Book Read Free


Page 8

by Amanda McLaren

  I threw my hands in the air. “Don’t be so over-dramatic! All I did was bring an extra sleeping hide, Sanquility! I don’t care if you want to sleep in your true form – just don’t make this more than it is!”

  I slung myself into the bed and turned the other way. After a moment of hesitating, Sanquility joined me. I felt her boobs press against my back, and realized she was nude. Heat blazed through me as the Azhi guardian wrapped herself around me.

  “I’m sorry.” She breathed against my neck. “I hate clothing.”

  “Get off me!” I shoved her off me, dragging her link from my emotions before she could feel the wave of panic. “I’m not in the mood!”

  “Well screw you too!” The Azhi snarled. “I just wanted to cuddle!”


  “Sorry.” I broke the silence with a shaky whisper.

  “Forget it. Just…please stop moving the link. It’s painful.”

  I glanced back at her with surprise. “I didn’t feel it.”

  She gave a weak smile. “We’ve not been linked long enough for you to feel it alone. Unlike you, I have natural empathy. The link gives you empathy through me.”

  Sanquility remained just far enough away where we didn’t touch. I felt a moment of the emptiness again; then it flashed away.

  Is it really what the dark lord leaves behind or is she lying to me? I wouldn’t be surprised if she was. With her skill in magic and the apparently weak bond, I’m sure she can hide any emotion she wants.

  I drifted off asleep with that thought dominant in my mind. I was strangely aware in the back of mind my soul-bound was still awake.

  Movement woke me to Sanquility sliding out of the bed. The blanket fell off her, revealing her succulent breasts, plowing a surge of desire straight through me. Before I could stop myself, I’d grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her down to give her a lustful, avid kiss. When her lips returned it, the need for more blazed like an open flame.

  Sanquility straddled me and began to lick and kiss and suck at my neck. I moaned freely, feeling my skin tingle in a strange new way. The sensation instantly made me feel a bit overwhelmed. The guardian pulled away to look me in the eye.

  “Do you want me to stop, Kari?”

  I stared at her in shock. “W-what?”

  San’s eyes looked on knowingly. “You don’t have to have sex with me. Do you want me to stop? I won’t force this.” She started to get off. I grabbed her arm.

  “What are you talking about? I started this. I was enjoying it until you stopped.”

  “Kari, you’ve been hurt. Even with you writing discreetly about it in your journal, it wasn’t hard to guess what Quinn and Lyrea do to you.”

  Glowering at her angrily, I let my hands drop. “That’s got nothing to do with you, San! You don’t have to bring something like them up when we’re trying to get frisky.”

  Sanquility’s frustration plowed into me.

  She snapped. “Why do you still call me that? Say my real name while we’re alone.”

  “Why? There’s nothing I want you to do.” I considered that before giving a weak smile, unsure it was welcome. “Well, not that you’d fight anyway.”

  “Maybe humans use it that way, Kari, but it isn’t what it’s meant for. Don’t you feel it when I call you Kari instead of Xia? It is you I’m talking too. I can’t lie. The soul name is very…special.”

  I felt my cheeks redden at the sensation it pulsed through me.

  She kissed me lightly on my lips, whispering “Yes, Kariken. Feel the Azhi’s purpose for the soul name.”

  The concept completely unbalanced me. I wanted to think, but I wanted to touch her, further driving me into the haze of indecision and confusion. Sanquility gave a soft sigh, got up and began to pack up.

  “San?” I inquired uneasily, sitting up on my elbows.

  “You don’t understand.” She said softly.

  By the time I was dressed it looked like we’d never been there. It was hard to follow her mood swings, so I left her be. The Azhi became a black wolf. I tossed her more meat. I ate as I fed and tacked my mount, but when I was done I couldn’t make myself ride him today. Instead I walked beside the black wolf as I lead my winged horse and guardian toward Mist Peak Village. Her words echoed repeatedly in my mind.

  Sanquility didn’t try to help me either; the wolf just stayed very close to my side.

  I’ve always been told Azhi make bonds to humans because they wish to serve both the gods and mankind. They exchange soul names as a contract. They don’t merge their souls, and the name is something to assure their partner protects them from the enemy instead of abandoning the promise. I mean, sure, sometimes they’re friends, but…I’ve never heard of such passion shared between them.

  The day promised to be hotter than usual for this time of year; I was already sweating, and my companion was panting heavily. Absently, I grabbed my water jug to sip out of it. San ignored my offer, lost in her own thought.

  But those Azhi always make the pledge directly to the Temple and the Gods, and the only real bond between human and Azhi is temple contract. So…I guess it could be different…

  It has to be different. I’ve never even once heard of Azhi using the soul name for more than commanding or enslaving their partner.

  Sanquility suddenly paused to circle around, growling. I waited with a shake of my head. She considered the sky intensely.

  So have we been using the soul name wrong all along?

  What else do we not understand about the Azhi?

  Sanquility took wing out of nowhere with a snarl, jetting up to the sky on her powerful black wings. Seishin threw himself up and backward in alarm, stretching his wings wide as he kicked at the air, jerking the reigns from me and knocking me to the ground. As the winged gelding spirited off and took to the sky, I saw the black wolf in the air herself – and her enemy.

  It was a magnificent creature, in all the glory of the morning day sun. It had scales that rippled like fire and horns that twisted and twined like spider webs in dewy grass. Though the wings were old and tattered, just at a glance I knew they’d be stronger than steel.

  What is that thing? Some kind of strange drake?

  //Dragon!! //

  Sanquility shouted as she avoided a wall of flame. I leapt to my feet, reaching for the cross bow. Only to remember it was on my gelding’s back.

  //No use anyway! Use magic! //

  “I don’t use magic!”

  //Then let me handle this alone! //

  “Damn you!”

  The wolf was far swifter than the mighty beast, maneuvering under the animal’s stomach. Unwilling to stay on the sidelines, I clenched my teeth and forced myself into the animal’s mind.

  “Bend to my will. Let me in.”

  I commanded, working my way through his guards. They were shockingly powerful – it felt as if my head was going to split in half before I was all the way through.

  Then the dragon spoke to me.

  ~Ah. The mind of the First Guardian. I am Song of the Crimson Blade, a warrior of the Fallen. You will not defeat my master, human. You are mortal. Let this be a warning; he is free. He will devour you all and plunge the world into eternal darkness. ~

  Then I was thrown from his mind. I recoiled, grabbing my head and stumbling to my knees.

  //KARI! MOVE!! //

  An image of fire cascading toward me filled my mind; I twisted out of the way, but agony tore through me as it melted my shit to my skin and scorched my arm. I began to quiver with pain; soft fur pressed against me and an image of him leaving through a ripple in the air flashed through my mind.

  The fur became skin. Sanquility took my arm; my energy fell by the wayside to heal me. I let out a blood-curdling scream as I felt my skin literally reforming as her energy surged through me. The world spun. I blinked to clear the dizziness but it held fast.

  “It’s okay now.” Sanquility held me tight as I shook.

  She’s afraid for me.

h your injuries, Kariken, I’m terrified. Please, rest now. //

  “He was a warning.”

  //What? //

  “He was a warning.” I panted aloud. “He was only a warning. He said something about his master being free….and called me the First Guardian.”

  Sanquility sighed. “Dragons are strange; they’re very old creatures and are half sane the best of times. Rest; we’ll travel by night to make up the time.”

  “Okay. The stupid horse flew off.”

  “I saw.” She turned into a wolf and curled around me.

  “I’ll keep you warm.” She said quietly.

  I let myself lay next to her. Sleep took me the moment my head was down.


  Anshumali lay still so her soul-bound could sleep. She listened very closely to the beat of Kariken’s heart, willing it to continue its steady rhythm. As she concentrated, the wolf went over the words again and again in her mind. He had been talking about the first guardian from long ago.

  Kariken….Kariken…what will I do if you are a first guardian reborn? Where are your five warriors to defend you? Where is the priestess to pray to the gods? And what will you do to me if you remember your past? I am what you fought against. I am what you vowed to hate.

  But you do not even believe in the gods. So how can you be a guardian?

  Wait…the story. Could it be?

  No. That woman was kind and noble. You cannot be her. The dragon…he must be wrong.

  Anshumali licked the warrior’s hand, which made her softly sigh.

  Then again, there is no harm in knowing old stories. I will tell her. I will tell her about the forgotten guardians that only the forsaken Azhi remember.

  Perhaps, the promise was not to Chrono after all. Perhaps it was to the gods themselves.


  I pulled myself slowly from the horrible slumber to see Sanquility lying beside me asleep. With the pain and fatigue all but gone, I was content to simple watch her. I jumped at the sound of snort, waking Sanquility up instantly.

  //What’s wrong? //

  My jaw dropped about at the sight of a black stallion with a single, long, cork-screw horn. “Fuck me blind, San, it’s a unicorn. I didn’t think they still existed.”

  The wolf gave a playful smirk. //I’ll keep your offer in mind, but first see what he wants. //

  I felt my eyebrows rise at the idea. “You want me to see what a horned horse wants? He probably wondered over for better grazing.”

  //Unicorns are messengers or gifts from the gods. //

  “If you say so.”

  //Why else would they be such an uncommon sight? //

  “Fanatics and crazies catching or killing them until they were practically extinct, that’s how. I’ve seen humans drive animals to their doom before.” I patted her head; she licked my arm. Oddly enough, I kind of enjoyed it, so I gave her ear a good scratch.

  //Look, if you want to get frisky at least send the pony away. He’s staring at you. //

  I slipped into the animal’s mind to frighten it off. To my utter shock, the Unicorn acknowledged me there by sending me an image of me on his back. I flew to my feet in half a second.

  “Holy sands, the beast answered me!”

  //You know, he can understand you. Seeing how Unicorns are known for their intellect and pride, I wouldn’t injure either. //

  “…I do remember that much. But I can’t stand riding horses.”

  //At least let him take you to the village. //

  I merged minds again, sending images of trails leading to the village. He snorted and offered his back.


  //Excellent. Let’s go. //

  I mounted the huge beast. San became human and did the same, wrapping around my waist. I gave her a look.

  “You hate horses more than I do.”

  “Believe me; I’ll slow the Unicorn down.”

  “Okay…” I held on tight. When he took off, I knew she wasn’t kidding.

  “While we ride, I want to tell you a story.”

  Instantly I brightened. “I love myths.”

  I felt her smile against the back of my neck. “Really? I think you’ll really enjoy this then. It’s an old story about the two lost Guardians.”

  I glanced back at her. “Sanquility, what are you talking about? I’ve heard the stories of the Guardians since I was a kid, and never heard about two lost warriors.”

  “The temple doesn’t teach the story out of shame; they act like all seven guardians are united in the heavens. But that is a lie, and a horrible thing to teach those who follow the gods.”

  “What were their names?”

  “Their names were lost, too. Back then, the soul names weren’t masked by given names. The priestess gave each child their name upon birth. Now, they are forsaken by their gods.”

  “For what?”


  “Like Alatek would allow such a thing!” I argued. “She’s a kind wolf goddess. She embraces all love, in every form – from the brotherhood of warriors to same-sex relationships.”

  Sanquility snorted, making me glare at her. “Would you let me tell the story? Back then, the Temple didn’t allow same-sex love; it was shamed. It wasn’t until recently that the priests and priestess realized they couldn’t fight it, and changed the stories. Love was for fertility. Alatek would shun any who loved the same gender, but that’s not why they were exiled from the heavens.”

  “Oh…then why?”

  “They were the daughters of Shen and Alatek. They were created to protect the priestess and lead the other warriors, so they were told that love for one another was forbidden. The gods wished them to love the people, not among themselves. When their love was discovered and they refused to relent to the will of their creators, they were told to fight the Fallen One alone. If they loved one another enough they would win.

  Now, the soul of War was a great and noble warrior who wielded the katana with courage and strength. As the daughter of Shen, she struck down all who would harm the innocent. She fought to protect the people and the Priestess – and eventually, more strongly to protect the daughter of Alatek. The soul of Brotherhood was a warrior of great skill; she was a mentor who trained great armies and fought to unite the people against their enemy; the Fallen and his Azhi.”

  “Did they win?”

  “No. In the battle the soul of Brotherhood was struck down. The gods let the Crimson Dragon take her soul to show there could be no greater love than that of the people. Thus, the soul of War swore to the gods that she would never pray to them again until her lover’s soul was released from the binds of the Fallen One. He escaped that night, and without all Seven, the six remaining Guardians could only seal the Fallen One away. But it is said that the day the Seven are reunited, he will be freed. The Fallen One will fight to swallow the souls of Guardians so he may finish what he started and enslave all of humanity.”

  “Well, that’s a very good story. It’d get the point across, but I understand why the temple doesn’t teach it anymore. There’s no place in our world for a story like that, with the way it’s changed.”

  I felt a wave of shock from the wolf woman. “What are you talking about? All of history should be told.”

  I snickered. “You’re an Azhi, Sanquility. Shouldn’t you of all people know they’re little more than stories?” San remained silent, so I went on. “It’s why I love them so much. Stories are passed down to teach. They just have gods and devils in them because people believe in them.”

  Sanquility held me closer. “…How do you explain what’s going on? There’s so many strange things right now that happens in the stories of creation.”

  “Something is happening. It’s got to do with a powerful Azhi – probably a class six. They’re rare and formidable, making it easy to mistake them for gods of evil. I bet one has surfaced recently, and is gathering its forces.”

  Wait a second…

  “Why are you spouting these myths an
yways? Don’t you serve the Fallen One? I didn’t think you’d follow the Seven.”

  The wolf woman shook her head. “I follow the Seven no more than those of the Seven Gods’ faith follow the Fallen One. Just as most people of the faith believe in the Fallen, I believe in the Seven. Didn’t you know that it’s why Azhi and the Templars are enemies?”

  I quickly told her. “I of all people won’t tell you what to believe. If you want the Fallen to be more than a very powerful Azhi, he can be. Just remember…that’s how he controls you. He makes you think he’s invincible by claiming godhood.”

  We were quiet for a while before I had to ask “So…who do you follow now, San? The Fallen One…or the Seven?”

  The Azhi held me tighter. “I’ve been forsaken by the Seven, and betrayed the Fallen. I follow you, Kariken.”

  That shocked me into silence that neither of us broke. The sun set slowly over the plains as we raced through the long golden grass. Though I felt the temperature plummet San somehow kept most of me very warm. The sound of howling wolves reached my ears twice, but them and the drakes flying over our heads weren’t after us. I watched the night as I thought about the story, and my name.

  The soul name is so much more than I thought it was. I just thought they got in the way, but maybe they’re cherished for more than harm. People who know the name of your soul have such complete control over you. They can do such harm.

  //Kariken, the soul name can do so much more than harm. The name is what the gods blessed you with, to call you to them in the end or banish you forever from the earth. It can be the means to lock somebody into agreement. Kariken, it can be a beautiful thing said between two lovers. It can bring the most bliss and pleasure and comfort you have ever felt. It all depends on the person who uses it, and how they feel about you. //

  “…Amazing. Just simply amazing.”

  There was no way even the Unicorn could reach a village a month away in a single night. By dawn he stopped, and we both understood we were to dismount. Sanquility gathered stuff for shelter and food while I lit a fire. She returned with only some quails and rabbits.

  “Sorry. I didn’t want to go far.” She apologized when I gave her a dark look for the small amount of prey.


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