy strain. Feeling a twinge of emotion hard to accept, I glanced down and back up several times with a queasy stomach.

  “There’s more room. I gave you the softer one.”

  She blinked, looking between them. “Isn’t it warmer to sleep together?”

  “Well, that’s why yours is closer to the fire. Besides, it’s summer. Aren’t we warm enough during the day?” I answered hotly. When she still looked miffed, I went on with a strain in my voice. “San, I didn’t do this to hurt your feelings. This is more comfortable.”

  “I was perfectly fine in your bed at the inn.” The Azhi retorted. “Weren’t you?”

  With a sigh, I patted the first hide. “I don’t care either way, okay? I won’t tell you to sleep away from me. I just thought you would prefer your own bed.”

  Why does it bother Sanquility to have her own place to sleep? Damn. Lyrea and I always preferred our own beds when she came with me.

  Sanquility closed her eyes, breathing hard. “I’m not my sister.”

  “When did I say you were?” I snarled in confused frustration. I was lucky I had nothing in hand to brake, because it was honestly the only reason I didn’t snap something in half. Instead I tried to take deep breaths to remain calm.

  “Look, sleep wherever you want. Next time I’ll remember to only bring one bed.”

  My guardian paused to look between them. “Would it make you feel better if I slept as a wolf at your feet?”


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